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Game of July 18, 2011 at 19:52, 10 players
1. 670 pts PIThompson
2. 470 pts naomiari
3. 444 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adlnrty   H8    26    26   tardy
 2. eejmosw   G8    43    69   sjoe
 3. acefirr  F10    36   105   friar
 4. ?aeistw  15D    98   203   wastrie
 5. aghimno  14J    53   256   haming
 6. deeertu   I9    35   291   rede
 7. abcnoux  13K    50   341   box
 8. aeeefno  O11    30   371   fango
 9. ?eoottu   N5    65   436   outvote
10. cloopsu   J6    40   476   coups
11. eiilstu   5E    88   564   utilise
12. eginoyz   O1    77   641   ginzo
13. abelnru   8A    33   674   urbanest
14. aeloqrv   L1    32   706   velar
15. ehiinow   8J    36   742   unwive
16. adeklpv   H1    39   781   kvell
17. ahiloqt  13C    48   829   talaq
18. aeimnop  12A    32   861   poem
19. adehiin  A10    36   897   daphne

Remaining tiles: cdgiiy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7450 FilePIThompson  7 15:20  -227  670     1.7450 PIThompson  7 15:20  -227  670 
  2.5518 Filenaomiari    2 24:42  -427  470            Group: intermediate
  3.6636 Filesunshine12  4 17:05  -453  444     1.6636 sunshine12  4 17:05  -453  444 
  4.5843 Filejoyriv      2 17:26  -478  419     2.6343 shanice     1 18:37  -508  389 
  5.6343 Fileshanice     1 18:37  -508  389     3.6749 SuperH      4 11:51  -579  318 
  6.6749 FileSuperH      4 11:51  -579  318            Group: novice
  7.  -  Fileluckymoo    0 12:57  -680  217     1.5518 naomiari    2 24:42  -427  470 
  8.3806 FileChiliB.     0  8:04  -798   99     2.5843 joyriv      2 17:26  -478  419 
  9.  -  Filestar_woman  0  4:40  -841   56            Group: not rated
 10.4737 Filevictor      0  0:35  -875   22     1.  -  luckymoo    0 12:57  -680  217 
                                             2.3806 ChiliB.     0  8:04  -798   99 
                                             3.  -  star_woman  0  4:40  -841   56 
                                             4.4737 victor      0  0:35  -875   22 

On 1st draw, TARDY H8 26 --- TARDY an instance of being late [n] --- TARDY late [adj] --- TARDY to retard [v]
Other tops: LARDY H8 26, RANDY H8 26
Other moves: DAYNT H4 22, LYARD H8 22, DAYNT H8 20, LARDY H4 20, LYARD H4 20
RANDY H8 26 PIThompson, naomiari
TARDY H5 18 luckymoo
TRAY H8 14 ChiliB.

On 2nd draw, SJOE G8 43 --- SJOE wow (S Africa) [interj]
Other moves: JEE G9 40, JOE G9 40, J*W I7 36, JO G9 36, JOW I7 36
JEE G9 40 PIThompson
JO G9 36 shanice
J*W*D 11D 32 ChiliB.
JAWS 9G 26 naomiari, luckymoo

On 3rd draw, FRIAR F10 36 --- FRIAR a member of a religious order [n]
Other tops: FRIER F10 36
Other moves: FRAE F10 33, FRA F10 32, CRARE F10 30, CRIER F10 30, FARCIED 11B 26
FRIER F10 36 PIThompson
FARCE F11 23 joyriv
RE I9 17 naomiari
CORER 10F 15 ChiliB.

On 4th draw, WAST(R)IE 15D 98 --- WASTRIE reckless extravagance [n]
Other tops: TA(X)WISE 15A 98
Other moves: AW(N)IEST 15A 89, TAWIES(T) 15A 89, WAISTE(D) 15C 89, WAISTE(R) 15C 89, WA(L)IEST 15A 89
WASTE 15D 45 PIThompson, naomiari
WEST(S) 15D 42 sunshine12
WAISTE(D) 15C 39 luckymoo, shanice
W(H)ITES 15A 36 joyriv
WEST 8E 7 ChiliB.

On 5th draw, HAMING 14J 53 --- HAME to go home [v]
Other tops: HOMING 14J 53
Other moves: HOAING 14J 49, HANGI 14J 47, HOGAN 14J 47, HOING 14J 47, HONGI 14J 47
HOMING 14J 53 PIThompson, sunshine12, joyriv
HAMING 14J 53 shanice, naomiari, SuperH
HOME J12 15 ChiliB.

On 6th draw, REDE I9 35 --- REDE to advise [v]
Other moves: DETERGE O9 30, RED I9 29, TEED 13J 28, REE I9 27, TRUDGE O10 27
REDE I9 35 sunshine12
TEED 13J 28 PIThompson
TRUDGE O10 27 joyriv
RE I9 21 naomiari
ED 13L 16 shanice
FORTED 10F 12 ChiliB.

On 7th draw, BOX 13K 50 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: NOX 13K 44, AX E11 41, AX 13L 40, OX 13L 40, XU 13M 38
BOX 13K 50 PIThompson, sunshine12, joyriv, SuperH
AX 13L 40 shanice
FOREX 10F 31 luckymoo, naomiari
NOUN N11 4 ChiliB.

