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Game of July 17, 2011 at 14:41, 13 players
1. 660 pts PIThompson
2. 581 pts reyna
3. 572 pts mylover81

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeegkno   H4    28    28   keeno
 2. aglmnor   5E    40    68   gomeral
 3. afimorv   6B    37   105   fraim
 4. ?adenou   C6    72   177   rondeaux
 5. bdeloty   8A    39   216   bony
 6. aeggnoo   4F    22   238   oaken
 7. ?aiprxz  D12    49   287   ritz
 8. aginpst   3I    87   374   pasting
 9. aeiiosw  15D    51   425   zowie
10. inorstt   3A    78   503   intorts
11. addelrx   A1    39   542   axile
12. abelrtv   O3    33   575   gravel
13. aeeisuw   B1    35   610   win
14. aehijot   L1    38   648   jota
15. aeirtuy   9I    76   724   aureity
16. cefhist   L8    92   816   fetiches
17. deginsv  11G    76   892   devising
18. bcdeqtu   D1    48   940   quod
19. cdehltu   1D    60  1000   quetch

Remaining tiles: bdelp

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7420 FilePIThompson  6 15:23  -340  660     1.7420 PIThompson  6 15:23  -340  660 
  2.6561 Filereyna       3 18:36  -419  581     2.7016 mylover81   4 16:16  -428  572 
  3.7016 Filemylover81   4 16:16  -428  572            Group: intermediate
  4.5675 Fileiwhist      1 10:44  -545  455     1.6561 reyna       3 18:36  -419  581 
  5.6720 Filewoofy1      2  6:59  -764  236     2.6720 woofy1      2  6:59  -764  236 
  6.6573 FileStranger    0  7:23  -779  221     3.6573 Stranger    0  7:23  -779  221 
  7.6627 FileDavina      0  4:49  -792  208     4.6627 Davina      0  4:49  -792  208 
  8.4545 Fileayoba       1  8:24  -814  186     5.6089 margalang   0  0:57  -976   24 
  9.4976 Filesarahki1    0  8:26  -882  118     6.6260 ksong       0  1:35  -982   18 
 10.  -  Filedazed       0  6:05  -923   77            Group: novice
 11.6089 Filemargalang   0  0:57  -976   24     1.5675 iwhist      1 10:44  -545  455 
 12.  -  Filetraceyhh    0  2:14  -981   19            Group: not rated
 13.6260 Fileksong       0  1:35  -982   18     1.4545 ayoba       1  8:24  -814  186 
                                             2.4976 sarahki1    0  8:26  -882  118 
                                             3.  -  dazed       0  6:05  -923   77 
                                             4.  -  traceyhh    0  2:14  -981   19 

On 1st draw, KEENO H4 28 --- KEENO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: AKENE H4 20, AKENE H8 20, KEENO H8 20, OAKEN H4 20, OAKEN H8 20
OAKEN H4 20 PIThompson
GEEK H7 18 ksong
KEENO H5 18 Stranger
AGE H7 8 traceyhh

On 2nd draw, GOMERAL 5E 40 --- GOMERAL a fool [n]
Other tops: MARENGO 5E 40
Other moves: NORMA I3 24, AMONG G5 22, AMONG I5 22, KALONG 4H 22, KORMA 4H 22
KORMA 4H 22 PIThompson
GLOAM I1 19 Stranger
MORN I3 19 reyna
GLAMOR 8D 11 traceyhh

On 3rd draw, FRAIM 6B 37 --- FRAIM a stranger [n]
Other moves: FAE 6F 31, FIE 6F 31, FOE 6F 31, RIF 6D 30, RIMAE 6D 30
FAE 6F 31 Stranger
FOE 6F 31 woofy1, mylover81, PIThompson, reyna

On 4th draw, RONDEAU(X) C6 72 --- RONDEAU a short poem of fixed form [n]
Other moves: DOUANE(S) 9B 68, UNADORE(D) C1 68, UNA(D)ORED C1 68, DOUANE(S) G8 62, DOUANE(S) I8 62
KADE(S) 4H 25 Stranger
DEAN(S) L1 24 mylover81
DUNE(S) L1 24 PIThompson
DUKE 4F 21 woofy1
DARE I3 15 reyna

On 5th draw, BONY 8A 39 --- BONY full of bones [adj]
Other tops: BENDY 8A 39
Other moves: DENY 8A 36, OBEY B9 35, BORTY I3 34, YODEL 6J 34, YODLE 6J 34
BONY 8A 39 mylover81, reyna, PIThompson, woofy1
BEND 8A 27 Stranger

On 6th draw, OAKEN 4F 22 --- OAK a hardwood tree or shrub [adj] --- OAKEN like an oak [adj]
Other moves: EGG D10 21, AGOGE B11 20, GAGE 6J 19, GANG 6J 19, GOGO 6J 19
GONG 6J 19 woofy1, PIThompson
GANG 6J 19 reyna
GAUGE 12A 18 mylover81, Stranger
GONG B12 16 iwhist

On 7th draw, RI(T)Z D12 49 --- RITZ pretentious display [n]
Other moves: (C)APIZ 3B 45, PR(E)Z 3C 43, P(H)IZ 3C 43, (S)PAZ 3C 43, PAX B10 39
(F)RIZ 3C 39 PIThompson
ZIP(S) L2 38 Stranger
PIX D12 33 woofy1
NAZI J4 33 reyna
Z(O)NA J2 32 mylover81
AXI(S) L2 30 iwhist

