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Game of July 16, 2011 at 07:20, 10 players
1. 503 pts margalang
2. 496 pts Hasni
3. 467 pts yab

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ellmor   H4    72    72   morelle
 2. aennruw   G4    28   100   anew
 3. ?egosuy   5B    74   174   oxygenous
 4. enoostv   4G    28   202   amooves
 5. deghoqs   6F    41   243   hersed
 6. afinptt   4A    31   274   pian
 7. bceiinr   M2    78   352   inscribe
 8. eeikmor   8J    39   391   reebok
 9. ddeginw  10J    35   426   winded
10. aelosux   2I    58   484   oxalis
11. eiimott  O10    36   520   domett
12. adhnrtu   1E    41   561   dhurna
13. aegnpuy   A1    33   594   yapp
14. abeirtz   3C    54   648   zati
15. aaegnrt   9A    62   710   argental
16. eijrtuv   8A    62   772   jeu
17. bfgiott  10A    37   809   if
18. bcirtuv  13I    28   837   brucite
19. fgiloqt  11J    25   862   of
20. agiiltv   7C    22   884   vag

Remaining tiles: iilqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6079 Filemargalang   1 18:56  -381  503     1.7226 kellybelly  3  6:49  -649  235 
  2.5880 FileHasni       1 26:13  -388  496            Group: intermediate
  3.6669 Fileyab         2 24:41  -417  467     1.6079 margalang   1 18:56  -381  503 
  4.4511 Filecharmz      0 21:39  -509  375     2.6669 yab         2 24:41  -417  467 
  5.6197 Fileksong       0 12:38  -618  266     3.6197 ksong       0 12:38  -618  266 
  6.7226 Filekellybelly  3  6:49  -649  235            Group: novice
  7.5578 FileBez         0  7:02  -703  181     1.5880 Hasni       1 26:13  -388  496 
  8.5830 Fileagatelane   0 12:40  -708  176     2.5578 Bez         0  7:02  -703  181 
  9.5770 Filescrablehed  0  9:24  -735  149     3.5830 agatelane   0 12:40  -708  176 
 10.4948 Filelyndyloo    0  5:18  -797   87     4.5770 scrablehed  0  9:24  -735  149 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4511 charmz      0 21:39  -509  375 
                                             2.4948 lyndyloo    0  5:18  -797   87 

On 1st draw, MORELL(E) H4 72 --- MORELLE a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: MORELL(O) H4 72, MOR(E)LLE H4 72, MOR(R)ELL H4 72, MO(R)RELL H4 72, M(O)RELLO H4 72
Other moves: MORELL(E) H2 68, MORELL(E) H3 68, MORELL(E) H7 68, MORELL(E) H8 68, MORELL(O) H2 68
MORELL(E) H4 22 yab
MOL(D)ER H4 20 margalang
M(I)LLER H4 20 agatelane
MOLL(S) H4 18 lyndyloo
O(I)LER H4 10 scrablehed
ME(A)L H5 10 Hasni

On 2nd draw, ANEW G4 28 --- ANEW once more [adv]
Other moves: WEAN G7 27, WEAR G7 27, WAE G7 25, REWAN G3 24, AWE G6 23
UNWARE I1 21 Hasni
WE G7 20 margalang
WARNER 6F 19 charmz, lyndyloo
WARREN 6F 19 agatelane
WANE I3 19 ksong
UNWORN 5E 18 scrablehed

On 3rd draw, O(X)YGENOUS 5B 74 --- OXYGENOUS [adj]
Other moves: (R)UGOSELY 9B 67, GE(A)LOUSY 9E 62, GUS(S)Y I3 37, GU(S)SY I3 37, GU(T)SY I3 37
SOG(G)Y F6 29 agatelane, yab
GUYS 11E 25 margalang, lyndyloo
YOU(R)S 11D 23 Hasni
(S)OY F6 13 scrablehed
WEY 7G 13 charmz

On 4th draw, AMOOVES 4G 28 --- AMOOVE to rouse [v]
Other tops: VOTES F2 28
Other moves: AMOOVE 4G 26, ENVOYS D1 26, OVENS 11D 25, STOVE 11H 25, VENTS 11D 25
STOVE 11H 25 margalang, Hasni
VOTES 11D 25 lyndyloo, ksong
ENVY D2 20 charmz
NOOSE I7 20 agatelane
TOO 4B 19 scrablehed
SNOOT 11H 19 yab

On 5th draw, HERSED 6F 41 --- HERSED in harrow form [adj]
Other moves: HERSE 6F 39, EHED F5 36, HEDGY D1 34, HERD 6F 33, HERS 6F 31
EH F5 27 scrablehed
SHOED 11H 27 yab
OH 6A 26 margalang
SHOD 11H 25 agatelane
HOGS 3L 25 ksong
SHED 11H 25 Hasni
HOSED M2 18 charmz

On 6th draw, PIAN 4A 31 --- PIAN a tropical disease [n]
Other moves: FATTY D1 30, FA 4D 29, PIA 6B 27, IF 6A 26, PANTY D1 26
FATTY D1 30 charmz, yab
IF 6A 26 margalang, scrablehed
FAP 3L 25 ksong
PAN 4B 25 Hasni
AN 4C 15 agatelane

