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Game of July 16, 2011 at 08:55, 7 players
1. 537 pts Stranger
2. 497 pts ksong
3. 461 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?inrsww   H4    24    24   wrings
 2. ?dejlpv   6F    31    55   jailed
 3. cehiorr   9A    65   120   chorries
 4. adenstv   K5    44   164   advents
 5. ehinosy   A5   101   265   hyoscine
 6. aaegior   B1    30   295   agorae
 7. eimortt   1B    83   378   amoretti
 8. clmostu   8J    33   411   celoms
 9. degiipt   C3    29   440   ped
10. abefkox   2E    55   495   exo
11. eilptuv   D4    34   529   veil
12. aegnotu   N8    28   557   magneto
13. adelnry   2I    79   636   dearnly
14. abdeftz  M12    52   688   faze
15. abkpqtu  15H    51   739   uptake
16. bginoqu   3E    29   768   bog
17. abfiiiu   1N    35   803   ab
18. adiinqu  12A    32   835   equinia
19. dfiituw  B12    28   863   quid

Remaining tiles: fituw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6520 FileStranger    4 20:21  -326  537     1.6520 Stranger    4 20:21  -326  537 
  2.6231 Fileksong       4 22:47  -366  497     2.6231 ksong       4 22:47  -366  497 
  3.5895 FileHasni       2 24:51  -402  461            Group: novice
  4.5488 Fileannelhynz   2 14:29  -484  379     1.5895 Hasni       2 24:51  -402  461 
  5.5360 Filesiuyee      1  2:30  -793   70     2.5488 annelhynz   2 14:29  -484  379 
  6.4300 Filefatcat      0  3:12  -801   62     3.5360 siuyee      1  2:30  -793   70 
  7.4940 Filelyndyloo    0  2:27  -818   45            Group: not rated
                                             1.4300 fatcat      0  3:12  -801   62 
                                             2.4940 lyndyloo    0  2:27  -818   45 

On 1st draw, WRIN(G)S H4 24 --- WRING to twist so as to compress [v]
Other moves: SIN(E)W H8 22, WIN(D)S H4 22, WIN(E)S H4 22, WIN(G)S H4 22, WIN(K)S H4 22
WRIN(G)S H4 24 Stranger, siuyee
WRIS(T) H4 22 Hasni
WIN(O)S H4 22 ksong

On 2nd draw, J(A)ILED 6F 31 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: J(A)RPED 5F 30, JE(E)D I3 28, J(E)ED I3 28, J(I)VER 5D 28, J(A)IL 6F 26
JE(E)D I3 28 ksong
J(O)E I3 23 Stranger
J(O)E G3 23 Hasni

On 3rd draw, CHORRIES 9A 65 --- CHORRIE (Afrikaans) a crock, a dilapidated car [n]
Other moves: HEROIC 5J 33, RICHER 5J 30, HIC 5J 27, HIRER 5J 27, HOC 5J 27
HEROIC 5J 33 Stranger
HIRER 5J 27 ksong
CHORED K1 24 Hasni
CHORD K2 22 siuyee
OH 5K 16 annelhynz

On 4th draw, ADVENTS K5 44 --- ADVENT arrival [n]
Other moves: ADVECTS A5 39, ADVECT A5 36, ASCEND A7 33, DECANTS A7 33, DESCANT A6 33
ACTED A8 30 Stranger
DAVENS 5J 29 annelhynz
DANCES A6 27 Hasni
STARVED D6 24 siuyee

On 5th draw, HYOSCINE A5 101 --- HYOSCINE a sedative [n]
Other moves: HYENIC A4 54, SHOWRIN(G)S H1 42, SYNCH A6 39, YECHS A7 39, INCHES A7 36
INCHES A7 36 ksong
YECH A7 36 Stranger
HEY L3 23 annelhynz
HOY L3 23 Hasni

On 6th draw, AGORAE B1 30 --- AGORA a market-place in ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: AGRIA B2 28, ORGIA B2 28, GARNI 7E 22, GOIER B3 22, EAGER 8K 21
GEAR B4 21 Stranger
RAGE B2 15 ksong, annelhynz
RAG L3 11 Hasni

On 7th draw, AMORETTI 1B 83 --- AMORETTO a cupid [n]
Other moves: REMITTOR D2 72, OMITTERS 11D 70, REMOTE 8J 33, EMOTE 8K 30, MATIER 1A 27
MATTER 1A 27 Stranger, ksong
MATIER 1A 27 annelhynz
TIMER L11 18 Hasni

