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Game sheet of AJ0711 (file), Game of July 13, 2011 at 03:59

Word find
Word played
1 ?HIOOSW SWOO(S)H H3 30 -52 30 2/3 WHOO(S)IS H3 82 82 2/3
2 ABCOPTU HOP 4H 8 -22 38 3/4 HUBCAP 4H 30 112 2/4
3 AIKLTYZ TACKY K2 28 -17 66 3/3 ZLOTY 6F 45 157 3/4
4 ?AEFINO FACE K2 18 -46 84 2/3 PINAFO(R)E M4 64 221 3/4
5 ACEORRV CRAVER 11I 22 -62 106 1/4 OVERCRAW 3A 84 305 2/5
6 GGILNOT FIG 8M 21 -9 127 2/3 OGLING A3 30 335 2/5
7 EEOTUWY FEW 8M 27 -10 154 1/3 TYEE N5 37 372 2/5
8 ABERRTU BARTER D1 22 -20 176 2/3 TABER O8 42 414 3/5
9 AEEKLNT LARK D1 18 -65 194 3/3 KANTELE L9 83 497 3/5
10 AEIMNRT MATINEE 15F 27 -53 221 1/3 ANTIMERE 15G 80 577 3/5
11 DDEMNOU MENDED 13H 22 -57 243 2/2 MOUNDED 14A 79 656 3/5
12 AHINPTW WHEN 13J 20 -25 263 4/4 WIMP A12 45 701 3/6
13 EILOSTU             ELUTIONS D8 70 771 3/6
14 AAFGOOS             GOAFS O1 42 813 3/6
15 ADEIORR             AVOID B2 38 851 3/6
16 DEHIQSV             IS O14 39 890 3/7
17 ADEIQVX             AXEL 14I 58 948 3/7
18 DEIJNRV             JERRID D1 44 992 3/7

Total: 263/992 or -729 for 26.51%
Rank: 4189

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