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Game of July 14, 2011 at 03:35, 6 players
1. 449 pts iwhist
2. 381 pts rn.roselle
3. 148 pts miaanne

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deforvw   H4    32    32   vowed
 2. adeirtx   H1    45    77   reavowed
 3. ?eiiory   8F    61   138   iodyrite
 4. acdelmn   K4   102   240   medcinal
 5. ?biinqt   L1    60   300   qubit
 6. efnorsu  10H    65   365   furanose
 7. aeeghis   M2    37   402   gash
 8. adhinou   O7    36   438   unhead
 9. aeelotv   1A    95   533   elevator
10. abfilor   2J    34   567   frugal
11. gimnnop   F8    71   638   imponing
12. benoswz   7G    66   704   zebecs
13. aegiins   O7    42   746   unheading
14. deeitwy   3C    44   790   tideway
15. eiklopr  12C    80   870   plonkier
16. aeiorux   O1    57   927   ulex
17. aorsttu  H10    27   954   faitor
18. aaceios  14J    28   982   casein
19. aijottu   4A    44  1026   jiao

Remaining tiles: ttu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5364 Fileiwhist      0 20:19  -577  449     1.6452 rn.roselle  2 15:06  -645  381 
  2.6452 Filern.roselle  2 15:06  -645  381     2.6015 miaanne     0  4:56  -878  148 
  3.6015 Filemiaanne     0  4:56  -878  148            Group: novice
  4.4842 FileAJ0711      0  6:26  -919  107     1.5364 iwhist      0 20:19  -577  449 
  5.4900 Filejohnny55    0  3:08  -943   83     2.5052 Lucylulu    0  1:23  -990   36 
  6.5052 FileLucylulu    0  1:23  -990   36            Group: not rated
                                             1.4842 AJ0711      0  6:26  -919  107 
                                             2.4900 johnny55    0  3:08  -943   83 

On 1st draw, VOWED H4 32 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other moves: VOWER H4 30, VOWED H8 28, VOWED H5 24, VOWED H6 24, VOWED H7 24
VOWED H4 32 rn.roselle

On 2nd draw, REAVOWED H1 45 --- REAVOW to vow again [v]
Other tops: EXIT I6 45
Other moves: DEX I5 44, REX I5 42, EX I6 39, XI I7 37, DEWAX 6F 36
DEX I5 44 rn.roselle
REX I5 42 iwhist

On 3rd draw, IODYRI(T)E 8F 61 --- IODYRITE a silver mineral [n]
Other moves: (T)OYER G5 30, OYER G6 29, OYER(S) G6 29, OYE G6 27, OYE(R) G6 27
(T)OYER G5 30 rn.roselle
IVORIE(S) 4G 18 iwhist

On 4th draw, MEDCINAL K4 102 --- MEDCINAL an atrocious spelling of medicinal [adj]
MEN 7G 22 rn.roselle
LANCED M4 14 iwhist

On 5th draw, Q(U)BIT L1 60 --- QUBIT in computing, a quantum bit [n]
Other moves: QI(S) N6 42, INQI(L)AB 3C 40, NIQAB 10H 36, NIQAB(S) 10H 36, Q(U)EINT 2F 36
Q(U)INT F6 35 iwhist, rn.roselle

On 6th draw, FURANOSE 10H 65 --- FURANOSE a type of sugar [n]
Other tops: REFUSION F3 65
Other moves: ROQUES 1J 45, FERNS J10 33, FENS J10 30, FERN J10 30, FEUS J10 30
FENS J10 30 iwhist
FUSE N6 27 rn.roselle

On 7th draw, GASH M2 37 --- GASH knowing [adj] --- GASH to make a long deep cut in [v]
Other tops: SIGH M2 37
Other moves: HAG M2 32, ASH M3 31, ISH M3 31, GHEES O8 30, HA(U)SE 2J 30
GHEES O7 27 iwhist
SHE 7F 21 rn.roselle

