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Game of July 14, 2011 at 07:28, 9 players
1. 484 pts margalang
2. 430 pts ksong
3. 407 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. defnorv   H4    28    28   vendor
 2. abelosw  10H    83   111   sowable
 3. ?adeggl   5E    90   201   allegged
 4. ceinnst   E5    70   271   ancients
 5. aceirsu  12E    76   347   sauciers
 6. adfikno   4K    33   380   faik
 7. ?dioprt   O2    88   468   disport
 8. aaijlno   N6    55   523   jai
 9. aeilmot   2J    30   553   moated
10. aehmoor   1H    45   598   mahoe
11. adnortt   8A    24   622   adroit
12. eeiinpu  H12    24   646   cepe
13. efhlrtu  13G    41   687   hefte
14. eiorsty   B2    38   725   stroyed
15. gilnoru   6H    20   745   noun
16. abinqvz   F2    42   787   qibla
17. inruvwx   A1    29   816   xi
18. eillruv   7H    29   845   devil
19. gilnruw  14K    24   869   wrung

Remaining tiles: ilnuyz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6073 Filemargalang   3 17:41  -385  484     1.7224 kellybelly  1  8:01  -571  298 
  2.6255 Fileksong       4 22:22  -439  430            Group: intermediate
  3.5064 Filejimbo       3 20:50  -462  407     1.6073 margalang   3 17:41  -385  484 
  4.7224 Filekellybelly  1  8:01  -571  298     2.6255 ksong       4 22:22  -439  430 
  5.6443 Filern.roselle  0 11:22  -585  284     3.6443 rn.roselle  0 11:22  -585  284 
  6.  -  Filecrazycat    0 18:14  -683  186     4.6175 renmar      0 11:35  -731  138 
  7.6175 Filerenmar      0 11:35  -731  138            Group: novice
  8.  -  Filejay11       1  4:30  -808   61     1.5064 jimbo       3 20:50  -462  407 
  9.  -  FileAliD        0  1:52  -845   24            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  crazycat    0 18:14  -683  186 
                                             2.  -  jay11       1  4:30  -808   61 
                                             3.  -  AliD        0  1:52  -845   24 

On 1st draw, VENDOR H4 28 --- VENDOR a seller [n]
Other tops: FONDER H4 28
Other moves: FROND H4 26, FREON H4 24, DEVON H4 22, DOVEN H4 22, DOVER H4 22
VENDOR H4 28 jimbo
FONDER H4 28 jay11, margalang, ksong
FONE H5 14 rn.roselle
DEN H8 8 crazycat

On 2nd draw, SOWABLE 10H 83 --- SOW to scatter over land for growth, as seed [adj] --- SOWABLE able to be sown [adj]
Other moves: SOWABLE G8 69, DOWSABEL 7H 68, BESAW 10F 35, LEASOW 10E 30, BAWLS 10D 29
BOWLS 10D 29 margalang
SOW 10H 25 rn.roselle
WAS 10F 25 ksong
BLOWS 10D 23 jimbo
ELBOWS 5H 22 crazycat
WEELS 5G 16 jay11

On 3rd draw, AL(L)EGGED 5E 90 --- ALLEGGE to allay [v]
Other tops: A(L)LEGGED 5E 90
Other moves: D(I)GGABLE L5 78, ALLEGG(E)D M8 72, ALL(E)GGED M8 72, AL(L)EGGED 5B 70, AL(L)EGGED N7 70
DEG 11I 24 rn.roselle
GLADE M9 18 margalang
EAGLED 5H 16 ksong
(S)LEDGE 5C 14 jimbo
WEAL(S) J10 7 jay11

On 4th draw, ANCIENTS E5 70 --- ANCIENT one who lived in ancient times [n]
Other tops: CANNIEST E4 70
Other moves: NESCIENT N5 62, INSTANCE E1 60, CLIENTS M9 24, ETIC 4L 24, TICES 4K 24
CITED L1 22 rn.roselle
CLINTS M9 22 margalang
BINT L10 12 ksong
CEIL M7 10 jay11
WENT J10 7 crazycat

On 5th draw, SAUCIERS 12E 76 --- SAUCIER a chef who specializes in sauces [n]
Other moves: SCAURIES 12E 72, CAUSERIE N6 66, DECURIAS 7H 63, CAUSERIE N3 62, CAUSERIE K1 60
CABERS L8 26 rn.roselle
CRUISES 12A 24 jimbo
RACES 4K 24 ksong
CUBES L8 24 margalang
WARES J10 10 crazycat

On 6th draw, FAIK 4K 33 --- FAIK to abate [v]
Other tops: FANK 4K 33, FINK 4K 33
Other moves: OINK 4L 32, FONDA 4K 31, CONK H12 30, FAIK 6K 29, FANK 6K 29
COIF H12 27 rn.roselle
FOND 4K 27 margalang
OINK 13L 18 jimbo
KILN M8 9 crazycat

