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Game of July 17, 2011 at 07:57, 8 players
1. 560 pts kellybelly
2. 486 pts Stranger
3. 380 pts ayoba

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeegir   H4    24    24   bargee
 2. degloop   6G    68    92   prologed
 3. alnosst  10B    71   163   santols
 4. inoortw   J3    63   226   toilworn
 5. deilmov   N1    80   306   devildom
 6. ?ceervz   C4    85   391   cervezas
 7. aabeeor   O8    45   436   aerobe
 8. aehnnru   E5    40   476   unearth
 9. aacimpu   1L    30   506   padi
10. agiirst  14J    31   537   gratis
11. aefhnqu  13I    59   596   quena
12. aadiiot   9B    22   618   izard
13. adeefsy  15J    36   654   sayed
14. cemttwy   A7    46   700   yew
15. ?imnotu   K5    25   725   toom
16. ?fhiktx   D1    46   771   kith
17. ?cilntu   1A    36   807   lucking
18. fijntux   B1    26   833   unfit

Remaining tiles: fijux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7260 Filekellybelly  4 16:10  -273  560     1.7260 kellybelly  4 16:10  -273  560 
  2.6542 FileStranger    3 17:26  -347  486            Group: intermediate
  3.4530 Fileayoba       0 22:18  -453  380     1.6542 Stranger    3 17:26  -347  486 
  4.4557 Filecharmz      0 18:09  -468  365     2.6281 shanice     0  5:19  -749   84 
  5.6281 Fileshanice     0  5:19  -749   84            Group: not rated
  6.2962 Fileding        0  6:27  -791   42     1.4530 ayoba       0 22:18  -453  380 
  7.4103 Filetminor      0  3:31  -792   41     2.4557 charmz      0 18:09  -468  365 
  8.  -  Filetammysue    0  1:41  -821   12     3.2962 ding        0  6:27  -791   42 
                                             4.4103 tminor      0  3:31  -792   41 
                                             5.  -  tammysue    0  1:41  -821   12 

On 1st draw, BARGEE H4 24 --- BARGEE a bargeman [n]
Other tops: ABREGE H3 24, BAREGE H4 24
Other moves: ABREGE H8 22, BAGIE H4 22, BAREGE H8 22, BARGE H4 22, BEGAR H4 22
BARGEE H4 24 Stranger, kellybelly
GRAB H5 14 ayoba
BRAG H5 14 charmz
BEER H8 12 ding

On 2nd draw, PROLOGED 6G 68 --- PROLOG to prologue [v]
Other moves: BLOOPED 4H 24, GALOPED 5G 22, PLODGE G9 22, PLEDGOR 6B 21, POGOED G9 21
BLOOPED 4H 24 Stranger, charmz
POOLED G9 20 kellybelly
LOOPED I9 14 ayoba
PEE 9G 9 ding

On 3rd draw, SANTOLS 10B 71 --- SANTOL a tropical tree [n]
Other tops: SANTOLS 10H 71, STANOLS 10B 71, STANOLS 10H 71
Other moves: GLASNOST L6 70, SANTOLS I8 64, STANOLS I8 64, SANTOLS I9 62, STANOLS I9 62
SLANTS 10H 18 kellybelly
SLANT 10H 17 ayoba
BLASTS 4H 16 charmz
AGO 7G 14 Stranger
GLOSS L6 7 ding

On 4th draw, TOILWORN J3 63 --- TOILWORN worn down by toil [adj]
Other moves: WAITRON C9 28, WOOING L1 28, WOON 11C 27, WONTON D8 26, WOO 11C 23
WOOING L1 28 kellybelly
WOON 11C 27 ayoba
WONTON D8 26 charmz
WORT K5 14 ding
TREW M4 11 Stranger

On 5th draw, DEVILDOM N1 80 --- DEVILDOM the domain of a devil [n]
Other moves: DEMIVOLT E3 78, DEVILDOM N6 67, MOOED K4 32, DOOM K5 29, VIDEO 11A 29
VAILED C9 28 kellybelly, Stranger
MOVED M3 26 ayoba
MOVED N2 22 charmz

On 6th draw, CERVEZA(S) C4 85 --- CERVEZA an Argentinian beer [n]
Other moves: CERVEZ(A)S B3 79, Z(Y)ME 8L 72, ZED(S) 1L 69, C(O)ZENER D6 54, (B)EEZER M4 53
ZED(S) 1L 69 kellybelly, ayoba
R(A)ZE O7 47 Stranger
Z(O)NER D8 46 charmz

