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Game of July 18, 2011 at 05:59, 6 players
1. 422 pts jimbo
2. 416 pts JennyB
3. 237 pts mylover81

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beejrtu   H6    26    26   jube
 2. ?nnrsty   9B    66    92   tyrannes
 3. aeggrtx   E5    32   124   aggrate
 4. aehiotu   I6    33   157   ahis
 5. ?aefilr   C2    78   235   freakily
 6. adeiosu  12C    26   261   audios
 7. elnorst  11G    68   329   lentors
 8. addfilo   2A    90   419   daffodil
 9. eeknstu   M8    76   495   netsukes
10. abmnoqt   1G    53   548   qat
11. deemnoz   A2    84   632   dozened
12. aeghimt  15F    95   727   megahits
13. aaciruw   J3    38   765   craw
14. abimnry  14B    42   807   abrim
15. ceiopuv   4F    36   843   coverup
16. einoopx  N12    52   895   pox
17. eilnooy   L8    41   936   onery
18. eiilovw  O13    38   974   woe

Remaining tiles: iiilv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5200 Filejimbo       0 18:18  -552  422     1.7027 mylover81   3  8:37  -737  237 
  2.5694 FileJennyB      2 12:52  -558  416            Group: novice
  3.7027 Filemylover81   3  8:37  -737  237     1.5200 jimbo       0 18:18  -552  422 
  4.4038 Filespellcheck  0 13:04  -793  181     2.5694 JennyB      2 12:52  -558  416 
  5.5653 FileFaeythe     0  3:00  -857  117     3.5653 Faeythe     0  3:00  -857  117 
  6.5131 Filegruau56     0  2:29  -940   34     4.5131 gruau56     0  2:29  -940   34 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4038 spellcheck  0 13:04  -793  181 

On 1st draw, JUBE H6 26 --- JUBE a platform in a church [n]
Other tops: JUBE H5 26, JUBE H7 26, JUBE H8 26
Other moves: JEER H5 22, JEER H6 22, JEER H7 22, JEER H8 22, JETE H5 22

On 2nd draw, TYR(A)NNES 9B 66 --- TYRANNE to play the oppressor [v]
Other moves: N(A)STY 10F 31, R(E)STY 10F 31, R(U)STY 10F 31, S(A)TYR I5 30, STYR(E) 10H 29
ST(O)NY 10H 21 jimbo

On 3rd draw, AGGR(A)TE E5 32 --- AGGRATE to gratify [v]
Other moves: EXTRA I2 29, GAGES I5 27, GARGETY C3 26, RAGES I5 26, AGES I6 25
TAXER B9 14 jimbo

On 4th draw, AHIS I6 33 --- AHI a Hawaiian fish (yellowfin tuna or bigeye) [n]
Other moves: ARUHE D8 28, AH I6 27, OH I6 27, HAUTE D1 26, HOSTIE I7 26
AH I6 27 JennyB
HA 8A 17 jimbo

On 5th draw, FREA(K)ILY C2 78 --- FREAKILY in a freaky manner [adv]
Other tops: FIRE(C)LAY C2 78
Other moves: FLARIE(S)T B2 74, FRAILE(S)T B2 74, FEATLI(E)R B6 70, FEA(T)LIER 11D 70, FILTRA(T)E B6 70
FAIL(S) 12A 30 JennyB

On 6th draw, AUDIOS 12C 26 --- AUDIO reproduction of recorded or broadcast sounds [n]
Other tops: ADIEUS 12D 26, TAES 10E 26, TAOS 10E 26, TAUS 10E 26, TEAS 10E 26, TOES 10E 26
Other moves: DAES D1 25, UREDIA D8 25, UREDOS D8 25, ADIEU 12D 24, ADIOS 12D 24
ASIDE 12D 23 jimbo, JennyB

On 7th draw, LENTORS 11G 68 --- LENTOR sluggishness [n]
Other moves: TOES 10E 26, EORL B2 24, LOFTERS 2A 24, OSTLER J8 24, TEFLONS 2A 24
STONER J1 22 JennyB
LOSER 11G 14 jimbo

