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Game of July 15, 2011 at 04:38, 3 players
1. 573 pts agatelane
2. 332 pts kellybelly
3. 143 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeelln   H8    64    64   nacelle
 2. inooqrt   G7    23    87   qi
 3. abeehor  13C    24   111   herbal
 4. moprttu  12A    35   146   prom
 5. aaenstt   A8   140   286   antepast
 6. fgkorty  E11    39   325   forky
 7. ?egiotu   B2    70   395   outgive
 8. aacentv   F8    23   418   tava
 9. adnoors  12H    70   488   lardoons
10. aeeorsv   O8   149   637   overseas
11. cdeentx   2A    70   707   coextend
12. giilmnw   1H    27   734   iwi
13. clooprt   M6    78   812   protocol
14. efgijmn   2J    47   859   feign
15. aegjrsy  15D    57   916   gyrase
16. bdehiln   1C    29   945   heid
17. diilmnw   C1    24   969   hem
18. bdijluu   L8    43  1012   jib
19. diiluwy   A1    32  1044   icy
20. dinuuwz  J12    32  1076   riz
21. dlnuuuw  N10    24  1100   dun

Remaining tiles: lnuuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5723 Fileagatelane   3 21:39  -527  573     1.7224 kellybelly  0  8:36  -768  332 
  2.7224 Filekellybelly  0  8:36  -768  332            Group: novice
  3.5167 Filejimbo       1  5:30  -957  143     1.5723 agatelane   3 21:39  -527  573 
                                             2.5167 jimbo       1  5:30  -957  143 

On 1st draw, NA(C)ELLE H8 64 --- NACELLE a shelter on an aircraft [n]
Other tops: NA(C)ELLE H3 64, NA(C)ELLE H4 64, NA(C)ELLE H6 64, NA(C)ELLE H7 64
Other moves: NA(C)ELLE H2 62, NA(C)ELLE H5 62, ALLEE H4 12, ALLEE H8 12, ALLEE(S) H3 12
LEANE(R) H4 12 jimbo

On 2nd draw, QI G7 23 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QAT 9G 23
Other moves: QINTAR 9D 17, TRANQ 9F 16, LORIOT 13H 14, LOTION 13H 14, NOIR I11 14
QI G7 23 jimbo
QAT 9G 23 agatelane

On 3rd draw, HERBAL 13C 24 --- HERBAL a book about herbs and plants [n]
Other moves: BOHEA F8 23, HERBAL 12C 22, ABHOR F8 21, BAH F8 21, BOH F8 21
ABHOR F8 21 agatelane
RHINO 8E 8 jimbo

On 4th draw, PROM 12A 35 --- PROM a formal dance [n]
Other tops: MOUP 12A 35
Other moves: MOP 12B 27, P*M 12B 27, POUR 12A 27, POUT 12A 27, ROUM 12A 27
TUMOR E9 14 jimbo
MOUTH C9 13 agatelane

On 5th draw, ANTEPAST A8 140 --- ANTEPAST an appetizer [n]
Other moves: ATLANTES 12F 72, (C)ANTATES 10H 61, (C)ASTANET 10H 61, ANSATE 15F 39, ANTAS 15D 39
STENT 15H 39 jimbo
TEATS 15D 39 kellybelly
STATE 15H 39 agatelane

On 6th draw, FORKY E11 39 --- FORKY resembling a fork [adj]
Other moves: FORKY I5 36, ROKY I6 32, FORK E11 31, FORTY E11 31, FRORY E10 31
FORKY I5 36 agatelane
(C)OKY 10H 20 kellybelly
BOK F13 11 jimbo

On 7th draw, OUTGI(V)E B2 70 --- OUTGIVE to give more than [v]
Other moves: GOUTIE(R) B2 69, TOUG(H)IE B2 66, TOUG(H)IE B3 65, AGOUTIE(S) 9H 61, GUYOT(S) 15C 48
(S)TOGIE 15H 39 agatelane
YOU(S) 15E 36 jimbo
(S)UITE 15H 33 kellybelly

