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Game of July 16, 2011 at 23:30, 5 players
1. 504 pts slebbarc
2. 316 pts gmills0
3. 219 pts Kimmie22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeefno   H4    26    26   fonda
 2. aeenoru   I3    20    46   ranee
 3. aaikops   J5    44    90   skip
 4. efgisst   K2    34   124   gifts
 5. bhlnoux   4K    28   152   flux
 6. acjorsu   M3    30   182   jucos
 7. ?ademot   8A    83   265   oedemata
 8. aemnpru   N2    33   298   pax
 9. ehorsuw   O1    44   342   hew
10. ?bdinor   E8    74   416   moribund
11. elmostw  14D    67   483   snowmelt
12. abegruv  10C    70   553   burgrave
13. deinttu   A1    80   633   duettino
14. acehioq  15H    42   675   ohia
15. aenrruy  12C    30   705   rebury
16. aeeeoty   N6    28   733   yo
17. aeeginv   O5    39   772   geneva
18. cenoqrt  N10    22   794   tronc
19. aeeiilq   L1    24   818   qi
20. aaeiilz  M12    37   855   za
21. aeeiill   L9    32   887   ilea

Remaining tiles: eiil

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5621 Fileslebbarc    2 19:37  -383  504     1.6222 renmar      0  1:49  -868   19 
  2.4287 Filegmills0     0 20:25  -571  316            Group: novice
  3.  -  FileKimmie22    0 12:48  -668  219     1.5621 slebbarc    2 19:37  -383  504 
  4.5646 Fileiwhist      1  1:46  -831   56     2.5646 iwhist      1  1:46  -831   56 
  5.6222 Filerenmar      0  1:49  -868   19            Group: not rated
                                             1.4287 gmills0     0 20:25  -571  316 
                                             2.  -  Kimmie22    0 12:48  -668  219 

On 1st draw, FONDA H4 26 --- FONDA a tavern [n]
Other moves: DEAFEN H4 24, DEAFEN H3 22, DEAFEN H7 22, DEAFEN H8 22, DEAFEN H5 20
DEAFEN H4 24 slebbarc
DEAF H8 16 Kimmie22

On 2nd draw, RANEE I3 20 --- RANEE the wife of a rajah [n]
Other moves: FORANE 4H 18, FURANE 4H 18, FEARE 4H 16, FEUAR 4H 16, FOUER 4H 16
NEURON 6C 8 slebbarc
ROUND 7D 7 Kimmie22

On 3rd draw, SKIP J5 44 --- SKIP to move with light springing steps [v]
Other moves: ASK J4 43, SKIO J5 42, KIPS J6 41, SKI J5 41, KIP J6 40
SKIP 9H 25 slebbarc
ASK 8H 13 Kimmie22

On 4th draw, GIFTS K2 34 --- GIFT to present with a gift (something given without charge) [v]
Other tops: FEISTS K1 34
Other moves: FEISTS 9E 32, FESTS K2 32, FISTS K2 32, SIFTS K2 32, FESTS 9F 31
SIS 9H 25 slebbarc
GIFTS 9D 20 Kimmie22

On 5th draw, FLUX 4K 28 --- FLUX to melt [v]
Other moves: FOX 4K 26, FOHN 4K 20, POX 8J 20, XU L1 20, HOX G8 19
FOX 4K 26 slebbarc, gmills0, Kimmie22

On 6th draw, JUCOS M3 30 --- JUCO a junior college [n]
Other moves: PAROUS 8J 27, COAX N1 26, COXA N2 26, CRUX N1 26, GAJOS 2K 26
SAX N2 20 gmills0, Kimmie22
JUS M3 20 slebbarc
JO G8 19 renmar

On 7th draw, O(E)DEMATA 8A 83 --- OEDEMA edema [n]
Other moves: OED(E)MATA 8A 80, MAX N2 33, MOTED N6 30, M(A)X N2 30, MOATED N6 29
MAX N2 33 slebbarc
JOT 3M 19 gmills0
MADE G8 12 Kimmie22

On 8th draw, PAX N2 33 --- PAX a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n]
Other tops: MAX N2 33
Other moves: PREMAN 7A 30, PREMAN 9A 30, RAX N2 29, MANURE 9B 28, REMAP 7B 27
MAX N2 33 slebbarc
PERM E5 16 Kimmie22
DREAM C8 9 gmills0

