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Game of July 14, 2011 at 08:14, 8 players
1. 534 pts kellybelly
2. 500 pts iwhist
3. 488 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adenoow   H4    28    28   wandoo
 2. ?aeenrv   8H    83   111   overnear
 3. cdeilpr   5F    76   187   placider
 4. ?abrtuz   4K    63   250   abuzz
 5. aefgiru   K7    74   324   argufier
 6. deijmms   M7    60   384   jemmied
 7. goprstu  15K    46   430   sprog
 8. abhilst   O1    39   469   sitz
 9. aeknosw  10B    85   554   weakons
10. aeinott   7A    61   615   tetanoid
11. hiosttv   A4    36   651   visto
12. elnotuy  11A    43   694   toney
13. abdeilr   1H    92   786   railbeds
14. aeglqrt   D4    48   834   talaq
15. aeefgnx   2J    33   867   fae
16. eehlotx   B6    43   910   hex
17. eghinor  A11    39   949   thing
18. eloruuy  N10    37   986   yore
19. ceiltuu   E7    25  1011   nicky

Remaining tiles: eltuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7235 Filekellybelly  2 12:57  -477  534     1.7235 kellybelly  2 12:57  -477  534 
  2.5340 Fileiwhist      2 21:27  -511  500            Group: intermediate
  3.5074 Filejimbo       1 19:21  -523  488     1.6692 yab         0  7:25  -807  204 
  4.2919 Filecrazycat    0 17:45  -752  259     2.6175 renmar      1  5:31  -860  151 
  5.6692 Fileyab         0  7:25  -807  204            Group: novice
  6.6175 Filerenmar      1  5:31  -860  151     1.5340 iwhist      2 21:27  -511  500 
  7.  -  Filechantel     0  2:26  -987   24     2.5074 jimbo       1 19:21  -523  488 
  8.4284 Filefatcat      0  2:29  -990   21            Group: not rated
                                             1.2919 crazycat    0 17:45  -752  259 
                                             2.  -  chantel     0  2:26  -987   24 
                                             3.4284 fatcat      0  2:29  -990   21 

On 1st draw, WANDOO H4 28 --- WANDOO an Australian tree [n]
Other tops: WOODEN H4 28, WOONED H4 28
Other moves: ENDOW H8 26, WANED H4 26, WOOED H4 26, WOONED H7 24, AWNED H8 22
WOODEN H4 28 renmar, iwhist
ENDOW H8 26 jimbo
ENDOW H5 18 crazycat

On 2nd draw, OVERNEA(R) 8H 83 --- OVERNEAR too near [adj]
Other tops: OVERNA(M)E 8H 83, OVERNEA(T) 8H 83, OVE(R)NEAR 8H 83
Other moves: OVEN(W)ARE 8H 80, NEW(W)AVER 4F 76, NE(W)WAVER 4E 76, (O)VENWARE 4D 76, EN(G)RAVEN 6A 70
NERVE(S) 10C 26 iwhist
WEAVER(S) 4H 24 renmar
WEAVER 4H 24 kellybelly
WAVER(S) 4H 22 jimbo

On 3rd draw, PLACIDER 5F 76 --- PLACID calm or peaceful [adj]
Other moves: PLACIDER N6 71, PERACID 5E 48, PEDICEL M7 34, PEDICLE M7 34, PIERCED M3 34
WIPED 4H 22 kellybelly
PRICED G9 22 jimbo
PRICED K7 22 iwhist
CREEP J6 21 renmar
CLEAR N5 9 crazycat

On 4th draw, ABU(Z)Z 4K 63 --- ABUZZ buzzing [adj]
Other moves: ZEBRU(L)A M7 60, BU(Z)Z 4L 58, RA(Z)Z 4L 50, TU(Z)Z 4L 50, (F)UTZ 4L 48
Z(E)BRA G9 47 iwhist
Z(E)BU G9 45 kellybelly
BRAZ(E)R K7 32 jimbo
BR(A)ZER M4 27 renmar
PUTZ F5 17 crazycat

On 5th draw, ARGUFIER K7 74 --- ARGUFIER one who argues stubbornly [n]
Other moves: ARGUFIED 7A 66, A(R)GUFIER O7 62, FRIZE O1 51, FURZE O1 51, FRIZ O1 48
FRIZE O1 51 kellybelly, renmar
GRAZE O1 45 jimbo, iwhist, yab
ZAG O4 13 crazycat

On 6th draw, JEMMIED M7 60 --- JEMMY to force open with a short crowbar [v]
Other moves: JEMMIES M7 58, JEDIS 15G 52, DEISM 15H 46, JEDIS 12H 42, JIMMIED 12G 40
MIMES 15G 40 yab, jimbo
JIMMIE 12J 36 crazycat
MIME J10 35 iwhist

