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Game of July 15, 2011 at 22:58, 7 players
1. 374 pts Hasni
2. 307 pts Glorybeeme
3. 214 pts xxxx36

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bcelot   H4    24    24   coble
 2. alorstt   8G    59    83   retotals
 3. ?bdehou   4C    80   163   debouche
 4. ehjlopr   N6    40   203   joseph
 5. aeinrst   E4    90   293   banister
 6. eeenpqv   8A    39   332   veeps
 7. alnoswz  O11    77   409   azlon
 8. ?efknot   K5    40   449   knotter
 9. adilnry   F2    36   485   drony
10. agiiist  12A    27   512   gaits
11. aeeglmw  A10    33   545   waggle
12. eiinrsu   2C    61   606   uridines
13. adefiuw   1G    40   646   defi
14. aaadmow  13I    34   680   wadmaal
15. aefiior   L1    30   710   feria
16. ceimruv  14H    32   742   cerium
17. ginotuy   1A    40   782   guyot
18. iinoqvx   F9    52   834   ox

Remaining tiles: iinqv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5890 FileHasni       0 21:50  -460  374     1.5890 Hasni       0 21:50  -460  374 
  2.  -  FileGlorybeeme  1 16:27  -527  307            Group: not rated
  3.4130 Filexxxx36      0 15:54  -620  214     1.  -  Glorybeeme  1 16:27  -527  307 
  4.4205 Filegmills0     0  8:09  -670  164     2.4130 xxxx36      0 15:54  -620  214 
  5.3789 Filetatiana     0  6:05  -772   62     3.4205 gmills0     0  8:09  -670  164 
  6.4225 Filepickrose    0  0:30  -823   11     4.3789 tatiana     0  6:05  -772   62 
  7.  -  Fileplump6      0  1:42  -830    4     5.4225 pickrose    0  0:30  -823   11 
                                             6.  -  plump6      0  1:42  -830    4 

On 1st draw, COBLE H4 24 --- COBLE a small fishing boat [n]
Other tops: BECLO(G) H4 24, BLOTC(H) H4 24, BLOTC(H) H8 24, BO(U)CLE H4 24, COBLE(S) H4 24, COB(A)LT H4 24, COB(B)LE H4 24, CO(B)BLE H4 24, CO(M)BLE H4 24, CO(R)BEL H4 24, C(A)BLET H4 24, ECBOL(E) H3 24, OBTEC(T) H3 24, OBTEC(T) H8 24, OB(J)ECT H3 24, OB(J)ECT H8 24, OB(T)ECT H3 24, OB(T)ECT H8 24, (E)CBOLE H3 24
Other moves: BELC(H) H4 22, BLOC(K) H4 22, BLOC(S) H4 22, BOC(C)E H4 22, B*Ch* H4 22

On 2nd draw, RETOTALS 8G 59 --- RETOTAL to total again [v]
Other moves: CARLOTS 4H 18, COTTARS 4H 18, CROTALS 4H 18, OTTARS 9C 18, ROAST I5 18
STAR 9H 15 Hasni

On 3rd draw, D(E)BOUCHE 4C 80 --- DEBOUCHE an opening for the passage of troops [n]
Other tops: DEBOUCH(E) 4C 80
Other moves: BESH(R)OUD N6 69, DEBOU(C)H 5E 48, (M)OUTHED K5 40, (S)OUTHED K5 40, BOU(C)HES N2 38
OH 7N 7 Hasni

On 4th draw, JOSEPH N6 40 --- JOSEPH a woman's long cloak [n]
Other moves: JOLE 5B 34, JOSHER N6 34, EPHOR 3I 32, HEP 5D 32, HOP 5D 32
JOR 3B 27 Hasni
JOT K6 10 xxxx36

On 5th draw, BANISTER E4 90 --- BANISTER a stair hand-rail [n]
Other tops: BARNIEST E4 90
Other moves: RATINES 12H 85, RETAINS 12H 85, RETINAS 12H 85, RETINAS O1 85, TARTINES K5 82
TRAINS 12I 31 Hasni
AIR M11 11 xxxx36

On 6th draw, VEEPS 8A 39 --- VEEP a vice president [n]
Other moves: EEVEN O11 32, NEEPS 8A 30, EEVNS 8A 27, EVENS 8A 27, NEVES 8A 27
PEENS 8A 24 Glorybeeme
EVEN O11 16 xxxx36
QI 7D 11 pickrose

