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Game of July 14, 2011 at 17:16, 8 players
1. 460 pts jeff
2. 361 pts sunshine12
3. 355 pts Thuwal

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. einprst   H2    74    74   nipters
 2. ??fhllv   3G    30   104   vialful
 3. eiortux   4L    42   146   roux
 4. aaesttv   N3    28   174   suave
 5. aadeelm   O7    37   211   mealed
 6. adegopr   5E   101   312   portaged
 7. ehiorsy   M7    98   410   hosiery
 8. cefnotu   8A   101   511   confutes
 9. adeinot   A8    86   597   catenoid
10. deinnot  12F    72   669   indentor
11. aabclru   6C    28   697   crab
12. aaeiisw   L7    33   730   awes
13. behilqt   J2    26   756   blight
14. aegjnrw   4F    30   786   jap
15. agiotuw  H10    33   819   godwit
16. aiilnou  B10    28   847   aloin
17. agimqry   D8    34   881   faqir
18. eikmuyz  J10    49   930   zinky

Remaining tiles: eegmuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6817 Filejeff        3 12:20  -470  460     1.6817 jeff        3 12:20  -470  460 
  2.6726 Filesunshine12  0 20:19  -569  361     2.6726 sunshine12  0 20:19  -569  361 
  3.5436 FileThuwal      0 18:49  -575  355     3.6600 Davina      0 10:18  -679  251 
  4.6600 FileDavina      0 10:18  -679  251     4.6747 SuperH      1  4:29  -723  207 
  5.6747 FileSuperH      1  4:29  -723  207            Group: novice
  6.5118 Filejimbo       0  4:46  -801  129     1.5436 Thuwal      0 18:49  -575  355 
  7.5635 FileBouncingS   0  6:35  -820  110     2.5118 jimbo       0  4:46  -801  129 
  8.5602 Filenarisa      0  0:22  -910   20     3.5635 BouncingS   0  6:35  -820  110 
                                             4.5602 narisa      0  0:22  -910   20 

On 1st draw, NIPTERS H2 74 --- NIPTER ceremonial washing of the feet [n]
Other tops: PTERINS H4 74
Other moves: NIPTERS H3 70, NIPTERS H4 70, NIPTERS H6 70, NIPTERS H7 70, NIPTERS H8 70
PRINTS H4 22 jeff
PRIEST H4 22 Davina, sunshine12
SPRINT H3 22 Thuwal
PINES H4 20 narisa

On 2nd draw, VI(A)LF(U)L 3G 30 --- VIALFUL as much as a vial can hold [n]
Other tops: H(O)(U)F G3 30
Other moves: FLE(S)HL(Y) 6F 27, FLE(C)H(E) 6F 26, FLE(S)H 6F 26, FLE(S)H(Y) 6F 26, H(A)LFL(I)N 2B 26
F(E)(E)L I3 24 jeff
F(A)(E) I3 21 Davina
FIV(E)(S) 3G 17 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, ROUX 4L 42 --- ROUX a mixture of butter and flour [n]
Other moves: OXER 2K 37, FIXTURE K3 34, FIXURE K3 32, FOXIER K3 32, FRUTEX K3 32
FOX K3 26 jeff, sunshine12
EX 2K 22 Thuwal

On 4th draw, SUAVE N3 28 --- SUAVE sophisticated and smoothly affable [adj]
Other moves: VEST 5K 21, VETS 5K 21, AVES 5J 19, SUTTA N3 19, VAES 5J 19
TAXES O2 12 sunshine12, jeff
SAXE O2 11 Thuwal

On 5th draw, MEALED O7 37 --- MEAL to cover with a grain [v]
Other moves: LEAMED O7 35, MAAED O7 28, MEDAL O7 28, MEDLE O7 28, ADEEM O7 26
MEALED O7 37 jeff
MEDAL O7 28 sunshine12
LAMED O7 26 Thuwal

On 6th draw, PORTAGED 5E 101 --- PORTAGE to transport from one navigable waterway to another [v]
Other moves: DRAGROPE 7D 65, PROGRADE 7D 65, PORTAGE 5E 40, APODE N10 31, ADORE N10 26
PAGED N11 25 SuperH
GAPED M7 22 jeff
GRAPED M7 21 Thuwal
GROPED 12J 20 Davina
GRAPED 12J 20 sunshine12
PRATED 5E 18 BouncingS

