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Game of July 15, 2011 at 22:14, 10 players
1. 581 pts slebbarc
2. 474 pts tonikay
3. 327 pts xxxx36

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aajpsu   H8    96    96   sapajou
 2. deilnst  15B   125   221   dentils
 3. aeefrtv  11E    40   261   ratafee
 4. ailmoor   8H    83   344   sailroom
 5. bdeenrs   N4    67   411   redbones
 6. ?acrrtw   F6    72   483   warcraft
 7. dehnrtu   G1    71   554   thunder
 8. abgghou   1A    42   596   abought
 9. eggmnoy   2A    39   635   gym
10. adeiiot   4C    70   705   iodinate
11. aeillop  12H    33   738   jello
12. aenoouy  14A    31   769   noyau
13. aceipqt  13B    37   806   pec
14. eiiostv  O10    43   849   soviet
15. eiioqvw   O1    36   885   wive
16. efginox   8A    51   936   foxier
17. aginnqz   7I    44   980   za
18. giiknnq   6J    34  1014   kin

Remaining tiles: ginq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5578 Fileslebbarc    2 20:16  -433  581     1.5578 slebbarc    2 20:16  -433  581 
  2.4763 Filetonikay     2 20:16  -540  474     2.5455 neyetifu    0  1:09  -987   27 
  3.3928 Filexxxx36      0 20:09  -687  327     3.5897 Hasni       0  1:48  -992   22 
  4.3792 FileChiliB.     0 22:43  -698  316            Group: not rated
  5.4226 Filepickrose    0 19:28  -718  296     1.4763 tonikay     2 20:16  -540  474 
  6.4203 Filegmills0     0  5:18  -935   79     2.3928 xxxx36      0 20:09  -687  327 
  7.4621 Filemagictwig   0  1:03  -942   72     3.3792 ChiliB.     0 22:43  -698  316 
  8.  -  Filenomzy13     0  2:06  -958   56     4.4226 pickrose    0 19:28  -718  296 
  9.5455 Fileneyetifu    0  1:09  -987   27     5.4203 gmills0     0  5:18  -935   79 
 10.5897 FileHasni       0  1:48  -992   22     6.4621 magictwig   0  1:03  -942   72 
                                             7.  -  nomzy13     0  2:06  -958   56 

On 1st draw, SAPAJ(O)U H8 96 --- SAPAJOU a long-tailed monkey [n]
Other moves: SAPAJ(O)U H2 86, SAPAJ(O)U H3 82, SAPAJ(O)U H4 82, SAPAJ(O)U H6 82, SAPAJ(O)U H5 80
JAAPS H4 44 slebbarc
JAPA(N)S H4 44 xxxx36
JAPA(N)S H3 30 pickrose
JAPS H8 26 nomzy13
JAPS H5 26 tonikay
JA(R)S H8 20 ChiliB.

On 2nd draw, DENTILS 15B 125 --- DENTIL one of a row of tooth-shaped square blocks [n]
Other moves: DINTLESS 8A 80, DELIST 15D 75, IDENTS 15C 75, DEILS 15D 72, DELIS 15D 72
STILED 15H 72 slebbarc
DENTS 15D 72 magictwig
LENDS 15D 69 tonikay
DENTALS 11D 16 pickrose
SPLINT 10G 10 xxxx36
D(O)LTS 13G 8 ChiliB.

On 3rd draw, RATAFEE 11E 40 --- RATAFEE an almond-flavoured liqueur [n]
Other tops: F(O)VEATE 13G 40
Other moves: AVERTED B9 38, F*RT*D B10 36, FEARED B10 36, FEATED B10 36, VERTED B10 36
FARE 14A 24 tonikay, xxxx36
FAVER 9G 19 ChiliB., pickrose
PAVER 10H 18 slebbarc

On 4th draw, SAILROOM 8H 83 --- SAILROOM a room for storing sails [n]
Other moves: LIPOMA 10F 41, MOFO I9 32, OORIAL 14A 32, PIMA 10H 31, POMO 10H 31
SAILROOM 8H 33 xxxx36
MOOR 10J 24 slebbarc
MOO 14A 18 tonikay
MAID B12 14 ChiliB.
MOREL J8 9 pickrose

On 5th draw, REDBONES N4 67 --- REDBONE a hunting dog [n]
Other moves: DEBONERS M5 65, DEBONERS N5 65, REDBONES M4 65, DEB(O)NERS 13E 64, REDB(O)NES 13D 64
BENDED B10 32 ChiliB.
SEDER L11 25 slebbarc
SNEER L11 23 tonikay
BREES L7 18 xxxx36
BREED B11 16 pickrose

On 6th draw, WARCRA(F)T F6 72 --- WARCRAFT the art of war [n]
Other moves: (S)CRAW L11 36, C(O)WARD B10 34, WARR(E)D B10 34, WART(E)D B10 34, WAC(K)ER 10J 33
(S)CRAW L11 36 slebbarc
(S)WART L11 26 tonikay
CR(E)AT(O)R 13C 18 xxxx36
WATER 5K 16 pickrose
WART 4L 16 ChiliB.

