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Game of July 14, 2011 at 22:36, 8 players
1. 487 pts sunshine12
2. 431 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 390 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acegmnt   H4    24    24   magnet
 2. ?eioort   I2    72    96   sootier
 3. ghknopu   J2    37   133   hop
 4. cegjnsy   K3    32   165   syce
 5. ainorwy  10G    28   193   nowy
 6. aaaemuw   1J    24   217   wame
 7. adeehrt  11I    82   299   earthed
 8. abeeips   O7    36   335   bipeds
 9. aginoss   F4    77   412   sagoins
10. ?acdeln  12D    87   499   elanced
11. adiloru  N10    29   528   deair
12. efirruv   L8    34   562   furtive
13. adnttuv   4A    26   588   vaunts
14. fiknoou  H12    30   618   cook
15. abfgill   8A    27   645   bailli
16. aeenrtu   A1    24   669   trave
17. defilrx  13B    45   714   refix
18. dgiloqt   H1    38   752   qi
19. elnotuz   M3    94   846   zonulet

Remaining tiles: dgiju

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6655 Filesunshine12  3 21:22  -359  487     1.6655 sunshine12  3 21:22  -359  487 
  2.6137 FileGLOBEMAN    3 21:25  -415  431     2.6137 GLOBEMAN    3 21:25  -415  431 
  3.5482 Fileiwhist      2 23:53  -456  390            Group: novice
  4.5146 Filedrabble     2 17:01  -561  285     1.5482 iwhist      2 23:53  -456  390 
  5.5258 FileThuwal      1 15:51  -562  284     2.5146 drabble     2 17:01  -561  285 
  6.4378 FileDbuggle     0 14:00  -589  257     3.5258 Thuwal      1 15:51  -562  284 
  7.5569 Filenarisa      1  2:47  -786   60     4.5569 narisa      1  2:47  -786   60 
  8.  -  Filesmithraz    0  1:08  -814   32            Group: not rated
                                             1.4378 Dbuggle     0 14:00  -589  257 
                                             2.  -  smithraz    0  1:08  -814   32 

On 1st draw, MAGNET H4 24 --- MAGNET a body that possesses the property of attracting iron [n]
Other moves: MANGE H4 22, MAGNET H3 20, MAGNET H7 20, MAGNET H8 20, MANET H4 20
MAGNET H4 24 drabble
MANGE H4 22 sunshine12
GAME H5 14 iwhist

On 2nd draw, (S)OOTIER I2 72 --- SOOTY covered with soot [adj]
Other tops: (F)OOTIER I2 72, (H)OOTIER I2 72, (R)OOTIER I2 72, (Z)OOTIER I2 72
Other moves: ROOTIE(R) I2 71, ROOTIE(R) I5 71, ROOTIE(S) I2 71, ROOTIE(S) I5 71, TOORIE(S) I2 71
RO(S)TI 10F 17 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
(S)TORE 10H 15 iwhist
TRIO(S) 10D 15 drabble

On 3rd draw, HOP J2 37 --- HOP to move by jumping on one foot [v]
Other tops: HUP J2 37
Other moves: PHON J1 36, HOG J2 35, HUG J2 35, (S)HOGUN 2I 34, HON J2 33
HOP J2 37 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
KON(S) 2F 17 iwhist
(S)PUNK 2I 16 drabble

On 4th draw, SYCE K3 32 --- SYCE a male servant in India [n]
Other tops: SYNC K3 32
Other moves: NYES K3 28, SYEN K3 28, SYNE K3 28, SCYE 10H 27, NYE K3 26
NYES 10E 25 sunshine12
SEY 10H 24 iwhist
JERSEY 8G 20 Dbuggle
JEERS 8F 12 drabble

On 5th draw, NOWY 10G 28 --- NOWY in heraldry, having convex curvature [adj]
Other tops: IRONY 10F 28
Other moves: WANY J7 27, WARY J7 27, WAY 1J 25, WRY 1J 25, ONY 10H 24
WAY 1J 25 sunshine12
YA H1 20 drabble
CRY 5K 8 iwhist
WAIT 9E 8 Dbuggle

On 6th draw, WAME 1J 24 --- WAME the belly [n]
Other moves: WEM 1J 23, WAME 11D 20, WAE 1J 19, UNMEW G9 18, AWA 11J 17
WAME 1J 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
AWE 11J 17 Thuwal
MA H1 17 drabble
MEW 9J 15 iwhist
CAME 5K 8 Dbuggle

On 7th draw, EARTHED 11I 82 --- EARTH to cover with earth (soil) [v]
Other moves: HEARTED L6 79, EARTHED L6 76, HEARTED L5 71, HEARTENED 7B 65, DEARTH N1 47
DEATH N1 29 sunshine12
DERTH N1 29 drabble, GLOBEMAN
THREE 11C 18 iwhist
EARED 11J 17 Thuwal
WHEAT I10 12 Dbuggle

