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Game of July 15, 2011 at 12:59, 19 players
1. 600 pts jeff
2. 596 pts rn.roselle
3. 513 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. filoprs   H4    28    28   flips
 2. ?bimouv   G3    23    51   miaou
 3. ?eegiqt   5E    28    79   egalite
 4. afgorru   4A    27   106   grouf
 5. acddert   K4    74   180   redacted
 6. ?eimory  11D    76   256   embryoid
 7. dilnotw   8K    33   289   clown
 8. aaaehrs  H11    36   325   yeahs
 9. aeooqrs  L11    26   351   soare
10. aegjorv  15J    48   399   evejar
11. aeilotw  12A    32   431   waite
12. aadilnu  A11    27   458   dwaal
13. adinqsu  N10    72   530   qasida
14. ennrtuy  B10    41   571   yearn
15. eilnptx  I13    39   610   xi
16. abiknot   B2    42   652   borak
17. ehilnno   C3    36   688   holon
18. beginou  J10    32   720   bine
19. egotuuv   L1    26   746   vote
20. ceinptu   1K    30   776   evict
21. innptuz   6K    34   810   ditz

Remaining tiles: gnnpuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6798 Filejeff        5 17:09  -210  600     1.6798 jeff        5 17:09  -210  600 
  2.6417 Filern.roselle  4 22:52  -214  596     2.6417 rn.roselle  4 22:52  -214  596 
  3.5474 Fileiwhist      1 22:19  -297  513     3.6045 miaanne     0  4:43  -706  104 
  4.5879 FileHasni       2 17:44  -322  488     4.6225 renmar      1  4:38  -716   94 
  5.5269 Filesandy914    1 26:43  -357  453            Group: novice
  6.4164 Filegmills0     1 23:27  -400  410     1.5474 iwhist      1 22:19  -297  513 
  7.3582 Filetatiana     0 12:24  -458  352     2.5879 Hasni       2 17:44  -322  488 
  8.3660 Filespellcheck  0 26:25  -478  332     3.5269 sandy914    1 26:43  -357  453 
  9.  -  FileTMurugan    1 25:24  -485  325     4.5651 JennyB      1  7:15  -568  242 
 10.5651 FileJennyB      1  7:15  -568  242     5.5448 neyetifu    0  6:23  -679  131 
 11.5448 Fileneyetifu    0  6:23  -679  131     6.5697 piyaya      0  4:25  -695  115 
 12.5697 Filepiyaya      0  4:25  -695  115     7.5464 annelhynz   0  3:16  -718   92 
 13.6045 Filemiaanne     0  4:43  -706  104            Group: not rated
 14.6225 Filerenmar      1  4:38  -716   94     1.4164 gmills0     1 23:27  -400  410 
 15.5464 Fileannelhynz   0  3:16  -718   92     2.3582 tatiana     0 12:24  -458  352 
 16.4211 Filepickrose    0  1:52  -754   56     3.3660 spellcheck  0 26:25  -478  332 
 17.2905 Fileding        0  3:54  -779   31     4.  -  TMurugan    1 25:24  -485  325 
 18.3149 Filelaurel123   0  1:40  -794   16     5.4211 pickrose    0  1:52  -754   56 
 19.  -  Filenonks       0  1:57  -805    5     6.2905 ding        0  3:54  -779   31 
                                             7.3149 laurel123   0  1:40  -794   16 
                                             8.  -  nonks       0  1:57  -805    5 

On 1st draw, FLIPS H4 28 --- FLIP to throw with a brisk motion [v]
Other tops: FLOPS H4 28
Other moves: PROFS H4 26, FILOS H4 24, FLIRS H4 24, FLORS H4 24, FOILS H4 24
FLIPS H4 28 jeff
FLOPS H4 28 rn.roselle, renmar, Hasni, gmills0
FOILS H4 24 miaanne
FLOPS H8 22 ding
FLIPS H5 20 iwhist
FLIP H8 18 tatiana
FOILS H5 16 spellcheck
FOILS H6 16 sandy914
SPOIL H6 14 TMurugan

On 2nd draw, MI(A)OU G3 23 --- MIAOU to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: VOLUBI(L) 5F 22, VO(L)UBIL 5B 22, BIVIUM 6E 21, BO(O)M G6 21, OBII(S)M 6E 21
MOBIL(E) 5D 18 jeff
FO(R)UM 4H 18 renmar
LIMBO 5H 18 rn.roselle
MOI G6 17 Hasni
BOI G6 17 miaanne
LIMB(S) 5H 16 spellcheck
B(L)IMP 7D 13 TMurugan
LOV(E) 5H 12 tatiana
MI G3 12 iwhist, sandy914
V(E)IL 5E 12 gmills0
SOB 8H 5 ding