On 8th draw, DAFFODIL 2A 90 --- DAFFODIL a tall yellow flower [n]
Other moves: FILAR 8A 32, LOAF B1 31, OAF B2 29, FLORID L8 28, FIORD L8 26
OFFAL 2B 26 JennyB
FIL 8A 20 jimbo
FOILS M7 13 spellcheck

On 9th draw, NETSUKES M8 76 --- NETSUKE a button-like fixture on Japanese clothing [n]
Other moves: NETSUKES M4 68, KENTES 1G 45, STEEK J2 45, STUNK J2 45, NEUK J3 42
TEEK 1G 32 JennyB
SEEK 1G 32 jimbo
NEUTERS L6 16 spellcheck

On 10th draw, QAT 1G 53 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: BOMA 1E 41, TOMAN 1E 36, BLAM H1 33, BOTA 1E 33, NOMA 1E 33
QAT 1G 53 JennyB
QAT C11 24 spellcheck
SOB 15M 15 jimbo

On 11th draw, DOZENED A2 84 --- DOZEN to stun [v]
Other moves: ZONED 14J 70, DOZENS 15H 51, ZONED 8K 48, MOZED 14J 46, DOZEN 14J 38
DOZENS 15H 51 jimbo
ZONED 8K 48 Faeythe
ZOOMED K10 18 spellcheck
ZA C11 11 JennyB

On 12th draw, MEGAHITS 15F 95 --- MEGAHIT something extremely successful [n]
Other moves: MEGAHIT L3 83, MEATHS 15H 45, MEITHS 15H 45, FEHM D2 41, ATHEISM 15H 39
MIGHTS 15H 39 jimbo
HAM J4 32 JennyB, Faeythe
HIM J4 32 mylover81

On 13th draw, CRAW J3 38 --- CRAW the stomach of an animal [n]
Other tops: WAAC 14G 38
Other moves: CAW J4 37, RAW J4 35, AW J5 34, WAIRUA 14B 30, WAIRUA 14A 28
CRAW J3 38 mylover81, JennyB
CAW J4 37 Faeythe
JAW 6H 21 jimbo
WRACK 13I 18 spellcheck

On 14th draw, ABRIM 14B 42 --- ABRIM in a brimming state [adv]
Other moves: BINARY L7 41, INARM 14B 38, BARMY 14C 35, MARY L9 34, MIRY L9 34
MINNY 8K 33 spellcheck
YAM 14D 26 mylover81
BRAINY 4I 22 jimbo
BARNY C11 20 gruau56
CRAM 3J 16 JennyB

On 15th draw, COVERUP 4F 36 --- COVERUP something used to conceal improper activity [n]
Other moves: PONCE 8K 30, PUNCE 8K 30, ECO 14I 28, CURVE 4H 26, RECOUP 4J 26
PONCE 8K 30 jimbo, spellcheck
VIE 15A 24 JennyB, mylover81
ICH J13 14 gruau56

On 16th draw, POX N12 52 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other tops: PIX N12 52
Other moves: NIX N12 46, NOX N12 46, EXO 15A 43, OXO 15A 43, OX N13 42
PIX N12 52 mylover81
OXO 15A 43 JennyB, jimbo
TEX 10M 12 spellcheck

On 17th draw, ONERY L8 41 --- ONERY stubborn and mean-spirited [adj]
Other moves: NOY O13 35, LEY 15A 27, LINEY 8K 27, LINNY 8K 27, LYE 15A 27
NOY O13 35 jimbo
NYE 15A 27 mylover81
ONLY 8L 24 JennyB
LOOPY L1 11 spellcheck

On 18th draw, WOE O13 38 --- WOE tremendous grief [n]
Other moves: IWI 15A 27, OWE 15A 27, VIEW N6 27, OW O14 25, WO O13 25
WOE O13 38 mylover81
OW O14 25 jimbo
WOVE N5 15 JennyB
NEW 9L 6 spellcheck

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