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Game of July 15, 2011 at 00:52, 10 players
1. 496 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 495 pts sunshine12
3. 389 pts Thuwal

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cefgips   H4    28    28   fices
 2. ?aadiil   8H    77   105   sialidan
 3. aeiknot   K5    44   149   kaoline
 4. adeinnt   H1    42   191   edifices
 5. ?enorty   2H    88   279   drystone
 6. adeelru   1L    28   307   alee
 7. aeinorz   J6    65   372   zoa
 8. aelnoos  12I    78   450   alsoone
 9. diimmno  N10    30   480   minim
10. ehijrtw  13L    37   517   whir
11. aeiprrs  15H    90   607   rapiers
12. eegilov   L4    33   640   vig
13. egnottu  10D    65   705   ungotten
14. orstuuw   E5    28   733   outruns
15. adnrttu   8A    27   760   tundra
16. delnpwy   B8    44   804   unweldy
17. ceefgho   D3    33   837   echoed
18. aabjptv   F2    37   874   jaap

Remaining tiles: bbfgqrtvx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6148 FileGLOBEMAN    3 22:31  -378  496     1.6148 GLOBEMAN    3 22:31  -378  496 
  2.6646 Filesunshine12  3 20:08  -379  495     2.6646 sunshine12  3 20:08  -379  495 
  3.5217 FileThuwal      0 16:49  -485  389     3.6200 ksong       1 17:19  -532  342 
  4.5570 Fileslebbarc    1 22:10  -506  368     4.6645 monthree    0 10:08  -693  181 
  5.6200 Fileksong       1 17:19  -532  342            Group: novice
  6.  -  Filelingo0407   0 24:47  -576  298     1.5217 Thuwal      0 16:49  -485  389 
  7.5731 Filesherrymoon  1 11:12  -622  252     2.5570 slebbarc    1 22:10  -506  368 
  8.6645 Filemonthree    0 10:08  -693  181     3.5731 sherrymoon  1 11:12  -622  252 
  9.4195 Filepickrose    0 10:58  -700  174            Group: not rated
 10.4762 Filetonikay     0  1:15  -842   32     1.  -  lingo0407   0 24:47  -576  298 
                                             2.4195 pickrose    0 10:58  -700  174 
                                             3.4762 tonikay     0  1:15  -842   32 

On 1st draw, FICES H4 28 --- FICE a small dog of mixed breed [n]
Other moves: SEPIC H8 24, FICES H8 22, EPICS H4 20, EPICS H8 20, FICES H5 20
FICES H4 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
SPICE H8 20 Thuwal
SPICE H4 20 ksong
SPICE H5 18 slebbarc
FIGS H8 16 pickrose
PIG H6 12 lingo0407

On 2nd draw, SIALIDA(N) 8H 77 --- SIALIDAN an alderfly [n]
Other moves: DIA(R)IAL G7 68, DIA(R)IAL I7 68, A(E)CIDIAL 6F 66, AE(C)IDIAL 7G 60, (B)ASIDIAL 8F 59
AF(R)AID 4G 18 slebbarc
FAIL(E)D 4H 18 Thuwal, ksong
DALI G7 15 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ID(E)AL 5H 10 pickrose

On 3rd draw, KAOLINE K5 44 --- KAOLINE a fine white clay [n]
Other tops: ANTLIKE K5 44, OATLIKE K5 44
Other moves: TAKEN 7J 26, TAKIN 7J 26, ATOKE 7K 25, EKE 7H 25, KENOTIC 6B 25
EKE 7H 25 lingo0407
TANKED M3 24 ksong, slebbarc
CAKE 6H 20 Thuwal
KIT G3 19 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
LINK K8 16 pickrose

On 4th draw, EDIFICES H1 42 --- EDIFICE a building [n]
Other moves: TINEID L4 27, DENTIN L1 26, DETAIN L1 26, ANDANTE N8 24, INEDITA L8 23
TAD L4 17 sunshine12
DIN L4 16 lingo0407
AIDE I1 12 ksong
DICE 6F 11 Thuwal
DATA 6J 9 slebbarc
DI(N)E O6 4 pickrose

On 5th draw, DRY(S)TONE 2H 88 --- DRYSTONE built from stones without using mortar [adj]
Other moves: ENOR(M)ITY L3 86, (B)ARYTONE N7 86, T(H)RENODY M2 82, (N)O(N)ENTRY O8 80, (N)ONE(N)TRY O8 77
RET(R)Y L1 25 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
TR(A)Y L3 22 ksong
TOY L3 21 lingo0407
YA 6J 13 Thuwal
ENTRY 1H 12 pickrose

On 6th draw, ALEE 1L 28 --- ALEE toward the side of a vessel sheltered from the wind [adv]
Other moves: LEADER O1 27, LAD 1M 25, LED 1M 25, LUD 1M 25, DEALER O1 24
LEADER O1 27 ksong, Thuwal
REDEAL O1 24 pickrose, slebbarc
DEALER O1 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
READ O1 21 lingo0407

