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Game of July 14, 2011 at 09:00, 9 players
1. 480 pts Stranger
2. 476 pts rn.roselle
3. 474 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deghirr   H7    30    30   dreigh
 2. ?bmortt   9B    66    96   bottomer
 3. aaeeins  11G    68   164   agenesia
 4. aeeglrt   K4    68   232   relegate
 5. anoopru  11D    28   260   paragenesia
 6. ehisuyz  N10    50   310   hazes
 7. abiiosx  O12    59   369   axis
 8. aimnosv   8A    37   406   nomas
 9. ?bertvw   B8    38   444   obverts
10. abdiloo   O4    91   535   diabolo
11. cefiopu   N6    37   572   fop
12. cdinotu   4D    78   650   inductor
13. aiklnow   M7    38   688   kaw
14. deiiqrw  12A    37   725   wried
15. cegjovy   5C    38   763   joy
16. elortuy  14B    62   825   souterly
17. eefgiin   H1    30   855   fence
18. aceiinu   2H    30   885   eucaine
19. gilnquv   1L    44   929   qi

Remaining tiles: gilnuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6480 FileStranger    4 13:03  -449  480     1.6480 Stranger    4 13:03  -449  480 
  2.6432 Filern.roselle  2 12:30  -453  476     2.6432 rn.roselle  2 12:30  -453  476 
  3.5355 Fileiwhist      1 17:20  -455  474            Group: novice
  4.4284 Filefatcat      1 17:50  -550  379     1.5355 iwhist      1 17:20  -455  474 
  5.4480 Filemarigold    2 14:59  -659  270            Group: not rated
  6.2974 Filecrazycat    0 10:56  -798  131     1.4284 fatcat      1 17:50  -550  379 
  7.  -  Filechantel     0 12:57  -804  125     2.4480 marigold    2 14:59  -659  270 
  8.  -  Filemekh        0 10:28  -810  119     3.2974 crazycat    0 10:56  -798  131 
  9.4803 FileMKMac       0  0:46  -903   26     4.  -  chantel     0 12:57  -804  125 
                                             5.  -  mekh        0 10:28  -810  119 
                                             6.4803 MKMac       0  0:46  -903   26 

On 1st draw, DREIGH H7 30 --- DREIGH dreary [adj]
Other tops: DRIEGH H7 30
Other moves: DREIGH H4 26, DREIGH H8 26, DRIEGH H4 26, DRIEGH H8 26, HIDER H4 26
HIRED H4 26 iwhist, rn.roselle, fatcat, MKMac
HIRED H8 22 chantel
HIRED H6 18 crazycat

On 2nd draw, BOTT(O)MER 9B 66 --- BOTTOMER one that bottoms [n]
Other moves: B(O)TTOMER 9B 65, THROMB(I) 12G 26, OMB(U) G8 25, BRO(O)M G5 24, HOMBR(E) 12H 24
BR(O)OM G5 22 iwhist
THROB(S) 12G 20 rn.roselle
T(I)MBER 9D 13 fatcat
HOT 12H 6 crazycat
ROT 8H 3 chantel

On 3rd draw, AGENESIA 11G 68 --- AGENESIA absence or imperfection of a bodily part [n]
Other moves: EANS 8A 24, EASE 8A 24, SANE 8A 24, BEANIES B9 22, ANISE J6 21
SANE 8A 24 rn.roselle
SANE J9 18 fatcat, iwhist
BEANS B9 9 crazycat
DEANS 7H 7 chantel

On 4th draw, RELEGATE K4 68 --- RELEGATE to assign [v]
Other tops: EGLATERE K4 68, REGELATE K4 68
Other moves: EGLATERE K6 59, REGELATE K8 59, RELEGATE K8 59, RAGEE 8A 33, GALETTE E5 32
RAGE 8A 28 rn.roselle
LARGEST L6 18 fatcat
LATTER E6 12 iwhist
ALERT N11 10 crazycat, chantel

Other moves: GROUP 8K 27, NOOP 10C 27, ROOP 10C 27, POI 10F 25, OOP 10D 24
GROUP 8K 27 fatcat, Stranger, rn.roselle
ROOP 10C 27 iwhist
APRON 4I 14 marigold
BOON B9 8 chantel
PRUNE 5G 7 crazycat

On 6th draw, HAZES N10 50 --- HAZE to subject to a humiliating initiation [v]
Other moves: HEYS O8 45, HYES O8 45, GUSHY 8K 39, HIES O8 36, HUES O8 36
HAZES N10 50 Stranger, rn.roselle
SIZE O11 29 iwhist
SIZE M10 26 fatcat
BUSY B9 11 crazycat, chantel

On 7th draw, AXIS O12 59 --- AXIS a straight line about which a body rotates [n] --- AXIS an Asian deer [n]
Other moves: IXIAS O7 56, AXIS O8 53, SAX O11 47, SOX O11 47, BOX 12C 41
AXIS O12 59 marigold
AXIS O8 53 Stranger, rn.roselle
SOX O13 34 iwhist
OX O14 29 mekh
BOXES 13K 28 crazycat
SIX L11 20 fatcat
HA 10N 5 chantel

