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Game of July 17, 2011 at 03:23, 5 players
1. 550 pts kellybelly
2. 406 pts monthree
3. 300 pts hulusian

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?befiox   H6   102   102   firebox
 2. ?giilnu   6H    67   169   figuline
 3. cnooprs   M1    76   245   scorpion
 4. adhloss   1H    39   284   solahs
 5. afmostv   O4    42   326   voemas
 6. aehirty   N2    43   369   hye
 7. aeilpst   N9    82   451   aplites
 8. aaeginw  15G    92   543   wainages
 9. abenrtu   J3    63   606   burganet
10. efmorvz  12L    52   658   friz
11. aeegint   8C    60   718   tangerine
12. ddeeiou   L1    45   763   hide
13. adeeoqr   G8    26   789   erode
14. dilnrtu  F10    33   822   lurid
15. aeiqrvy   C3    36   858   variety
16. knoqtuw   4A    48   906   quant
17. cdejmot   6A    30   936   ojime
18. acdkotw   F1    33   969   okta

Remaining tiles: cdetw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7258 Filekellybelly  3 16:34  -419  550     1.7258 kellybelly  3 16:34  -419  550 
  2.6638 Filemonthree    2 18:54  -563  406            Group: intermediate
  3.4467 Filehulusian    0 25:40  -669  300     1.6638 monthree    2 18:54  -563  406 
  4.  -  Filecroc1234    0 14:45  -806  163     2.6231 ksong       0  1:45  -931   38 
  5.6231 Fileksong       0  1:45  -931   38            Group: not rated
                                             1.4467 hulusian    0 25:40  -669  300 
                                             2.  -  croc1234    0 14:45  -806  163 

On 1st draw, FI(R)EBOX H6 102 --- FIREBOX a chamber in which fuel is burned [n]
Other moves: FI(R)EBOX H4 94, FI(R)EBOX H8 92, FI(R)EBOX H3 88, FI(R)EBOX H7 88, FI(R)EBOX H2 86
BIF(L)EX H7 50 hulusian
FOXIE(R) H4 38 ksong
FIXE(D) H4 36 kellybelly

On 2nd draw, FIGULIN(E) 6H 67 --- FIGULINE a piece of pottery [n]
Other moves: BUIL(D)ING 10H 64, LI(N)GUINI 7C 61, (F)IGULINE 9A 61, LINGUI(N)I 7C 60, LINGUI(N)I 7G 60
L(O)NG G11 15 kellybelly
FIG 6H 11 hulusian

On 3rd draw, SCORPION M1 76 --- SCORPION a stinging arachnid [n]
Other moves: CROUPONS K3 74, POCOSON 11E 44, CR(E)PONS O4 39, CORPS(E) O1 36, CR(E)PON O4 36
COOP(E)RS O2 33 kellybelly
SPIN 7F 13 hulusian

On 4th draw, SOLAHS 1H 39 --- SOLAH an Indian plant [n]
Other moves: HALOS G9 37, AHOLDS 1H 36, HALO G9 35, HASSL(E)D O1 33, SHANDS 8J 33
HALOS G9 37 kellybelly
SHOULD K3 20 hulusian
LASSO 1K 18 monthree

On 5th draw, VO(E)MAS O4 42 --- VOEMA (South Africa) vigour [n]
Other moves: VO(E)MA O4 39, FAVOS(E) O1 36, FAV(E)ST O3 36, FOV(E)AS O3 36, VAMOS(E) O1 33
FONTS 8K 27 kellybelly
F(E)MS O5 24 monthree
MOVES 9E 15 hulusian
MAX 12F 12 croc1234

On 6th draw, HYE N2 43 --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other tops: HAYER G9 43
Other moves: AUREITY K5 40, HATER G9 37, HAY 5I 36, HAY G7 36, HEY G7 36
HAYER G9 43 monthree, kellybelly
HABIT 10F 20 hulusian
BIRTH 10H 12 croc1234

