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Game sheet of agatelane (file), Game of July 16, 2011 at 05:00

Word find
Word played
1 ACLNTUW             WALNUT H4 26 26  
2 ?AAEHMX             MAXE(S) 10D 38 64  
3 ?EHIJOT             JEH(U) 11C 48 112  
4 AAENPSY             YEANS 12A 49 161  
5 ADEORRS SORRY A8 24 -38 24 4/4 READORNS 7B 62 223 4/4
6 AEHNRSV JARS C11 22 -56 46 3/3 RESHAVEN C1 78 301 3/4
7 ADNOQRT QANAT 5E 28 -9 74 1/3 ARD 13B 37 338 3/4
8 ADOPPRT LAPTOP 6H 18 -62 92 4/4 PREADOPT 2A 80 418 3/4
9 DNOSTUY WOUNDS 4H 20 -25 112 4/4 STUDY 1H 45 463 3/4
10 AEFIOTV LAVE 6H 17 -12 129 3/3 FENI 8A 29 492 3/4
11 ABEMOUV ABOVE 5H 20 -30 149 2/3 MAUVE 2J 50 542 3/4
12 CIILLNO CHILL 4B 20   169 1/4 VIOLIN M2   562 3/5
13 GILNOTU UPON A1 21 -51 190 2/4 LOUTING L6 72 634 3/5
14 ABGINOW APING A1 27 -7 217 2/4 BOWING N6 34 668 3/5
15 BGIOQRT QI K10 37 -1 254 3/3 BROG O1 38 706 2/5
16 CEFIILO EPIC A1 33 -2 287 2/3 EF O8 35 741 2/5
17 AEEIKLT HAKE 4C 22 -19 309 2/3 KYLIE A11 41 782 1/5
18 AEIOQTZ QI K10 37 -44 346 2/3 EPIZOA A1 81 863 1/5
19 CEEIOQT QI K10 37   383 1/3       900 1/5
20 CEEIOTT TICE J11 11 -22 394 2/3 OCTET O11 33 933 1/5

Total: 394/933 or -539 for 42.22%
Rank: 5880

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