On 7th draw, INSCRIBE M2 78 --- INSCRIBE to write or engrave as a lasting record [v]
Other moves: BICE 3L 24, BEIN 3L 20, BENI 3L 20, BIEN 3L 20, BIER 3L 20
INSCRIBE M2 28 charmz
BICE 3L 24 margalang, ksong
BIN 3L 18 scrablehed
BINS M1 12 Hasni
RA(X) C3 4 yab, agatelane

On 8th draw, REEBOK 8J 39 --- REEBOK a South African Antelope [n]
Other moves: EMBER 8K 36, KEMP A1 36, OMBER 8K 36, OMBRE 8K 36, KIORE 10J 34
KEMP A1 36 charmz
BOK 8M 27 yab
MEEK L9 24 ksong
MIKE L9 24 margalang
MIKE 2L 20 Hasni
MILKER 9F 18 scrablehed
ORE 10L 18 agatelane

On 9th draw, WINDED 10J 35 --- WIND to pass around an object or fixed center [v]
Other moves: DEWING 2J 30, DEWING L7 30, WEDDING 2I 30, WEID 10J 30, WEND 10J 30
WINDED 10J 35 Hasni
DEWING 2J 30 ksong
WING 2L 16 charmz
REW J8 14 margalang
KINGED O8 13 yab
DEIGN I10 11 agatelane

On 10th draw, OXALIS 2I 58 --- OXALIS a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: AXELS 11D 33, AXLES 11D 33, EXULS 11D 33, LAXES 11D 33, LOXES 11D 33
SAXE 3C 32 Hasni
OXES 11E 31 yab
SAX 3C 30 margalang
EXILES K8 26 ksong
SIX 2L 20 charmz
REWAX J8 15 agatelane

On 11th draw, DOMETT O10 36 --- DOMETT a type of plain cloth [n]
Other tops: TOTEM 1G 36
Other moves: MOTET 1G 34, ITEM 1H 33, MOTTE 1F 32, TIME 1G 31, TOME 1G 31
TOTEM 1G 36 yab
TOME 1G 31 Hasni
TIME 1G 31 ksong
MITE 1G 29 margalang
DOME O10 10 charmz

On 12th draw, DHURNA 1E 41 --- DHURNA a form of protest in India [n]
Other moves: UNHAT 1G 40, HUDNA 1F 38, THAN 1H 37, DRAUNT 1D 29, DURANT 1D 29
DHURNA 1E 41 yab
THAN 1H 37 margalang, Hasni, ksong
HARP A1 27 charmz

On 13th draw, YAPP A1 33 --- YAPP limp leather binding [n]
Other moves: GYNAE 2B 32, PAY 3C 30, PAGE 3C 28, PANG 3C 28, PEANUT 14J 28
PAY 3C 30 Hasni, kellybelly, margalang, yab
NAP L10 10 charmz

On 14th draw, ZATI 3C 54 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: ZA 3C 50, WAREZ J10 37, ZETA 11I 37, RAZE 3C 36, BRAIZE 13J 34
ZA 3C 50 kellybelly, Hasni, margalang
BRAIZE 13J 34 yab
ZE(E) 10F 31 Bez
ZIT 14M 24 charmz

On 15th draw, ARGENTAL 9A 62 --- ARGENT silver [adj] --- ARGENTAL pertaining to argent [adj]
Other moves: ENATE N10 22, GARNET 14J 22, GENA 11I 21, GETA 11I 21, AREA N12 20
GARNET 14J 22 Bez
GENA 11I 21 kellybelly
GRANTEE 13I 20 yab
AG B1 17 Hasni
TEN 11I 15 margalang
GRAM 12L 14 charmz

On 16th draw, JEU 8A 62 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: JARVIE A8 51, JURAT A6 36, JEAT A7 33, JURA A6 33, JAI A8 30
JARVIE A8 51 Bez
JURAT A6 36 yab
JAR A8 30 kellybelly, margalang, charmz, Hasni

On 17th draw, IF 10A 37 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other moves: OF 11J 25, FIB 7C 23, FOB 7C 23, FIG 7C 22, FOG 7C 22
IF 10A 37 kellybelly
OF 11J 25 margalang, Hasni
OB B1 21 Bez
OF 1N 17 charmz
IF 1N 17 yab

On 18th draw, BRUCITE 13I 28 --- BRUCITE a type of mineral [n]
Other moves: CRUIVE 13J 22, CRUVE 13K 20, CURVE 13K 20, EVICT D9 20, EVICT K8 20
CURVE 13K 20 kellybelly
VIRTUE 13J 18 Bez
VIBE 13L 18 margalang
BRICK O4 16 Hasni, charmz
BI N13 16 yab

On 19th draw, OF 11J 25 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other moves: FIG 7C 22, FOG 7C 22, FIL 7C 21, FIT 14M 21, FIT 7C 21
OF 11J 25 margalang, kellybelly
FIT 14M 21 Bez
QI 14H 15 yab, Hasni
QUIT K12 13 charmz

On 20th draw, VAG 7C 22 --- VAG a vagrant [n] --- VAG to arrest someone for vagrancy, VAGS, VAGGED, VAGGING [v]
Other tops: VIG 7C 22
Other moves: VAT 7C 21, VIA 7C 21, INVITAL E8 20, VAGI 14F 20, VIGA 14F 20
VIG 7C 22 kellybelly
INVITAL E8 20 yab
AG B1 17 Bez, Hasni
EVIL D9 14 charmz
ACT L12 10 margalang

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