On 8th draw, PASTING 3I 87 --- PASTE to fasten with a sticky mixture [v] --- PASTING a beating [n]
Other moves: PASTING L3 83, PASTING 9F 72, PASTING G8 66, PASTING I8 66, ZIGANS 15D 48
ZINGS 15D 45 PIThompson, reyna, Stranger, iwhist
ZATIS 15D 42 mylover81
ZIPS 15D 15 ayoba

On 9th draw, ZOWIE 15D 51 --- ZOWIE used to express surprise or pleasure [interj]
Other moves: SWIZ 15A 48, ZOEAS 15D 42, WETAS L1 35, WITES L1 35, GAWSIE O3 33
ZOWIE 15D 51 PIThompson
ZOEAS 15D 42 mylover81
WAGES O1 30 iwhist, ayoba
WIGS O1 27 reyna

On 10th draw, INTORTS 3A 78 --- INTORT to twist inwards [v]
Other moves: TRITONS 14H 70, INTORTS G7 65, TRITONS 14G 63, TENORIST 10B 62, INTORTS I8 61
GROINS O3 24 PIThompson, ayoba
TOGS O1 18 iwhist, reyna, mylover81

On 11th draw, AXILE A1 39 --- AXILE pertaining to an axial [adj]
Other moves: AX 4C 38, EX 4C 38, AXIL A1 36, AXE 2L 35, GLADDER O3 33
AXILE A1 39 mylover81
AX 4C 38 iwhist
EX 4C 38 ayoba, PIThompson, reyna
RADDLE 14H 14 dazed

On 12th draw, GRAVEL O3 33 --- GRAVEL to pave with gravel (a mixture of rock fragments) [v]
Other moves: GABLET O3 30, GARBLE O3 30, BAGEL O1 27, BEGAR O1 27, BEGAT O1 27
GRAVEL O3 33 PIThompson, reyna
VEGA O1 27 mylover81
BEL B10 26 iwhist
AB 4C 18 ayoba
TRAVEL G8 13 dazed

On 13th draw, WIN B1 35 --- WIN to winnow [v] --- WIN to be victorious [v]
Other tops: WETAS L1 35, WITES L1 35
Other moves: WAS B10 32, EINA B1 30, WE B10 28, AIN B1 26, SIN B1 26
WIN B1 35 mylover81, iwhist, ayoba
WITES L1 35 PIThompson
WAS B10 32 Davina
WE B10 28 reyna
AWES 9L 22 sarahki1
WISE 14H 14 dazed

On 14th draw, JOTA L1 38 --- JOTA a Spanish dance [n]
Other tops: JATO L1 38
Other moves: HAJI 14H 35, HAJ 14H 34, HAO B10 32, OOH B8 30, HA B10 28
JOTA L1 38 PIThompson
HE B10 28 iwhist
HA B10 28 mylover81
JET 10B 26 ayoba, Davina
JO 2D 20 reyna
JOT L1 18 sarahki1
BATH A8 9 dazed

On 15th draw, AUREITY 9I 76 --- AUREITY properties of gold [n]
Other tops: AUREITY 14H 76, AUREITY N8 76
Other moves: AUREITY I7 71, JURY 1L 42, JEAT 1L 33, JURA 1L 33, JURE 1L 33
JURY 1L 42 PIThompson, iwhist, Davina, reyna, mylover81
JAY 1L 13 sarahki1
TRAIL 8K 6 dazed

On 16th draw, FETICHES L8 92 --- FETICH a fixation [n]
Other moves: FITCHES 14H 89, CHIEFEST L6 84, FETICHES 10B 82, FUCHSITE J8 74, CHAFES 11A 44
FETISH 10E 37 PIThompson
JEST 1L 33 Davina, iwhist
JETS 1L 33 reyna
FEH 10H 32 mylover81
CHEST L7 14 sarahki1
CUTE J8 8 dazed

On 17th draw, DEVISING 11G 76 --- DEVISE to form in the mind [v]
Other moves: JIVE 1L 42, DJINS 1K 39, JEDI 1L 36, JIGS 1L 36, JINS 1L 33
JIVE 1L 42 reyna, Davina, PIThompson, mylover81, iwhist
JOTAS L1 23 sarahki1
DESIGN G8 13 dazed

On 18th draw, QUOD D1 48 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: JUBE 1L 39, QANAT J2 36, JUTE 1L 33, QUETCH 13G 31, BESTUD 15J 27
QUOD D1 48 mylover81, PIThompson
JUBE 1L 39 reyna, iwhist
JUTE 1L 33 woofy1
QUA 11A 12 sarahki1

On 19th draw, QUETCH 1D 60 --- QUETCH to stir [v]
Other tops: QUELCH 1D 60
Other moves: JEHU 1L 42, HECHT 13I 34, HUTCHED 13H 34, JUTE 1L 33, TUSCHE 15J 33
QUELCH 1D 60 woofy1, reyna
JUTE 1L 33 PIThompson, iwhist, Davina, mylover81
SHED 15L 24 margalang
HEED 10B 16 sarahki1

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