On 7th draw, DI(S)PORT O2 88 --- DISPORT to amuse oneself [v]
Other moves: PIED(F)ORT N8 70, PROTEID(E) N6 66, PROTEID(S) N6 66, DIPTERO(I) N6 64, DIPTERO(N) N6 64
DI(S)PORT O2 88 jimbo
(S)PORT O4 29 margalang, rn.roselle, ksong
DEPORT N9 18 crazycat

On 8th draw, JAI N6 55 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JA N6 52, JO N6 52, JNANA 6B 34, RIOJA 9H 34, JNANA 10B 30
JAI N6 55 ksong
JO N6 52 margalang, rn.roselle, kellybelly
JOIN 10B 27 jimbo
JILT 11B 11 crazycat

On 9th draw, MOATED 2J 30 --- MOAT to surround with a moat (a water-filled trench) [v]
Other tops: MAELID 2J 30, MAILED 2J 30, MALTED 2J 30, MELOID 2J 30, MILTED 2J 30, MOILED 2J 30, MOLTED 2J 30
Other moves: MILK N1 28, CALM H12 24, CAME H12 24, CAMO H12 24, CLAM H12 24
MOLTED 2J 30 ksong
CAME H12 24 kellybelly
CALM H12 24 margalang, jimbo, AliD
OM 6J 19 rn.roselle

On 10th draw, MAHOE 1H 45 --- MAHOE a small, bushy white-barked tree of New Zealand [n]
Other moves: OMRAH 1G 39, HAREM 1G 38, OMRAH 1F 37, HAREM 1F 36, MOHAIR 8A 36
CHAM H12 33 kellybelly
HOME 1G 31 margalang, ksong
ROAM 1H 26 jimbo
HARE 1G 25 rn.roselle
MOTH 11C 14 crazycat

On 11th draw, ADROIT 8A 24 --- ADROIT skillful [adj]
Other tops: ORDAIN 8A 24, TONDI 8A 24
Other moves: ORD 6J 22, CARD H12 21, CODA H12 21, COND H12 21, CORD H12 21
ORDAIN 8A 24 jimbo
CORD H12 21 margalang, rn.roselle, ksong
CARD H12 21 kellybelly
ADORE 9A 7 crazycat

On 12th draw, CEPE H12 24 --- CEPE a large mushroom [n]
Other moves: PENNI 6B 19, CINE H12 18, GEEP I5 18, PINIER C3 18, PUNIER C3 18
CINE H12 18 kellybelly, margalang
SEEP L12 9 ksong
PURE C6 8 crazycat
RIPE K12 6 jimbo

On 13th draw, HEFTE 13G 41 --- HEAVE to lift forcefully [v]
Other moves: HEFT 13G 38, REFLET 13G 32, FURTHER C2 28, FUHRER C3 26, HETE 13G 26
HEFT 13G 38 ksong
FURTHER C2 28 kellybelly
HURT 13L 19 renmar
HUE 2F 18 margalang
LATHER A7 10 jimbo
FLEET 15F 8 crazycat

On 14th draw, STROYED B2 38 --- STROY to destroy [v]
Other moves: ROSILY F1 32, SORELY F1 32, TROELY F1 32, ROILY F2 31, SOILY F2 31
SOILY F2 31 renmar
TRY 9G 20 ksong
STORIED B2 20 kellybelly
STORY 14K 19 margalang
RIOTERS C3 18 jimbo
STORY C5 13 crazycat

On 15th draw, NOUN 6H 20 --- NOUN a word used to denote the name of something [n]
Other tops: NOIR 6H 20
Other moves: RUNRIG C5 19, GRILL M7 18, TOLING 3B 18, TRUING 3B 18, UG 6J 17
TOLING 3B 18 kellybelly
GROIN 14K 16 ksong, margalang
GO A1 11 renmar
GUILT 11A 6 crazycat

On 16th draw, QIBLA F2 42 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: NIQAB 14K 35, QI A1 35, ZA A1 35, NAZI 14K 29, ZAIRE K9 28
QI A1 35 kellybelly, margalang, jimbo, ksong
ZIN 14K 24 renmar
ZIT 8M 12 crazycat

On 17th draw, XI A1 29 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU A1 29
Other moves: VRIL M7 25, VERNIX 15G 24, XU C5 23, NIX 7J 21, TIX 3B 20
XU A1 29 kellybelly
XI A1 29 ksong, margalang
WAX A7 18 crazycat, renmar
VIXEN 15E 15 jimbo

On 18th draw, DEVIL 7H 29 --- DEVIL to prepare food with pungent seasoning [v]
Other moves: VRIL M7 25, VILLAR 7J 24, DELI 7H 22, VILER 14K 22, VRIL 4A 22
VILER 14K 22 renmar
VEIL 14K 20 kellybelly, margalang
REV 4B 12 ksong
REVILE 15G 10 jimbo
ALIVE A8 9 crazycat

On 19th draw, WRUNG 14K 24 --- WRING to twist so as to compress [v]
Other tops: WRING 14K 24
Other moves: WING 14K 22, WRING 10B 21, WRUNG 10B 21, RUNRIG C5 19, WARREN K9 18
WRING 14K 24 margalang
WARING A7 17 jimbo
WANG A7 13 renmar
GUILT 11A 6 crazycat

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