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Game of July 18, 2011 at 01:24, 5 players
1. 414 pts ksong
2. 180 pts jomgue
3. 55 pts dong

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aimnos   H8    72    72   anosmia
 2. eilmnor  11F    70   142   misenrol
 3. aefikyz  12L    48   190   fiky
 4. aehiint   F7    67   257   thiamine
 5. ?aioopu  15G    42   299   psoai
 6. aeggirt   I2    63   362   taggier
 7. derttwy  O11    36   398   wyted
 8. abinoru  14J    40   438   bourne
 9. cdelnot  13C    28   466   deontic
10. aaegilr   E2    73   539   regalia
11. aehnqst   1F    49   588   qats
12. bdeenru   K4    72   660   burdener
13. aelnsxz   L1    72   732   zaxes
14. adelouw   M2    43   775   wud
15. aeeeils   D3    25   800   eales
16. hilnopt  12B    36   836   tophi
17. ceflorv   C1    31   867   corf
18. ijnouvy   8K    48   915   enjoy

Remaining tiles: eiluvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6251 Fileksong       1 18:06  -501  414     1.6251 ksong       1 18:06  -501  414 
  2.  -  Filejomgue      0 10:32  -735  180            Group: not rated
  3.2943 Filedong        0  7:39  -860   55     1.  -  jomgue      0 10:32  -735  180 
  4.4098 Filexxxx36      0  3:06  -887   28     2.2943 dong        0  7:39  -860   55 
  5.  -  FileWordman     0  3:56  -890   25     3.4098 xxxx36      0  3:06  -887   28 
                                             4.  -  Wordman     0  3:56  -890   25 

On 1st draw, ANOSMI(A) H8 72 --- ANOSMIA loss of the sense of smell [n]
Other tops: AMNIO(N)S H3 72, AM(N)IONS H3 72, ANOSMI(C) H8 72, MAINO(R)S H4 72, MANIO(C)S H4 72, MANI(T)OS H4 72, MANSIO(N) H4 72, MASONI(C) H4 72, MA(D)ISON H4 72, MA(L)ISON H4 72, MA(N)SION H4 72, MONIA(L)S H4 72, MO(P)ANIS H4 72, ONA(N)ISM H6 72, O(N)ANISM H6 72, SOMNIA(L) H2 72, (A)NOSMIA H8 72, (C)AMIONS H2 72, (C)ONIMAS H8 72, (D)OMAINS H2 72
Other moves: AMNIO(N)S H2 68, AMNIO(N)S H4 68, AMNIO(N)S H6 68, AMNIO(N)S H8 68, AM(N)IONS H4 68
MANSIO(N) H4 22 ksong
MAINS H6 14 dong
MAIN H8 12 xxxx36

On 2nd draw, MISENROL 11F 70 --- MISENROL to enrol incorrectly [v]
Other moves: MERSION 11E 36, (A)LMONER 14H 28, MONIE G8 23, MONIE I8 23, LEMON G10 22
MINORS 11C 16 xxxx36
MINER 12H 14 dong

On 3rd draw, FIKY 12L 48 --- FIKY fidgeting and restless [adj]
Other moves: FAZE 12L 46, KAZI 10L 45, FAIK 12L 44, FIZ 12L 42, ZEK 10L 39
FAZE 12L 46 ksong
KAY 8G 10 dong

On 4th draw, THIAMINE F7 67 --- THIAMINE a B vitamin [n]
Other moves: IANTHINE J5 65, IANTHINE 9B 64, IANTHINE 9F 64, THYINE O10 36, HYENA O11 33
YEAH O12 30 ksong
HAY O10 9 dong

On 5th draw, P(S)OAI 15G 42 --- PSOAS a muscle of the pelvic region [n]
Other moves: OO(M)PAH 8A 39, (S)OAP 15H 39, (S)OOP 15H 39, (S)OUP 15H 39, A(S)P 15G 36
POO 13M 31 ksong
PU(N)Y O9 8 dong

On 6th draw, TAGGIER I2 63 --- TAGGY matted into tags [adj]
Other moves: GARGETY O6 36, GRAITH 8A 33, AGGRY O8 30, GAIETY O7 30, RAGGY O8 30
TEARY O8 24 ksong

On 7th draw, WYTED O11 36 --- WYTE to write [v]
Other tops: DYE 13M 36
Other moves: WEY H1 34, TYE 13M 32, WYTE 13J 32, DEY H1 28, TYRED O11 27

On 8th draw, BOURNE 14J 40 --- BOURNE a stream [n]
Other tops: BORANE 14J 40
Other moves: RIBA H1 31, BUNA H1 29, ABORNE 14J 28, KAB N12 28, UROBILIN M6 28
BA N14 19 ksong
BARN E12 14 jomgue
RATION 2G 8 Wordman

On 9th draw, DEONTIC 13C 28 --- DEONTIC pertaining to moral obligation [adj]
Other moves: CTENOID 13C 26, DECO J6 25, DOEN G6 21, ECOD E7 21, CANTLED 3H 20
CLOTTED 2F 18 jomgue
CLOTH 8B 11 ksong
CLIENT 6G 10 Wordman

On 10th draw, REGALIA E2 73 --- REGALIA the rights and privileges of a king [n]
Other moves: REGALIA G2 70, LAIRAGE E1 68, REGALIA E1 68, REGALIA G1 64, LAIRAGE G1 63
GAR 14B 13 ksong
LIE E6 10 jomgue
TRAIL 2I 7 Wordman

On 11th draw, QATS 1F 49 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: HASTEN 1G 40, QAT H1 40, HEASTE D8 39, THANAH 8A 39, ASHEN 1H 37
QAT 12B 31 ksong
QAT 14B 29 jomgue

On 12th draw, BURDENER K4 72 --- BURDENER one that burdens [n]
Other moves: BURDENED C6 65, BEENAH 8A 36, BENDEE D8 35, REDUB D1 33, BEDU D1 31
BRED 12A 29 ksong
BURN D8 20 jomgue

On 13th draw, ZAXES L1 72 --- ZAX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: NAZES D3 52, ZAX 14B 50, ZEX 14B 50, NAZE D3 47, ZAXES 3B 42
AXE L7 40 ksong
SANE L3 20 jomgue

On 14th draw, WUD M2 43 --- WUD insane [adj] --- WUD to cover with trees [v]
Other moves: AZOLE 1K 42, DULE M2 39, LUDE M2 39, ZEAL 1L 39, ZOEA 1L 39
ZEAL 1L 39 ksong
WEED D12 20 jomgue

On 15th draw, EALES D3 25 --- EALE evil [n]
Other moves: AERIE 2C 22, EERIE 2C 22, LARIS 2C 22, AIT 13M 21, ALES D4 21
SEAL N4 13 jomgue

On 16th draw, TOPHI 12B 36 --- TOPHUS a deposit of urates in the tissue around a joint [n]
Other moves: TOPH C1 35, HIPT C1 32, PHON 12A 31, PHOT 12A 31, PITH C1 31
PHON 12A 31 ksong
HON E12 13 jomgue

On 17th draw, CORF C1 31 --- CORF a wagon used in a mine [n]
Other moves: ELVER 8K 27, ROLF C1 27, ELF C2 25, ERF C2 25, ORF C2 25
FRET B9 9 jomgue

On 18th draw, ENJOY 8K 48 --- ENJOY to receive pleasure from [v]
Other moves: JUCO 1A 42, ENVOY 8K 36, ENVOI 8K 27, JOT B10 26, JUT B10 26
ENJOY 8K 48 ksong
JOINT B8 14 jomgue

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