On 7th draw, SPROG 15K 46 --- SPROG a child [n]
Other tops: SPRUG 15K 46
Other moves: PUTZ O1 45, SPORT 15K 43, SPOUT 15K 43, SPURT 15K 43, GROUPS 15F 40
PUTZ O1 45 yab, kellybelly
SPORT 15K 43 jimbo
GROUPS 15F 40 iwhist
GROPE 13G 11 crazycat

On 8th draw, SITZ O1 39 --- SITZ a type of hip bath [n]
Other moves: HABILE 12H 30, BAHTS 10D 29, HALITES 12H 28, LATHIS 10C 28, AHIS 10E 26
HIS 10F 25 kellybelly
BATHS 10D 23 jimbo
HAIL G9 20 iwhist
HA G9 18 yab
BIZ O2 14 crazycat

On 9th draw, WEAKONS 10B 85 --- WEAKON a subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: WEAKONS G9 78, WAKES 10D 33, WEKAS 10D 33, KNAWES 10C 32, KNOWES 10C 32
WAKES 10D 33 jimbo
KNOWES 10C 32 kellybelly
OWNS 10E 26 iwhist
WAKENS 10C 26 yab
KNOWS 1K 13 crazycat

On 10th draw, TETANOID 7A 61 --- TETANOID pertaining to tetanus [adj] --- TETANUS a disease due to bacillus [adj]
Other moves: ETTIN 11B 33, TENIA 11A 31, ATONE 11C 30, ETNA 11B 29, AEON 11C 26
ATONE 11C 30 yab
TAIN 11C 26 kellybelly
KITTEN E10 20 jimbo
KNOT E10 16 crazycat
TAKE E8 16 iwhist

On 11th draw, VISTO A4 36 --- VISTO a view [n]
Other moves: THIO 11C 35, THIS 11C 35, SH*T 6A 34, HIS 11D 31, HIT 6B 31
HI 6B 28 kellybelly
WHIST B10 22 iwhist
HITS A5 21 jimbo
HOIST A3 9 crazycat

On 12th draw, TONEY 11A 43 --- TONEY stylish [adj]
Other moves: ONLY 11B 41, LYNE 11D 38, TYNE 11D 38, YELT J10 37, TOEY 11D 35
YON N10 33 kellybelly
OYE 9B 26 iwhist
KELT E10 16 jimbo
WELT B10 7 crazycat

On 13th draw, RAILBEDS 1H 92 --- RAILBED the bed of a railway track [n]
Other moves: BEDRAILS 1H 86, RIDEABLE 13D 65, SAILER 6A 27, TABID A11 27, BENDIER C9 26
BENDIER C9 26 kellybelly
TABLE A11 24 jimbo
WORLD B10 18 iwhist
ENABLE C10 16 crazycat

On 14th draw, TALAQ D4 48 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other moves: STALER 6A 27, STELAR 6A 27, QAT 3I 26, GEAR J10 25, GEAT J10 25
QAT 3I 26 kellybelly
GREAT D4 14 jimbo
TAILER 12I 12 iwhist
TAG O13 4 crazycat

On 15th draw, FAE 2J 33 --- FAE from (Scots) [prep]
Other moves: NEAFE J10 32, AXE 12A 30, WOXEN B10 30, EF 2I 28, FA 2J 28
EX J11 23 kellybelly
AXE C2 22 jimbo
EX B7 18 iwhist
TAX A11 11 crazycat

On 16th draw, HEX B6 43 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other moves: TELEX A11 39, THETE A11 36, THOLE A11 36, HEN 6F 33, THEE B5 32
THOLE A11 36 kellybelly
TEETH A11 27 iwhist
OXO N13 23 jimbo
TEXT A11 12 crazycat

On 17th draw, THING A11 39 --- THING an inanimate object [n]
Other tops: THEGN A11 39, THONG A11 39
Other moves: THEIN A11 36, THEIR A11 36, THINE A11 36, THORN A11 36, THROE A11 36
THING A11 39 kellybelly, jimbo, iwhist
THINE A11 36 crazycat
(R)HINO O8 8 chantel

On 18th draw, YORE N10 37 --- YORE time past [n]
Other moves: YE J10 31, YO J10 31, YO N10 30, OILERY 12J 26, YO B14 23
YORE N10 37 kellybelly
LEY C3 19 iwhist
GREY 15A 12 fatcat
GLORY 15A 10 crazycat
KYE E10 10 jimbo
(R)ULER O8 5 chantel

On 19th draw, NICKY E7 25 --- NICKY as in the phrase nicky nicky nine doors, the game of knocking on a door and running away [adj]
Other moves: CENTILE C9 24, CENTU C9 20, NUCLEI 14A 20, NUCULE 14A 20, ETIC 12E 19
CEIL C2 16 kellybelly
LICE C1 14 iwhist
ELT 12E 13 jimbo
KYLE E10 11 chantel
CENT C9 9 fatcat
GUILT 15A 7 crazycat

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