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Game of July 16, 2011 at 22:00, 9 players
1. 567 pts yab
2. 505 pts shanice
3. 458 pts worsie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ceinou   H7    72    72   nourice
 2. eiilnty   G4    28   100   lenity
 3. addegrs  14B    83   183   gadders
 4. ?abenos  11E    86   269   obeisant
 5. aeeilmw  15A    33   302   wile
 6. emnoprs   5A    74   376   prosemen
 7. dehiotz  10H    64   440   riz
 8. aeefkpr   C4    69   509   forepeak
 9. aefimou   4C    39   548   famuli
10. delnort   A2    33   581   droplet
11. aeijnst   L8    96   677   jantiest
12. aaghirt   2A    38   715   dargah
13. behiotu   8L    42   757   jehu
14. abfgnuy   1E    42   799   bungy
15. aeiootv  14J    32   831   visto
16. efiortx   M4    45   876   orifex
17. aadettw   N2    40   916   tawed
18. acilotv   L1    47   963   clavi

Remaining tiles: ooqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6631 Fileyab         2 20:54  -396  567     1.6631 yab         2 20:54  -396  567 
  2.6259 Fileshanice     3 20:41  -458  505     2.6259 shanice     3 20:41  -458  505 
  3.5454 Fileworsie      0 18:40  -505  458     3.6610 sunshine12  0  5:04  -844  119 
  4.4207 Filepickrose    0  9:01  -686  277     4.6221 GLOBEMAN    0  1:05  -945   18 
  5.  -  Filemwalsh      0 16:48  -733  230            Group: novice
  6.4636 Filemagictwig   0 11:30  -739  224     1.5454 worsie      0 18:40  -505  458 
  7.  -  FileObinna      1  5:40  -842  121            Group: not rated
  8.6610 Filesunshine12  0  5:04  -844  119     1.4207 pickrose    0  9:01  -686  277 
  9.6221 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:05  -945   18     2.  -  mwalsh      0 16:48  -733  230 
                                             3.4636 magictwig   0 11:30  -739  224 
                                             4.  -  Obinna      1  5:40  -842  121 

On 1st draw, NOU(R)ICE H7 72 --- NOURICE a nurse [n]
Other tops: COENU(R)I H4 72, UN(V)OICE H7 72
Other moves: COENU(R)I H2 68, COENU(R)I H3 68, COENU(R)I H6 68, COENU(R)I H8 68, NOU(R)ICE H2 68
COENU(R)I H4 22 yab
COU(S)IN H4 20 magictwig
(P)OUNCE H8 20 worsie
CINE(S) H4 18 sunshine12
COIN H8 12 mwalsh

On 2nd draw, LENITY G4 28 --- LENITY the quality of being lenient [n]
Other tops: TINILY G4 28
Other moves: YITE I7 27, LINY G6 26, TINY G6 26, TYIN I6 26, YEN I7 25
TINY G6 26 shanice
CLIENT 12H 16 magictwig
NINETY 7H 14 worsie
CLINE 12H 14 yab
TINY 11G 7 mwalsh

On 3rd draw, GADDERS 14B 83 --- GADDER one that gads about [n]
Other moves: DEGRADES 13G 80, DEGRADES 13B 78, DEGRADES 5A 72, DEGRADES 5F 72, DISGRADE 11G 72
GADDERS 14B 33 yab, magictwig
CADGERS 12H 22 worsie
LADDERS 4G 20 mwalsh
ADDERS 5D 16 shanice

On 4th draw, OBEISAN(T) 11E 86 --- OBEISANT showing reverence or respect [adj]
Other moves: BO(R)ANES I3 77, BONSE(L)LA 4A 76, A(M)BONES I3 75, CABE(Z)ONS 12H 74, CO(W)BANES 12H 74
S(H)EBEAN 5E 32 yab
BONE 15A 30 worsie
SOB 15A 22 magictwig
(R)OBES 10H 12 mwalsh

On 5th draw, WILE 15A 33 --- WILE to entice [v]
Other moves: LIMA 15A 32, LIME 15A 32, WAME 13A 32, MILE 15A 30, AMIE 13B 29
WAME 12C 26 yab
ME 10J 22 shanice
AWE 12D 21 worsie
MALE J10 12 magictwig
WAI(T) L8 10 mwalsh

On 6th draw, PROSEMEN 5A 74 --- PROSEMAN a writer of prose [n]
Other tops: PROSEMEN 5C 74
Other moves: PROSEMAN J5 70, EPROM H1 37, POEM 13C 37, OPENERS 5E 36, MOER 13C 31
ROMPS 12A 22 yab
(T)EMPS L11 18 pickrose
PREMS 5E 18 magictwig
POEMS 5E 18 worsie

