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Game of July 14, 2011 at 14:14, 11 players
1. 652 pts rn.roselle
2. 575 pts reyna
3. 501 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?iiilpr   H7    20    20   riflip
 2. adefkst  11E    44    64   fadiest
 3. aejntvw  12D    36   100   jaw
 4. fgimnos   7F    69   169   formings
 5. alnoopt   6A    72   241   platoon
 6. adeehno   B2    74   315   enhaloed
 7. ceeimnu   A1    49   364   emic
 8. aenrsuz   8A    72   436   seaze
 9. aabcehi  13C    39   475   caba
10. einoruu   C1    27   502   rune
11. ?adilqr   6J    72   574   quair
12. abetuxy  10J    40   614   eutaxy
13. eorruwy  14F    36   650   yowe
14. diknosv   O6    59   709   skivy
15. beilott  15G    48   757   betoil
16. dennorv   4A    38   795   chevroned
17. ehilnru  14A    31   826   elhi
18. deggnou  13I    80   906   gudgeon

Remaining tiles: irrttu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6405 Filern.roselle  4 17:21  -254  652     1.6405 rn.roselle  4 17:21  -254  652 
  2.6517 Filereyna       1 20:28  -331  575     2.6517 reyna       1 20:28  -331  575 
  3.5453 Fileannelhynz   1 20:25  -405  501     3.6216 ksong       1 23:35  -427  479 
  4.5868 FileHasni       1 20:01  -420  486     4.6722 woofy1      2 19:44  -452  454 
  5.6216 Fileksong       1 23:35  -427  479     5.6250 shanice     0  1:52  -861   45 
  6.5778 Fileagatelane   1 18:18  -437  469            Group: novice
  7.6722 Filewoofy1      2 19:44  -452  454     1.5453 annelhynz   1 20:25  -405  501 
  8.5724 Filesherrymoon  0 17:11  -467  439     2.5868 Hasni       1 20:01  -420  486 
  9.  -  FileThuwal      1 20:41  -532  374     3.5778 agatelane   1 18:18  -437  469 
 10.6250 Fileshanice     0  1:52  -861   45     4.5724 sherrymoon  0 17:11  -467  439 
 11.5709 Filepiyaya      0  1:24  -876   30     5.5709 piyaya      0  1:24  -876   30 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Thuwal      1 20:41  -532  374 

On 1st draw, RI(F)LIP H7 20 --- RIFLIP a fragment of DNA [n]
Other moves: PILI(S) H4 18, PIL(A)R H4 18, PIL(E)I H4 18, PIL(E)R H4 18, PIRL(S) H4 18
PLI(E)R H4 18 reyna
PIL(E)R H4 18 ksong, rn.roselle
P(A)IR H8 10 agatelane
RIP H7 10 Thuwal

On 2nd draw, FADIEST 11E 44 --- FADY wearing away [adj]
Other moves: SKATED 13H 40, STAKED 13H 32, DEFATS 13C 30, FAIKED 11F 28, FISKED 11G 28
SKATED 13H 40 reyna, rn.roselle
FAKED I11 27 ksong, annelhynz
FASTED I3 21 agatelane
FEAST 13E 18 Thuwal

On 3rd draw, JAW 12D 36 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other tops: J*W 12D 36
Other moves: VAWTE 12A 35, JAWAN F10 33, JANE 10B 32, NAVEW 12B 32, JAVA F10 30
J*W 12D 36 rn.roselle
JAW 12D 36 annelhynz, reyna
JAVA F10 30 agatelane
JAW F10 29 Thuwal, ksong
JA F10 25 Hasni

On 4th draw, FORMINGS 7F 69 --- FORMING the process of forming [n]
Other moves: FILM 10F 41, FILO 10F 37, FIL 10F 34, FIGOS 13A 33, FINOS 13A 31
FOG 13C 30 annelhynz, Thuwal, Hasni, reyna, sherrymoon
FON 13C 27 rn.roselle
FORMINGS 7F 19 agatelane
MO 13C 17 ksong

On 5th draw, PLATOON 6A 72 --- PLATOON to alternate with another player at the same position [v]
Other moves: NOPALITO J2 64, NOPAL 13C 39, NOTAL 13C 33, TONAL 13C 33, POLO 10F 31
PLOAT 13A 29 annelhynz
PAL 10F 28 reyna, ksong
TOP 13C 27 rn.roselle
PLOT 13B 27 sherrymoon
POT 13C 25 Hasni, Thuwal
PLATOON 6A 22 agatelane

On 6th draw, ENHALOED B2 74 --- ENHALO to surround with a halo [v]
Other moves: DONAH 13C 47, HOPED A4 45, HOAED 13C 43, HONED 13C 43, DAPHNE A4 42
HOPED A4 45 reyna, rn.roselle, sherrymoon
HONED 13C 43 woofy1
HADE 13C 38 ksong, annelhynz
PHONED A6 36 Hasni
HONE 13C 35 Thuwal
SHADE M7 10 agatelane

On 7th draw, EMIC A1 49 --- EMIC analysed linguistically by internal structure [adj]
Other moves: UMPIE A4 48, MINCE A8 45, NEUMIC A8 42, MICE A8 39, MIC A8 36
MINCE A8 45 rn.roselle, shanice
MICE A8 39 annelhynz
CHIME 4A 30 Hasni
MIL 10F 28 agatelane
CEL 10F 28 woofy1
MEE A1 19 sherrymoon
ME A2 10 ksong