On 8th draw, BIPEDS O7 36 --- BIPED an animal with two feet [n]
Other moves: BESPED O6 33, ISBA 10L 32, SABE 10L 32, ABIDES O8 30, BEE J6 30
BIPEDS O7 36 drabble
BESIDE O7 30 Dbuggle
BIPED O7 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BEADS O8 27 iwhist
SPEED O7 24 Thuwal

On 9th draw, SAGOINS F4 77 --- SAGOIN a South American monkey [n]
Other moves: SAGOIN N1 28, SANGOS N1 28, NGAIOS F5 26, GAINS F6 25, ASSIGN 12D 24
SONGS F10 23 Thuwal
SINGS N1 22 sunshine12, drabble
SING N1 20 iwhist
TOGAS L11 14 Dbuggle

On 10th draw, (E)LANCED 12D 87 --- ELANCE to throw as a lance [v]
Other tops: LA(U)NCED 12D 87, (E)NLACED 12D 87, (G)LANCED 12D 87, (I)NLACED 12D 87, (U)NLACED 12D 87
Other moves: ELANC(E)D 12D 86, ENLAC(E)D 12D 86, CAN(A)LED 12D 83, CAN(D)LED 12D 83, CAN(G)LED 12D 83
(S)CALED N1 33 iwhist
DANCE N1 27 sunshine12
CANED E1 24 drabble
AN(G)ELS 4A 12 Dbuggle
WEE I10 6 Thuwal

On 11th draw, DEAIR N10 29 --- DEAIR to remove air from [v]
Other moves: ADORE N7 23, AULOI E5 23, DOLIA N1 23, DOUAR N1 23, DOULA N1 23
DURAL N1 23 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
CARD H12 21 drabble
CLAD H12 21 iwhist
DIAL N1 21 Thuwal
TRIAD L11 16 Dbuggle

On 12th draw, FURTIVE L8 34 --- FURTIVE stealthy [adj]
Other moves: FIVERS 4A 32, FRITURE L8 28, CIVE H12 27, CUIF H12 27, CURF H12 27
FIVERS 4A 32 drabble, GLOBEMAN
CIVE H12 27 sunshine12
VIRTUE L8 26 Dbuggle
FIVE 13A 21 Thuwal, iwhist
FIRES 4B 16 narisa

On 13th draw, VAUNTS 4A 26 --- VAUNT to brag [v]
Other moves: DANT E5 23, DAUNT N1 23, DUNT E5 23, VATU E3 23, TUND E5 22
VAUNTS 4A 26 iwhist
DAUNT N1 23 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
DUNT N1 21 Thuwal
GIVEN 6H 17 drabble
VANS 4C 14 narisa

On 14th draw, COOK H12 30 --- COOK to prepare food by heating [v]
Other tops: CONK H12 30
Other moves: KUFI 13B 28, COIF H12 27, CONF H12 27, COOF H12 27, CUIF H12 27
COOK H12 30 GLOBEMAN, narisa, sunshine12
CONK H12 30 iwhist
KNIFE 14H 14 Dbuggle

On 15th draw, BAILLI 8A 27 --- BAILLI a magistrate [n]
Other moves: FLAB 13C 25, FAB N6 24, VILLA A4 24, FAG M7 23, FAG N6 22
FLAB E11 18 Dbuggle, iwhist
FA N6 17 sunshine12
BLEAR 14J 13 Thuwal

On 16th draw, TRAVE A1 24 --- TRAVE a frame for confining a horse [n]
Other tops: NAEVE A1 24, NERVE A1 24, REAVE A1 24
Other moves: EREV A1 21, ERUV A1 21, ENTERA N2 20, AEON 13F 19, ENTERA M3 19
TRAVE A1 24 Thuwal
NEAT N5 12 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ELATE E11 10 iwhist
ALERT E11 10 Dbuggle

On 17th draw, REFIX 13B 45 --- FIX to repair [v] --- REFIX to fix again [v]
Other moves: FLIX 13C 40, XI 3C 38, EX 7B 36, FLEX 13A 36, FLIX 13A 36
EX 7B 36 Thuwal, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
FIXED C7 28 Dbuggle
EX 9A 22 iwhist

On 18th draw, QI H1 38 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: DIGLOT N1 31, QUID C3 28, QUOD C3 28, QUIT C3 26, DOILT N1 23
QUID C3 28 Thuwal, iwhist, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
QUIT C3 26 Dbuggle

On 19th draw, ZONULET M3 94 --- ZONULET a small belt or girdle [n]
Other moves: LUTZ E2 48, AZO 3A 39, ZOL N6 38, TOUZLE M3 37, ZEALOT B6 37
ZEAL B6 33 Thuwal, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ZOA B6 32 smithraz
ZIT C7 23 iwhist
ZONE 14G 15 Dbuggle

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