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Game of July 14, 2011 at 12:02, 12 players
1. 574 pts jimbo
2. 550 pts rn.roselle
3. 522 pts Stranger

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afilrty   H4    84    84   frailty
 2. cdemosu   5D   102   186   decorums
 3. aceilnp   J5    72   258   manciple
 4. ?aijntz   4A    54   312   zayin
 5. ?eimopr   8A    86   398   proemial
 6. aeinrsv  13D    77   475   ravines
 7. abehort   A1    48   523   braze
 8. adgilor   A8    89   612   prodigal
 9. adgnost  B10    39   651   datos
10. adegnou   8J    33   684   conged
11. ainrsuy   6A    36   720   nyas
12. eeinqrt  E11    28   748   tranq
13. aotuuwx  15E    42   790   quota
14. begitux   9C    30   820   exit
15. fgiotuw  12I    25   845   weft
16. eglouvw   2A    36   881   reglow
17. beeehjo   1E    53   934   jobe
18. eehikuv  M10    35   969   kieve

Remaining tiles: ehhiuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5111 Filejimbo       3 21:22  -395  574     1.6402 rn.roselle  3 17:41  -419  550 
  2.6402 Filern.roselle  3 17:41  -419  550     2.6508 Stranger    5 16:18  -447  522 
  3.6508 FileStranger    5 16:18  -447  522     3.6241 ksong       3 25:18  -469  500 
  4.6241 Fileksong       3 25:18  -469  500     4.6166 renmar      2 22:14  -501  468 
  5.6166 Filerenmar      2 22:14  -501  468     5.6737 sunshine12  0  1:51  -927   42 
  6.5512 Fileiwhist      0 22:36  -548  421            Group: novice
  7.5469 Fileannelhynz   1 17:32  -602  367     1.5111 jimbo       3 21:22  -395  574 
  8.  -  Filespellcheck  0 17:57  -725  244     2.5512 iwhist      0 22:36  -548  421 
  9.4374 Filecharmz      0  4:49  -868  101     3.5469 annelhynz   1 17:32  -602  367 
 10.6737 Filesunshine12  0  1:51  -927   42     4.5132 Lucylulu    0  1:02  -935   34 
 11.5132 FileLucylulu    0  1:02  -935   34            Group: not rated
 12.  -  Fileemerson07   0  8:26  -936   33     1.  -  spellcheck  0 17:57  -725  244 
                                             2.4374 charmz      0  4:49  -868  101 
                                             3.  -  emerson07   0  8:26  -936   33 

On 1st draw, FRAILTY H4 84 --- FRAILTY a weakness of character [n]
Other tops: FRAILTY H6 84
Other moves: FRAILTY H2 78, FRAILTY H3 78, FRAILTY H7 78, FRAILTY H8 78, FRAILTY H5 76
FRAILTY H4 84 jimbo
FRAILTY H4 34 iwhist
FRAILTY H6 34 Lucylulu
FAIRLY H4 32 Stranger, annelhynz
FLIRTY H4 32 ksong, spellcheck, rn.roselle, renmar

On 2nd draw, DECORUMS 5D 102 --- DECORUM conformity to social conventions [n]
Other moves: COSTUMED 9E 65, CUSTOMED 9E 65, COURSED 5E 40, SOURCED 5E 40, DEFOCUS 4F 26
CUSTOMED 9E 65 jimbo
COEDS G3 25 sunshine12
FUMED 4H 22 rn.roselle, Stranger, ksong
COMERS 5D 20 iwhist
SCORED 5E 18 spellcheck
MODES G10 16 renmar
MO G3 12 annelhynz

On 3rd draw, MANCIPLE J5 72 --- MANCIPLE an officer authorized to purchase provisions [n]
Other moves: PLANETIC 9C 67, PECTINAL 9E 66, CAPELINE E2 62, PECAN 4A 32, CAPE 4A 28
PACE 4A 28 rn.roselle, Stranger
CAPE 4A 28 ksong
PLAID D1 22 jimbo, renmar
APE 6H 17 sunshine12
CLAM J2 14 iwhist
PLACE E1 9 spellcheck

