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Game of July 15, 2011 at 23:42, 5 players
1. 467 pts Hasni
2. 421 pts drabble
3. 346 pts gmills0

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaefilv   H4    32    32   favela
 2. ?aehios  10B    82   114   hoagies
 3. eglmpsy   5E    52   166   mygales
 4. adeilnx   6J    52   218   xi
 5. ?aefior   8A    83   301   aerofoil
 6. deelnrs   L6    78   379   slender
 7. abdilqt   4A    56   435   qibla
 8. aehittu   A1    54   489   haique
 9. gooprtw   G7    33   522   wiper
10. gimnosu  12D    83   605   mousing
11. cdeiorz   B8    46   651   echoized
12. ainoruy  13B    45   696   zayin
13. adenoow  15A    39   735   adown
14. eegjnot   8K    36   771   jeton
15. egknoru   K8    31   802   jeon
16. deopruv   O7    68   870   unproved
17. eegikrt  M11    25   895   keg
18. cdeirtu   6A    28   923   ecurie
19. abdrttt   B1    21   944   ab

Remaining tiles: drttttt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5884 FileHasni       2 26:33  -477  467     1.6510 dannyboy    0  2:22  -892   52 
  2.5162 Filedrabble     1 27:46  -523  421            Group: novice
  3.4230 Filegmills0     0 18:07  -598  346     1.5884 Hasni       2 26:33  -477  467 
  4.4048 Filexxxx36      0 15:05  -670  274     2.5162 drabble     1 27:46  -523  421 
  5.6510 Filedannyboy    0  2:22  -892   52            Group: not rated
                                             1.4230 gmills0     0 18:07  -598  346 
                                             2.4048 xxxx36      0 15:05  -670  274 

On 1st draw, FAVELA H4 32 --- FAVELA a slum area [n]
Other moves: FAVEL H4 30, AVAILE H3 26, FAVELA H3 26, FAVELA H7 26, FAVELA H8 26
FAVEL H8 24 Hasni
FIVE H5 20 xxxx36, drabble, gmills0

On 2nd draw, HOA(G)IES 10B 82 --- HOAGIE a long sandwich [n]
Other moves: HOA(G)IES I7 79, HOA(G)IES G9 73, HOA(G)IES I9 73, AI(R)HOLES 8C 61, HE(M)IOLAS 8C 61
HAS 10F 27 xxxx36
FASHIO(N) 4H 24 gmills0
SHA(R)E 10H 22 Hasni
HE(R)OS 10D 20 drabble

On 3rd draw, MYGALES 5E 52 --- MYGALE an American spider [n]
Other moves: PHLEGMY B9 36, MYGALES D7 34, MYOPES C8 34, MYGALE D7 32, PYGALS D7 32
YES I3 17 Hasni
(G)YPS E10 16 gmills0
GLIMPSE F8 14 drabble

On 4th draw, XI 6J 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: INDEX 4K 44, XENIA 4A 44, LAX I7 41, NIX I7 41, XENIA 6B 41
XI 6J 52 drabble, Hasni
DEX J4 27 gmills0
AX 11B 23 xxxx36

On 5th draw, AEROF(O)IL 8A 83 --- AEROFOIL a body shaped to produce aerodynamic reaction [n]
Other tops: FORE(S)AIL 8A 83
Other moves: AER(O)FOIL 8A 80, FORHAI(L)E B7 76, AEROFOI(L) C7 74, AEROFOI(L) C5 65, FORELAI(D) 8D 64
OF(F)ER 7J 24 Hasni
AFORE 4A 22 drabble
AFORE 6A 20 xxxx36
(G)RAF(T) E10 12 gmills0

On 6th draw, SLENDER L6 78 --- SLENDER slim [adj]
Other moves: DERE 9B 25, LENDER 7D 23, SENDER 7D 23, DELES 7B 21, DENES 7B 21
HEEDS B10 18 gmills0
SENDER L6 18 drabble
HERDS B10 18 Hasni
LEND 11A 15 xxxx36

On 7th draw, QIBLA 4A 56 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: QADI 6B 38, QADI 10J 34, QIBLA A4 26, BAIT K8 25, BIDET G7 25
BAD K11 22 xxxx36, Hasni
DEALT 8K 18 gmills0
QAT A7 12 drabble

