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Game of July 16, 2011 at 19:42, 14 players
1. 544 pts jeff
2. 489 pts arlo805
3. 469 pts agatelane

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeinnpt   H4    22    22   pinene
 2. defgrtu   5E    44    66   fruited
 3. ?dgpuuv   G7    27    93   pudge
 4. aceikov   I7    40   133   cive
 5. ?aeeglz   K5    86   219   deglazed
 6. acennos   L9    87   306   sonance
 7. aiilrst  15H   122   428   listeria
 8. adikqrt   M7    40   468   dika
 9. aehjort  14D    33   501   hejra
10. einrrsu  12A    75   576   ruiners
11. aeiloot  15A    26   602   telia
12. aelooty   J2    31   633   looey
13. abegiou   1J    44   677   baguio
14. aimnoqr   3I    52   729   qorma
15. aehtvwx   A8    45   774   waxer
16. defimov   4A    31   805   video
17. bmnoott  14L    34   839   comb
18. hnostwy   B2    44   883   whity
19. fnoostt   C1    31   914   food

Remaining tiles: nstt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6793 Filejeff        2 15:26  -370  544     1.6793 jeff        2 15:26  -370  544 
  2.6122 Filearlo805     1 20:25  -425  489     2.6122 arlo805     1 20:25  -425  489 
  3.5735 Fileagatelane   1 23:33  -445  469     3.6607 sunshine12  2 20:29  -480  434 
  4.5161 FileGrace_Tjie  0 13:31  -472  442     4.6202 GLOBEMAN    2 21:52  -646  268 
  5.6607 Filesunshine12  2 20:29  -480  434     5.6082 margalang   0  4:55  -849   65 
  6.4413 Fileremij       0 20:07  -630  284     6.6724 woofy1      0  0:23  -886   28 
  7.6202 FileGLOBEMAN    2 21:52  -646  268            Group: novice
  8.5693 Filepandora1._  1 13:21  -680  234     1.5735 agatelane   1 23:33  -445  469 
  9.  -  FileNanners     1  9:49  -750  164     2.5161 Grace_Tjie  0 13:31  -472  442 
 10.6082 Filemargalang   0  4:55  -849   65     3.5693 pandora1._  1 13:21  -680  234 
 11.4090 Filexxxx36      0  7:47  -881   33     4.5636 iwhist      0  0:30  -903   11 
 12.6724 Filewoofy1      0  0:23  -886   28            Group: not rated
 13.  -  Filetygrysek    0  4:41  -887   27     1.4413 remij       0 20:07  -630  284 
 14.5636 Fileiwhist      0  0:30  -903   11     2.  -  Nanners     1  9:49  -750  164 
                                             3.4090 xxxx36      0  7:47  -881   33 
                                             4.  -  tygrysek    0  4:41  -887   27 

On 1st draw, PINENE H4 22 --- PINENE the main constituent of turpentine [n]
Other tops: PINNET H4 22
Other moves: PENIE H4 20, PENNE H4 20, PENNI H4 20, PINENE H3 18, PINENE H7 18
PINNET H4 22 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, agatelane
TENPIN H4 18 remij, jeff
TENPIN H3 18 arlo805
PINT H8 12 Grace_Tjie
PINT H5 12 margalang
PINT H7 12 Nanners

On 2nd draw, FRUITED 5E 44 --- FRUIT to bear fruit (usually edible reproductive bodies of a seed plant) [v]
Other moves: FUDGE G7 32, FUDGE I7 32, DEFT G7 30, DEFT I7 30, DEF G7 29
FUDGE G7 32 sunshine12
FED I7 29 arlo805
FUD I7 29 jeff
FEUD G9 21 margalang
PURGED 4H 20 agatelane
FED I3 18 Grace_Tjie
PRUDE 4H 16 Nanners
FR*G 5F 8 remij

