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Game of July 16, 2011 at 22:44, 4 players
1. 487 pts sunshine12
2. 422 pts worsie
3. 80 pts pickrose

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dinrtw   H4    26    26   winder
 2. deimprt   5E    40    66   timider
 3. dejnotv   6B    36   102   jeton
 4. cimnpsu  10F    31   133   music
 5. ?aaenpu   8A    77   210   paenulae
 6. eeghils   6J    33   243   heles
 7. ehiilno   4J    28   271   helio
 8. deilorx   3K    47   318   dex
 9. aeikosy   O1    46   364   yoks
10. aafgnru   9B    26   390   afar
11. abdeoor   L6    26   416   labored
12. aefgirs   N4    65   481   ossifrage
13. aceiott  O10    35   516   tietac
14. gilnouw  K11    31   547   wongi
15. aillntv  15H    42   589   vanillic
16. aegptuz  11A    40   629   upgaze
17. einooqt  A10    48   677   queint
18. boortvy   O7    41   718   oy
19. boortuv  12D    36   754   bout

Remaining tiles: orv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6614 Filesunshine12  1 22:48  -267  487     1.6614 sunshine12  1 22:48  -267  487 
  2.5452 Fileworsie      1 21:04  -332  422            Group: novice
  3.4213 Filepickrose    0  4:35  -674   80     1.5452 worsie      1 21:04  -332  422 
  4.5607 Fileslebbarc    0  1:02  -750    4     2.5607 slebbarc    0  1:02  -750    4 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4213 pickrose    0  4:35  -674   80 

On 1st draw, WIND(E)R H4 26 --- WINDER one that winds [n]
Other tops: TWIN(E)D H3 26, TWIR(E)D H3 26
Other moves: IND(E)W H8 24, IND(O)W H8 24, TWIN(E)R H3 24, WIDT(H) H4 24, WID(E)N H4 24
WINT(E)R H4 24 worsie
WRIT(E) H4 22 sunshine12
TWIN(E) H4 16 pickrose

On 2nd draw, TIMIDER 5E 40 --- TIMID lacking courage or self-confidence [adj]
Other moves: WIMPED 4H 28, DIREMPT 5G 24, PRIMED 5F 22, WIPED 4H 22, IMPED I1 21
WIMPED 4H 28 worsie
PRIMED 5F 22 pickrose
PET I3 15 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, JETON 6B 36 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: TONED 6F 30, VOTED 6B 30, JEDI F2 28, JETE J2 27, DEVON 6J 24
JIVED F4 24 pickrose, sunshine12
JET 4D 24 worsie

On 4th draw, MUSIC 10F 31 --- MUSIC to perform the art of expression in sound [v] --- MUSIC vocal or instrumental sounds organized to produce a unified composition [n]
Other moves: MICS 7C 28, MIPS 7C 28, MUCINS 4J 28, PUMICES C1 28, CUPMEN C2 26
CUSP 10F 24 worsie
JUMPS B6 18 sunshine12, pickrose

On 5th draw, PAENU(L)A(E) 8A 77 --- PAENULA a Roman cloak [n]
Other moves: (S)AUCEPAN J7 63, PAENU(L)AE C4 60, PA(E)NU(L)AE 8F 59, PAEAN(S) 7A 27, WA(T)APE 4H 26
(S)ANE 7A 18 sunshine12
PANE 11C 16 worsie

On 6th draw, HELES 6J 33 --- HELE to hide [v]
Other tops: HEELS 6J 33, HEILS 6J 33
Other moves: HEEL 6J 30, HEIL 6J 30, HELE 6J 30, SLEIGH K10 30, HES 6J 29
HIES 11D 20 worsie

On 7th draw, HELIO 4J 28 --- HELIO a signaling mirror [n]
Other tops: NIHIL 7K 28
Other moves: HEIL 4J 26, HELO 4J 26, HILI 4J 26, HIOI 4J 26, HOLE 4J 26
HONE 11C 18 worsie
HOLE 11C 18 sunshine12

On 8th draw, DEX 3K 47 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other tops: DOXIE 7K 47
Other moves: EXILED C8 44, LEX 3K 44, EXILER C8 42, EXO 3L 42, OXID 7L 41
OXID 7L 41 sunshine12
OXIDE 11B 30 worsie

On 9th draw, YOKS O1 46 --- YOK a boisterous laugh [n] --- YOK to laugh [v]
Other tops: KAYS O1 46, KEYS O1 46, KYES O1 46, YAKS O1 46
Other moves: KAYOES N1 41, KAYOES K10 40, KAYOS K10 38, OKAYS K9 38, SKIEY K9 38
KEYS O1 46 worsie
SKY K10 30 sunshine12

On 10th draw, AFAR 9B 26 --- AFAR a great distance [n]
Other moves: ARF 9A 25, FAG 9C 25, FUG 9C 25, FAN 9C 23, FAR 9C 23
FANGA 11B 22 sunshine12
AN N1 13 worsie

On 11th draw, LABORED L6 26 --- LABOR to work [v]
Other moves: BOORDE 11A 22, DEBAR 11C 22, AB N1 21, OB N1 21, ABODE 11B 20
ABODE 11B 20 worsie
BORE 11C 16 sunshine12

On 12th draw, OSSIFRAGE N4 65 --- OSSIFRAGE [n]
Other moves: FERIAS M9 42, FERIA M9 40, FIBERS 8J 33, FIBRES 8J 33, FAGS K11 29
FIBRES 8J 33 sunshine12
FIRES 11C 22 worsie

On 13th draw, TIETAC O10 35 --- TIETAC a tie clip [n]
Other moves: TAE O7 28, BAFT 8L 27, ATOC O12 24, ETIC O12 24, TACE O12 24
BAFT 8L 27 sunshine12
CITE 11C 16 worsie

On 14th draw, WONGI K11 31 --- WONGI to chat [v]
Other moves: WING K11 29, BUFO 8L 27, WIG K11 27, WINO K11 27, W*G K11 27
W*G K11 27 sunshine12
GLUE C3 10 worsie

On 15th draw, VANILLIC 15H 42 --- VANILLA a flavouring extract [adj] --- VANILLIC pertaining to vanilla [adj]
Other moves: VILLAIN 15F 33, ANVIL 15H 27, BAFT 8L 27, VILLAN 11B 24, VILLI 15G 24
VILLAIN 15F 33 worsie, sunshine12

On 16th draw, UPGAZE 11A 40 --- UPGAZE to gaze up [v]
Other moves: UPGAZE C1 36, ZAP 11E 36, ZEP 11E 36, GAUZE 11B 34, ZUPA 11C 34
GAZE 11C 32 worsie
ZAG 14I 30 sunshine12

On 17th draw, QUEINT A10 48 --- QUEINT old-fashioned [adj]
Other tops: QUINTE A10 48
Other moves: NOTE 12D 28, TONE 12D 28, EON 12D 26, ION 12D 26, NOT 12D 26
QUINTE A10 48 sunshine12
QUIET A10 15 worsie

On 18th draw, OY O7 41 --- OY a grandchild [n] --- OY used to express dismay or pain [interj]
Other moves: BOT 12D 34, OBO 12C 32, BY N1 31, YO 12D 31, ROTO 12D 28
YO 12D 31 sunshine12
BROOM G1 15 worsie

On 19th draw, BOUT 12D 36 --- BOUT a contest [n]
Other moves: BOT 12D 34, OBO 12C 32, ROTO 12D 28, ROUT 12D 28, TOUR 12D 28
BOT 12D 34 sunshine12
VROOM G1 16 worsie
RUIN F3 4 slebbarc

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