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Game of July 17, 2011 at 17:46, 14 players
1. 599 pts sunshine12
2. 585 pts mylover81
3. 576 pts jeff

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceeistz   H4    30    30   seize
 2. afnoort   I5    32    62   footra
 3. ?aeeilo   8H    24    86   etiolate
 4. beimnor   4A    80   166   bromines
 5. aegglnt  H10    32   198   laggen
 6. ?aejoos   3C    49   247   jasey
 7. abdisuu   K1    72   319   subaudio
 8. defnotx   J1    60   379   exon
 9. eiksttu   5C    48   427   tike
10. ahimnrv   1D    51   478   harmines
11. eilnorv   M3    76   554   overlain
12. aciorsy  N10    51   605   yarcos
13. acdetvw   6D    45   650   dew
14. defttvy  15L    33   683   fest
15. adhioqt  10F    36   719   talaq
16. delnouv   9A    71   790   unloved
17. adgprwy   A8    48   838   pudgy
18. achituw   A1    33   871   chib
19. aiprtuw  11E    28   899   pawa

Remaining tiles: irttu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6625 Filesunshine12  4 19:36  -300  599     1.7013 mylover81   3 21:08  -314  585 
  2.7013 Filemylover81   3 21:08  -314  585            Group: intermediate
  3.6803 Filejeff        3 20:13  -323  576     1.6625 sunshine12  4 19:36  -300  599 
  4.6623 FileDavina      2 13:44  -344  555     2.6803 jeff        3 20:13  -323  576 
  5.6219 Filematrix      1 25:15  -351  548     3.6623 Davina      2 13:44  -344  555 
  6.5449 Fileworsie      2 18:04  -385  514     4.6219 matrix      1 25:15  -351  548 
  7.6757 FileSuperH      2 12:35  -422  477     5.6757 SuperH      2 12:35  -422  477 
  8.5706 Fileiwhist      2 16:22  -520  379            Group: novice
  9.4443 Fileremij       0 24:32  -546  353     1.5449 worsie      2 18:04  -385  514 
 10.4629 Filemagictwig   0  9:51  -687  212     2.5706 iwhist      2 16:22  -520  379 
 11.  -  Filejoyriv      0 12:03  -701  198     3.5199 jimbo       0  7:14  -722  177 
 12.5199 Filejimbo       0  7:14  -722  177            Group: not rated
 13.4826 Filetonikay     1  6:12  -723  176     1.4443 remij       0 24:32  -546  353 
 14.  -  Fileimmy        1  6:28  -752  147     2.4629 magictwig   0  9:51  -687  212 
                                             3.  -  joyriv      0 12:03  -701  198 
                                             4.4826 tonikay     1  6:12  -723  176 
                                             5.  -  immy        1  6:28  -752  147 

On 1st draw, SEIZE H4 30 --- SEIZE to take hold of suddenly and forcibly [v]
Other tops: SEIZE H8 30
Other moves: SEIZE H5 28, SEIZE H6 28, SEIZE H7 28, SITZ H5 26, SITZ H6 26
SEIZE H4 30 sunshine12, worsie
SEIZE H8 30 jeff
SIZE H5 26 magictwig, mylover81
ZEST H5 26 jimbo
ZEST H6 26 matrix
ZITE H5 26 remij

On 2nd draw, FOOTRA I5 32 --- FOOTRA a worthless fig [n]
Other moves: AFRONT 9F 29, FOOT I5 29, ROOF I5 29, AFRONT I7 28, FANO I6 28
ROOF I5 29 sunshine12
AFRONT 9F 29 Davina, jimbo, worsie, jeff
FORT I6 28 mylover81
ARF 9G 26 matrix
ZOON 7H 14 remij
FOOT I8 13 magictwig

On 3rd draw, ETIOLA(T)E 8H 24 --- ETIOLATE to make pale [v]
Other moves: LAE(S)IE J7 23, (B)ALE G6 23, (G)ALE G6 23, ALEE G7 22, ALE(Y)E G7 22
(D)ROLE 9H 18 sunshine12
(D)RAIL 9H 18 matrix
(S)EAL 11I 15 Davina
(S)OIL 11I 15 jeff
(N)O J6 15 worsie
(S)AIL 11I 15 mylover81
ZOO 7H 12 remij, magictwig
ALIE(N)S 4C 10 jimbo

