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Game of July 15, 2011 at 06:15, 9 players
1. 441 pts jimbo
2. 408 pts agatelane
3. 348 pts ayoba

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??bgrst   H4    72    72   bargest
 2. aeemnov   6E    73   145   overname
 3. aeinrtx   K2    32   177   taximen
 4. aegituw   L3    39   216   wite
 5. aeiioty   L8    33   249   yitie
 6. aaenpss  13I    83   332   paesans
 7. aacdeir   N8    80   412   radiance
 8. diilotv  15K    39   451   ivied
 9. ahnorrt  14F    35   486   torah
10. glnoruw  10A    66   552   lungwort
11. efijlor   O2   110   662   frijole
12. almnoqs   M1    34   696   mons
13. ceeilru   C3    74   770   cerulein
14. efklnoy   A8    57   827   folky
15. aadegpu  15E    45   872   gaped
16. abehlno   D8    37   909   hogen
17. abdetuz   5B    48   957   trez
18. abdoquu  10J    32   989   qat

Remaining tiles: bdlouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5149 Filejimbo       0 18:29  -548  441     1.5149 jimbo       0 18:29  -548  441 
  2.5988 Fileagatelane   3 17:08  -581  408     2.5988 agatelane   3 17:08  -581  408 
  3.4380 Fileayoba       0 21:27  -641  348     3.5657 JennyB      0 10:39  -756  233 
  4.3000 Filespellcheck  1 13:40  -715  274     4.5573 Bez         0  5:14  -897   92 
  5.5657 FileJennyB      0 10:39  -756  233            Group: not rated
  6.4483 Filecharmz      2 11:05  -792  197     1.4380 ayoba       0 21:27  -641  348 
  7.  -  FileAleighy     0 14:48  -803  186     2.3000 spellcheck  1 13:40  -715  274 
  8.5573 FileBez         0  5:14  -897   92     3.4483 charmz      2 11:05  -792  197 
  9.2898 Fileding        0  3:45  -962   27     4.  -  Aleighy     0 14:48  -803  186 
                                             5.2898 ding        0  3:45  -962   27 

On 1st draw, B(A)RG(E)ST H4 72 --- BARGEST a doglike goblin [n]
Other tops: BR(I)G(H)TS H4 72, B(O)G(A)RTS H4 72
Other moves: B(O)G(A)RTS H2 70, R(A)TB(A)GS H7 70, BR(I)G(H)TS H3 68, BR(I)G(H)TS H6 68, BR(I)G(H)TS H7 68
B(A)RG(E)ST H4 22 agatelane
GR(E)(A)TS H4 14 jimbo
B(A)GS H8 12 ayoba

On 2nd draw, OVERNAME 6E 73 --- OVERNAME to repeat the names of [v]
Other moves: VENOMER 6B 26, MEANE G5 22, OVERMAN 6E 22, OVERMEN 6E 22, VATMEN 10F 21
VENOMS 9C 18 spellcheck, agatelane, Aleighy
MOVER 6D 18 ayoba, jimbo

On 3rd draw, TAXIMEN K2 32 --- TAXIMAN the operator of a taxicab [n]
Other moves: VARIX F6 31, VITEX F6 31, BAXTER 4H 30, MATRIX K6 30, REMIXT K4 30
MATRIX K6 30 Aleighy
TAXI 10H 27 spellcheck
EXIT 10E 27 jimbo
EXIT 7K 25 ayoba
TAXERS 9C 15 agatelane

On 4th draw, WITE L3 39 --- WITE to blame [v]
Other moves: TEGU L1 35, GITE L3 33, AITU L1 32, BAUXITE 4H 32, EAU L2 28
WITE L3 39 agatelane
GI L3 27 ayoba
TWIT 10E 15 jimbo
GATEAU 3J 14 spellcheck

On 5th draw, YITIE L8 33 --- YITIE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other moves: AYE M1 24, OYE M1 24, TOEY 5B 24, TYE M1 24, YAE M1 24
TAY J1 21 agatelane
AWAY 3K 20 jimbo
TOYS 9E 11 spellcheck
EXIT 4J 11 ayoba
IVY F5 9 Aleighy

On 6th draw, PAESANS 13I 83 --- PAESAN a fellow countryman [n]
Other moves: PAESANS 11B 77, PAESANS 13F 70, PAESANS G8 69, PEASANTS 10B 68, ANAPESTS 10B 64
SPANES 11C 25 jimbo
SPANS 11D 23 ayoba
PEANS 13H 17 agatelane
SPATES 10E 16 spellcheck

On 7th draw, RADIANCE N8 80 --- RADIANCE brightness [n]
Other moves: CARDIAE 14E 74, CARDIAE 14D 72, RADICATE 10B 69, CARDIAE 14C 68, ACARIDS O7 36
CIDERS O8 30 agatelane
ARAISED O9 27 ayoba
CARIES O8 27 jimbo
RAISED O10 24 Aleighy
VICAR F6 12 spellcheck

