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Game of July 15, 2011 at 19:58, 9 players
1. 467 pts sunshine12
2. 448 pts worsie
3. 435 pts sandy914

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efhlott   H8    30    30   thelf
 2. ?fimnor   G4    75   105   fermion
 3. ?hilnsz   H1    53   158   hizen
 4. eiiilns   6B    28   186   inliers
 5. aaiopsy   3H    38   224   zoysia
 6. elotuuw   4K    29   253   towel
 7. adeprsu   8A    89   342   preaudits
 8. aeiknor   2F    42   384   reink
 9. abeiosu   N1    31   415   base
10. einotuw   O1    32   447   ow
11. eilouxy   5D    38   485   ex
12. abegrtu   1A    32   517   tubage
13. aadiqrt   4A    56   573   qaid
14. aeilmor   A8    95   668   proemial
15. aeijnrv   C8    40   708   evejar
16. egnnouv  11C    28   736   juve
17. adeggtt   2A    27   763   aged
18. ainotty   O4    27   790   litany
19. ccdeino   B8    22   812   red
20. cinootu  15A    83   895   locution

Remaining tiles: cgoprt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6636 Filesunshine12  3 21:20  -428  467     1.6636 sunshine12  3 21:20  -428  467 
  2.5407 Fileworsie      1 18:51  -447  448     2.6172 scrab21     3 12:10  -519  376 
  3.5377 Filesandy914    1 25:11  -460  435     3.6707 SuperH      2 12:52  -565  330 
  4.5526 Fileiwhist      0 22:15  -495  400            Group: novice
  5.6172 Filescrab21     3 12:10  -519  376     1.5407 worsie      1 18:51  -447  448 
  6.6707 FileSuperH      2 12:52  -565  330     2.5377 sandy914    1 25:11  -460  435 
  7.4423 Fileremij       0 23:31  -584  311     3.5526 iwhist      0 22:15  -495  400 
  8.  -  Filedeborahann  0  4:47  -838   57            Group: not rated
  9.4803 FileMKMac       0  1:29  -875   20     1.4423 remij       0 23:31  -584  311 
                                             2.  -  deborahann  0  4:47  -838   57 
                                             3.4803 MKMac       0  1:29  -875   20 

On 1st draw, THELF H8 30 --- THELF the elf [n]
Other moves: FLOTE H4 24, HELOT H4 24, HOTEL H4 24, THEFT H4 24, THEFT H8 24
THEFT H8 24 worsie
HOTEL H4 24 sunshine12, iwhist
HEFT H7 20 sandy914
FELT H6 14 remij

On 2nd draw, F(E)RMION G4 75 --- FERMION a type of atomic particle [n]
Other tops: F(E)RMION I4 75
Other moves: FORM(A)LIN 11C 74, INFORM(A)L 11A 74, REINFO(R)M 10G 70, RENIFO(R)M 10G 70, (R)EINFORM 10G 70
(A)FFIRM 12G 26 worsie
FIF(E)R 12H 20 sandy914, MKMac
OF G9 17 sunshine12
OM I9 15 iwhist
FROM 12H 9 remij

On 3rd draw, HIZ(E)N H1 53 --- HIZEN a type of Japanese porcelain [n]
Other moves: SIZ(E)L H1 44, ZIL(A)S H1 44, ZIN(E)S H1 44, SIZ(E) H1 40, SIZ(Y) H1 40
ZH(O)S F8 38 sunshine12
H(A)Z(E)S 5D 30 iwhist
Z(O)N(E)S 5D 24 worsie
FIN(I)SH 4G 24 remij
Z(O)N(E) 5D 22 sandy914

On 4th draw, INLIERS 6B 28 --- INLIER a type of rock formation [n]
Other moves: LINERS 6C 25, INISLE 11D 24, LEIRS 6D 24, LIERS 6D 24, ERS 6F 22
LINERS 6C 25 sunshine12
LIERS 6D 24 iwhist, sandy914, worsie
ZINES 3H 15 remij

On 5th draw, ZOYSIA 3H 38 --- ZOYSIA a perennial grass [n]
Other moves: SLOPY 11G 32, SPAY I9 32, PALAYS D4 30, AYS I3 29, OYS I3 29
SOY I2 29 worsie, sunshine12
PALSY D4 28 iwhist
POSY F9 24 sandy914
SPOIL D2 14 remij

On 6th draw, TOWEL 4K 29 --- TOWEL to wipe with a towel (an absorbent cloth) [v]
Other moves: WOE F8 25, TOW 4K 23, OUTWELL D1 22, WEIL L1 22, OWE 4L 21
TOWEL 4K 29 sunshine12
WEIL L1 22 sandy914
OW I9 19 scrab21
TOWEL D2 16 worsie
WELL D4 14 iwhist
WELT D4 14 remij

On 7th draw, PREAUDITS 8A 89 --- PREAUDIT an audit made prior to a final settlement of a transaction [n]
Other moves: UPRAISED B2 72, UPRAISED E2 72, UNDRAPES C5 64, UNSPARED C5 63, PSEUD N2 43
RASED N1 31 scrab21
PLEADS O3 27 worsie
LAPSED O4 27 sandy914
PEALS O1 21 sunshine12, remij
PULSED D4 20 iwhist

On 8th draw, REINK 2F 42 --- INK to mark with ink (a colored fluid used for writing) [v] --- REINK to ink again [v]
Other moves: OINK 2G 39, RINK 2G 39, INK 2H 38, KAOLINE O1 33, LANKIER O4 33
REINK 2F 42 sunshine12
LINKER O4 30 SuperH, sandy914
LIKEN O4 27 scrab21, worsie
FREAK 12H 24 iwhist
REAL O1 12 remij

