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Game of July 13, 2011 at 02:25, 6 players
1. 553 pts BouncingS
2. 509 pts TwoFold
3. 379 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. amopsux   H4    34    34   moxas
 2. ?dorttu   8H    77   111   strouted
 3. aeinnrt   5D    82   193   reanoint
 4. egknops   L1    41   234   knops
 5. acdilrs   N2    82   316   radicles
 6. ?oprtuz   4A    50   366   zupa
 7. eiinqrr   B1    88   454   inquirer
 8. abegovw   A6    42   496   above
 9. ceilorw   1H    42   538   wreck
10. abeinst   M8    75   613   tabinets
11. eilmovy  15H    48   661   loveys
12. eghilnt   C8    77   738   enlight
13. adefimo   L7    40   778   fumado
14. aaegiit   O1    26   804   geta
15. aefgjlo  12A    46   850   joggle
16. adeehii   6F    36   886   hex
17. aadfiou   3B    44   930   quoif
18. adeiiwy  A12    36   966   jedi
19. aaeiuwy  11E    29   995   away

Remaining tiles: eiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5596 FileBouncingS   5 22:32  -442  553     1.6270 TwoFold     2 16:32  -486  509 
  2.6270 FileTwoFold     2 16:32  -486  509     2.6015 miaanne     0  4:02  -934   61 
  3.4699 Filetonikay     1 19:37  -616  379            Group: novice
  4.5469 Fileannelhynz   0  5:32  -861  134     1.5596 BouncingS   5 22:32  -442  553 
  5.4905 Filevictor      0  5:25  -893  102     2.5469 annelhynz   0  5:32  -861  134 
  6.6015 Filemiaanne     0  4:02  -934   61            Group: not rated
                                             1.4699 tonikay     1 19:37  -616  379 
                                             2.4905 victor      0  5:25  -893  102 

On 1st draw, MOXAS H4 34 --- MOXA a Chinese plant [n]
Other moves: MOXAS H8 30, MOXAS H5 28, MOXAS H6 28, MOXAS H7 28, MOXA H5 26
MOXAS H4 34 BouncingS
MAX H6 24 TwoFold
PAX H6 24 tonikay
AMPS H5 16 miaanne

On 2nd draw, STROUT(E)D 8H 77 --- STROUT to bulge [v]
Other moves: TUTOR(E)D G7 66, OUTTRAD(E) 7C 62, OUTRAT(E)D 7D 60, TUTOR(E)D I8 60, ROUT(E)D G2 28
DOT(E)R G5 23 miaanne
TOD G5 22 TwoFold
OUR I5 18 BouncingS
T(A)X 6F 11 tonikay

On 3rd draw, REANOINT 5D 82 --- ANOINT to apply oil to as a sacred rite [v] --- REANOINT to anoint again [v]
Other tops: REANOINT K4 82
INTERN I6 20 BouncingS
TEA G5 18 victor
NET G5 18 TwoFold
TAN G5 18 tonikay
TEN G5 18 annelhynz

On 4th draw, KNOPS L1 41 --- KNOP a knob [n]
Other moves: KENOS L1 37, PENKS L1 37, POKES L1 37, PONKS L1 37, PRONKS D4 34
POKES L1 37 TwoFold
POOKS K7 22 miaanne
KOS 7K 19 tonikay
NOX 6F 18 BouncingS

On 5th draw, RADICL(E)S N2 82 --- RADICLE a part of a plant embryo [n]
Other moves: D(E)CRIALS N7 74, TRICLADS M8 74, CORDIALS K7 72, DECRIALS E4 72, RADICALS F4 67
SLACK 1H 33 BouncingS
KIDS 1L 27 annelhynz, TwoFold, tonikay

On 6th draw, ZUP(A) 4A 50 --- ZUPA a confederation of village communities [n]
Other moves: ZO(B)U 4A 48, Z(E)RO 4A 48, PUTZ 4C 47, P(L)OTZ 4B 47, TRO(O)Z D4 46
ZO 4C 26 annelhynz
(S)TORK 1H 24 tonikay
ZERO E4 13 TwoFold

On 7th draw, INQUIRER B1 88 --- INQUIRER one that inquires [n]
Other moves: INQUIRE B1 36, REQUIN B1 34, QUINIE L7 30, REINK 1H 27, EINE E2 19
INQUIRER B1 38 BouncingS
ZINE A4 13 TwoFold
REI O1 13 tonikay