On 8th draw, FANGO O11 30 --- FANGO a medicinal mud from thermal springs [n]
Other moves: AN 12K 19, FANO 14A 19, ON 12K 19, FAE F6 17, FEE F6 17
FANGO O11 30 PIThompson, sunshine12
FAG O12 11 naomiari
FEW D13 9 joyriv
FEST 8E 7 luckymoo

On 9th draw, OUT(V)OTE N5 65 --- OUTVOTE to defeat by a majority of votes [v]
Other moves: OUT(V)OTE F2 63, OUTREDDE(D) 11C 40, OUTREDDE(N) 11C 40, TREDD(L)E 11E 32, (L)OOTEN N9 28
TOO(L) J6 15 PIThompson
(S)TEW D12 12 luckymoo
TOT N10 12 naomiari
T*M L12 10 joyriv
XI(S) M13 9 sunshine12

On 10th draw, COUPS J6 40 --- COUP to overturn [v]
Other tops: CLOPS J6 40, COOPS J6 40
Other moves: CLOOPS O1 39, CLOPS O1 38, COOPS O1 38, COUPS O1 38, CLOOPS J5 37
CLOPS J6 40 SuperH
CLOOPS O1 39 PIThompson
COPS J6 25 joyriv, naomiari
COMS L12 18 sunshine12

On 11th draw, UTILISE 5E 88 --- UTILISE to make use of [v]
Other moves: UTILISE O1 80, UTILISE F2 64, LUSTIEST 8A 27, SILTIEST 8A 27, ST K9 25
UTILISE O1 30 PIThompson
ST K9 25 naomiari
ITS K7 21 SuperH
SIT 5J 16 shanice
TOME L12 14 star_woman
JARPS 9G 14 sunshine12
LI(V)E 8L 12 luckymoo

On 12th draw, GINZO O1 77 --- GINZO (colloquial) a person of Italian descent [n]
Other moves: ZINGY O1 65, ZINGY 4A 61, ZYGON O1 59, ZYGON 4A 58, ZIN M9 51
ZINGY O1 65 PIThompson, joyriv
ZING M2 31 sunshine12
ZONE 7I 23 star_woman
ZOO 9M 22 naomiari

On 13th draw, URBANEST 8A 33 --- URBANE refined and elegant [adj]
Other tops: UNABLE H1 33
Other moves: ALB E11 30, BALER L1 28, BELAR L1 28, BLAER L1 28, BLEAR L1 28
NEBULA H1 27 joyriv
RUBEL H1 24 SuperH
BLARE 6B 21 PIThompson
BURA 14A 17 sunshine12
BRA 14B 15 naomiari
RUB M3 15 shanice

On 14th draw, VELAR L1 32 --- VELAR a sound produced by the back of the tongue [n]
Other tops: VALOR L1 32, VOLAR L1 32
Other moves: ORVAL H1 27, RAVEL H1 27, LAVER L1 26, LOVER L1 26, ORVAL L4 26
VALOR L1 32 PIThompson
QI 2N 22 sunshine12, joyriv, naomiari, shanice
VAQUERO A5 19 star_woman
RA(V)E 8L 12 luckymoo

On 15th draw, UNWI(V)E 8J 36 --- UNWIVE to deprive of a wife [v]
Other tops: INWOVE 1H 36, UNHI(V)E 8J 36, UNWO(V)E 8J 36
Other moves: HOW M2 32, OH 12K 31, HI(V)E 8L 30, HO(V)E 8L 30, WHILE 3I 30
WO(V)E 8L 30 SuperH
WHINE 6B 27 PIThompson
WHINE 4B 26 joyriv
WHO 14B 23 sunshine12
HO N2 22 shanice
WHITE F2 21 naomiari

On 16th draw, KVELL H1 39 --- KVELL (Yiddish) to be happy [v]
Other moves: AKE E11 36, KVELL 3I 34, ALDEA E11 33, DEVALL H1 33, APEAK 13C 32
KA N2 26 shanice, PIThompson
LAPEL H1 24 luckymoo
KEA 14B 19 naomiari

On 17th draw, TALAQ 13C 48 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other moves: QI N2 46, AH 12K 31, OH 12K 31, AH E11 29, AHI N1 27
QI N2 46 PIThompson, shanice, sunshine12, SuperH, naomiari, joyriv
HA N2 22 victor
QUAINT E4 15 luckymoo

On 18th draw, POEM 12A 32 --- POEM a composition in verse [n]
Other moves: MOPANE 4A 30, MOPANI 4A 30, PANIM 4A 28, PIEMAN 6B 28, AM 12K 27
POEM 12A 32 PIThompson, SuperH
AM 12K 27 shanice
AMI N1 23 sunshine12
PARE B6 12 naomiari

On 19th draw, DAPHNE A10 36 --- DAPHNE a flowering shrub [n]
Other moves: APHID A11 33, AH 12K 31, HAINED 6B 29, AHI N1 27, DAH M2 26
AH 12K 31 sunshine12, shanice
HAINED 6B 29 PIThompson
HA N2 22 SuperH
PAID A12 21 naomiari, luckymoo

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