On 7th draw, ZOA J6 65 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: ADONIZE M7 38, ZANIER 6J 37, ZOARIA N6 37, ZAIRE 6J 36, ZOAEA N6 36
ZOA J6 65 ksong, slebbarc, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
ZA 6J 31 Thuwal, lingo0407
ZONER 10I 16 pickrose

On 8th draw, ALSOONE 12I 78 --- ALSOONE as soon [adv]
Other moves: LANOSE 12G 26, LOOSEN 12H 26, ALSOON 12I 24, EAS L4 24, LAS L4 24
LOOSEN 12H 26 ksong
NOS L4 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
LAS L4 24 sherrymoon
SLOAN 12K 24 Thuwal
SOLO 12K 20 lingo0407
LOANS 12G 18 slebbarc
NOONS 10K 7 pickrose

On 9th draw, MINIM N10 30 --- MINIM a unit of liquid measure [n]
Other moves: MINION N10 28, MOM 13M 28, MIM G3 26, MOM G3 26, MOD 13M 25
MOM 13M 28 ksong, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
DEMON O11 24 pickrose
MIM 13G 20 Thuwal
MOM 13G 20 sherrymoon
MI 13I 16 lingo0407
MAID I11 8 slebbarc

On 10th draw, WHIR 13L 37 --- WHIR to move with a buzzing sound [v]
Other tops: HEW 3K 37, WHIT 13L 37
Other moves: J*W 13G 34, HEJRA N4 31, HIJRA N4 31, REWTH 13E 28, TEW 3K 28
J*W 13G 34 slebbarc, Thuwal, sherrymoon, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HIE 13M 24 ksong
JAW I11 17 pickrose

On 11th draw, RAPIERS 15H 90 --- RAPIER a long, slender sword [n]
Other tops: PARRIES 15H 90, REPAIRS 15H 90
Other moves: ASPIRER 13C 75, PARRIES 13C 75, PRAISER 13C 75, RAPIERS 13C 75, RASPIER 13C 75
PRAISE 15J 37 sunshine12
PRASE 15K 34 sherrymoon
PARSE 15K 34 Thuwal
RASP 15L 31 slebbarc, monthree
RAP L4 30 ksong
ERAS O12 16 lingo0407
LOPES M1 14 pickrose

On 12th draw, VIG L4 33 --- VIG short form of vigorish, a charge paid to a bookie on a bet [n]
Other moves: LIG L4 27, LOG L4 27, GEL 3M 22, VEGO 13G 21, GLOVE 11E 20
VIG L4 33 sherrymoon, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
LOG L4 27 Thuwal, lingo0407, ksong, monthree
VOILE 11E 18 slebbarc
LOVE M1 14 pickrose

On 13th draw, UNGOTTEN 10D 65 --- UNGOTTEN not obtained [adj]
Other moves: GEN 3M 22, TENUTO 14E 20, GEO G3 18, GET G3 18, GONEF 4D 18
GOT G3 18 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
GOTTEN 14D 13 slebbarc
GOUT 14F 13 monthree
TOG 13G 12 Thuwal
TUG 13G 12 sherrymoon
VOTE 4L 8 lingo0407

On 14th draw, OUTRUNS E5 28 --- OUTRUN to run faster than [v]
Other moves: STROW 13E 22, STOUR 11C 21, STOW 13F 21, TROW 13F 21, TWO 13H 21
STROW 13E 22 monthree, Thuwal, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
TROW 13F 21 sherrymoon
SUD M6 19 ksong
WURST D9 16 slebbarc
WONT E8 14 lingo0407

On 15th draw, TUNDRA 8A 27 --- TUNDRA a level, treeless expanse of arctic land [n]
Other moves: DUAR 14I 25, TUNDRA F2 20, DAUNT D1 18, DAUNT F2 18, DRANT D1 18
DRANT D1 18 sherrymoon
RAND 13F 13 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
TAD 13G 12 monthree
TRUANT 13D 11 slebbarc
TAD D3 11 lingo0407

On 16th draw, UNWELDY B8 44 --- UNWELDY awkward [adj]
Other moves: WYLED D1 35, DEWY D3 32, PYNED D1 31, PYNED D4 31, WEN 3M 30
NEWLY 13E 28 Thuwal
YEP F4 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, monthree
YEW 13G 26 sherrymoon
PLY D3 21 lingo0407
PIE 3G 12 slebbarc

On 17th draw, ECHOED D3 33 --- ECHO to produce an echo [v]
Other moves: FEH F4 32, FOH F4 32, HOA F6 29, EH F5 28, HOG G3 28
FOH F4 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
CHEF 14F 25 monthree
FE A14 23 Thuwal
OH A14 20 lingo0407
HIE 3G 14 slebbarc

On 18th draw, JAAP F2 37 --- JAAP an ignorant fool (South African) [n]
Other moves: JAAP F3 36, JAVA F2 36, JAAP 14F 35, JAP F4 35, JAB C1 32
JAAP 14F 35 slebbarc, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
JAB C1 32 tonikay
JAB 13G 30 sherrymoon
ABA A13 25 monthree, Thuwal
BA A14 19 lingo0407

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