On 7th draw, THUNDER G1 71 --- THUNDER to produce a loud, resounding sound [v]
Other tops: UNTHREAD I2 71
Other moves: HUNTED B10 36, PEH 10H 34, HENTED 10J 33, HERDEN 10J 33, HUNTER 8A 30
HUNTER 8A 30 tonikay
HEN 10J 29 slebbarc
THUD B12 16 ChiliB.
THREW 6B 13 pickrose
HE 5M 5 xxxx36

On 8th draw, ABOUGHT 1A 42 --- ABY to pay the penalty for [v] --- ABYE to pay the penalty [v]
Other moves: THUGGO 1G 36, POH 10H 34, HABU E5 31, HOB 10J 31, FAH I11 30
HAG 10J 30 slebbarc
BOTH 1E 27 tonikay
THUG 1G 24 ChiliB., pickrose
TAG 1G 12 xxxx36

On 9th draw, GYM 2A 39 --- GYM a room for athletic activities [n]
Other moves: YOM 2B 36, BOGYMEN B1 34, MOGGED B10 34, MONGERY 4I 34, YEOMEN 10J 34
YOM 10J 31 slebbarc
MONEY M1 27 neyetifu
MONEY 5K 20 ChiliB., tonikay
BONY B1 18 pickrose

On 10th draw, IODINATE 4C 70 --- IODINATE to treat with iodine [v]
Other tops: TAENIOID 4D 70
Other moves: IDIOT O11 26, RAPED 10F 26, RAPID 10F 26, RIPED 10F 26, AIDOI 14A 25
TIDIER 8A 24 slebbarc
IDIOT E3 21 tonikay
TIDIED B10 20 ChiliB.
DARE 4L 12 pickrose

On 11th draw, JELLO 12H 33 --- JELLO a gelatin dessert usually with the flavor and color of fruit -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: PIPAL 10H 32, GLADIOLE E1 31, PEPO 10H 31, PIPA 10H 31, PIPE 10H 31
POLLED B10 30 nomzy13
PALIER 8A 27 slebbarc
PILL M10 18 xxxx36
POA 14A 18 tonikay
PLEAD B11 16 ChiliB.
POLE 5K 12 pickrose

On 12th draw, NOYAU 14A 31 --- NOYAU a flavoured brandy [n]
Other moves: AYE 14B 25, AYU 14B 25, NYE 5C 25, OYE 14B 25, OYE 5C 25
FEY I11 21 slebbarc
YEA 14A 20 tonikay
YEN 14A 20 xxxx36
YORE 4L 16 ChiliB.
YET I2 7 pickrose

On 13th draw, PEC 13B 37 --- PEC a pectoral muscle [n]
Other tops: CAP 13B 37, CEP 13B 37, PAC 13B 37
Other moves: PIQUE 3D 36, PACIER 8A 33, CAT 13B 31, PAT 13B 31, PET 13B 31
PAC 13B 37 tonikay
PACE O1 30 slebbarc
QUA 3F 25 xxxx36
PACE 5K 16 pickrose
PAID 6K 7 ChiliB.

On 14th draw, SOVIET O10 43 --- SOVIET a legislative body in a Communist country [n]
Other moves: STIVER 8A 39, STOVER 8A 39, IVIES O11 38, OVIST O11 38, IVIES O1 32
STOVER 8A 39 slebbarc
STIE M12 21 tonikay
VISITOR L2 20 xxxx36
VERT 4L 16 pickrose
ELVES J11 10 ChiliB.

On 15th draw, WIVE O1 36 --- WIVE to marry a woman [v]
Other tops: WOVE O1 36
Other moves: VIEW M2 27, OWE N13 26, VAW I7 26, OWE 5C 25, VOW M3 25
WOVE O1 36 slebbarc
WE N14 22 tonikay
FEW I11 21 ChiliB.
WOVE 5K 20 pickrose
QI J7 11 gmills0

On 16th draw, FOXIER 8A 51 --- FOXY crafty [adj]
Other moves: FAX I7 42, OX N1 41, COAX 9F 39, ENFIX 3I 37, FINGER 8A 36
FOXIER 8A 51 slebbarc
FAX I7 42 xxxx36, gmills0
XI 2N 18 pickrose
FIX 3J 18 tonikay
FOX D3 13 ChiliB.

On 17th draw, ZA 7I 44 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZAG 7B 38, ZINGANI 2I 38, AGNIZE 14J 36, ZIGAN M1 35, ZA 7B 33
ZA 7I 44 tonikay
ZAG 7B 38 xxxx36
QI 2N 22 ChiliB., slebbarc
AXING C7 15 gmills0
ZIT 15M 12 pickrose

On 18th draw, KIN 6J 34 --- KIN a group of persons of common ancestry [n]
Other moves: KI 6J 33, QI M3 25, KIN 13K 23, KININ M1 23, QI 2N 22
QI 2N 22 pickrose, slebbarc, ChiliB., Hasni
FINK A8 11 gmills0
XI C8 10 tonikay

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