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Game of July 13, 2011 at 12:20, 9 players
1. 669 pts kellybelly
2. 488 pts Hasni
3. 360 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?agiimp   H3    26    26   imping
 2. ?aervvx   3G    40    66   viverra
 3. abeinst   N1    85   151   basinet
 4. emnoryz   O7    59   210   enzym
 5. eefnprs  N10    52   262   feres
 6. aeeltuu  12K    33   295   alure
 7. aenrtuu  15K    27   322   urate
 8. adilqru   6D    39   361   daquiri
 9. bdenotw   E5    40   401   batoned
10. aaeekox   F9    56   457   exo
11. gnoopsu  13L    43   500   opes
12. elnoory   1L    39   539   yebo
13. aghilst  D10    40   579   latish
14. acilnou  14B    82   661   unsocial
15. adilnor  H10    27   688   radian
16. aefjlow   H1    45   733   flimping
17. degknot   8A    45   778   donko
18. cegiott   K8    25   803   tietac
19. aeggorw   J9    31   834   owe
20. aghjorw   2J    34   868   hoa

Remaining tiles: ggijrw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7231 Filekellybelly  5 14:39  -199  669     1.7231 kellybelly  5 14:39  -199  669 
  2.5835 FileHasni       1 23:16  -380  488            Group: intermediate
  3.6228 Fileshanice     2 19:35  -508  360     1.6228 shanice     2 19:35  -508  360 
  4.5687 Filesherrymoon  1 10:05  -526  342     2.6190 renmar      2 13:21  -664  204 
  5.5020 FileLucylulu    0 13:06  -568  300     3.6688 yab         0  5:23  -776   92 
  6.6190 Filerenmar      2 13:21  -664  204            Group: novice
  7.4912 Filelyndyloo    0  5:47  -719  149     1.5835 Hasni       1 23:16  -380  488 
  8.6688 Fileyab         0  5:23  -776   92     2.5687 sherrymoon  1 10:05  -526  342 
  9.4346 Filemanfred     0  2:29  -814   54     3.5020 Lucylulu    0 13:06  -568  300 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4912 lyndyloo    0  5:47  -719  149 
                                             2.4346 manfred     0  2:29  -814   54 

On 1st draw, IMPI(N)G H3 26 --- IMPING the process of grafting [n]
Other tops: AMPI(N)G H3 26, MAGI(L)P H4 26, MAGI(L)P H7 26, MAGPI(E) H4 26
Other moves: AMPI(N)G H7 24, G(R)AMP H8 24, G(U)IMP H8 24, IMPAI(R) H3 24, IMPI(N)G H7 24
GAMP(S) H4 22 kellybelly

On 2nd draw, VIVE(R)RA 3G 40 --- VIVERRA the civet-genus [n]
Other tops: VIVER(R)A 3G 40
Other moves: AXE G2 39, RE(L)AX 2F 39, RE(W)AX 2F 39, (S)AXE G1 39, VEX G1 38
AXE G2 39 Hasni
VEX G1 38 kellybelly
VIXE(N) 3G 26 Lucylulu

On 3rd draw, BASINET N1 85 --- BASINET a medieval helmet [n]
Other tops: BESAINT N1 85, BESTAIN N1 85
Other moves: BARNIEST L1 78, BANTIES 9C 75, BASINET 9C 75, BESAINT 9G 75, BESTAIN 9G 75
BEATS 2J 41 kellybelly
BEST N1 25 Hasni

On 4th draw, ENZYM O7 59 --- ENZYM a complex protein [n]
Other moves: MOZE O6 51, OYEZ O7 50, MOZ O6 48, ZERO L1 46, MOBY 1L 42
MOZE O6 51 kellybelly
ZERO J2 33 Lucylulu
ZEE J2 32 Hasni

On 5th draw, FERES N10 52 --- FERE a companion [n]
Other tops: FEENS N10 52, FEERS N10 52, FERNS N10 52
Other moves: PRIMPI(N)G H1 42, FEENS 12K 39, FEERS 12K 39, FERES 12K 39, FERNS 12K 39
FEERS N10 52 kellybelly
FREES 12K 39 Hasni, lyndyloo
REEFS 12K 39 Lucylulu

On 6th draw, ALURE 12K 33 --- ALURE a walkway behind battlements [n]
Other tops: LEARE 12K 33
Other moves: LARE 12L 31, LERE 12L 31, LURE 12L 31, TARE 12L 31, ELUATE 15J 30
TARE 12L 31 lyndyloo
LATE 15L 24 Hasni
TUBE 1L 21 kellybelly
LUBE 1L 21 Lucylulu

On 7th draw, URATE 15K 27 --- URATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: ANTE 15L 24, RATE 15L 24, RATU 15L 24, TAUBE 1K 24, NABE 1L 21
RATE 15L 24 Hasni
TUBE 1L 21 kellybelly, Lucylulu
PATER 5H 14 lyndyloo