On 7th draw, APLITES N9 82 --- APLITE a fine-grained rock [n]
Other moves: PILASTE(R) 8A 80, PLAISTE(R) 8A 80, PALIEST 2B 74, APLITES L8 73, EPIBLAST 10E 70
PALES G9 33 monthree, kellybelly
SPOILT 11F 16 hulusian
PLEASE 9C 12 croc1234

On 8th draw, WAINAGES 15G 92 --- WAINAGE land under cultivation [n]
Other moves: WAGE G9 37, WANE G9 35, WASE 15L 33, WISE 15L 33, AWEING G10 29
WAGE G9 37 kellybelly, monthree
WAXING 12F 17 hulusian

On 9th draw, BURGANET J3 63 --- BURGANET a light helmet [n]
Other moves: HATE L1 42, BUTANE G7 38, BARONET 11E 36, REBOANT 11E 36, BANE G9 31
BANE G9 31 kellybelly, monthree
BABE 10F 14 hulusian
GATE J6 5 croc1234

On 10th draw, FRIZ 12L 52 --- FRIZ to curl hair tightly [v]
Other moves: MOZE G9 49, HOME L1 48, FORZE K9 41, MOZ G9 39, FEZ K9 37
FRIZ 12L 52 kellybelly
ZERO 11E 26 monthree
MOW G13 11 croc1234
MERE 9G 10 hulusian

On 11th draw, TANGE(R)INE 8C 60 --- TANGERINE [n]
Other moves: EUGENIA K5 45, HATE L1 42, HETE L1 42, ETAGE G8 27, TANGIE 14F 27
TANE G9 23 kellybelly
GET G11 17 monthree
EXIT 12G 11 hulusian
TINGE 9D 8 croc1234

On 12th draw, HIDE L1 45 --- HIDE to conceal [v] --- HIDE to flog [v]
Other moves: DE L3 27, HID L1 22, HOD L1 22, ODE G10 20, DEET 13K 19
DOD G11 19 kellybelly
ZED O12 18 monthree
NEED E8 10 hulusian
BITE 10H 6 croc1234

On 13th draw, ERODE G8 26 --- ERODE to wear away by constant friction [v]
Other tops: REDOX 12D 26
Other moves: ODEA G10 22, AREDE M11 21, ETA 13M 21, ADO G10 20, DERO G7 20
DOR G11 17 kellybelly
DOE G11 17 monthree
QI I14 11 hulusian, croc1234

On 14th draw, LURID F10 33 --- LURID causing shock or horror [adj]
Other tops: DURN F10 33
Other moves: RUTIN F10 30, LUD F10 28, NURD F10 28, RUD F10 28, NURL F10 27
GID F8 22 kellybelly
LID F12 18 monthree
RUN F12 15 croc1234
AR K1 11 hulusian

On 15th draw, VARIETY C3 36 --- VARIETY something differing from others of the same general kind [n]
Other moves: QI 14I 28, QI 11K 27, QI E13 25, ARY 5I 24, AVIARY D8 24
QI 14I 28 kellybelly, monthree
AR K1 11 croc1234, hulusian

On 16th draw, QUANT 4A 48 --- QUANT to propel through water with a pole [v]
Other moves: QUAT 4A 46, QUONK E5 36, KO B6 34, QI 6B 31, KNOW 2F 28
QUANT 4A 48 kellybelly, monthree
QI 6B 31 croc1234
QUIT 6A 15 hulusian

On 17th draw, OJIME 6A 30 --- OJIME a bead on a cord which fastens a Japanese container [n]
Other moves: JET 2F 28, JOT 2F 28, JOTTED E1 28, JOE 14H 27, JOG F6 27
JOTTED E1 28 kellybelly
JOG F6 27 hulusian, monthree
MODE B9 16 croc1234

On 18th draw, OKTA F1 33 --- OKTA a unit of measure of cloud cover [n]
Other moves: KOA F2 32, WOAD F2 31, OCTAD F1 29, CAREX 12D 28, COAT F2 27
OAK A6 21 kellybelly
KADE 14K 21 monthree
AW B9 18 hulusian
SCOW H1 13 croc1234

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