On 7th draw, AZLON O11 77 --- AZLON a textile fiber [n]
Other tops: AZONS O11 77
Other moves: AZLONS 12I 49, AZONS 12J 47, LAZOS 12J 47, ZOLS 12K 45, ZAS 12L 43
AZONS O11 77 Glorybeeme
ZOO J6 32 xxxx36
ZOS O5 23 Hasni

On 8th draw, KNOTTE(R) K5 40 --- KNOTTER one that knots [n]
Other tops: FENK(S) 12A 40, KNOTTE(D) K5 40
Other moves: FONT(L)ET K5 36, F(L)ETTON K5 36, KENO(S) 12A 36, KENT(S) 12A 36, KNOT(S) 12A 36
KO N14 26 Hasni
FONT D10 21 Glorybeeme
KNOT K5 16 xxxx36

On 9th draw, DRONY F2 36 --- DRONY monotonous [adj]
Other moves: YAIRD J10 35, IRONY F2 33, DAILY L1 31, DAIRY L1 31, DIARY L1 31
DAY L3 23 Hasni
ARID M11 16 Glorybeeme
DAIRY 11B 9 xxxx36
RAIL 11E 4 plump6

On 10th draw, GAITS 12A 27 --- GAIT to train a horse to move in a particular way [v]
Other moves: AGIST 12H 25, TAIGS 12A 25, ATIGIS 3I 24, AGIST 12B 23, ATIGI 3I 22
TAGS 12B 21 Hasni
VIGIA A8 10 Glorybeeme
AGE J2 6 xxxx36

On 11th draw, WAGGLE A10 33 --- WAGGLE to move from side to side [v]
Other moves: WAME J10 31, WEEM J10 31, WAGE J10 30, WEM J10 30, AWEEL 3I 29
AWE N13 26 Hasni
MEWL 3J 22 Glorybeeme
GLAM A12 21 gmills0
WO 14N 10 xxxx36

On 12th draw, URIDINES 2C 61 --- URIDINE a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: DISINURE 2F 61
Other moves: NITRES 9C 28, ILEUS M7 23, NURSE 12H 23, RINSE 12H 23, SENTI 9H 23
SIN 12K 17 Hasni
LINERS 14A 16 gmills0
DINES 2F 8 xxxx36
URIDINE 2C 8 Glorybeeme

On 13th draw, DEFI 1G 40 --- DEFI a challenge [n]
Other moves: WAIFED L7 39, AWED 1H 37, WAIFED J10 37, DAW 1G 35, DEF 1G 35
DIF 1G 35 Hasni
WAIFED 1I 24 Glorybeeme
WIFED C11 24 gmills0
WIFE C11 20 tatiana

On 14th draw, WADMAAL 13I 34 --- WADMAAL thick, coarse woollen cloth [n]
Other moves: WOAD J10 30, WAD J10 29, WO J10 27, AWA N13 26, MOWA J10 26
WO N14 22 xxxx36, Hasni
MOW O5 22 Glorybeeme
WED 10J 15 tatiana
AMID C10 14 gmills0

On 15th draw, FERIA L1 30 --- FERIA a weekday of a church calendar on which no feast is celebrated [n]
Other moves: FORA J10 29, FROE 1A 29, OAF J8 29, EF F9 28, FE F10 28
AFIRE 14E 21 Glorybeeme
FARE 14F 20 Hasni
FER 14H 17 xxxx36
LIFER 14A 16 tatiana
RIFE C11 14 gmills0

On 16th draw, CERIUM 14H 32 --- CERIUM a metallic element [n]
Other moves: FIVE 1L 30, CREM 14G 29, MEU 14J 28, RIME 1A 28, RIMU 1A 28
FIVE 1L 30 xxxx36, Hasni
FICE 1L 27 gmills0
CRIME 14E 16 Glorybeeme
REC 10D 11 tatiana

On 17th draw, GUYOT 1A 40 --- GUYOT a flat-topped underwater mountain [n]
Other moves: LOUNGY 14A 36, FOGY 1L 33, INGOT 1A 29, UNGOT 1A 29, LYTING 14A 28
FONT 1L 21 gmills0, xxxx36
FINO 1L 21 Glorybeeme
TOY O5 20 Hasni

On 18th draw, OX F9 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: XI 15L 42, OX B14 31, VIXEN 10H 31, VOX O5 31, VEX 10D 29
OX B14 31 Hasni
EXON 10E 27 gmills0
VEX C7 25 Glorybeeme
FIN 1L 6 xxxx36

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