On 7th draw, HOSIERY M7 98 --- HOSIERY stockings or socks [n]
Other moves: HOSIERY I8 70, HOSEY 6B 44, HORSEY 6A 39, HEY 6D 34, HOY 6D 34
HORSEY 6A 39 Thuwal
HEY 6D 34 jeff
HOY 6D 34 SuperH
HORSY N11 30 Davina
PHORESY E5 30 BouncingS
HEY N9 25 sunshine12

On 8th draw, CONFUTES 8A 101 --- CONFUTE to disprove [v]
Other moves: CONFUTER 12F 78, OUTFENCE 11F 76, CONFUTER 7A 65, FEEN 6F 32, FEET 6F 32
FEET 6F 32 jeff
OF 6E 30 SuperH, Davina
FUNCTOR 12G 26 BouncingS
COUNTER 12G 20 Thuwal
FE 11L 5 sunshine12

On 9th draw, CATENOID A8 86 --- CATENOID a geometric surface [n]
CATENOID A8 36 BouncingS
DEAN L10 24 jeff
NOTED 6B 23 Davina
TOED 6C 20 SuperH
NEAT N11 20 Thuwal
DETAIN 6A 19 sunshine12

On 10th draw, INDENTOR 12F 72 --- INDENTOR one that indents [n]
Other moves: IDENT B10 31, TONDI B11 27, TONED L11 27, DONNE B11 26, DONNE L11 26
TONED 6B 23 sunshine12
DENT L11 22 jeff
TEND B11 22 SuperH
TEND L11 21 Thuwal
DINNER 12H 18 Davina

On 11th draw, CRAB 6C 28 --- CRAB to complain [v]
Other moves: CAB 6D 27, ABA L7 26, LAB 6D 25, AB 6E 24, CLUB 4C 24
CRAB 6C 28 jeff, SuperH
DARB H12 21 sunshine12, Thuwal

On 12th draw, AWES L7 33 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other moves: AWA L7 30, AWE L7 30, WADIES H10 30, WEISE 11I 29, AWES 11H 28
WADIES H10 30 jimbo
ADAWS H11 27 sunshine12
DEWS H12 24 SuperH, jeff
EASY 13J 13 Thuwal

On 13th draw, BLIGHT J2 26 --- BLIGHT to cause decay [v]
Other moves: BLITHE F10 25, QI 11F 24, BETH 11C 23, HIE 11I 23, LITHE 11C 23
QI 11F 24 SuperH, jeff, Thuwal, sunshine12
DEBT H12 21 jimbo

On 14th draw, JAP 4F 30 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other tops: INJERA 14A 30
Other moves: JOWAR B7 28, JANE J10 27, JANN J10 27, RAWN B11 27, JAI F10 26
JANE J10 27 Davina
JAG 11D 25 jeff
JA 7B 25 Thuwal
DRAW H12 24 jimbo
J*W I11 17 sunshine12

On 15th draw, GODWIT H10 33 --- GODWIT a wading bird [n]
Other moves: WAIT 7B 31, GAIT 7B 27, DAWT H12 24, DOWT H12 24, WAI 7B 24
DOWT H12 24 sunshine12, Thuwal
D*G* H12 18 jimbo
WANG J10 16 Davina
WANT J10 15 jeff

On 16th draw, ALOIN B10 28 --- ALOIN a laxative [n]
Other moves: FINIAL D8 18, LAIN B11 18, LOIN B11 18, LOUN B11 18, NIACIN C3 18
FINAL D8 16 jeff
EON I12 12 sunshine12
XI O4 11 Thuwal

On 17th draw, FAQIR D8 34 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: YAGI 9C 31, YAM 9C 30, YAG 9C 28, YAR 9C 26, MANGY J10 25
QI G14 24 jeff, jimbo, Thuwal
QI F11 11 Davina
TRAM 15H 6 sunshine12

On 18th draw, ZINKY J10 49 --- ZINKY resembling zinc [adj]
Other moves: ZYMIC C2 42, ZINKE J10 40, ZIG 10F 33, ZINE J10 33, ZIN J10 32
ZINKY J10 49 jeff
ZIG 10F 33 Davina
ZINE J10 33 sunshine12
ZIT 15F 12 jimbo
QI 10D 11 Thuwal

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