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Game of July 18, 2011 at 19:08, 11 players
1. 618 pts PIThompson
2. 464 pts joyriv
3. 424 pts naomiari

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acenrss   H2    74    74   ancress
 2. aimnoor   4G    74   148   acromion
 3. aeeghlm   3J    41   189   heame
 4. adiillr   N2    20   209   denarii
 5. elnorrw   5J    45   254   worral
 6. acegnoo   O8    30   284   ocean
 7. ?dnouuv   8A    89   373   voudouns
 8. aefgino  N10    51   424   feign
 9. deknrsy   C8    84   508   undersky
10. aegltuv  11C    74   582   evulgate
11. aeeiotw  H11    36   618   await
12. egiopsy   K8    48   666   gipsy
13. ?bfittz  15A    45   711   boyf
14. aeilptt  M11    30   741   plait
15. bdeejlx  I11    40   781   tex
16. eeijltt   5B    30   811   jettier
17. abeiotu   2B    74   885   aboiteau
18. dehlooz   1A    54   939   zho

Remaining tiles: deloq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7451 FilePIThompson  5 16:34  -321  618     1.7451 PIThompson  5 16:34  -321  618 
  2.5839 Filejoyriv      3 24:44  -475  464            Group: intermediate
  3.5521 Filenaomiari    1 23:51  -515  424     1.6331 shanice     1 12:55  -635  304 
  4.5247 FileGrace_Tjie  0 14:51  -517  422     2.6752 SuperH      0  9:31  -663  276 
  5.6331 Fileshanice     1 12:55  -635  304            Group: novice
  6.3826 FileChiliB.     0 23:42  -659  280     1.5839 joyriv      3 24:44  -475  464 
  7.6752 FileSuperH      0  9:31  -663  276     2.5521 naomiari    1 23:51  -515  424 
  8.3258 FileZEHAVARON   0 16:41  -711  228     3.5247 Grace_Tjie  0 14:51  -517  422 
  9.  -  Fileluckymoo    0  6:51  -879   60     4.5720 iwhist      0  3:17  -921   18 
 10.5720 Fileiwhist      0  3:17  -921   18            Group: not rated
 11.  -  Fileniekoul     0  1:05  -930    9     1.3826 ChiliB.     0 23:42  -659  280 
                                             2.3258 ZEHAVARON   0 16:41  -711  228 
                                             3.  -  luckymoo    0  6:51  -879   60 
                                             4.  -  niekoul     0  1:05  -930    9 

On 1st draw, ANCRESS H2 74 --- ANCRESS a female recluse [n]
Other tops: CASERNS H4 74
Other moves: ANCRESS H3 70, ANCRESS H4 70, ANCRESS H6 70, ANCRESS H7 70, ANCRESS H8 70
CASERNS H4 24 joyriv, PIThompson
CANERS H4 22 Grace_Tjie
CRANES H4 22 naomiari
SCANS H8 16 ChiliB.

On 2nd draw, ACROMION 4G 74 --- ACROMION a projecting part of the spine of the scapula [n]
Other moves: AMORINO G8 65, AMORINO 5E 36, MORRION 5E 36, ORARION 5E 28, AMORINO 2H 22
ACROMION 4G 24 joyriv
MORONIC 4B 22 PIThompson
MOAN G6 17 Grace_Tjie
MOOR I6 17 naomiari
MANOR 5D 14 ChiliB.

On 3rd draw, HEAME 3J 41 --- HEAME home (Spenser) [adv]
Other moves: HAREEM 5F 40, HALM 3J 37, HAME 3K 37, HELM 3J 37, ALMEH 3K 36
HAME 3K 37 PIThompson
HOMAGE M3 28 joyriv
HAM 3M 28 Grace_Tjie, naomiari
GLEAMS 7C 14 ChiliB.
HEM 6G 8 iwhist

On 4th draw, DENARII N2 20 --- DENARIUS a coin of ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: DENARI N2 18, DENIAL N2 18, AID 5L 16, ARD 5L 16, DENAR N2 16
DENARII N2 20 joyriv
REMAIL K2 16 naomiari
DIAL G6 15 PIThompson
DI 2N 14 Grace_Tjie
DRILLS 7C 10 iwhist
DRILLS 8C 8 ChiliB.

On 5th draw, WORRAL 5J 45 --- WORRAL a monitor lizard [n]
Other moves: REWON 5H 40, LOWRIE 8J 39, OWRIE 8K 36, WEN 5J 34, WON 5J 34
WEN 5J 34 PIThompson
NEW O8 24 Grace_Tjie
NOW O8 24 ZEHAVARON, joyriv
WE O1 18 naomiari
WEEN 6F 15 ChiliB.
SWORE 8H 9 niekoul

On 6th draw, OCEAN O8 30 --- OCEAN the vast body of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface [n]
Other tops: AGONIC 8J 30
Other moves: AEONIC 8J 27, CAIN 8L 27, COGIE 8K 27, COIN 8L 27, GENIC 8K 27
COIN 8L 27 PIThompson
CONGER 5C 20 joyriv
NOG O8 18 Grace_Tjie
CHOW J2 18 naomiari
CAGES 8D 11 ChiliB.