On 8th draw, TAVA F8 23 --- TAVA an Indian griddle [n]
Other moves: ENCAVE 11H 22, ETNA A1 22, VENA C1 22, VA(C)ANCE 10F 21, ANCE F8 20
BAA F13 20 kellybelly
VACANT I4 19 agatelane

On 9th draw, LARDOONS 12H 70 --- LARDOON a strip of bacon [n]
Other tops: GADROONS 5B 70, TANDOORS 4B 70, TORNADOS 4B 70
Other moves: NARDOOS I2 64, TARDYONS 15A 63, (C)ARDOONS 10H 62, RAYONS 15C 51, RYNDS 15D 51
YADS 15E 45 kellybelly
SAND 15H 36 agatelane

On 10th draw, OVERSEAS O8 149 --- OVERSEAS beyond or across the sea [adv]
Other moves: OVERSEAS O5 83, OVERSEA I3 70, SOEVER 15H 51, AYRES 15D 48, EYERS 15D 48
SAVER 15H 48 kellybelly
SAVOR 15H 48 agatelane

On 11th draw, COEXTEND 2A 70 --- COEXTEND to extend through the same space or time as another [v]
Other moves: DENTEX I4 44, DEX I7 42, TEX I7 40, EX 13L 38, EX I8 38
DEX I7 42 kellybelly
TUX 3A 20 agatelane

On 12th draw, IWI 1H 27 --- IWI a large Maori tribe (sometimes the whole Maori nation) [n]
Other tops: IDLING H1 27
Other moves: IWI 11K 25, COEXTENDING 2A 24, IWI 13K 24, WEM C1 24, WILDING K9 24
WILDING K9 24 kellybelly
WILING I3 20 agatelane

On 13th draw, PROTOCOL M6 78 --- PROTOCOL to form a preliminary draft of an official document [v]
Other moves: PROTOCOL M8 76, PROTOCOL L8 66, PROTOCOL L6 63, PONT N10 26, CLOOP M9 24
REPO C1 22 agatelane
BOO F13 20 kellybelly

On 14th draw, FEIGN 2J 47 --- FEIGN to pretend [v]
Other moves: JIG L8 41, JIN L8 39, JIMP 6J 31, FEM 2J 29, NIFE N12 29
JIG L8 41 kellybelly, agatelane

On 15th draw, GYRASE 15D 57 --- GYRASE an enzyme catalyst which acts on DNA [n]
Other moves: GYRES 15D 54, YAYS 15E 51, AYRES 15D 48, EYRAS 15D 48, SAYER 15H 48
JAY L8 45 agatelane

On 16th draw, HEID 1C 29 --- HEID a head [n]
Other moves: EDH I7 26, BEIN 1C 25, DIEB 3L 25, HID L8 25, BEHELD 14G 24
HEN L8 23 agatelane

On 17th draw, HEM C1 24 --- HEM to provide with an edge [v]
Other tops: UM 3B 24, WILD L1 24, WIND L1 24
Other moves: WIN L8 23, WILI L1 22, MEWL 14G 21, MID L8 21, NIDI N12 21
DIN L8 15 agatelane

On 18th draw, JIB L8 43 --- JIB to refuse to proceed further [v]
Other moves: JUD L8 41, JIRD J10 28, JUDO 10J 28, BUN N10 27, EXUL D1 27
JIB L8 43 agatelane

On 19th draw, ICY A1 32 --- ICY covered with ice [adj]
Other moves: LUNY N10 28, WILY L1 28, EXUL D1 27, DUN N10 24, WILD L1 24
DUN N10 24 agatelane

On 20th draw, RIZ J12 32 --- RISE to move upward [v]
Other moves: (C)UZ 10H 31, DUN N10 24, WIND L1 24, ZINS 15L 23, ZA 14N 22
ZA 14N 22 agatelane

On 21th draw, DUN N10 24 --- DUN of a dull brown colour [adj] --- DUN to make demands upon for payment of a debt [v]
Other tops: WILD L1 24, WIND L1 24
Other moves: KUNE 14E 20, NUN N10 18, WUD I6 13, LIND L1 12, NU 3L 12
DUN N10 24 agatelane

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