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Game of July 13, 2011 at 04:43, 3 players
1. 38 pts scrablehed
2. 37 pts jimbo
3. 16 pts hineao

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abdehos   H7    32    32   bedash
 2. ?aaeims  11D    86   118   amnesias
 3. ?glppwy  10G    38   156   waly
 4. acenstz  12A    56   212   zante
 5. ?aaiilo   A9    45   257   alizari
 6. gioprrt  12J    26   283   pirog
 7. egloruw  N10    38   321   woggle
 8. efiiops  15L    33   354   foes
 9. deikprv   O7    44   398   piked
10. eeilnrr  13K    21   419   reign
11. aortuvy   I1    79   498   avoutry
12. aimostv   1I    48   546   atavism
13. dinortu   B3    64   610   turdion
14. ceghino   A1    54   664   chigoe
15. eorttux   H4    36   700   xu
16. abdeenn   C2    28   728   band
17. ceflort   5E    40   768   flouter
18. ceenqtu   N1    24   792   suq
19. ceennot   F1    64   856   nonelect

Remaining tiles: eejrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5830 Filescrablehed  0  2:18  -818   38     1.5830 scrablehed  0  2:18  -818   38 
  2.5009 Filejimbo       0  3:51  -819   37     2.5009 jimbo       0  3:51  -819   37 
  3.  -  Filehineao      0  1:17  -840   16            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  hineao      0  1:17  -840   16 

On 1st draw, BEDASH H7 32 --- BEDASH to splash [v]
Other tops: DEBOSH H7 32
Other moves: BASHED H4 30, BEDASH H4 30, OBEAHS H8 30, BASHED H7 28, BOHEAS H4 28
ABODE H7 16 hineao

On 2nd draw, AM(N)ESIAS 11D 86 --- AMNESIA loss of memory [n]
Other moves: AME(L)IAS G7 82, AME(L)IAS I7 82, AMI(D)ASE G7 82, A(N)EMIAS G7 82, A(N)EMIAS I7 82

On 3rd draw, WALY 10G 38 --- WALY excellent [adj] --- WALY something visually pleasing [n]
Other moves: PALY 10G 36, P(I)PY 12A 36, P(U)LPY 10J 36, WA(D)Y 10G 36, WA(L)Y 10G 36

On 4th draw, ZANTE 12A 56 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other moves: ZEAS 12A 50, ZEST 12A 50, ZETA 12A 50, ZETAS D8 48, ZETA 10B 39

On 5th draw, ALIZA(R)I A9 45 --- ALIZARI a Mediterranean plant which yields a dye [n]
Other tops: AL(B)IZIA A8 45
Other moves: AZI(D)O A11 39, AZLO(N) A11 39, AZOI(C) A11 39, AZOL(E) A11 39, ZILA A12 39

On 6th draw, PIROG 12J 26 --- PIROG a large Russian pastry [n]
Other moves: GORP 12J 23, PIG 12J 22, PORT 12J 22, GIP 12J 21, PIR 12J 20

On 7th draw, WOGGLE N10 38 --- WOGGLE a scout or guide neckerchief ring [n]
Other moves: (R)EGLOW 14A 34, (R)EGROW 14A 34, REW 13K 27, W*G 13M 27, WOGGLE N9 26

On 8th draw, FOES 15L 33 --- FOE an enemy [n]
Other tops: FEES 15L 33
Other moves: IF O14 32, OF O14 32, FOES O8 28, PEES 15L 27, PIES 15L 27

On 9th draw, PIKED O7 44 --- PIKE to pierce with a pike (a long spear) [v]
Other moves: PIKER O7 40, IRKED O7 38, DIKER O7 37, VIPER O7 37, DIRKE O6 35

On 10th draw, REIGN 13K 21 --- REIGN to exercise sovereign power [v]
Other moves: EEL 13C 18, EEN 13C 18, ALEE 13A 17, LEIRED 9C 16, NIRLED 9C 16

On 11th draw, AVOUTRY I1 79 --- AVOUTRY adultery [n]
Other moves: AVOUTRY B3 70, (R)OTARY 14A 32, VOTARY I2 28, OVARY I3 27, VARY I4 25

On 12th draw, ATAVISM 1I 48 --- ATAVISM the reappearance of a genetic characteristic after several generations of absence [n]
Other moves: ATAVISM 1G 39, MAVIS 1H 33, TAVS 6L 28, VIMS 6L 28, VIVATS 2I 28

On 13th draw, TURDION B3 64 --- TURDION a dance [n]
Other moves: STOUND N1 22, STROND N1 22, STROUD N1 22, (R)OTUND 14A 20, DINAR B9 19

On 14th draw, CHIGOE A1 54 --- CHIGOE a tropical flea [n]
Other moves: BEDASHING H7 48, HENOTIC 5E 48, CHINE A1 40, CHINO A1 40, CHIN A1 35

On 15th draw, XU H4 36 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other tops: OX H3 36
Other moves: AXE 13A 33, VORTEX L1 32, AXE B12 31, EXO N5 30, OXER C7 29

On 16th draw, BAND C2 28 --- BAND to decorate with flexible strips of material [v]
Other moves: NABE C2 27, SEABED N1 26, BANE C2 25, BEAD G5 25, DAB C2 24
GUNNED 4A 16 scrablehed

On 17th draw, FLOUTER 5E 40 --- FLOUTER one that flouts [n]
Other moves: CLOUTER 5E 36, FRET C7 27, FET C7 26, FOE C7 26, CLOVER 2F 25
SOFTER N1 22 scrablehed
FLATTER D9 11 jimbo

On 18th draw, SUQ N1 24 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: CEE 14J 22, QUBYTE 7F 21, ETEN 13C 20, CUVEE 2G 18, EEN 13C 18
EQUATE D8 16 jimbo

On 19th draw, NONELECT F1 64 --- NONELECT not chosen [adj]
Other moves: CEE 14J 22, CENOTE 14F 20, ETEN 13C 20, COVEN 2G 18, COVET 2G 18
TOBY 7F 10 jimbo

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