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Game sheet of neyetifu (file), Game of July 14, 2011 at 05:58

Word find
Word played
1 ADEISTU DIETS H4 16 -54 16 6/7 DAUTIES H4 70 70 6/7
2 FILMNOT FILM G9 24 -4 40 2/7 INFO I7 28 98 2/7
3 ABIINNO BIN J10 22 -5 62 5/8 BAININ J10 27 125 3/8
4 AAEEHTW THEN 15G 21 -30 83 8/9 WHEATEN 15D 51 176 5/9
5 ?IMNRUW W(E) 14F 26 -10 109 3/7 (C)WM 14E 36 212 4/9
6 AIOPRTU             UTOPIA 13A 27 239 6/9
7 ACELORY             YUCA A12 39 278 8/9
8 ?AEKLOQ Q(U)AKED 4C 38 -5 147 3/9 YAKO(W) 12A 43 321 7/9
9 AEEORTV VOTED 4D 18 -82 165 9/9 OVEREAT K5 100 421 7/9
10 AEMORRT RATER 8K 18 -60 183 3/8 MORTARED 4A 78 499 8/9
11 AEGILSU             EULOGIAS B1 72 571 9/9
12 EHJLOST             JOSH A7 57 628 9/9
13 DEGNNUX             REDUX 8K 42 670 9/9
14 BELNNOR             ENNOBLER 1B 83 753 9/9
15 CEGNOSZ             ZONES L1 50 803 9/9
16 DEGILQV             VIOLD 2J 34 837 9/9
17 DEGILRY             DYER C6 36 873 9/9
18 EGGILQT             QI I12 26 899 9/9
19 EGGILRT             DIGGER M8 20 919 9/9

Total: 183/919 or -736 for 19.91%
Rank: 5410

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