On 7th draw, AEROBE O8 45 --- AEROBE an organism that requires oxygen to live [n]
Other moves: BEARE O7 37, BOREE O7 37, ABEAR O8 36, ABORE O8 36, AROBA O8 36
BEARE O7 37 kellybelly
BADE 1L 30 Stranger, charmz
BEER 8A 21 ayoba

On 8th draw, UNEARTH E5 40 --- UNEARTH to dig up [v]
Other tops: UNNEATH E5 40
Other moves: HADE 1L 36, UNHEARD 1H 36, ARUHE D1 34, NHANDU 1J 33, HAE D4 30
HADE 1L 36 kellybelly, Stranger, charmz
HAVE 3L 20 ayoba

On 9th draw, PADI 1L 30 --- PADI a rice field [n]
Other tops: CADI 1L 30, MAPAU N11 30
Other moves: CAUDA 1K 27, PAMPA G3 27, MAGIC L4 26, AM O1 25, PUMICE 13J 24
CADI 1L 30 Stranger
PADI 1L 30 kellybelly
AM O1 25 ayoba
PIE 8A 15 charmz

On 10th draw, GRATIS 14J 31 --- GRATIS free of charge [adj]
Other moves: ATIGIS 14J 27, ASTIR 12D 23, AGITA 5H 22, *RS* 9L 21, ATIGIS M8 21
GRATIS 14J 31 kellybelly
GAITS 14K 21 ayoba
GIRTS 14K 21 Stranger
RAGS 14L 19 charmz

On 11th draw, QUENA 13I 59 --- QUENA a bamboo flute [n]
Other moves: QUENA 8A 45, EQUANT M9 32, FAH D2 32, FEH D2 32, HAE D4 32
QUENA 8A 45 kellybelly, charmz
QUAG L3 28 Stranger
QAT M12 24 ayoba

On 12th draw, IZARD 9B 22 --- IZARD a type of ibex [n]
Other moves: DOO K5 19, ADAGIO L3 18, DICT 4A 18, ADIT 5H 17, ADO N10 17
DOO K5 19 Stranger, kellybelly
DIE 8A 12 charmz

On 13th draw, SAYED 15J 36 --- SAY to utter [v] --- SAYED a title of respect for a Muslim dignitary [n]
Other moves: FAYS 15G 34, FEYS 15G 34, FEYS K8 32, FYCE 4A 32, EYED 15K 31
FAYS 15G 34 kellybelly
FOES K5 31 Stranger
DAVY 3L 22 charmz
SAFE 12E 19 ayoba
EDGE L4 12 tammysue

On 14th draw, YEW A7 46 --- YEW an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: MEW A7 43, TEW A7 37, TOEY K5 28, EWE 8A 24, EMIC 4L 22
TOEY K5 28 kellybelly
EWE 8A 24 Stranger
EME 8A 20 shanice
WIT 4M 7 ayoba

On 15th draw, TOOM K5 25 --- TOOM empty [adj] --- TOOM to empty [v]
Other moves: ANIM(A) 5H 24, MISUNIO(N) B8 24, MISU(N)ION B8 24, RIMO(S)E 9J 23, BIONOMI(C) 4H 22
TOOM K5 25 kellybelly
MIC(E) 4A 20 Stranger
MOV(E) 3L 16 ayoba
(S)MIT 12E 16 charmz

On 16th draw, KITH D1 46 --- KITH one's friends and neighbours [n]
Other moves: KI(S)H D1 44, KI(T)H D1 44, K(I)TH D1 44, F(A)IX 4L 42, F(L)IX 4L 42
F(L)IX 4L 42 Stranger
HICK 4A 34 kellybelly, shanice
(E)XIT 4L 22 ayoba
FIX 4M 21 tminor
LI(C)K G10 12 charmz

On 17th draw, LUCKIN(G) 1A 36 --- LUCK to succeed by chance or good fortune [v]
Other tops: L(O)CKNUT 1A 36, TUCKIN(G) 1A 36
Other moves: C(A)LKIN 1A 33, C(A)TKIN 1A 33, KNITC(H) 1D 33, LUCKI(E) 1A 33, LUCK(E)N 1A 33
TUCKIN(G) 1A 36 Stranger
TICKL(E) 1A 33 kellybelly
LUCK 1A 30 ayoba
NICK 1A 30 shanice
TIC 4M 8 tminor

On 18th draw, UNFIT B1 26 --- UNFIT not fit [adj] --- UNFIT to make unsuitable [v]
Other moves: JUNTO 11K 24, NIXE 2K 24, FIX 4M 21, JIN B3 20, IF B4 18
FIX 4M 21 Stranger, kellybelly
JUGS J12 12 tminor
LUX G10 10 charmz
LIFT A1 8 ayoba

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