On 8th draw, SEAZE 8A 72 --- SEAZE to grasp suddenly [v]
Other tops: SENZA 8A 72
Other moves: SUZERAIN J1 71, NAZES A8 54, RAZES A8 54, NAZE A8 48, RAZE A8 48
RAZES A8 54 woofy1
REZ A8 45 annelhynz
ZEAS 8A 42 rn.roselle
ZEES 8A 42 ksong, reyna, sherrymoon, Hasni
ZINE J6 33 agatelane
NARE 13C 29 Thuwal

On 9th draw, CABA 13C 39 --- CABA a woman's work basket [n]
Other moves: HALE 10F 37, HILA 10F 37, ABAC 13D 34, BAH 13C 34, CHECHIA 4A 34
HALE 10F 37 reyna, woofy1, rn.roselle
BAH 13C 34 agatelane, Hasni, annelhynz
CAB 13C 31 Thuwal, sherrymoon
ACHES M3 20 ksong

On 10th draw, RUNE C1 27 --- RUNE a letter of an ancient alphabet [n]
Other moves: UNI C2 25, CHORINE 4A 24, DRONE 9B 23, PROINE 12H 22, CHINE 4A 20
DRONE 9B 23 rn.roselle, reyna
CHORE 4A 20 ksong
ONE 9D 16 woofy1
ORE 9D 16 Thuwal
ROUGE L4 14 agatelane
RUEING L2 14 sherrymoon
REINS M3 10 Hasni
OUR 12K 8 annelhynz

On 11th draw, Q(U)AIR 6J 72 --- QUAIR a twentieth part of a ream [n]
Other tops: Q(U)AIL 6J 72
Other moves: Q(U)AI 6J 69, Q(U)A 6J 66, QI 6J 64, Q(I) 6J 62, QI(B)LAS J6 36
Q(U)AIL 6J 72 woofy1, Hasni, rn.roselle
QI 6J 64 annelhynz, agatelane, sherrymoon, reyna
Q(U)IDS M3 28 ksong

On 12th draw, EUTAXY 10J 40 --- EUTAXY good order [n]
Other moves: YEX 14F 39, BYTE 5K 38, YBET 14F 35, YATE 14F 33, YAE 14F 32
BY 5K 29 rn.roselle, woofy1, reyna
TAX 12J 24 Hasni
AXE 12K 22 annelhynz
ZAX D8 19 sherrymoon
EXIST M4 12 agatelane
AXIS M4 11 ksong

On 13th draw, YOWE 14F 36 --- YOWE a ewe [n]
Other tops: WET D4 36, WOT D4 36, WRYER O8 36
Other moves: YEW 14F 35, YOW 14F 35, YORE 14F 33, YOUR 14F 33, CHEWY 4A 32
WRYER O8 36 agatelane, rn.roselle, ksong
YOWE 14F 36 woofy1
YOW 14F 35 reyna
WEY O8 27 annelhynz, Thuwal
YO 9M 27 Hasni
RORY O7 21 sherrymoon

On 14th draw, SKIVY O6 59 --- SKIVY inclined to slack off [adj]
Other moves: SINKY O6 50, VISON O4 50, SNOD 15F 46, IKON 9L 40, KON 9M 37
SINKY O6 50 Hasni, ksong
SNOD 15F 46 rn.roselle
KON 9M 37 woofy1
DONS 15G 35 sherrymoon
NODS 15G 35 reyna
VINY O7 30 agatelane
KO 5E 30 annelhynz
SON 15G 28 Thuwal

On 15th draw, BETOIL 15G 48 --- BETOIL to weary with toil [v]
Other tops: BOLETI 15G 48, BOTTLE 15G 48
Other moves: BOTEL 15G 42, BOTTE 15G 42, BELT 15G 39, BOET 15G 39, BOLE 15G 39
BOTTLE 15G 48 Thuwal
BELT 15G 39 reyna, rn.roselle
BOLT 15G 39 Hasni
BE 15G 31 ksong
OE 15H 23 sherrymoon
BATTLE M9 22 agatelane, annelhynz
BI 11M 17 woofy1

On 16th draw, CHEVRONED 4A 38 --- CHEVRONED
Other tops: VENDOR 13I 38
Other moves: CHEVERON 4A 34, CHEVRON 4A 30, CHEVEN 4A 28, CHEVRE 4A 28, VANNED M9 28
VENDOR 13I 38 rn.roselle
VANNED M9 28 agatelane, woofy1
DAVEN M9 22 reyna
DOVER N2 18 ksong, sherrymoon
DO 5E 18 annelhynz
DRAG L4 12 Thuwal

On 17th draw, ELHI 14A 31 --- ELHI pertaining to school grades 1 through 12 [adj]
Other tops: LEHR 14A 31
Other moves: EH 5D 28, HAILER M9 26, HALERU M9 26, HAULER M9 26, HALER M9 24
HAULER M9 26 agatelane
HAILER M9 26 woofy1, ksong
HIRE 3F 23 Hasni
HERE H1 21 Thuwal
HIRE H1 21 rn.roselle
HERN 14K 21 sherrymoon
REH 14A 19 reyna
HAIL M9 11 annelhynz

On 18th draw, GUDGEON 13I 80 --- GUDGEON to dupe [v]
Other moves: NOGGED A10 33, DOE 15A 31, EGGED A11 30, GONGED A10 30, GOUGED A10 30
NOGGED A10 33 reyna
DOE 15A 31 rn.roselle, woofy1
GOUGED A10 30 sherrymoon
EGGED A11 30 agatelane, piyaya
GONGED A10 30 ksong
DOEN A12 21 annelhynz
GONE 3F 19 Hasni
GED A13 15 Thuwal

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