On 8th draw, CELOMS 8J 33 --- CELOM a body cavity in some animals [n]
Other tops: SCUM 13A 33
Other moves: SCOUT 13A 31, SMOLT 13A 31, SMOUT 13A 31, SOLUM 13A 31, SOUCT 13A 31
SCUM 13A 33 Stranger
SOLUM 13A 31 ksong
SUM 13A 27 Hasni
MO 2F 22 annelhynz

On 9th draw, PED C3 29 --- PED a natural soil aggregate [n]
Other tops: PEG C3 29
Other moves: PET C3 26, DEG C3 25, GRIPED D8 24, PED 2D 23, DIET 2F 22
PED C3 29 annelhynz, ksong, Stranger
PET 9M 21 Hasni

On 10th draw, EXO 2E 55 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EX 2E 52, EX D3 43, FAREBOX D7 40, BEAK D4 38, FAREBOX E7 38
EX 2E 52 Stranger
EX D3 43 ksong, Hasni
FOX L3 35 annelhynz

On 11th draw, VEIL D4 34 --- VEIL to provide with a veil (a piece of sheer fabric worn over the face) [v]
Other moves: VET D4 32, PELT D4 30, PET D4 28, PRIVET D8 28, PE D4 26
VET D4 32 Stranger
PELT D4 30 ksong
PLIES O4 10 Hasni

On 12th draw, MAGNETO N8 28 --- MAGNETO a type of electric generator [n]
Other tops: MEGATON N8 28
Other moves: NOG 3E 25, TOG 3E 25, MONTAGE N8 24, MUTAGEN N8 24, SAGE 8A 24
TANGO L11 16 Hasni
GANE L2 12 annelhynz
GANT L2 12 Stranger
GAN L3 10 ksong

On 13th draw, DEARNLY 2I 79 --- DEARNLY secretly [adj]
Other moves: YEARD O11 42, DENY 15L 41, DYNE 15L 41, DENY O12 39, YEARN O11 39
DENY O12 39 Stranger
EARLY L1 23 Hasni
DEY O12 21 ksong

On 14th draw, FAZE M12 52 --- FAZE to disturb the composure of [v]
Other moves: FADE O12 50, FEZ M12 50, BEZ M12 47, DAZE M12 46, ADZ O13 44
FAZE M12 52 Hasni, ksong
AB 1N 35 annelhynz
AYE O1 18 Stranger

On 15th draw, UPTAKE 15H 51 --- UPTAKE an upward ventilating shaft [n] --- UPTAKE to take up [v]
Other moves: QAT L13 40, KAB L13 38, KYAT O1 36, TAK O13 36, AB 1N 35
AB 1N 35 annelhynz
AB O14 24 ksong
QUAKE 15I 23 Stranger
AT O14 18 Hasni

On 16th draw, BOG 3E 29 --- BOG to impede [v]
Other moves: BON 3E 25, BRING L1 25, BRUNG L1 25, NOG 3E 25, MAGNETON N8 24
QUINS O4 24 lyndyloo, Hasni
OB O14 24 annelhynz, Stranger, ksong

On 17th draw, AB 1N 35 --- AB an abdominal muscle [n]
Other moves: FA 10F 28, FRAB L1 26, FRIB L1 26, AB O14 24, FY O1 24
AB 1N 35 Stranger, annelhynz, ksong, Hasni
FY O1 24 fatcat
BY O1 21 lyndyloo

On 18th draw, EQUINIA 12A 32 --- EQUINIA glanders, a contagious horse disease [n]
Other moves: EQUID 12A 30, QADIS O4 25, QAIDS O4 25, QUADS O4 25, QUIDS O4 25
QUIDS O4 25 fatcat
QUADS O4 25 Hasni
HADED 5A 20 Stranger
QUIP I12 16 annelhynz
QUIT J12 15 ksong

On 19th draw, QUID B12 28 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other moves: FRUIT L1 26, QUIT B12 26, WOF M7 26, DRIFT L1 24, TOFU M7 24
QUID B12 28 ksong
QUIT B12 26 annelhynz
FRUIT L1 26 Stranger
IT 13B 19 Hasni
FEW 12M 13 fatcat

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