On 3rd draw, PUDG(E) G7 27 --- PUDGE a squat thing [n]
Other tops: PUDG(Y) G7 27
Other moves: PUDG(E) 4A 26, PUDU G7 26, PUDU(S) G7 26, DUP G7 25, DUP(E) G7 25
PUDG(E) G7 27 jeff, Nanners
P(A)D G7 23 arlo805
(S)UP 10H 18 sunshine12
P(I)G 4J 16 Grace_Tjie
P(A)D 4J 16 margalang
PURG(E) F3 11 agatelane
D(R)UG K5 5 remij

On 4th draw, CIVE I7 40 --- CIVE a chive [n]
Other moves: VOICE 4A 33, CAVIE 4A 31, CAVIE 4B 27, KIVA 6B 26, VOICE I9 26
VOICE 4A 33 jeff
CAKE 4B 25 Grace_Tjie
VICE 4B 23 agatelane
KOA 4D 21 arlo805
CAV(E) 11D 16 margalang
CAKED K1 12 remij
PEEK 7G 11 Nanners

On 5th draw, DEGLAZE(D) K5 86 --- DEGLAZE to remove the glaze from [v]
Other tops: DEGLAZE(S) K5 86
Other moves: AZ(O)LE H11 70, Z(O)EAE 4A 51, AG(A)ZE H11 49, (A)GAZE H11 48, LEAZE H11 46
LAZE(D) H11 43 agatelane
GLAZE 4A 39 jeff
L*Z J4 32 sunshine12
ZEE 4D 31 arlo805
(F)EZ J4 31 Nanners
GLAZ(E) 11C 28 Grace_Tjie
ZED K3 13 remij

On 6th draw, SONANCE L9 87 --- SONANCE sound [n]
Other moves: ANCONES 12A 79, FACONNES E5 76, ACNES H11 31, SCENA H11 31, SCONE H11 31
CANOE 4A 25 jeff
CANOES 12B 25 arlo805
SANE L9 25 Nanners
LACES 8K 24 Grace_Tjie
NONES H11 19 sunshine12
LEANS 8K 18 remij
NAN L9 18 agatelane

On 7th draw, LISTERIA 15H 122 --- LISTERIA a rod-shaped bacterium [n]
Other moves: LIATRIS 12A 75, LAIRIEST 15G 74, LAIRI(E)ST 11B 74, LIATRIS M3 72, AIRI(E)ST 11C 22
TRAILS 12B 21 jeff, agatelane
LISTER 15H 18 sunshine12
LASTER 15H 18 arlo805
LEAST 15K 15 Nanners
RELIT 15K 15 remij
REALS 15K 15 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, DIKA M7 40 --- DIKA a West Indian tree [n]
Other moves: TIKA M7 38, KA M9 35, QADI 4B 33, KITED J2 31, QADI N12 28
TIKA M7 38 agatelane
KA M9 35 arlo805
QADI 4B 33 Grace_Tjie
QI 14I 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, jeff
QI 4D 27 Nanners
QI N14 22 remij

On 9th draw, HEJRA 14D 33 --- HEJRA the flight of Mohammed from Mecca [n]
Other moves: JOTA 6B 32, JEAT 14F 31, JET N6 31, JOT N6 31, COTH 14L 29
JOT N6 31 arlo805, agatelane, jeff
JET N6 31 Grace_Tjie
JOE 14F 28 sunshine12
JE(E)R 11E 20 remij

On 10th draw, RUINERS 12A 75 --- RUINER one that ruins [n]
Other moves: REINSURE E7 66, RESIN 15A 26, RINES 15A 26, RISEN 15A 26, RISER 15A 26
SIREN 15A 26 jeff, Grace_Tjie
RINES 15A 26 remij
RUNES 15A 26 arlo805
RUINERS 12A 25 agatelane
RENS N6 19 pandora1._
SI I14 18 sunshine12

On 11th draw, TELIA 15A 26 --- TELIUM the cluster of spore cases of the rust fungi [n]
Other tops: LOOIE 15A 26
Other moves: IOTA 15C 22, LOTA 15C 22, LOTO 15C 22, TELA 15C 22, TOEA 15C 22
LOTO 15A 21 sunshine12
LATE 15A 21 remij
TALE 15A 21 jeff
TAILOR A7 18 pandora1._
LOOTER A7 18 arlo805
LOITER A7 18 agatelane
TRAIL A11 15 Grace_Tjie

