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Game of July 14, 2011 at 09:46, 8 players
1. 494 pts yab
2. 478 pts iwhist
3. 336 pts marigold

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdefgip   H4    28    28   fidge
 2. ?adeior   8A    80   108   foedarie
 3. anostuu   I5    23   131   naos
 4. gimnopr   B6    71   202   promoing
 5. aeeirtu   5E    28   230   retinue
 6. giossty   J4    35   265   guys
 7. alntuuy  C12    25   290   yuan
 8. aaehrtw  D10    36   326   whet
 9. aeiklrt  10D    77   403   wartlike
10. ehloqrv  11K    32   435   hover
11. abbessv  O10    36   471   braves
12. ?aeimpr  15H    92   563   meropias
13. ajlnosu  15A    39   602   janns
14. ceilloo   E8    22   624   acai
15. abceilo   M9    26   650   cavie
16. abdnotx  L11    40   690   oxo
17. abdeloo   A1    34   724   albedo
18. deinnuw   L1    35   759   wined
19. illnotu   O7    42   801   outbraves
20. llnotuz   N6    53   854   zonule

Remaining tiles: filqtt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6694 Fileyab         1 21:10  -360  494     1.6694 yab         1 21:10  -360  494 
  2.5392 Fileiwhist      1 17:36  -376  478     2.6500 Stranger    1  8:51  -665  189 
  3.4580 Filemarigold    0 20:31  -518  336            Group: novice
  4.5321 Filesandy914    0 21:03  -617  237     1.5392 iwhist      1 17:36  -376  478 
  5.6500 FileStranger    1  8:51  -665  189     2.5321 sandy914    0 21:03  -617  237 
  6.4381 Filecharmz      0  4:10  -774   80            Group: not rated
  7.2897 Filecrazycat    0  6:16  -801   53     1.4580 marigold    0 20:31  -518  336 
  8.  -  Filetraceyhh    0  2:58  -832   22     2.4381 charmz      0  4:10  -774   80 
                                             3.2897 crazycat    0  6:16  -801   53 
                                             4.  -  traceyhh    0  2:58  -832   22 

On 1st draw, FIDGE H4 28 --- FIDGE to fidget [v]
Other moves: BIPED H4 26, BIPED H8 24, FIDGE H8 22, GIBED H4 22, GIBED H8 22
FIDGE H4 28 yab, Stranger
BIPED H4 26 iwhist
BIPED H8 24 marigold
BIDE H6 14 traceyhh
DIP H6 12 sandy914

On 2nd draw, (F)OEDARIE 8A 80 --- FOEDARIE an accomplice [n]
Other moves: FORE(L)AID 4H 76, FORE(S)AID 4H 76, RADIOE(D) I3 76, RA(D)IOED I3 76, FO(E)DARIE 4H 74
FORE(S)AID 4H 26 yab
FAIRED 4H 20 Stranger
FRID(G)E 4H 18 sandy914
AFR(A)ID 4G 18 iwhist
A(B)RIDGE 7C 12 marigold
GRADE 7H 8 traceyhh

On 3rd draw, NAOS I5 23 --- NAOS an ancient temple [n]
Other tops: NOUS I5 23, TAOS I5 23, TAUS I5 23
Other moves: OUST I6 22, STAUN 9G 21, STOUN 9G 21, FATUOUS 4H 20, OUS I6 20
OUST I6 22 Stranger
FATUOUS 4H 20 yab
SANTO 9H 17 sandy914
STUN 9H 16 iwhist
GUST 7H 6 marigold

On 4th draw, PROMOING B6 71 --- PROMO to give a promo [v]
Other moves: PROMOING B4 67, PROINING 5E 44, PORANGI E5 40, GRIPMEN C3 32, PERMING C7 32
PERMING C7 32 marigold
MO J6 26 iwhist, yab, Stranger
GRIP G2 18 sandy914

On 5th draw, RETINUE 5E 28 --- RETINUE a group of attendants [n]
Other tops: RETINAE 5E 28, TRAINEE 5E 28
Other moves: IURE A12 21, ETUI C10 20, GUERITE 13B 18, MAIRE 9B 18, MEARE 9B 18
ENTIRE 12A 14 Stranger
ARE A13 12 marigold
ART A13 12 sandy914
IT G4 10 iwhist
GUT 13B 8 yab

On 6th draw, GUYS J4 35 --- GUY to ridicule [v]
Other moves: YOGIS L1 34, GUY J4 30, YOGI C12 27, EYOT C8 26, TOSSY 4K 26
YOGIS L1 34 yab
YOGIS 4K 25 marigold
G*YS L2 24 sandy914
TOYS L2 22 iwhist, Stranger

On 7th draw, YUAN C12 25 --- YUAN a monetary unit of China [n]
Other tops: RYAL 7B 25
Other moves: GAUNTLY 13B 24, UNLAY 4B 23, RYA 7B 22, ANY A13 21, AUNT A12 21
UNLAY 4B 23 yab
ANY A13 21 marigold
GUY 13B 14 iwhist
FIDGET H4 11 sandy914