On 9th draw, BASE N1 31 --- BASE morally low [adj] --- BASE to found [v]
Other tops: BISE N1 31
Other moves: EASE N1 27, OBELIAS O1 27, ABIES 5A 26, OBIAS 5A 26, OSE N2 25
BASE N1 31 scrab21, sandy914
BOULES O1 24 SuperH
SABLE O1 21 worsie
BAELS O1 21 sunshine12
BAIL O1 18 remij
STABS K3 14 iwhist
POISE A8 8 deborahann

On 10th draw, OW O1 32 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other tops: TOWNIE 1A 32, TWONIE 1A 32
Other moves: LOWNE O4 24, TUBE 1L 21, UNBE 1L 21, EN O1 20, ENOW I1 20
OW O1 32 scrab21, SuperH
TUBE 1L 21 deborahann, worsie
ET O1 20 remij
STOWN K3 16 sandy914
STEW K3 14 iwhist
ROW B8 14 sunshine12

On 11th draw, EX 5D 38 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: FOXILY 12H 38
Other moves: EX 9B 36, XI 9C 36, FLEXO 12H 30, FOXIE 12H 30, XYLOL D2 30
EX 5D 38 sunshine12, scrab21
EX 9B 36 iwhist, SuperH, sandy914
OX G12 22 worsie
FOXY 12H 17 remij
FLUX 12H 14 deborahann

On 12th draw, TUBAGE 1A 32 --- TUBAGE the insertion of a tube [n]
Other moves: ARBUTE 1A 29, BERG 4A 28, BRAG 4A 28, BURG 4A 28, GARB 4A 28
BRAG 4A 28 SuperH, scrab21
GRAB 4A 28 sandy914, sunshine12
LARGE O4 18 worsie
FRAG 12H 8 remij
F*RT 12H 7 iwhist

On 13th draw, QAID 4A 56 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: FAQIR 12H 34, QAT 4B 30, ARID 2A 23, ADAW M1 20, ADRIFT 12D 20
DART 4A 20 SuperH
AFRAID 12G 20 worsie, scrab21
TRAD 4A 20 sandy914
BRAD C1 14 iwhist
AD I12 10 sunshine12
TINE 10E 6 remij

On 14th draw, PROEMIAL A8 95 --- PROEM an introductory statement [adj] --- PROEMIAL relating to a proem [adj]
Other moves: AMIE 2A 28, AMIR 2A 28, EMIR 2A 28, OMER 2A 28, LOAMIER O4 27
FILMER 12H 22 worsie
FLAMER 12H 22 scrab21, iwhist
LAMER O4 21 sandy914, SuperH
FRAME 12H 20 remij, sunshine12
REMAIL B8 14 deborahann

On 15th draw, EVEJAR C8 40 --- EVEJAR the nightjar (a bird) [n]
Other moves: BASENJI N1 32, EVEJAR 11A 32, JA 3B 31, AJIVA 14A 30, AJIVA D8 30
JA 3B 31 SuperH, scrab21, sunshine12
JAW M2 26 iwhist
LIVEN O4 24 worsie
STARVE K3 18 remij
AVER I12 16 sandy914

On 16th draw, JUVE 11C 28 --- JUVE a juvenile lead [n]
Other moves: NOG D10 25, NONE D10 25, JONG 11C 24, JEON 11C 22, JOG 11C 22
NOG D10 25 scrab21
NONE D10 25 sandy914
JONG 11C 24 iwhist
JOG 11C 22 worsie
ONE D11 21 SuperH
STOVE K3 16 remij
AVE 12C 12 sunshine12

On 17th draw, AGED 2A 27 --- AGE to grow old [v]
Other tops: EGAD 2A 27, LAGGED O4 27
Other moves: FAGGED 12H 24, GAD 2B 23, GAG 2B 23, GED 2B 23, RED B8 22
LAGGED O4 27 SuperH, worsie
FAGGED 12H 24 iwhist
FADGE 12H 20 scrab21, sandy914
STAGGED K3 20 remij
ED 5M 17 sunshine12

On 18th draw, LITANY O4 27 --- LITANY a ceremonial form of prayer [n]
Other moves: FAINTY 12H 24, LAITY O4 24, LAYIN O4 24, LINTY O4 24, LYTTA O4 24
LINTY O4 24 SuperH, worsie
FAINTY 12H 24 iwhist
AY 5J 22 scrab21
YO B14 22 sunshine12
FATTY 12H 22 remij
YIN I12 15 sandy914

On 19th draw, RED B8 22 --- RED of the color of blood [adj] --- RED to put in order [v]
Other moves: DECOCT 6J 21, FOINED 12H 20, NUDE D10 20, CAWED M2 19, DUNE D10 19
NUDE D10 20 SuperH
STONIED K3 16 iwhist
STONED K3 14 remij, scrab21
DO B14 14 sunshine12
STOIC K3 14 worsie
ED I12 10 sandy914

On 20th draw, LOCUTION 15A 83 --- LOCUTION a particular form of expression [n]
Other moves: LOCUTION 11H 70, INCUT N8 20, UNCI N8 19, UNCO N8 19, LINOCUT 11H 18
CAW M2 16 worsie, SuperH
IN 5A 16 scrab21
TOON N7 15 sunshine12
COIN 8L 9 remij
IN G12 8 sandy914

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