On 8th draw, NOMAS 8A 37 --- NOMA a severe inflammation of the mouth [n]
Other moves: MAVIN 12A 36, MAVIS 12A 36, MANIS 8A 35, MONAS 8A 35, VINAS 12A 34
VEX 13M 26 Stranger, rn.roselle, iwhist
PAINS D11 16 chantel
MOVES 5H 10 crazycat
MOON C7 9 fatcat
RAIN 4K 8 mekh

On 9th draw, OBVERT(S) B8 38 --- OBVERT to turn so as to show a different surface [v]
Other tops: V(O)WER 12A 38, W(A)VER 12A 38, W(I)VER 12A 38
Other moves: BESTR(E)W L9 36, BESTR(O)W L9 36, W(E)BER 12A 36, B(E)STREW L9 35, V(A)WTE O6 35
BR(A)VE O6 32 rn.roselle
W(O)VE O7 32 Stranger
BREW 12B 31 iwhist
WEX 13M 26 marigold
BERR(Y) 4I 12 chantel

On 10th draw, DIABOLO O4 91 --- DIABOLO a game, using string, two sticks and a top [n]
Other moves: DIABOLO G1 66, DIABOLO I1 66, BRAID 12A 33, BROAD 12A 33, BROOD 12A 33
DRAIL 12A 26 Stranger
IBEX 13L 26 iwhist
BOARD 4H 22 rn.roselle
BLOOD 6J 18 fatcat
PLOD D11 14 crazycat
ABODE 5G 8 marigold
(S)AD 14B 3 chantel

On 11th draw, FOP N6 37 --- FOP to deceive [v]
Other moves: FICE L1 30, FROE 12A 30, OF N5 28, COUPE J2 27, POI N6 27
FOP N6 37 rn.roselle, Stranger
PUCE L1 26 iwhist
PRICED 4J 22 fatcat
SPEC L11 16 chantel
FIE N2 15 marigold
PURE 4I 12 crazycat

On 12th draw, INDUCTOR 4D 78 --- INDUCTOR one that inducts [n]
Other moves: CODEX 13K 30, NUDIST L7 27, CUD M7 26, DROIT 12A 26, INDEX 13K 26
INDEX 13K 26 Stranger, iwhist
COURD 4H 22 rn.roselle
COURT 4H 20 fatcat
DICOT J1 14 marigold
PINT D11 12 chantel
ROC 4K 10 mekh
CUTE 5H 6 crazycat

On 13th draw, KAW M7 38 --- KAW to cry like a crow [v]
Other moves: SNOWK L11 34, SWANK L11 34, SWINK L11 34, KAI M7 32, PLANK D11 32
KEX 13M 28 rn.roselle, Stranger
WEX 13M 26 iwhist
KNOW J2 26 fatcat
WINK E2 22 marigold
LINK E2 16 mekh

On 14th draw, WRIED 12A 37 --- WRY to contort [v]
Other moves: WRIER 12A 34, QUIRE G3 29, DRIER 12A 26, WEX 13M 26, EQUID G2 25
QUIRE G3 29 rn.roselle
WEX 13M 26 iwhist, Stranger
QUID G3 24 marigold, fatcat
DRICE H1 24 mekh

On 15th draw, JOY 5C 38 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: ENJOY J10 29, GOEY 3D 29, COY 5C 28, OYE 5D 27, G*Y 5C 26
ENJOY J10 29 fatcat
VEX 13M 26 iwhist, rn.roselle, Stranger
SOY L11 12 mekh

On 16th draw, (S)OUTERLY 14B 62 --- SOUTERLY like a shoemaker [adj]
Other moves: YEX 13M 26, LUREX 13K 24, STORY L11 24, STROY L11 24, SUETY L11 24
YEX 13M 26 Stranger, rn.roselle, iwhist
YO 6B 22 marigold
REX 13M 20 mekh
(S)TORY 14B 15 fatcat

On 17th draw, FENCE H1 30 --- FENCE to practice the art of fencing [v]
Other moves: FEEN 13I 23, FEG 13I 23, FENI 13I 23, FIG 13I 23, FINE 13I 23
FENCE H1 30 fatcat, Stranger, marigold
LI H14 6 iwhist

On 18th draw, EUCAINE 2H 30 --- EUCAINE an anaesthetic safer than cocaine [n]
Other tops: CANE 6B 30
Other moves: AUNE 15H 23, CAN 6B 23, EAU 15G 22, EUCAINE 2B 22, ANE 6C 21
CAN 6B 23 Stranger
AE 15H 17 iwhist
CANE N1 15 marigold
CUD F2 12 fatcat

On 19th draw, QI 1L 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: VEX 13M 26, LING 1L 25, LUNG 1L 25, SUQ L11 24, ILEX 13L 22
QI 1L 44 iwhist, Stranger
VEX 13M 26 fatcat
QI L1 21 marigold

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