On 7th draw, V(O)UDOUNS 8A 89 --- VOUDOUN a primitive religion [n]
Other tops: VOUD(O)UNS 8A 89
Other moves: VOUD(O)UNS 7A 63, V(O)UDOUNS 7A 63, V(I)AND 2F 35, VODUN(S) 13J 25, AND 2H 23
V(I)AND 2F 35 PIThompson
NODU(S) 13K 17 joyriv
DOVE 10L 16 naomiari, Grace_Tjie
VO(I)DS 8D 12 ChiliB.

On 8th draw, FEIGN N10 51 --- FEIGN to pretend [v]
Other moves: FAINE N10 49, NEIF 6G 36, FAIN N10 32, FAE N10 31, FA N10 28
FEIGN N10 51 PIThompson
FANGED D3 22 joyriv
FINE N11 21 Grace_Tjie
DOING D8 14 ChiliB.
FUNG C7 13 naomiari

On 9th draw, UNDERSKY C8 84 --- UNDERSKY a lower sky [n]
Other moves: UNDERSKY F8 80, YESK 15L 55, YERKS 6G 52, NERKS 6G 49, REEKS 6G 49
YESK 15L 55 PIThompson, SuperH
DESK 15L 43 shanice
YES 15L 20 naomiari
YE O1 18 Grace_Tjie
FEIGNS N10 10 joyriv
RUDES F7 8 ChiliB.

On 10th draw, EVULGATE 11C 74 --- EVULGATE to divulge [v]
Other moves: EVULGATE 6A 72, GUYLE 15A 30, VAUT M12 28, VLY 15A 27, VAE M12 26
VAE M12 26 PIThompson
AUKLET 14A 24 joyriv
GAY 15A 21 Grace_Tjie, naomiari

On 11th draw, AWAIT H11 36 --- AWAIT to wait for [v]
Other tops: AWATO H11 36, AWETO H11 36
Other moves: TAWIE 10H 33, TAW 10H 31, TEW 10H 31, TWAE M11 31, AWEE 10I 30
AWAIT H11 36 PIThompson
TAW 10H 31 shanice
AWE 10I 29 naomiari
WAY 15A 27 Grace_Tjie, ChiliB., joyriv
WHOW J2 21 SuperH

On 12th draw, GIPSY K8 48 --- GIPSY to live like a gypsy (a wanderer) [v]
Other moves: GIPSY 15K 46, GYPS K8 46, PIOYS K7 46, POESY K8 46, POSEY K9 46
POSY 15L 46 ZEHAVARON, naomiari, PIThompson, SuperH
GIPSY 15K 46 joyriv
YIPS K8 44 shanice
POSE 15L 37 Grace_Tjie
PAYS 13G 16 ChiliB.

On 13th draw, B(O)YF 15A 45 --- BOYF boyfriend [n]
Other moves: F(R)ITZ 14F 44, BLITZ F10 42, Z(A) G13 42, Z(O) G13 42, BLI(T)Z F10 41
Z(O) G13 42 joyriv
Z(A) G13 42 shanice
B(L)ITZ 14F 41 ChiliB.
FI(S)T 15L 39 SuperH
Z(A) M12 36 PIThompson
Z(O) O1 32 Grace_Tjie
Z(O)(O) B6 30 naomiari

On 14th draw, PLAIT M11 30 --- PLAIT to braid [v]
Other moves: ALKIE 14A 29, APP 10I 25, PAIL M12 25, GAP G11 21, KELP 14C 21
PLAIT M11 30 PIThompson
PAIL M12 25 Grace_Tjie, shanice
APP 10I 25 SuperH
PLATTED D2 20 joyriv
PA G13 16 naomiari
PLAIT 13F 9 ChiliB.

On 15th draw, TEX I11 40 --- TEX a unit of linear density of yarn, 1 gm per kilometre [n]
Other moves: JEUX F6 34, BENJ G6 29, JEED 6F 28, JEEL 6F 27, BALD 2G 26
TEX I11 40 shanice, PIThompson, joyriv
LAX 13G 19 ZEHAVARON, Grace_Tjie
BE O1 15 luckymoo
JAG 13L 11 naomiari

On 16th draw, JETTIER 5B 30 --- JETTY having the color jet black [adj]
Other tops: JETTIED D2 30
Other moves: JETTED D3 28, JILTED D3 28, JILTER 5C 28, JITTER 5C 28, JEAT 2F 27
JETTIED D2 30 joyriv
JEAT 2F 27 PIThompson
JEEL 6F 27 Grace_Tjie
JEU F6 26 SuperH, naomiari
TAXI 13G 12 ChiliB.
JAG 13L 11 shanice
TAX 13G 11 luckymoo

On 17th draw, ABOITEAU 2B 74 --- ABOITEAU a tide-gate [n]
Other moves: UNBEGOT G7 35, OUIJA B2 28, BOITE 14F 26, NOUGAT G8 26, GETA G11 25
BATE 6A 23 naomiari, PIThompson
BOA 6A 20 Grace_Tjie
BAT 6A 20 SuperH
BEAUT D1 20 joyriv
ABOUT D1 16 shanice
BEAT D2 12 ChiliB.
BOAT 2F 12 luckymoo

On 18th draw, ZHO 1A 54 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: DZO 1A 54
Other moves: ZO G13 52, ZO 1D 44, ZHO 3A 43, DHOL 1A 39, ZO O1 36
DZO 1A 54 naomiari, PIThompson
ZO G13 52 shanice
ZO 1D 44 SuperH
ZO O1 36 Grace_Tjie
ZOOS 7E 30 ChiliB.
ZO 1B 26 joyriv
ZOO D1 22 luckymoo

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