On 8th draw, UNHEAD O7 36 --- UNHEAD to decapitate [v]
Other moves: HAO N2 35, HAINED O6 30, HOIDEN O6 30, HONIED O6 30, AHI J4 29
UNHEAD O7 36 rn.roselle
HONIED O6 30 miaanne, iwhist

On 9th draw, ELEVATOR 1A 95 --- ELEVATOR one that elevates [n]
Other moves: FOVEAE H10 48, FOVEAL H10 48, VO(U)GE 2J 32, VELATE J1 31, FOETAL H10 30
LOVE 11E 19 rn.roselle
NAVEL L10 18 iwhist

On 10th draw, FR(U)GAL 2J 34 --- FRUGAL thrifty [adj]
Other moves: FLAB J2 32, FRAB J2 32, FOLIAR H10 30, ALEF 7F 29, LIEF 7F 29
FOB G7 24 rn.roselle, miaanne
FAIL F6 15 iwhist

On 11th draw, IMPONING F8 71 --- IMPONE to wager [v]
Other moves: IMPONING F3 69, UNHEADING O7 42, PLIM O1 33, GLIM O1 30, GLOM O1 30
LOPING B1 26 iwhist
MOPE 7E 20 miaanne
PO G7 14 rn.roselle

On 12th draw, ZEBECS 7G 66 --- ZEBEC a sailing ship [n]
Other moves: ZEBEC 7G 64, ZOS E11 50, ZO E11 46, BONZES 13J 45, SEZ N4 45
ZOS E11 50 miaanne, rn.roselle
OZONES M10 30 iwhist

On 13th draw, UNHEADING O7 42 --- UNHEAD to decapitate [v]
Other moves: FAGINS H10 36, FEIGNS H10 33, AGEINGS 15A 30, FAINES H10 30, SIEGING 15C 30
GAGES 15D 27 rn.roselle
EASING 15A 24 miaanne
EGGS 15E 18 iwhist

On 14th draw, TIDEWAY 3C 44 --- TIDEWAY a tidal channel [n]
Other moves: WEDGIE 15C 36, WIDGET 15C 36, WIDE E11 33, YEDE E11 33, WINDY 12D 32
WEDGE 15C 11 iwhist

On 15th draw, PLONKIER 12C 80 --- PLONKY pompously self-important about mundane matters [adj]
Other moves: PLONKIER 14C 66, FOLKIE H10 42, KEPI E11 40, KIPE E11 40, SPIKE N10 39
GRIPE 15F 24 iwhist
PINK 12D 20 AJ0711

On 16th draw, ULEX O1 57 --- ULEX a plant of the gorse genus [n]
Other tops: ILEX O1 57
Other moves: OXER 13H 40, AXE N12 36, EXO N12 36, GREX 15F 36, OX 13H 36
XI N13 31 iwhist
REX J12 26 johnny55
AXED 12L 24 AJ0711

On 17th draw, FAITOR H10 27 --- FAITOR an imposter [n]
Other tops: FRITTS H10 27, GUTROTS 15F 27, RAGOUTS 15D 27, ROTGUTS 15C 27, TAUTOGS 15A 27
Other moves: STATOR 4A 25, ARGOTS 15D 24, AUTOS E9 24, OUTGAS 15C 24, RAGOUT 15D 24
GATORS 15F 21 AJ0711
STUPOR C9 18 iwhist
GUTS 15F 15 johnny55

On 18th draw, CASEIN 14J 28 --- CASEIN a milk protein [n]
Other moves: SCAW 6E 27, AWA 6G 26, CAW 6F 26, CAEOMA 9B 25, COSIE 4B 25
CAMS 9D 22 iwhist
SPACE C11 18 johnny55
COPES C10 18 AJ0711

On 19th draw, JIAO 4A 44 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other tops: JOTA E11 44
Other moves: JAW 6F 41, JOT E11 40, JO 11E 36, JO E11 36, JOT 13K 35
JOT E11 40 iwhist
JO E11 36 Lucylulu
JUST L12 24 AJ0711, johnny55

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