On 3rd draw, EG(A)LITE 5E 28 --- EGALITE the state of being equal [n]
Other tops: EG(A)LITE(S) 5E 28
Other moves: EQ(U)(A)LI 5D 26, EG(A)LIT(E) 5E 24, EG(A)LIT(Y) 5E 24, EG(A)LI(T)E 5E 24, EG(A)L(I)TE 5E 24
Q(U)(A)LE 5E 24 Hasni
EQ(U)(A)L 5D 24 rn.roselle, sandy914
SQ(U)IT 8H 14 pickrose, spellcheck
Q(U)IM 3D 14 tatiana
Q(U)OIT 6E 13 gmills0
(L)EG(A)L 5D 8 iwhist
GEM 3E 6 jeff
SEG 8H 4 ding

On 4th draw, GROUF 4A 27 --- GROUF the face [n]
Other moves: FUROR 4A 26, FOGRAM 3B 24, FUROR 4K 23, GOAF F7 22, AFRO 4J 21
FRAG 4K 21 Hasni
FROG 4K 21 jeff, neyetifu, sandy914, renmar
FOUR 4K 19 rn.roselle
FORT J2 15 pickrose, gmills0
FRAT J2 15 iwhist
GOR 4C 10 JennyB
FORGER E1 10 spellcheck
ERGO K5 5 tatiana

On 5th draw, REDACTED K4 74 --- REDACT to prepare for publication [v]
Other moves: CADGED A1 33, CADGER A1 30, GEDACT A4 30, GRACED A4 30, ARRECT B2 28
GRACED A4 30 Hasni, JennyB, jeff, iwhist, rn.roselle, miaanne, sandy914
CADGER A1 30 gmills0
GRADED A4 27 pickrose, renmar
CARDER B2 22 tatiana
GREAT A4 18 neyetifu
DRAG A1 18 TMurugan
CRATED K1 9 spellcheck

On 6th draw, EM(B)RYOID 11D 76 --- EMBRYOID a mass of tissue that resembles an embryo [n]
Other moves: REMODI(F)Y 11G 63, CYME(S) 8K 45, CYMO(L) 8K 45, CYM(A)E 8K 45, CYM(A)R 8K 45
MER(R)Y J10 36 jeff
MER(C)Y J10 36 JennyB
GRIMY A4 33 iwhist, miaanne, spellcheck, rn.roselle
YORE J10 31 neyetifu
MOR(A)Y L10 25 Hasni
G(L)ORY A4 24 sandy914
MORG(U)E A1 24 TMurugan
ME(M)ORY 10J 18 tatiana

On 7th draw, CLOWN 8K 33 --- CLOWN to act like a clown (a humorous performer) [v]
Other tops: GODWIT A4 33
Other moves: WILD 12A 30, WIND 12A 30, WOLD 12A 30, IWI J9 29, WILD J10 29
CLOWN 8K 33 TMurugan, JennyB, jeff
WILD 12A 30 neyetifu
WIND J10 29 rn.roselle
WORLD B2 26 tatiana
TWIG A1 24 iwhist
WING A1 24 sandy914
CLINT 8K 24 gmills0
TOWEL D8 18 spellcheck
WONT C3 14 Hasni

On 8th draw, YEAHS H11 36 --- YEAH an affirmative reply [n]
Other tops: HARES L1 36
Other moves: LEASH L8 34, ARRAH B2 32, HEARES 10J 32, HEARSE 10J 32, SHARE L11 32
SHARE L11 32 rn.roselle
HIRES J10 31 jeff, neyetifu, iwhist
HEARS 10J 31 tatiana
SHEAR 10I 31 JennyB
YEARS H11 27 gmills0
HEARS B1 16 Hasni
HEARS D10 16 sandy914
SHEAR D9 16 laurel123
WASHER N8 14 spellcheck
SHREW N4 13 TMurugan

On 9th draw, SOARE L11 26 --- SOARE a hawk in its first year [n]
Other moves: ALOES L7 25, LARS L8 22, LEAS L8 22, QAT 9I 22, SEAR L11 22
QAT 9I 22 JennyB
ORES L2 20 jeff
GOOSE A4 18 iwhist
ROSE 12B 16 rn.roselle
SO L5 13 sandy914
SHARE 14G 10 spellcheck, TMurugan
HORSE 14H 10 gmills0
WORSE N8 10 Hasni
ROOMS E8 7 tatiana

On 10th draw, EVEJAR 15J 48 --- EVEJAR the nightjar (a bird) [n]
Other moves: JAGGER A1 45, JOGGER A1 45, JAEGER 15J 42, JAGER D8 42, JOE 7M 42
JOE 7M 42 jeff, Hasni
JOE G13 42 rn.roselle, iwhist
JAGER D8 42 tatiana
JAW N6 29 sandy914
JAR 10B 28 JennyB
GRAVE A4 27 gmills0
AJAR 13L 22 TMurugan
GROVE B3 17 spellcheck

On 11th draw, WAITE 12A 32 --- WAITE to be on guard [v]
Other moves: THAW 14G 31, THEW 14G 31, HAW 14H 30, HEW 14H 30, HOW 14H 30
THAW 14G 31 iwhist, jeff
WILT J10 28 JennyB
WITE J10 28 rn.roselle
WALE L1 26 Hasni
WOW N6 17 tatiana, sandy914
WALE 13K 14 gmills0
WAITER O10 10 TMurugan
TA(B)LE F9 6 spellcheck