On 8th draw, ABOVE A6 42 --- ABOVE something that is above (in a higher place) [n]
Other tops: BRAVE 8A 42, BRAVO 8A 42, VIEW 1A 42, VROW 8A 42
Other moves: WAVE A7 41, WOVE A7 41, ABOVE A8 39, BRAW 8A 39, BREW 8A 39
WAVE A7 41 TwoFold
ABOVE A8 39 BouncingS
WIVE 1A 33 annelhynz
BIGA 1A 24 tonikay

On 9th draw, WRECK 1H 42 --- WRECK to cause the ruin of [v]
Other tops: WRICK 1H 42
Other moves: WILCO 1A 39, RELOCK 1G 36, WEX 6F 36, WOX 6F 36, CLEIK 1H 33
WRECK 1H 42 BouncingS
WEX 6F 36 TwoFold
WICE 1A 30 annelhynz
WIRE 1A 24 tonikay
WON G3 14 victor

On 10th draw, TABINETS M8 75 --- TABINET a delicate material [n]
Other tops: BANTIES C8 75, BASINET C8 75, BESAINT C6 75, BESAINT C8 75, BESTAIN C6 75, BESTAIN C8 75
BASINET C8 25 BouncingS
SEXT 6F 21 TwoFold
SIENT 1A 18 tonikay
STAIN C8 9 victor

On 11th draw, LOVEYS 15H 48 --- LOVEY a term of endearment [n]
Other moves: LIMEYS 15H 45, YIP C2 43, MOVIE B10 42, MOYLE B10 42, LIMY 1A 39
LIMEYS 15H 45 BouncingS
YEX 6F 36 TwoFold
SEY 15M 18 victor
SOY 15M 18 tonikay

On 12th draw, ENLIGHT C8 77 --- ENLIGHT to shed light on [v]
Other moves: LIGHTEN 14C 73, ATHELING F5 66, E(A)RTHLING D3 63, HE(A)RTLING D2 63, HELING B10 49
HEX 6F 36 TwoFold
HILT 1A 24 tonikay
HEN O1 22 victor
ENLIGHT E5 22 BouncingS

On 13th draw, FUMADO L7 40 --- FUMADO a smoked fish [n]
Other moves: DEMO O1 34, FAME N11 33, DIME D11 32, DOME D11 32, FEM 6D 31
MAX 6F 30 TwoFold
FEM O1 30 BouncingS
FAMED 14E 18 tonikay

On 14th draw, GETA O1 26 --- GETA a Japanese wooden clog [n]
Other moves: GETA N11 24, GANE G3 20, GENA G3 20, GI A1 20, TAG 6D 19
TAX 6F 18 TwoFold
GET O1 16 BouncingS

On 15th draw, JOGGLE 12A 46 --- JOGGLE to shake slightly [v]
Other moves: JAGG 12A 42, FALAJ F2 39, GANEF G3 37, GANOF G3 37, GONEF G3 37
JIAO 1A 36 BouncingS
JIG 1A 33 TwoFold
JA 7G 17 tonikay

On 16th draw, HEX 6F 36 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other tops: JADE A12 36, JEDI A12 36, JEED A12 36
Other moves: DAH 6D 33, EDH 6D 33, HA A1 32, HE A1 32, HI A1 32
JADE A12 36 tonikay, BouncingS
JEDI A12 36 TwoFold
AHI 11E 21 victor

On 17th draw, QUOIF 3B 44 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: JAFA A12 42, QUOAD 3B 40, QUOD 3B 38, JUDO A12 36, JIAO A12 33
JUDO A12 36 BouncingS
FIDO 1A 27 tonikay
DIF 1A 21 TwoFold

On 18th draw, JEDI A12 36 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other tops: JADE A12 36
Other moves: WADY G10 32, WAIDE G9 31, WAID G9 29, WEID G9 29, YEAD G9 29
JADE A12 36 BouncingS, TwoFold
Y*D 1A 21 tonikay

On 19th draw, AWAY 11E 29 --- AWAY a game won on the opponent's territory [n] --- AWAY from a certain place [adv]
Other moves: YA 6J 28, YE 6J 28, AWA 7F 26, WAE 7G 24, WAI 7G 24
AWAY 11E 29 BouncingS
YAW 14G 16 tonikay
WE K12 11 TwoFold

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