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Game of July 16, 2011 at 17:24, 11 players
1. 488 pts SuperH
2. 482 pts sunshine12
3. 458 pts matrix

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ddintwy   H8    34    34   widdy
 2. ?aejotu  10B    32    66   jousted
 3. ceimmos   I3    76   142   commies
 4. anorrst   8C    63   205   narrowest
 5. ?adilty   K5    94   299   tiltyard
 6. aaaeegs  B10    26   325   jagas
 7. aehinov  J10    32   357   hain
 8. fhkoruv  A13    34   391   foh
 9. eegiint  L10    34   425   teeing
10. abenptx  C13    35   460   tex
11. eefiorv  15I    42   502   forgive
12. abceknu   7D    34   536   beak
13. ceeoors   L1    26   562   cooees
14. adennpr   1H    36   598   pranced
15. enrtuuv   3I    24   622   cutover
16. aeiinqr  F10    34   656   tranq
17. eilnpuz   2D    38   694   ulzie
18. abiinpu   3B    29   723   bunia
19. gillopw   1A    44   767   lowp

Remaining tiles: gil

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6744 FileSuperH      1 14:47  -279  488     1.6744 SuperH      1 14:47  -279  488 
  2.6596 Filesunshine12  3 20:41  -285  482     2.6596 sunshine12  3 20:41  -285  482 
  3.6180 Filematrix      1 25:34  -309  458     3.6180 matrix      1 25:34  -309  458 
  4.6158 FileGLOBEMAN    3 23:06  -330  437     4.6158 GLOBEMAN    3 23:06  -330  437 
  5.5613 Fileiwhist      2 18:26  -352  415     5.6799 jeff        1 16:40  -366  401 
  6.6799 Filejeff        1 16:40  -366  401     6.6194 scrab21     0  3:40  -694   73 
  7.2930 Fileding        0 24:47  -504  263            Group: novice
  8.4429 Fileremij       0 17:56  -549  218     1.5613 iwhist      2 18:26  -352  415 
  9.6194 Filescrab21     0  3:40  -694   73     2.5699 agatelane   0  3:18  -701   66 
 10.5699 Fileagatelane   0  3:18  -701   66     3.5191 jimbo       1  1:02  -731   36 
 11.5191 Filejimbo       1  1:02  -731   36            Group: not rated
                                             1.2930 ding        0 24:47  -504  263 
                                             2.4429 remij       0 17:56  -549  218 

On 1st draw, WIDDY H8 34 --- WIDDY a hangman's noose [n]
Other tops: WIDDY H4 34
Other moves: WINDY H4 32, WINDY H8 32, TWINY H8 30, TIDDY H8 28, WIDDY H5 26
WINDY H4 32 agatelane, matrix, sunshine12, iwhist, jeff
WINDY H8 32 SuperH, ding

On 2nd draw, JOU(S)TED 10B 32 --- JOUST en engage in personal combat [v]
Other tops: JAU(N)TED 10B 32
Other moves: JATO G7 31, JOTA G7 31, JOTA I7 31, JAU(N)TY 12C 30, JET(W)AY 12C 30
JAU(N)TY 12C 30 jeff
JOT(T)Y 12D 28 sunshine12
JADE 10F 28 matrix, SuperH
JET(T)Y 12D 28 iwhist
JAW 8F 13 ding

On 3rd draw, COMMIES I3 76 --- COMMIE a Communist [n] --- COMMY a Communist [n]
Other moves: COSMI(S)M E5 48, COMMIE 11A 45, COMMIES C9 32, COMMIE C9 30, COMMIS C9 30
COMMIES C9 32 jeff
COME G7 26 matrix
MOMES C9 24 SuperH
MOMS 11A 23 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
OM 11B 17 iwhist
COS 11A 16 agatelane
JOE B10 10 ding

On 4th draw, NARROWEST 8C 63 --- NARROW of little width [adj]
Other moves: ROAST J4 27, SANTO 11A 25, JATOS B10 24, JOTAS B10 24, OAST J5 24
ROAST J4 27 matrix
ANT J6 19 jeff
ORNATE G5 18 agatelane
TORN 11A 17 iwhist
YARNS 12H 16 remij
NOS 11A 14 sunshine12
MOAN 5I 12 ding

On 5th draw, TILTYA(R)D K5 94 --- TILTYARD an area for jousting contests [n]
Other moves: DACTYLI(C) 3G 80, (M)ODALITY 4H 80, (N)ODALITY 4H 80, (S)ODALITY 4H 80, DA(C)TYLIC 3B 78
DAY J4 37 SuperH
JAIL(E)D B10 26 jeff
JILT(E)D B10 26 matrix
CA(D)DY 3I 20 remij
DAILY 12D 18 iwhist
TILT(E)D K8 12 ding

On 6th draw, JAGAS B10 26 --- JAGA a watchman (Indonesia) [n]
Other moves: AGEE L9 25, ASEA L9 22, SAGA 13K 22, SAGE 13K 22, ASEA 13J 20
SAGE 13K 22 SuperH, iwhist, matrix, scrab21, sunshine12
SAGA 13K 22 jeff
JAGS B10 12 ding
JEE B10 10 remij