On 12th draw, LOOEY J2 31 --- LOOEY a lieutenant of the armed forces [n]
Other moves: COLY 14L 29, TOEY J3 28, ELYTRA A8 27, LEY J4 27, TELARY A8 27
LEY J4 27 jeff
TOYER A8 24 agatelane
OY 11D 22 Grace_Tjie
LOOTER A7 18 arlo805
AYE N5 17 sunshine12
YO N6 16 pandora1._
FAY E5 9 remij

On 13th draw, BAGUIO 1J 44 --- BAGUIO a hurricane [n]
Other moves: BOUGIE 1J 41, GIBE 1H 32, BAGUIO 4A 31, BOUGIE 4A 31, BOUGIE B10 30
GOB 1H 29 jeff
GAB 1H 29 agatelane
CUBE 14L 28 sunshine12
BOOGIE 3I 24 pandora1._
GOIER A8 18 arlo805
EGO 4C 13 Grace_Tjie
GLOBE 2I 8 remij

On 14th draw, QORMA 3I 52 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: QI N6 34, UMIAQ M1 32, COMA 14L 28, QUARE B11 28, QUINE B11 28
QI N6 34 Grace_Tjie
COMA 14L 28 arlo805
QUARE B11 28 sunshine12
QUINE B11 28 remij
QI 11C 24 agatelane
QI N14 22 pandora1._

On 15th draw, WAXER A8 45 --- WAXER one that waxes [n]
Other moves: AXE 4L 37, TAXER A8 36, THAWER A7 36, AX 4L 35, EX 4L 35
WAXER A8 45 pandora1._, arlo805, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
AXE 4L 37 jeff, Grace_Tjie
XI N14 18 remij, agatelane, xxxx36

On 16th draw, VIDEO 4A 31 --- VIDEO a recording for playing on a television set [n] --- VIDEO to make a video recording [v]
Other tops: IDEM 4L 31, MOVIE 4A 31
Other moves: DEF 11C 29, DIF 11C 29, DOF 11C 29, COME 14L 28, EVO 2L 28
COME 14L 28 jeff
FIVE 4B 25 Grace_Tjie
VIED B6 24 arlo805
FIVE E9 20 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
DI B9 19 agatelane
DOVE B5 15 tygrysek
WOVE 8A 11 remij
XI 10A 11 pandora1._
IF 8M 5 xxxx36

On 17th draw, COMB 14L 34 --- COMB to arrange or clean with a comb (a toothed instrument) [v]
Other moves: MONO 3B 30, TOMO 3B 30, MOB 11C 28, MOB 3B 28, OMOV A1 27
COMB 14L 34 jeff
MOB 11C 28 arlo805
COOM 14L 26 sunshine12
BON 3B 22 pandora1._
BOOT 6B 18 agatelane
MOT N6 16 Grace_Tjie
MOON D9 6 tygrysek
OOT O1 3 remij

On 18th draw, WHITY B2 44 --- WHITY a white person [n] --- WHITY whitish [adj]
Other tops: WHINY B2 44
Other moves: TOYISH B1 40, SHINY B2 38, SWITH B2 38, TWINY B2 38, HOW 11C 35
SHINY B2 38 agatelane
SHOW N3 35 jeff
HOW 3B 34 Grace_Tjie, arlo805
WONS N6 28 pandora1._
WITH B3 18 remij
ASKS 9K 8 sunshine12
OH O1 5 xxxx36

On 19th draw, FOOD C1 31 --- FOOD a substance taken into the body to maintain life and growth [n]
Other moves: IFS N1 29, FONS N6 28, OOF 11C 26, SOFT N3 26, OOFS N6 25
IFS N1 29 pandora1._, agatelane
FONS N6 28 woofy1, jeff
OOF 11C 26 sunshine12
TOTS N6 19 arlo805
IFS 8M 18 Grace_Tjie
TO A1 11 remij
SO A1 11 iwhist
FOE D2 6 tygrysek
IF 8M 5 xxxx36

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