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Game of July 13, 2011 at 17:40, 16 players
1. 652 pts musdrive
2. 644 pts rn.roselle
3. 588 pts mmncedi

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaenuw   H3    70    70   unaware
 2. ?eiilty   5E    90   160   ideality
 3. aegimns  10B    78   238   enigmas
 4. aimostu   C8    72   310   tinamous
 5. aeglovx   8A    42   352   gatvol
 6. dejnosy   4A    51   403   joyed
 7. deilnrr   4J    27   430   diner
 8. denorvw   O3    41   471   wonder
 9. bdeosux   I5    51   522   loxed
10. abehort   F7    68   590   alembroth
11. aceerst  15F    92   682   hectares
12. agiopqu   6B    41   723   quip
13. ahiprst   M8    78   801   harpists
14. abceflu  15A    36   837   fusc
15. afgiorz  14J   116   953   zoftig
16. aeklnot   J4    49  1002   dike
17. belnort   A1    39  1041   benj
18. ailortv  O12    36  1077   vagi

Remaining tiles: llnort

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7078 Filemusdrive    3 15:38  -425  652     1.7078 musdrive    3 15:38  -425  652 
  2.6453 Filern.roselle  2 21:48  -433  644            Group: intermediate
  3.6347 Filemmncedi     0 18:40  -489  588     1.6453 rn.roselle  2 21:48  -433  644 
  4.6794 Filejeff        1 18:29  -502  575     2.6347 mmncedi     0 18:40  -489  588 
  5.6183 Filenderera     0 19:10  -517  560     3.6794 jeff        1 18:29  -502  575 
  6.5414 Fileneyetifu    0 22:44  -569  508     4.6183 nderera     0 19:10  -517  560 
  7.5649 FileJennyB      0 20:11  -613  464     5.6565 Davina      0  5:25  -909  168 
  8.4833 FileAJ0711      0 19:10  -645  432            Group: novice
  9.5022 Filejimbo       1 15:14  -653  424     1.5414 neyetifu    0 22:44  -569  508 
 10.5372 Filesandy914    0 19:14  -769  308     2.5649 JennyB      0 20:11  -613  464 
 11.5369 Fileworsie      0 13:12  -838  239     3.5022 jimbo       1 15:14  -653  424 
 12.3276 Filestrykyster  0 15:50  -847  230     4.5372 sandy914    0 19:14  -769  308 
 13.6565 FileDavina      0  5:25  -909  168     5.5369 worsie      0 13:12  -838  239 
 14.4414 Filecelticone   0  8:14  -948  129            Group: not rated
 15.  -  Filephonz18     0  6:13 -1017   60     1.4833 AJ0711      0 19:10  -645  432 
 16.3641 Filetatiana     0  1:32 -1059   18     2.3276 strykyster  0 15:50  -847  230 
                                             3.4414 celticone   0  8:14  -948  129 
                                             4.  -  phonz18     0  6:13 -1017   60 
                                             5.3641 tatiana     0  1:32 -1059   18 

On 1st draw, UNAWA(R)E H3 70 --- AWARE having perception or knowledge [adj] --- UNAWARE not aware [adj]
Other tops: UNAWA(K)E H2 70, UNAWA(K)E H3 70, UNAWA(K)E H4 70, UNAWA(K)E H6 70, UNAWA(K)E H8 70, UNAWA(R)E H2 70, UNAWA(R)E H4 70, UNAWA(R)E H6 70, UNAWA(R)E H8 70
Other moves: UNAWA(K)E H5 68, UNAWA(K)E H7 68, UNAWA(R)E H5 68, UNAWA(R)E H7 68, AWA(K)EN H3 24
WEAN(S) H4 22 jeff, mmncedi, nderera
WANE(D) H4 22 musdrive
WANE(S) H4 22 phonz18, rn.roselle
UNAWA(R)E H4 20 sandy914
AWA(K)EN H8 18 tatiana
WEAN H6 14 strykyster
ANEW H7 14 worsie

On 2nd draw, I(D)EALITY 5E 90 --- IDEALITY the state of being perfect; something idealized [n]
Other moves: TUILYIE(D) 3G 74, TUILYIE(S) 3G 74, (F)ELINITY 4D 70, (F)INITELY 4F 70, (S)ENILITY 4F 70
L(A)Y G5 24 jeff, mmncedi
YET G7 24 rn.roselle
(S)TY 10H 22 nderera, musdrive
(S)LY 10H 22 Davina
YEW 6F 17 sandy914
LAY 7G 11 worsie
WILT 6H 9 strykyster
(F)LEET 9F 6 phonz18