On 12th draw, DWAAL A11 27 --- DWAAL (South Africa) a state of befuddlement [n]
Other tops: LANGUID A1 27
Other moves: DALI 13C 24, UNLAW A8 24, WADI A12 24, WAID A12 24, WALD A12 24
WILD A12 24 iwhist, gmills0, sandy914
WADI A12 24 JennyB
WIND A12 24 TMurugan, rn.roselle
WAND A12 24 jeff, Hasni
DANG A1 18 tatiana
DETAIL D10 8 spellcheck

On 13th draw, QASIDA N10 72 --- QASIDA an Arabic poem of praise or mourning [n]
Other moves: QUAGS A1 45, QUAG A1 42, SQUAD 6A 42, SQUID 6A 42, QAID 6B 41
QUAGS A1 45 jeff, rn.roselle, Hasni, iwhist
QUAG A1 42 tatiana
QUOINS C2 32 gmills0
QUADS 13J 30 sandy914
QUIET D8 24 TMurugan
DRAINS B3 9 spellcheck

On 14th draw, YEARN B10 41 --- YEARN to have a strong or deep desire [v]
Other moves: TEARY B10 35, TERRY B2 32, THEY 14G 31, GENTRY A4 30, GURNEY A4 30
THEY 14G 31 rn.roselle, jeff
GUNNY A4 27 spellcheck
TURNERY B2 24 gmills0
GRUNT A4 18 Hasni, iwhist
YEA B10 17 sandy914
YOUR C3 14 tatiana
TONER C3 12 TMurugan

On 15th draw, XI I13 39 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: TIX 9K 37, IXTLE 6A 34, PREX B3 29, NIXE L1 28, PIX J10 28
XI I13 39 rn.roselle, jeff, iwhist
EXPO C1 26 TMurugan
PAX 13G 23 sandy914
TAXI 13K 22 gmills0, tatiana, spellcheck

On 16th draw, BORAK B2 42 --- BORAK nonsense [n]
Other moves: TAROK B2 38, OKE 10I 35, IKAN C12 33, IKAT C12 33, BOINK C3 32
OKE 10I 35 jeff
KOI 7M 30 Hasni
KING A1 27 gmills0, iwhist
KANG A1 27 tatiana
BANG A1 21 spellcheck, sandy914
KAW N6 20 rn.roselle
BANKS 15D 14 TMurugan

On 17th draw, HOLON C3 36 --- HOLON an autonomous self-reliant unit, esp in manufacturing [n]
Other moves: HONG A1 30, HIE J10 27, HIN J10 27, HE 10J 26, HI J10 26
HONG A1 30 sandy914
HIE J10 27 jeff, iwhist, piyaya
HOE 7M 26 rn.roselle
HOE C3 24 Hasni
RHINO 4K 18 gmills0
HOW N6 17 tatiana
HOME E9 9 spellcheck
MELON E11 7 TMurugan

On 18th draw, BINE J10 32 --- BINE the stem of a climbing plant [n]
Other moves: BONG A1 31, GONG A1 28, ENE J13 23, OBE 10I 23, BEIGNET D6 22
BINE J10 32 jeff, rn.roselle
BONG A1 31 annelhynz
BIG J10 22 iwhist
BI J10 20 Hasni
BO A1 16 piyaya
BOW N6 14 sandy914, gmills0
ROGUE 4K 14 TMurugan
BEGIN O4 11 spellcheck

On 19th draw, VOTE L1 26 --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v]
Other moves: EVO F1 18, GEO 10D 18, GOE 7M 18, EUOI 6E 17, VOW N6 17
VOTE L1 26 Hasni, rn.roselle, jeff
VOW N6 17 piyaya, sandy914
ROUGE 4K 14 gmills0
ROGUE 4K 14 spellcheck
GO A1 13 annelhynz
VOTES 15D 12 TMurugan
IT C12 10 iwhist

On 20th draw, EVICT 1K 30 --- EVICT to expel by legal process [v]
Other moves: PICE M2 29, PEC M2 27, PIC M2 27, VICE 1L 27, ENTOPIC 2I 26
EVICT 1K 30 sandy914
VICE 1L 27 jeff, Hasni, spellcheck, rn.roselle, annelhynz, piyaya
VEIN 1L 21 gmills0
VENT 1L 21 TMurugan
COPE 2K 16 iwhist

On 21th draw, DITZ 6K 34 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: CUZ N1 28, POZ M7 27, PUTZ D6 27, ZIP M4 26, ZIN M4 24
CUZ N1 28 piyaya
POZ M7 27 rn.roselle
ZO M7 21 annelhynz, iwhist, sandy914, spellcheck, Hasni
UNZIPS 15C 18 jeff
CUP N1 14 gmills0, TMurugan
PIN O6 5 nonks

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