On 8th draw, HAIQUE A1 54 --- HAIQUE an Arab head covering [n]
Other moves: HAET 3B 34, HUTIA 6B 30, HAUTE 11C 29, TITHE 7D 29, ETH 9A 28
HEAT K11 26 Hasni
TEETH 8K 24 drabble
HET M11 19 xxxx36
HIDE 10J 16 gmills0

On 9th draw, WIPER G7 33 --- WIPER one that wipes [n]
Other moves: WIPE G7 32, POWTER 7D 29, WROOT 11C 29, WOOT K8 28, W*P K11 28
W*P K11 28 Hasni
W*G K11 26 xxxx36
POWER 11I 20 gmills0
WEPT 11K 18 drabble

On 10th draw, MOUSING 12D 83 --- MOUSING a wrapping around the shank end of a hook [n]
Other moves: GISMO 11A 29, MINIS B1 29, MOUSY F1 29, MUNGOS 12B 29, MISGO 11A 28
MINGS 12C 27 drabble
MENGS 8K 24 Hasni
MONS K11 22 xxxx36
ROOMING C8 22 gmills0

On 11th draw, ECHOIZED B8 46 --- ECHOIZE to repeat another person's words [v]
Other moves: COZIER 13A 42, ECHOIZE B8 42, COZED 13A 41, DOZIER 13A 40, COZIE 13A 38
DOZE 10L 34 xxxx36, drabble
ZIG J10 33 Hasni
ZERO 11K 26 gmills0

On 12th draw, ZAYIN 13B 45 --- ZAYIN a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: ADRY 15A 36, ANI C13 33, ORA C13 33, OARY 3C 29, YA A14 29
ORA C13 33 Hasni
YEARN 8K 24 gmills0
YOU 3E 15 drabble
DAIRY 15B 10 xxxx36

On 13th draw, ADOWN 15A 39 --- ADOWN downward [adv]
Other moves: DEAW K8 34, WOAD K8 32, WOOD K8 32, DEEWAN 8J 30, WE A14 29
WO A14 29 Hasni
WE A14 29 dannyboy, drabble
ENDOW 10J 19 gmills0
HOW 1A 9 xxxx36

On 14th draw, JETON 8K 36 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: JOG J10 27, JOBE C2 26, JOG 3E 25, JETON 11K 24, JOB C2 24
JOG J10 27 xxxx36, drabble
JOG 3E 25 Hasni
JOB C2 24 gmills0
JO 7D 23 dannyboy

On 15th draw, JEON K8 31 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other moves: COKE 9B 27, IKON H12 24, KONBU C1 22, OKE 7C 22, UKE 7C 22
KEG 14A 18 drabble
KO 7N 14 Hasni
RUNE O6 4 gmills0

On 16th draw, UNPROVED O7 68 --- PROVE to establish the truth or validity of [adj] --- UNPROVED not proved [adj]
Other moves: PEG J10 27, PROVE 4K 27, COVE 9B 25, DROGUE J9 25, PERV M11 25
PROBED C1 22 gmills0, drabble
PROUD N6 18 Hasni

On 17th draw, KEG M11 25 --- KEG a small barrel [n] --- KEG to store in a keg (a small barrel) [v]
Other tops: KEET M11 25, KEIR M11 25, KETE M11 25
Other moves: ARKITE 2A 24, GEEK M11 24, GIRTED 14J 24, TEEK M8 24, KET M11 23
EKED 14L 18 drabble
KID 14M 16 Hasni
HIKER 1A 13 gmills0

On 18th draw, ECURIE 6A 28 --- ECURIE a team of motor racing cars [n]
Other moves: ACIDER 2A 22, AIRTED 2A 22, CURBED C1 22, CEDI 9B 21, ICED H12 21
ICED H12 21 gmills0, Hasni, drabble

On 19th draw, AB B1 21 --- AB an abdominal muscle [n]
Other moves: FAD 4H 20, ARTI B1 19, FAR 4H 18, FAT 4H 18, AD B1 17
AB B1 21 Hasni
TEX J4 10 drabble

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