On 8th draw, DAQUIRI 6D 39 --- DAQUIRI a cocktail [n]
Other moves: LIQUID 6D 36, QAID 11H 34, QAID 6F 34, QUAD 11H 34, QUALE 6J 34
QUID 11H 34 kellybelly
QUID 6F 34 Lucylulu, Hasni, shanice
RUED J1 7 lyndyloo

On 9th draw, BATONED E5 40 --- BATON to strike with a truncheon [v]
Other moves: OBDURATE 15H 33, DEBONE 13I 32, OW O1 32, BOWED 5A 31, BOWNED 11F 30
WOE 2J 30 kellybelly, sherrymoon, shanice
ROWED L3 18 Lucylulu

On 10th draw, EXO F9 56 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other tops: AXE F9 56
Other moves: AX F9 52, EX F9 52, OX F9 52, AX O1 48, EX O1 48
AXE F9 56 kellybelly, shanice
EXO F9 56 Hasni
AX O1 48 sherrymoon
AXE J1 26 lyndyloo
OXEN 9B 19 Lucylulu

On 11th draw, OPES 13L 43 --- OPE to open [v]
Other moves: GUIMPI(N)G H1 39, PES 13M 39, ONES 13L 35, POGOS G9 35, PONGOS G9 35
PES 13M 39 shanice
PUBS 1L 33 sherrymoon, kellybelly
PONGO 8A 30 Lucylulu
(R)OOS K3 24 Hasni

On 12th draw, YEBO 1L 39 --- YEBO yes [interj]
Other moves: YE O1 38, LOOBY 1K 33, OY O1 32, ORBY 1L 30, YODEL D4 29
YE O1 38 kellybelly, Hasni, shanice
LORY 11H 24 sherrymoon
LOONEY 9B 14 Lucylulu
EXON F9 11 renmar

On 13th draw, LATISH D10 40 --- LATISH somewhat late [adj]
Other moves: ALTHO 8A 36, LAIGHS D10 36, LITHO 8A 36, LATHIS D10 34, TAHSIL D10 34
HAGS D10 33 renmar
(R)AHS K3 30 sherrymoon
T(R)IGS K2 28 kellybelly
HA 2J 27 Hasni
GASH 11H 26 shanice

On 14th draw, UNSOCIAL 14B 82 --- UNSOCIAL antisocial [adj]
Other moves: INOCULA I8 64, LOCHAN 15A 33, LOCHIA 15A 33, NUCHAL 15A 33, ANCHO 15A 30
LOCH 15A 27 sherrymoon, kellybelly
LICH 15A 27 shanice, Lucylulu
INCH 15A 27 renmar
CHIN 15C 9 Hasni

On 15th draw, RADIAN H10 27 --- RADIAN a unit of angular measure [n]
Other tops: RADIAL H10 27
Other moves: AROID C7 25, ODA 15G 25, RANID C7 25, ANODAL H10 24, INROAD H10 24
RADIAL H10 27 kellybelly
DO 15H 20 shanice
ROAD K10 18 Lucylulu
ROAD H12 18 sherrymoon
LAND 11H 16 renmar
DA 2J 15 Hasni

On 16th draw, FLIMPI(N)G H1 45 --- FLIMP to rob while diverted by an accomplice [v]
Other moves: JODEL D4 37, POLJE 5H 32, REFLOW L3 32, FEODAL D3 31, JADE D4 30
JADE D4 30 sherrymoon
WO 2J 27 kellybelly
RAJ 10H 26 renmar, shanice
JEE J2 26 Hasni

On 17th draw, DONKO 8A 45 --- DONKO (New Zealand) an informal tearoom in a factory [n]
Other moves: KENDO 8A 36, KONDO 8A 36, POKED 5H 32, ATOK 11H 28, KNEAD K9 28
DONKO 8A 45 kellybelly
KENDO 8A 36 yab
YORKED L1 28 sherrymoon, Hasni
KI G13 22 shanice
GOD D4 14 renmar

On 18th draw, TIETAC K8 25 --- TIETAC a tie clip [n]
Other moves: ETIC 4L 24, COAT K10 19, GEIT 13B 19, ECOD D3 18, GITS 14K 18
COD D4 16 kellybelly
GAT K11 15 yab
YORE L1 14 sherrymoon
TIC 5J 12 renmar
COOT B6 12 Hasni
GOT 5J 11 shanice

On 19th draw, OWE J9 31 --- OWE to be under obligation to pay or repay [v]
Other tops: AWE J9 31
Other moves: AW J9 28, OW J9 28, WE J10 28, WE 2J 27, WO 2J 27
AWE J9 31 kellybelly, renmar
OWE J9 31 shanice, sherrymoon
WO 2J 27 manfred
WRONG 5K 18 lyndyloo
WOO B6 14 Hasni
WAGE L5 12 yab

On 20th draw, HOA 2J 34 --- HOA to stop [v]
Other moves: HAJ 5J 31, J*W J2 29, JOHN 5K 28, HA 2J 27, HO 2J 27
HOA 2J 34 renmar
HAJ 5J 31 kellybelly
J*W J2 29 yab, sherrymoon
WO 2J 27 manfred
JA 7B 22 Hasni
WARN 5K 14 lyndyloo

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