On 3rd draw, ENIGMAS 10B 78 --- ENIGMA something that is hard to understand or explain [n]
Other moves: MEASING G7 77, MEASING I7 77, GAMINES 10B 76, SEAMING 10H 76, MEASING 10E 74
GAMINE 4J 39 musdrive
MANGES 4J 36 nderera
GAMES 4J 35 jeff, JennyB
IMAGE 4K 34 mmncedi
MEANS 4J 30 rn.roselle, neyetifu
MAGS 4L 30 sandy914
SEAMING 10H 26 Davina
IMAGES 10C 23 jimbo
IMAGINES J1 19 phonz18
GYM L4 18 strykyster
SMI(D)GEN F2 15 AJ0711
AMUSING 3F 14 worsie

On 4th draw, TINAMOUS C8 72 --- TINAMOU a South American game bird [n]
Other tops: MANITOUS C8 72
Other moves: TIMOUS 4J 36, MIAOUS 4J 34, ATOMS 11C 32, OUMAS 4J 32, SMOUT 4K 32
AIMS 4J 30 musdrive
TUMS 4J 30 mmncedi
TAMS 4J 30 jeff
MOST 4L 28 sandy914, rn.roselle
MAST 4L 28 worsie
MISTY L1 26 AJ0711, JennyB
MATS G9 16 neyetifu
AMOUNTS C6 13 phonz18
STOMA 7D 10 jimbo

On 5th draw, GATVOL 8A 42 --- GATVOL (Afrikaans) annoyed, fed up [adj]
Other moves: ILEX D10 41, LEX I5 40, LEX I7 40, LOX I5 40, VOXEL 4A 40
LEX I5 40 musdrive
LOX I5 40 Davina, nderera
VEX G1 38 mmncedi
VOX G1 38 JennyB
OX B13 38 jeff, rn.roselle
EX I8 35 neyetifu
LAX 4C 29 jimbo, worsie
MAX 12C 24 AJ0711
LEX 9G 22 sandy914
AXE 7H 18 strykyster

On 6th draw, JOYED 4A 51 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: ENJOY 4K 50, JOEYS 4A 48, JONES 4A 42, SYNODS 15C 42, JEED 9G 38
JOYED 4A 51 musdrive
JEED 9G 38 nderera
JEES 9G 37 rn.roselle
JESS 15A 36 Davina
ENJOYS L1 34 mmncedi, JennyB
JOYED L3 32 jimbo, AJ0711
JOEY L2 28 worsie
JAYS 7G 26 neyetifu
JADES 7G 23 sandy914

On 7th draw, DINER 4J 27 --- DINER one that dines [n]
Other moves: LINED 4J 26, DENI 4J 25, DINE 4J 25, LEND 4J 24, LIND 4J 24
DINER 4J 27 jeff
SLIDER 15C 24 Davina, nderera, musdrive, mmncedi
DRILY L1 22 AJ0711
DIE 6J 22 rn.roselle
DERRY L1 22 worsie
REMIND 12A 20 JennyB
DIMER 12A 20 neyetifu
RISER 15A 18 jimbo
DESI 15A 18 sandy914
DYE L4 14 strykyster

On 8th draw, WONDER O3 41 --- WONDER to have a feeling of curiosity or doubt [v]
Other tops: DOWNER O3 41
Other moves: DOWER 3K 40, NOWED 3K 39, ROWED 3K 39, DEVON O1 38, ENDOW O1 38
ROWED 3K 39 AJ0711, nderera
SNOWED 15C 33 worsie
WORE 3K 32 rn.roselle, jeff
DOW 3B 32 musdrive, neyetifu
WED 3M 26 mmncedi
MOWED 12C 22 strykyster
ROSED 15A 21 jimbo
VERY C1 20 JennyB
SWORN 15C 12 sandy914

On 9th draw, LOXED I5 51 --- LOX to supply with lox (liquid oxygen) [v]
Other moves: IBEX D10 47, LOXES I5 47, DEX I7 44, LEX I5 40, LOX I5 40
LOXES I5 47 nderera
SEX I7 40 neyetifu
XU B14 38 mmncedi
OX B13 38 rn.roselle, jeff
EX D12 35 JennyB
BOXY C1 32 AJ0711
BOSSED 15A 30 musdrive
DEXES 9G 28 jimbo
BOXED 13B 15 worsie
BOXES 13B 14 strykyster
DIB J4 12 sandy914

On 10th draw, ALEMBROTH F7 68 --- ALEMBROTH
Other moves: BOSHTER 15A 48, BASHER 15A 45, BOSHTA 15A 45, BASHO 15A 42, BASH 15A 39
BASHER 15A 45 mmncedi, musdrive, worsie, AJ0711, rn.roselle
TOSHER 15A 39 jimbo
BASH 15A 39 jeff
HOB 3K 36 nderera
HOB 3B 35 JennyB
HOW 3M 30 neyetifu
HOSER 15A 27 sandy914
MAT 12C 10 strykyster