On 7th draw, HAIN J10 32 --- HAIN to save [v]
Other tops: HAEN J10 32, HANDIE(R) 11E 32, HOVEA G7 32, HOVEA L1 32
Other moves: HAE J10 31, HAO J10 31, HOA J10 31, HOE J10 31, HOI J10 31
HOE J10 31 jeff, SuperH
HE J10 27 sunshine12
CHIVE 3I 26 iwhist
HAN A13 25 scrab21, matrix
DOVEN 12K 20 remij
DOVE 12K 16 ding

On 8th draw, FOH A13 34 --- FOH expressing disgust [interj]
Other moves: HOKE G7 32, CHUKOR 3I 30, FORKY 12D 30, KOR A13 29, HOKUM 5E 28
FOH A13 34 SuperH, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
KO H4 26 scrab21
FUR A13 25 matrix
HARK 13A 22 jeff
FRO(S)H E7 20 iwhist
CORK 3I 10 ding
THOU 5K 7 remij

On 9th draw, TEEING L10 34 --- TEE to place a golf ball on a small peg [v]
Other moves: TEEING 14J 28, TIEING 14J 28, FANTEEG 13A 26, TENGE 14J 26, TINGE 14J 26
TEEING L10 34 jeff
GEE C13 25 SuperH
GET C13 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
IT C12 19 matrix
CITING 3I 18 iwhist
GENT 12B 10 ding
IN 7C 8 remij

On 10th draw, TEX C13 35 --- TEX a unit of linear density of yarn, 1 gm per kilometre [n]
Other moves: EXPAT L2 32, BAXTER E3 30, BEN C13 29, BET C13 29, IBEX 6K 29
FAX 13A 26 GLOBEMAN, SuperH, sunshine12, iwhist, matrix, jeff
NEXT 14L 22 ding
GAPE 15L 21 remij

On 11th draw, FORGIVE 15I 42 --- FORGIVE to pardon [v]
Other moves: REGIVE 15J 30, VOGIER 15J 30, FOREVER F2 29, OGIVE 15K 27, FAERIE 11A 26
FORGIVE 15I 42 iwhist, matrix, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
VOGIER 15J 30 jeff
GIVE 15L 24 SuperH, ding
GREE 15L 15 remij

On 12th draw, BEAK 7D 34 --- BEAK a bird's bill [n]
Other tops: BAUK 7D 34
Other moves: BUNKMATE 5E 32, KAE H4 31, KEA H4 31, KUE H4 31, BOKE G7 30
KAE H4 31 SuperH, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BACKER E3 28 iwhist
BAKE M7 25 matrix
BUCK 3G 15 remij
CAKE O12 13 ding

On 13th draw, COOEES L1 26 --- COOEE to cry out shrilly [v]
Other moves: COERCES 3I 22, COOEE L1 22, CORSE L1 22, CORSO L1 22, EROSE 6B 22
CORSE L1 22 SuperH
SCORE M6 18 matrix
SCORE 14E 18 jeff
SCORE L1 18 sunshine12
(S)CORES E10 14 iwhist, GLOBEMAN
CORES 3I 14 ding
TREES 5K 5 remij

On 14th draw, PRANCED 1H 36 --- PRANCE to spring forward on the hind legs [v]
Other moves: REDAN M9 34, PRANCE 1H 30, DRAPE 6B 29, PEND M2 28, PRAD M2 28
PRANCED 1H 36 sunshine12, iwhist, jimbo, GLOBEMAN
PRONE 2J 26 SuperH
CARP 1L 24 remij
CAPE 1L 24 jeff
CRAP 1L 24 matrix
DOPER 3K 16 ding

On 15th draw, CUTOVER 3I 24 --- CUTOVER land cleared of trees [n]
Other moves: NERVY 12D 22, VAUNT 11A 22, VENTURER E1 22, ENURE M1 21, VET M9 20
REVERT(S) E4 18 remij
VOTER 3K 16 SuperH, iwhist
ROVEN 3K 16 ding, matrix
VAR F6 14 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 16th draw, TRANQ F10 34 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: RAINIER O3 24, AIERY 12D 16, QI 14H 16, RAINY 12D 16, RENAY 12D 16
RAINIER O3 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, SuperH
QI 14H 16 iwhist
QI 2G 15 matrix
XI 15C 10 ding
RAIN O3 5 remij

On 17th draw, ULZIE 2D 38 --- ULZIE ulyie [n]
Other moves: (S)EZ E10 37, PIZE M7 35, IZAR F5 33, ZINE M7 31, LUZERN(S) E4 30
ZO 4H 21 SuperH, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, matrix
ZEE O13 12 remij
LINER E4 10 iwhist

On 18th draw, BUNIA 3B 29 --- BUNIA a Hindu merchant [n]
Other moves: PIAN 3D 27, RAPINI O3 27, PAIN 1A 24, PIAN 1A 24, INIA 3C 23
PIAN 3D 27 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, SuperH
PAIN 1A 24 matrix
AN 3F 17 jeff
PAR F6 11 iwhist, remij
RABI O3 7 ding

On 19th draw, LOWP 1A 44 --- LOWP to leap [v]
Other moves: GLOP 1A 38, GOLP 1A 38, GIP 4C 26, GLOOP 4F 26, PIG 4C 26
GLOP 1A 38 jeff, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
GOLP 1A 38 SuperH
PI 4F 18 iwhist
BLOW B3 17 matrix
GOV N13 14 ding
BOWL B3 11 remij

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