On 8th draw, IVIED 15K 39 --- IVIED covered with ivy [adj]
Other moves: VIED 15L 36, VLEI 15L 33, LIVED 15K 30, LOVED 15K 30, OLIVET 15J 30
LOVED 15K 30 ayoba
VOTED 15K 30 agatelane, jimbo
VOLT 5B 18 JennyB
LIVID F4 9 Aleighy

On 9th draw, TORAH 14F 35 --- TORAH the body of Jewish law [n]
Other moves: NOAH 14G 32, NAH 14H 31, NOH 14H 31, RAH 14H 31, AH 14I 30
AH 14I 30 JennyB
THO I8 22 agatelane
THORN E4 16 jimbo
THRON(E) 8C 12 spellcheck
THORNS 9C 11 ayoba
TORT 10E 6 Aleighy

On 10th draw, LUNGWORT 10A 66 --- LUNGWORT a European herb [n]
Other tops: LUNGWORT 2D 66
Other moves: WRAWL 3I 30, GLOW 5B 26, GNOW 5B 26, GROW 5B 26, OWL M1 24
GROWL 5A 22 JennyB
WRONG E4 18 jimbo
GLOWS 9D 13 ayoba
GLOW(E)R 8D 11 spellcheck
LAW 3J 6 Aleighy

On 11th draw, FRIJOLE O2 110 --- FRIJOLE a bean used as food [n]
Other moves: FRIJOLE A5 51, FRIJOL A5 48, JOLLIER A7 45, JOLLIER A8 45, FOLIE O4 42
JOE O6 36 JennyB
RIFE 15E 34 agatelane
JILL A7 33 jimbo
JOLE A8 33 charmz
FOWLER E8 24 spellcheck
FOIL A7 21 ayoba

On 12th draw, MONS M1 34 --- MONS a protuberance of the body [n]
Other tops: MALS M1 34, MANS M1 34, MNAS M1 34, MOAS M1 34, MOLS M1 34, QUALMS B9 34
Other moves: SLALOM A7 33, MAS M2 32, QAT 10J 32, ALS M2 28, LAS M2 28
QUALMS B9 34 agatelane, spellcheck
QAT 10J 32 JennyB
SALMON A8 27 jimbo
SWAM E9 18 charmz
MOL A8 15 ayoba
QUA B9 12 Aleighy

On 13th draw, CERULEIN C3 74 --- CERULEIN a type of dyestuff [n]
Other moves: ERE N1 30, IRE N1 30, REC 15G 30, RELIC A8 30, URE N1 30
CULLER A7 27 agatelane
CRUEL A6 21 jimbo, charmz
CORE E5 12 ayoba
GRUEL D10 12 JennyB
RELIVE F2 11 Aleighy

On 14th draw, FOLKY A8 57 --- FOLKY a performer of folk music [n] --- FOLKY down to earth [adj]
Other moves: KNOLLY A7 51, KELLY A8 48, FEY 15G 46, FELLY A8 45, FOLEY A8 45
FOLKY A8 57 charmz, agatelane
KNOLLY A7 51 jimbo
FELONY A8 39 Aleighy
FOLK A8 33 ayoba
OYE 15F 31 Bez
KEY 4B 20 spellcheck

On 15th draw, GAPED 15E 45 --- GAPE to stare with open mouth [v]
Other moves: AGAPE 15D 39, APED 15F 39, AGAPAE J4 34, PED 15G 34, GAPE 15E 33
PAGED 13C 29 jimbo
APE 15F 27 ayoba
GAUGED D10 22 spellcheck
APED B12 19 JennyB
WAGE E10 16 Bez
PAGED 15C 15 agatelane
YAP 12A 8 charmz

On 16th draw, HOGEN D8 37 --- HOGEN strong liquor [n]
Other tops: HOGAN D8 37
Other moves: BEENAH 4A 28, BOHEA G3 26, HOWBE E8 26, NOAH I6 26, OBE 11E 26
HEEL 4A 22 JennyB
HE D3 21 Bez
HOWL E8 20 jimbo
WHO E10 18 charmz
GABLE D10 16 ding
BEAN 4B 12 spellcheck
LACE 3A 6 Aleighy

On 17th draw, TREZ 5B 48 --- TREZ threepence [n]
Other moves: REZ 5C 46, ADZE J8 40, ADZ J8 39, BEDAZE G1 34, ADZE B12 33
TEAZE 4B 28 jimbo
DAZE I1 28 JennyB
ZED J1 27 agatelane
ZED 4B 26 ayoba, spellcheck
ZEA 4B 24 Bez
DEBUT 4B 16 Aleighy
ZO F9 11 ding
BOT E5 10 charmz

On 18th draw, QAT 10J 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: BUDA J1 32
Other moves: QADI 11I 28, QUAI 11I 26, BA J3 24, BURQA G8 23, DUBBO 4E 23
QAT 10J 32 charmz
QI 11K 22 jimbo
AD J2 17 ayoba
BOZO E3 15 spellcheck
QUOD F8 14 JennyB

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