On 4th draw, BROMINES 4A 80 --- BROMINE a volatile liquid element [n]
Other moves: BROMELIN L3 74, BROMIN H10 37, IONOMER K5 36, BONIER H10 31, MERINO H10 31
BROMINES 4A 30 Davina
BONIER J10 26 jeff
MONER J10 25 SuperH
MINOR J10 25 matrix
MOBE 9K 25 sunshine12
MOBE J10 24 mylover81
ZOOM 7H 21 magictwig
BRIMS 4D 18 worsie
MINERS 4C 16 jimbo
BEAM M6 12 remij

On 5th draw, LAGGEN H10 32 --- LAGGEN the angle between the side and bottom of a wooden dish [n]
Other moves: BANGLE A4 27, GAGE 3C 27, LATEN 3C 27, TANGLE H10 26, BAGEL A4 24
BANGLE A4 27 SuperH, matrix, jeff, mylover81, Davina, jimbo
GAGE 3C 27 sunshine12
BAGEL A4 24 remij
BLEAT A4 21 worsie

On 6th draw, JASE(Y) 3C 49 --- JASEY a wig [n]
Other moves: BA(N)JOES A4 45, JA(D)E 3C 45, JA(K)E 3C 45, JA(P)E 3C 45, JA(T)O 3C 45
BA(N)JOES A4 45 Davina, SuperH
BA(N)JOS A4 42 matrix
JA(M) 3C 41 jeff
JO 3C 40 sunshine12
JA 3C 40 mylover81
RAJ B4 26 worsie
JOE 14F 26 joyriv
JE(T)S N6 26 magictwig
JO(T)S N6 26 remij

On 7th draw, SUBAUDIO K1 72 --- SUBAUDIO relating to a minor audio [adj]
Other moves: DISSEIZE H1 66, BAS 5C 33, BIS 5C 33, BUS 5C 33, DIBBS A1 30
BIS 5C 33 SuperH
BAS 5C 33 sunshine12
BAUDS 2F 29 mylover81
BUBAS A4 27 remij
BADS 2F 26 Davina
BAD 2F 25 matrix
DAUBS A1 24 jimbo
BIDS J10 24 iwhist
DAUBS 2F 24 jeff
BID J10 23 joyriv
DABS 2F 21 worsie
FOOTRAS I5 12 magictwig

On 8th draw, EXON J1 60 --- EXON within a nucleic acid, a sequence which codes for protein synthesis [n]
Other moves: EXO J1 57, EX J1 52, OX J1 52, NEXT L2 48, BOXED A4 45
EXON J1 60 mylover81, jeff, sunshine12
EX J1 52 Davina, matrix, joyriv
OX J1 52 SuperH
BOXED A4 45 jimbo
FOXES 1G 45 iwhist, magictwig
EX L3 40 worsie
(T)EXT N8 26 remij

On 9th draw, TIKE 5C 48 --- TIKE a small child [n]
Other tops: EIKS 5C 48, EUKS 5C 48
Other moves: ESKIES 1J 45, EIK 5C 43, EUK 5C 43, TUSKIEST 1E 39, BUSKET A4 36
KET 2F 36 sunshine12, Davina, SuperH
BIKES A4 33 worsie, magictwig, jeff, mylover81
SKITES 1F 30 matrix
TIKES 1G 27 iwhist
KENTS F2 21 remij
KI(T) N6 16 joyriv

On 10th draw, HARMINES 1D 51 --- HARMINE an alkaloid used as a stimulant [n]
Other moves: INMESH 1G 45, BRAHMIN A4 42, VAHINES 1E 39, HARIM J10 38, BIMAH A4 36
HIVES 1G 33 worsie, jeff
HAVES 1G 33 iwhist, SuperH, sunshine12, matrix
HARM J10 31 mylover81
HAMES 1G 30 Davina
RAVES 1G 24 magictwig
MA(T)H N6 14 remij
MAN M7 9 joyriv

On 11th draw, OVERLAIN M3 76 --- OVERLAY to lay over [v] --- OVERLIE to lie over [v]
Other moves: BOVINE A4 33, VIOLER J10 33, VILER J10 32, VINER J10 32, VIREO J10 32
BOVINE A4 33 worsie, Davina, sunshine12
VINER J10 32 mylover81
LOVING 13C 22 jeff
BRINE A4 21 iwhist
BONER A4 21 matrix
LIVER L8 16 joyriv
VOLA 10F 15 remij