On 7th draw, (R)IZ 10H 64 --- RISE to move upward [v]
Other tops: ZO 10J 64, (R)EZ 10H 64
Other moves: PHIZ A5 54, PIZED A5 51, PIEZO A5 48, PIZE A5 45, ZED 4C 44
ZO 10J 64 shanice, Obinna
PHIZ A5 54 yab
ZOOT C3 26 pickrose, magictwig
ZOO C3 24 worsie

On 8th draw, FOREPEAK C4 69 --- FOREPEAK the forward part of a ship's hold [n]
Other moves: FRAPPEE A1 51, FRAPPE A1 48, FRAPPEE A2 45, KEPIS I7 45, REPARK B1 44
APEEK A4 36 yab
PARK A5 30 magictwig, pickrose, Obinna, shanice
PEEK A5 30 worsie
PREP A5 24 mwalsh

On 9th draw, FAMULI 4C 39 --- FAMULUS a servant or attendant [n]
Other moves: FAMES D1 38, FOMES D1 38, FUMES D1 38, FOAM B7 36, FEMORA B1 35
OF B9 28 shanice
MOPE 8A 27 mwalsh, worsie, Obinna
POEM A5 24 pickrose
POME A5 24 yab

On 10th draw, DROPLET A2 33 --- DROPLET a tiny drop [n]
Other moves: DEPORT A3 30, PORTEND A5 30, PRETOLD A5 30, PROTEND A5 30, DEPOT 8A 27
DROPLET A2 33 yab
DEPORT A3 30 magictwig
PONDER A5 27 pickrose, worsie
TOPED 8A 27 shanice

On 11th draw, JAN(T)IEST L8 96 --- JANTY briskly self-assured [adj]
Other moves: JANTIES 3H 90, TAJINES 3H 83, JANTIES(T) L4 80, JEST 12A 56, JAN(T)IES L8 42
JEST 12A 56 shanice
SEJANT 3H 31 yab
JE(T)S L9 20 pickrose
JES(T) L8 18 mwalsh, worsie
JO E10 9 magictwig

On 12th draw, DARGAH 2A 38 --- DARGAH the tomb of a Muslim saint [n]
Other tops: RATH B7 38
Other moves: JAGA 8L 36, AAH B8 34, HASTA 14J 32, TAHA M7 32, AHA M8 30
AH B9 28 shanice
THIG 15L 24 pickrose, yab
THAT 15L 21 worsie
HART 9K 8 magictwig

On 13th draw, JEHU 8L 42 --- JEHU a fast driver [n]
Other tops: BOTHIE 1E 42
Other moves: JIBE 8L 39, JOBE 8L 39, JUBE 8L 39, BETH 1E 36, BOTH 1E 36
JEHU 8L 42 shanice, yab
JIBE 8L 39 worsie
TETH 15L 21 pickrose

On 14th draw, BUNGY 1E 42 --- BUNGY a strong rubber rope [n]
Other moves: BUNYA 1E 39, ABY B8 38, ANY B8 34, FANG 1E 34, FUNG 1E 34
BUNGY 1E 42 shanice
BUNYA 1E 39 yab
FEY M7 26 worsie
SANG 14L 10 pickrose

On 15th draw, VISTO 14J 32 --- VISTO a view [n]
Other tops: VESTA 14J 32, VISTA 14J 32
Other moves: VITTAE 15J 27, VIAE B7 26, VITA B7 26, VITE B7 26, VOTE B7 26
VITTAE 15J 27 yab
SAVE 14L 14 pickrose
VET M7 14 worsie
VETO 13K 14 shanice
TOOT 15L 12 mwalsh

On 16th draw, ORIFEX M4 45 --- ORIFEX a mouth-like opening [n]
Other moves: TAXER 9K 44, TAXOR 9K 44, TEXT 15L 44, FOREX M5 41, ORIFEX 2I 41
TEXT 15L 44 worsie, mwalsh
TAXI 9K 41 sunshine12
FAX 9K 38 shanice
XI 15N 36 yab
HEX N8 29 pickrose

On 17th draw, TAWED N2 40 --- TAW to convert into white leather by the application of minerals [v]
Other moves: TAWED L2 33, AWED L3 31, TAWTED L1 31, DEAW L1 30, WAD L4 29
TAWED L2 33 shanice, yab
TAWT 15L 28 worsie, mwalsh
WADE B7 28 sunshine12
WARD 5K 16 pickrose

On 18th draw, CLAVI L1 47 --- CLAVUS a horny thickening of the skin [n]
Other moves: CAVIL L2 45, VAC L4 43, VOCAL L2 43, COITAL L1 41, LOVAT L2 41
VOLTA L1 39 yab
OVAL L3 39 shanice
VOLT O1 35 worsie
COAT O1 32 sunshine12
VOW 4L 18 pickrose
TOIL 15L 16 mwalsh

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