On 8th draw, WHET D10 36 --- WHET to sharpen by friction [v]
Other moves: ETH D12 33, TANH 15A 33, ADWARE D7 32, WERT D11 32, WETA D11 32
WANTER 15A 30 yab, marigold, iwhist, sandy914

On 9th draw, WARTLIKE 10D 77 --- WARTLIKE resembling a wart [adj]
Other moves: LANKIER 15A 48, TINKLER 15A 48, LANKER 15A 45, LINKER 15A 45, RANKLE 15A 45
LANKIER 15A 48 iwhist
RANKLE 15A 45 marigold
KANT 15A 27 sandy914

On 10th draw, HOVER 11K 32 --- HOVER to hang suspended in the air [v]
Other tops: HOVEL 11K 32
Other moves: HOVE 11K 30, HOVEL K7 30, HOVER K7 30, REH 6D 29, EH 6E 28
HONER 15A 27 sandy914
HONE 15A 24 iwhist, yab
REVEL K9 16 marigold

On 11th draw, BRAVES O10 36 --- BRAVE to face with courage [v]
Other tops: ABBESS 12G 36
Other moves: BABES L1 32, VASES L1 32, ABBESS L1 30, BASSE 12H 30, SAVERS O7 30
VANES 15A 27 iwhist
SABERS O7 27 yab
RETINUES 5E 8 sandy914

On 12th draw, MER(O)PIAS 15H 92 --- MEROPIA partial blindness [n]
Other moves: EMPAIR(E)S 15H 86, EPI(G)RAMS 15H 86, IMPEAR(L)S 15H 86, IMPRE(S)AS 15H 86, PRIMA(G)ES 15H 86
PENMA(N) 15A 36 marigold
RAMPI(K)ES 15H 36 yab
PANIER 15A 27 iwhist
PINE 15A 21 sandy914

On 13th draw, JANNS 15A 39 --- JANN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JANN 15A 36, JANES F2 30, JOLES F2 30, JOLS L2 30, JONES F2 30
JUN 15A 30 yab
JANE F2 27 iwhist
JAR J13 12 sandy914

On 14th draw, ACAI E8 22 --- ACAI a berry of the Brazilian rainforests [n]
Other tops: CELLO 4A 22
Other moves: COLLIE C1 20, COOLIE C1 20, OCELLI C1 20, ALAE E8 18, CELLI C2 18
OCELLI C1 20 yab
LICE 4B 14 iwhist
CELLO A2 12 marigold

On 15th draw, CAVIE M9 26 --- CAVIE a hen coop [n]
Other tops: CABLE 4A 26, CAVEL M9 26, CAVIL M9 26, CEIBA 4A 26, COBIA 4A 26, COBLE 4A 26
Other moves: CLAVIE M8 24, COEVAL M8 24, CABLE C2 22, CEIBA C2 22, COBIA C2 22
COBIA C2 22 yab
CLOVE M8 11 iwhist

On 16th draw, OXO L11 40 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: OX L11 36, XI 12L 36, AXONE F1 28, TAXON 4B 28, AX 14E 27
OX L11 36 iwhist, Stranger, marigold, yab
NOR E3 3 crazycat

On 17th draw, ALBEDO A1 34 --- ALBEDO the ratio of the light reflected by a planet to that received by it [n]
Other moves: BALED L1 31, BLOOD L1 31, BOOED L1 31, ALBEDO L1 29, BOOLED 4A 29
BLOOD L1 31 iwhist
ALBEDO C1 22 yab
BEAD 4C 19 charmz
LOBED F2 14 marigold
LADER E1 6 crazycat

On 18th draw, WINED L1 35 --- WINE to provide with wine (the fermented juice of the grape) [v]
Other moves: UNWED L1 29, INDEW L3 27, WIDEN L3 27, UNDINE L3 25, WEID L2 25
WINED L1 35 iwhist
UNDINE C1 19 yab
UNWED F2 15 marigold
ANEW 1A 11 crazycat
WIRE E3 7 charmz

On 19th draw, OUTBRAVES O7 42 --- OUTBRAVE to surpass in courage [v]
Other moves: OUTWILL 1I 30, UNWILL 1J 27, TWILL 1K 24, WILL 1L 21, WILT 1L 21
OUTWILL 1I 30 yab
TWILL 1K 24 iwhist
WILL 1L 21 crazycat, Stranger
WILT 1L 21 charmz

On 20th draw, ZONULE N6 53 --- ZONULE a small zone [n]
Other moves: ZO N6 33, ZONE F2 33, L*Z F4 32, LUTZ 2A 26, LUTZ N4 26
ZONE F2 33 charmz
ZO N6 33 yab
ZIT 2K 12 iwhist, crazycat

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