On 12th draw, YARCOS N10 51 --- YARCO (Australian slang) a young working-class person who wears casual sports clothes [n]
Other moves: YARCO N10 49, CARBOYS A1 42, CARBOY A1 39, CARBY A1 36, CORBY A1 36
YARCOS N10 51 mylover81
CARBOY A1 39 iwhist
CARBY A1 36 jeff
BRAYS A4 30 Davina, remij
CRIBS A1 27 worsie
YA J10 27 SuperH, sunshine12
CRABS A1 27 matrix
SORB A1 18 tonikay
LAY 10H 14 joyriv

On 13th draw, DEW 6D 45 --- DEW to wet with dew (condensed moisture) [v]
Other tops: DAW 6D 45
Other moves: VADE 6B 42, WADE 6B 42, CADE 6B 39, WAVED J10 38, VAWTED J10 37
WAVED J10 38 SuperH, sunshine12, mylover81
WEST 15L 33 Davina
VASE 15L 33 jeff, iwhist
VAST 15L 33 worsie
VEST 15L 33 matrix
BATED A4 24 remij
AW 11N 5 tonikay

On 14th draw, FEST 15L 33 --- FEST a gathering of people for an activity [n]
Other tops: VEST 15L 33, YEST 15L 33
Other moves: BETTY A4 30, YETT J10 29, NAVVY 4J 28, VERY 12L 28, VET J10 28
FEST 15L 33 SuperH, mylover81, sunshine12
YEST 15L 33 Davina
VEST 15L 33 iwhist, matrix
BETTY A4 30 jeff, worsie
YET J10 28 immy
FED N1 17 tonikay
BEVY A4 12 remij

On 15th draw, TALAQ 10F 36 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other moves: DHOBI A1 33, BAITH A4 30, HAD J10 29, HID J10 29, HOD J10 29
HAD J10 29 Davina, matrix, mylover81, worsie, sunshine12
HOD J10 29 SuperH
QI N2 24 tonikay, jeff
DITCH 13K 22 joyriv
THIRD 12K 22 iwhist
DAH J10 19 immy
HOT O13 15 remij

On 16th draw, UNLOVED 9A 71 --- LOVE to feel great affection for [adj] --- UNLOVE to cease to love [v]
Other moves: BLONDE A4 27, BOLDEN A4 27, BOUNED A4 27, BUNDLE A4 27, DOUBLE A1 27
BLONDE A4 27 immy
DOUBLE A1 27 worsie
BONED A4 24 jeff
BLEND A4 24 iwhist
VERD 12L 20 joyriv, matrix
DOVE 11C 18 tonikay
DOVER 12J 18 Davina
VOE 14F 14 sunshine12
LORD 12L 14 SuperH

On 17th draw, PUDGY A8 48 --- PUDGY short and fat [adj]
Other moves: DAWBRY A1 45, DURGY A8 42, WARBY A1 39, YAW 10B 37, PYA 10A 35
PUDGY A8 48 tonikay
WARBY A1 39 matrix, mylover81
YAW 10B 37 sunshine12
YA 8A 32 Davina, jeff
WARY 12L 28 SuperH
WARP 12L 24 worsie
GARB A1 21 immy
DRAB A1 21 iwhist
PUG A8 18 remij

On 18th draw, CHIB A1 33 --- CHIB to stab [v]
Other tops: CHUB A1 33
Other moves: CWTCH 13K 30, WICH 11C 30, CHINA B6 27, ICH 11J 27, QUICH J10 27
CHUB A1 33 SuperH, immy, Davina, worsie, jeff, iwhist, sunshine12
WATCH 13K 26 matrix, tonikay, remij
QUATCH J10 26 mylover81

On 19th draw, PAWA 11E 28 --- PAWA abalone [n]
Other moves: TWIRP 12K 26, TAWA 11E 24, WARP 12L 24, YAWP 12A 24, PAW N1 21
WARP 12L 24 Davina, SuperH, sunshine12, jeff, mylover81, iwhist
WAP N1 20 tonikay
WAIN B6 19 immy
PACT 13L 16 matrix
WIPER 14E 12 worsie
PIE 14F 11 remij

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