On 11th draw, HECTARES 15F 92 --- HECTARE a unit of area [n]
Other tops: CHEATERS 15E 92
Other moves: RECRATES 12F 76, ECARTES N8 74, RETRACES 12F 72, SECRETA J9 67, HECTARE 15F 39
CHEATERS 15E 92 jimbo
CHEATERS 15E 42 mmncedi, nderera, musdrive, neyetifu, rn.roselle, sandy914
CHARTS 15E 33 jeff, JennyB
CYST C3 18 strykyster
RAW 3M 18 AJ0711

On 12th draw, QUIP 6B 41 --- QUIP to make witty remarks [v]
Other tops: QUOP 6B 41
Other moves: QUAG 6B 39, OUIJA A1 36, QIS 15A 36, OPAQUE L10 34, QADI J2 34
QIS 15A 36 rn.roselle, neyetifu, jeff
QUA B6 32 musdrive, nderera
QUIPS M11 32 AJ0711, jimbo, mmncedi
QUAY C1 32 celticone
QUAIR K11 28 JennyB
QUIT K2 13 strykyster
PAS M13 10 sandy914

On 13th draw, HARPISTS M8 78 --- HARPIST one that plays the harp [n]
Other tops: TRIPHASE L8 78
Other moves: HARPIST N7 75, PARISH 14J 50, PSHAW 3K 49, PARIS 14J 42, PASH 15A 39
PARISH 14J 50 nderera
PASH 15A 39 rn.roselle, jeff
PISH 15A 39 musdrive, AJ0711
HASP 15A 36 JennyB
HAP 3B 35 neyetifu
RASH 15A 33 jimbo, mmncedi
HAMS 12A 26 celticone, sandy914

On 14th draw, FUSC 15A 36 --- FUSC dusky brown [adj]
Other tops: FAB 3K 36
Other moves: CAB 3K 33, BAFT 14J 32, DIF J4 32, FEAT 14J 32, WOF 6H 32
FEAT 14J 32 musdrive, jeff, nderera
DIF J4 32 rn.roselle
FAW 3M 30 neyetifu
FUME 12A 26 mmncedi
FUSE 15A 24 AJ0711, celticone
CAFE L7 23 JennyB
CASE 15A 21 sandy914
BASE 15A 21 jimbo
FLIC 12K 18 strykyster

On 15th draw, ZOFTIG 14J 116 --- ZOFTIG full bosomed [adj]
Other tops: ZAFTIG 14J 116
Other moves: AZO 14I 67, ZA 14J 64, ZO 14J 64, ZOA 3B 47, ZOA 3K 46
AZO 14I 67 musdrive, rn.roselle, jeff
ZA 14J 64 nderera, mmncedi
ZO 14J 64 JennyB, neyetifu
FIZ 12L 30 strykyster
ZIP 11K 28 jimbo
ZAP 11K 28 AJ0711
ZIT I13 22 celticone

On 16th draw, DIKE J4 49 --- DIKE to furnish with an embankment [v]
Other moves: KAGO O12 42, OKA 3B 36, OKE 3B 36, KA 3C 32, KAE 3B 32
DIKE J4 49 musdrive, rn.roselle
OKE 3B 36 jeff
KON 3B 32 neyetifu
KA 3C 32 mmncedi
KARO N2 23 nderera
KEY C2 20 AJ0711
KNAP 11J 20 JennyB
TOGA O12 18 jimbo
KNOT 13A 8 celticone

On 17th draw, BENJ A1 39 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other moves: BEGO O12 30, OBE 3B 28, VOILE D8 28, LOB 3K 27, NOB 3K 27
BENJ A1 39 musdrive
OBE 3B 28 jeff
LOB 3K 27 rn.roselle
JOE A4 26 mmncedi
BOW 3M 26 neyetifu
BREY C1 18 AJ0711
BEN N7 17 JennyB
BY C3 14 strykyster
AXEL 7H 11 celticone

On 18th draw, VAGI O12 36 --- VAGUS a cranial nerve [n]
Other tops: VIGA O12 36
Other moves: VIRAGO O10 33, VIRGA O11 30, VITRAIL 12H 28, VOILA D8 28, LIVOR K7 27
VIGA O12 36 rn.roselle
VARY C1 20 Davina
TAR 3K 19 jeff
ROW 3M 18 strykyster
IVY C2 18 AJ0711, mmncedi
VOR N2 17 musdrive
VAIL 12K 14 neyetifu
ROAR N1 13 nderera
VAT 9L 6 celticone

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