On 4th draw, ZA(Y)IN 4A 54 --- ZAYIN a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: ZI(G)AN 4A 54
Other moves: ZATI 4A 52, C(H)INTZ 8J 51, ZA(T)I 4A 50, ZI(L)A 4A 50, Z(A)TI 4A 50
JAZ(Z)Y 10D 43 ksong
(S)ITZ 13J 38 iwhist
JIN(S) 13G 33 Stranger
JAY 10F 29 rn.roselle, renmar
J(E)EZ 12H 27 annelhynz
LAZ(E) 11J 24 jimbo

On 5th draw, PROEMI(A)L 8A 86 --- PROEM an introductory statement [adj] --- PROEMIAL relating to a proem [adj]
Other moves: IMPO(S)ER 13F 78, PROMI(S)E 13E 76, MOPERIE(S) 12D 74, MOPERIE(S) 12G 74, PROMI(S)EE 12D 74
ZI(M)MER A4 48 jimbo
PRIZE(S) A1 48 iwhist
PRIZE A1 48 Stranger, ksong
PRIZE(D) A1 48 renmar
PR(I)ZE A1 45 rn.roselle
PREZ A1 45 annelhynz
PROMI(S)E 12D 22 spellcheck

On 6th draw, RAVINES 13D 77 --- RAVINE a narrow, steep-sided valley [n]
Other tops: AVENIRS 13D 77
Other moves: AVIZES A1 54, AVIZE A1 51, CAVERN 8J 45, CAVERS 8J 45, CAVIER 8J 45
RAVINES 13D 77 jimbo
CAVERN 8J 45 spellcheck
CAVERS 8J 45 Stranger
CRAVEN 8J 36 ksong
SAVER 13J 31 iwhist, rn.roselle
MANE E8 12 renmar

On 7th draw, BRAZE A1 48 --- BRAZE to solder together [v]
Other moves: TOAZE A1 42, BROTH 3C 41, BETH 6C 39, OBEAH 3C 39, TREZ A1 39
BRAZE A1 48 Stranger, jimbo, rn.roselle, ksong
THROB 12A 30 iwhist
ATHROB D10 28 spellcheck
NOH H13 18 annelhynz
HEART E11 16 renmar

On 8th draw, PRODIGAL A8 89 --- PRODIGAL one who spends lavishly and wastefully [n]
Other moves: GOLIARDY 10A 67, CALIGO 8J 30, CARDIO 8J 30, CAROLI 8J 27, AROID 3C 25
DAG 6A 25 renmar, rn.roselle
GOAD 12B 19 iwhist
GLAD 12B 19 annelhynz, ksong
AIR K10 16 Stranger
GLAD 11I 12 jimbo

On 9th draw, DATOS B10 39 --- DATO a Philippine tribal chief [n]
Other moves: CAGOTS 8J 33, CONGAS 8J 30, DAGS 6A 30, DOGS 6A 30, DANS 6A 29
DOGS 6A 30 rn.roselle
CONGAS 8J 30 jimbo
DAG 6A 25 renmar
DOG 6A 25 ksong
SAG 6A 23 iwhist
ADOS 3C 20 Stranger
DOT 12C 14 annelhynz
GLOATS 11I 14 spellcheck

On 10th draw, CONGED 8J 33 --- CONGE to take leave [v]
Other moves: CANGUE 8J 30, CANOED 8J 30, COUGAN 8J 30, DOGE 6A 30, DONE 6A 29
CONGED 8J 33 Stranger
DONE 6A 29 rn.roselle
DUG 6A 25 renmar
LOUNGE 11J 14 spellcheck, iwhist
AGED 4K 14 annelhynz
NOD H13 12 jimbo
CAGED 8J 11 ksong
PAGE 10J 7 emerson07