On 9th draw, HEW O1 44 --- HEW to cut with an ax [v]
Other tops: HOW O1 44
Other moves: WHORES N6 40, HOWES 9D 39, WHORE N6 39, WHOSE N6 39, HOWRES N6 37
HOW O1 44 slebbarc
SHOWER D4 24 gmills0
HORSED C3 22 Kimmie22

On 10th draw, MORIB(U)ND E8 74 --- MORIBUND being about to die [adj]
Other moves: D(E)BON(A)IR B7 72, INBO(A)RD K8 72, INBO(A)RD L7 72, INORB(E)D K8 72, INORB(E)D L7 72
REBO(U)ND D7 18 Kimmie22
BR(A)INED D3 18 gmills0
BRIDE D4 16 slebbarc

On 11th draw, SNOWMELT 14D 67 --- SNOWMELT water produced by the melting of snow [n]
Other moves: MOWED 15A 36, LOWEST 9D 31, DOWELS 15E 30, DOWLES 15E 30, DOWSET 15E 30
MOWED 15A 36 slebbarc
WOMB 12B 22 Kimmie22
SOLED 15A 21 gmills0

On 12th draw, BURGRAVE 10C 70 --- BURGRAVE a German nobleman [n]
Other moves: BURGRAVE 10A 68, BREGMA H10 36, BEMA H12 33, GAMB H12 33, BRAME H11 30
BRUME H11 30 slebbarc
GAME H12 27 Kimmie22, gmills0

On 13th draw, DUETTINO A1 80 --- DUETTINO a simple duet [n]
Other moves: UNBITTED 12C 74, DIME H12 27, UNDID 15A 27, IDENT 15K 26, UNI 15H 25
DIME H12 27 slebbarc, gmills0

On 14th draw, OHIA 15H 42 --- OHIA a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: HAME H12 39, HOMA H12 39, HOME H12 39, AHI 15H 37, CAME H12 33
COME H12 33 gmills0
HIC N6 31 slebbarc

On 15th draw, REBURY 12C 30 --- BURY to put in the ground and cover with earth [v] --- REBURY to bury again [v]
Other tops: ANBURY 12C 30
Other moves: AYS D12 24, NEARBY 12A 24, REYNARD C2 24, YARNED C3 22, DEBURR C8 20
YEH I13 13 slebbarc
TRUER 4A 10 gmills0

On 16th draw, YO N6 28 --- YO used to call attention or to express affirmation [interj]
Other moves: BYRE C10 18, EYOT 13K 17, TODY 15C 17, TOEY N7 17, TY(E)E B6 17
OYE 6M 14 slebbarc
TOEY 4A 14 gmills0

On 17th draw, GENEVA O5 39 --- GENEVA a liquor [n]
Other moves: GENEVA O7 37, VEGAN O5 37, VEGIE O5 37, VENGE O5 36, VEGA O5 34
VENGE O5 36 slebbarc
TANGI 4A 12 gmills0

On 18th draw, TRONC N10 22 --- TRONC waiters tips collectively [n]
Other moves: CORNED C3 20, CORTIN 11A 20, TOCO 9B 20, UNCOER 2A 20, ECO 9C 18
TO(E) B6 10 slebbarc
INERT 6A 7 gmills0

On 19th draw, QI L1 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI M9 24
Other moves: EALE M10 19, QAID 15B 18, QAID C5 15, ALE M11 14, AE J2 12
TALE 4A 8 slebbarc
LIAR 11K 8 gmills0

On 20th draw, ZA M12 37 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: LAZIED C3 34, ZEA F6 32, LAZAR 11J 30, ZEAL M9 30, AIZLE D4 28
ZA M12 37 iwhist
ZEA F6 32 slebbarc
DAZE 1A 15 gmills0

On 21th draw, ILEA L9 32 --- ILEUM a part of the small intestine [n]
Other tops: ILIA L9 32
Other moves: AE L12 31, LEA L10 30, EA L11 28, LA L11 28, LAZO 12K 26
LAZO 12K 26 gmills0
LI O12 19 iwhist
ZOA 12M 13 slebbarc

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