On 11th draw, NYAS 6A 36 --- NYAS an untrained young hawk [n]
Other tops: RYAS 6A 36
Other moves: NYS 6A 31, RYA 6A 31, SYN 6A 31, NAYS 6A 30, NY 6A 30
RAYS 6A 30 rn.roselle
NAY 6A 25 renmar
GRAINY M8 22 iwhist
NAY H13 18 Stranger, jimbo, ksong
RAY 2A 12 annelhynz
NURSE N4 7 spellcheck, emerson07

On 12th draw, TRANQ E11 28 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: QI 12G 26, ETERNE 12H 19, EMERITA E7 18, GENTIER M8 18, REINTER 2A 18
QI 12G 26 rn.roselle, renmar
TEEING M3 16 ksong
LINTER 11J 12 jimbo
EN 12D 10 annelhynz
BERET 1A 8 spellcheck
DINER O8 7 emerson07
LIT 11J 6 iwhist

On 13th draw, QUOTA 15E 42 --- QUOTA a proportional part or share [n]
Other moves: QUAT 15E 39, AX K11 31, OX K11 31, WAXY B3 31, NOX H13 30
QUOTA 15E 42 renmar, Stranger
QUAT 15E 39 annelhynz, rn.roselle, jimbo
WAX(Y) C1 26 iwhist
OWE 12H 15 ksong
ANT H12 4 emerson07

On 14th draw, EXIT 9C 30 --- EXIT to go out [v]
Other moves: IBEX 4K 28, XI F10 27, EXIT 4K 24, EX 7E 22, EX 9C 22
EXIT 4K 24 iwhist, rn.roselle
EXIT 12J 22 charmz
XI 12G 22 ksong
XI 9N 21 Stranger, renmar
REX 2A 20 annelhynz
LUX 11J 20 jimbo
BEIGE N4 10 spellcheck
RITE 2A 8 emerson07

On 15th draw, WEFT 12I 25 --- WEFT a woven fabric or garment [n] --- WEFT to weave fabric [v]
Other moves: GOWF 3D 24, WOOF G3 24, FLOW 11I 20, GOOF G3 20, OF 3C 20
WEFT 12I 25 Stranger, rn.roselle, ksong
FLOW 11I 20 charmz, jimbo
WOE N6 14 iwhist
ROW 2A 12 annelhynz
WET 12I 11 renmar

On 16th draw, REGLOW 2A 36 --- GLOW to emit light and heat [v] --- REGLOW to glow again [v]
Other moves: OVEL 3C 27, VEGO M11 27, LEVO M11 25, OVEL M10 25, VEG M11 25
OLE 11I 22 Stranger, ksong
WOOL G3 18 rn.roselle
VOWED O4 16 charmz
OWE 13L 14 iwhist
WOE N6 14 renmar
OWE 4K 14 annelhynz
VOWEL N5 13 jimbo
GLOWED O3 12 spellcheck

On 17th draw, JOBE 1E 53 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other moves: HOA 6F 31, JEE M11 31, H*B* M11 29, JEE N6 26, JOB 1E 26
JOBE 1E 53 Stranger, rn.roselle, renmar, annelhynz, ksong
JOB 1E 26 iwhist
JOE N6 26 charmz
JOBS K2 13 jimbo
HEED O5 8 spellcheck

On 18th draw, KIEVE M10 35 --- KIEVE a large tub [n]
Other moves: KUEH M10 33, KHI 7F 29, LEEK 11J 28, LIEVE 11J 28, HIKE 2H 26
HIKE 2H 26 annelhynz, renmar
LIE 11J 18 iwhist
HIKED O4 17 charmz, jimbo, ksong, spellcheck
UKE 4K 16 Stranger
EKE 13L 16 rn.roselle

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