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Game of July 18, 2011 at 23:45, 5 players
1. 259 pts pickrose
2. 197 pts iwhist
3. 133 pts xxxx36

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeggir   H2    74    74   daggier
 2. ?aimrxy   5E    48   122   imagery
 3. dhnootw   4K    35   157   nohow
 4. eeflrrs   I7    77   234   ferrels
 5. aejlstz  11E    64   298   teazels
 6. aaelstu   2G    72   370   adulates
 7. cdmosty   6B    39   409   scody
 8. ?cefinv   8H    48   457   reinfect
 9. ehinort   C3    86   543   notchier
10. bdeeoot   1K    38   581   beted
11. egnopru   8A    33   614   epigon
12. aijnpqt   G1    35   649   taj
13. aeiknor  H11    50   699   zaire
14. aabloow   D1    36   735   blaw
15. adeiknv  12A    43   778   knived
16. aimnopv   N8    38   816   campion
17. aoqtuux  G13    48   864   qua
18. iootuvx  M11    37   901   oxo

Remaining tiles: iituuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4226 Filepickrose    1 13:16  -642  259     1.5682 iwhist      1  9:08  -704  197 
  2.5682 Fileiwhist      1  9:08  -704  197     2.5669 Faeythe     1  0:54  -824   77 
  3.4149 Filexxxx36      0  5:39  -768  133            Group: not rated
  4.5669 FileFaeythe     1  0:54  -824   77     1.4226 pickrose    1 13:16  -642  259 
  5.4328 Filegmills0     0  1:53  -862   39     2.4149 xxxx36      0  5:39  -768  133 
                                             3.4328 gmills0     0  1:53  -862   39 

On 1st draw, DAGGIER H2 74 --- DAGGY scruffy [adj]
Other tops: DAGGIER H4 74
Other moves: DAGGIER H3 72, DAGGIER H6 72, DAGGIER H7 72, DAGGIER H8 72, DAGGIER H5 70
GRIDE H4 18 gmills0

On 2nd draw, IMAG(E)RY 5E 48 --- IMAGERY a mental picture [n]
Other tops: (T)RIGAMY 5E 48
Other moves: MAXI I1 44, MAX(I) I1 42, M(A)XI I1 42, (M)AXI I1 41, (T)AXI I1 41
EXAM(S) 7H 21 gmills0

On 3rd draw, NOHOW 4K 35 --- NOHOW in no manner [adv]
Other moves: DO(E)TH I3 33, WHOOT 4A 32, THONG 4D 29, HOW G7 28, WHO 4D 27
WON G7 22 xxxx36

On 4th draw, FERRELS I7 77 --- FERREL to fit with a metal cap to prevent splitting [v]
Other tops: FERRELS G7 77
Other moves: FLEERERS 7C 67, FLEERERS 7F 64, FLEERERS 7E 63, FLEWS O1 33, FLEW O1 30
FLEWS O1 33 xxxx36

On 5th draw, TEAZELS 11E 64 --- TEAZEL to raise a nap on fabric [v]
Other moves: LAZES 3J 57, WALTZES O4 57, ALTEZAS 3C 54, ZETA 3L 54, LAZE 3J 53

On 6th draw, ADULATES 2G 72 --- ADULATE to praise excessively [v]
Other moves: LAUREATES 8E 60, ZEALS H11 50, STELA 3K 35, ALATES 12H 30, SALET 3J 30

On 7th draw, SCODY 6B 39 --- SCODY (New Zealand) unkempt, dirty [adj]
Other moves: STODGY 4D 35, COSY 6C 34, TODY 6C 34, COY 6D 33, DOTY 6C 33
TWOS O3 7 pickrose

On 8th draw, REINFEC(T) 8H 48 --- INFECT to contaminate with disease-producing germs [v] --- REINFECT to infect again [v]
Other moves: ZEIN(S) H11 47, C(H)IEF 10B 38, FENI(S) 1K 36, FINE(D) 1K 36, FINE(R) 1K 36
WIVE(S) O4 30 pickrose
FIVES B2 22 xxxx36

On 9th draw, NOTCHIER C3 86 --- NOTCHY having notches [adj]
Other moves: HEREINTO M7 82, ORNITHES 13B 80, ETHERION M8 74, HORNIEST 13C 74, ETHERION F8 71
HIRES B2 16 pickrose

On 10th draw, BETED 1K 38 --- BETE to improve [v]
Other moves: BOOTED B9 30, BOOTED 12A 29, BOOTEE B9 28, DOOB D1 28, BOOED 4A 27
EDIT 8A 18 pickrose

On 11th draw, EPIGON 8A 33 --- EPIGON an inferior imitator [n]
Other tops: GRIPE 8A 33
Other moves: GRIP 8A 30, GROUP 10B 30, NAGOR 3G 29, REPUGN B9 28, OPING 8A 27
GRIPE 8A 33 pickrose
GRIP 8A 30 xxxx36

On 12th draw, TAJ G1 35 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: JAP D2 34, TAJ B2 31, JAP B2 30, QAT 12D 28, QAT B2 28
JET F10 26 pickrose
JOT 4B 20 iwhist

On 13th draw, ZAIRE H11 50 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: KAON D1 32, KIER D1 32, KNAR D1 32, KOAN D1 32, KRONA 4A 32
INK H13 23 iwhist
CAKE N8 20 pickrose

On 14th draw, BLAW D1 36 --- BLAW to blow [v]
Other tops: BLOW D1 36
Other moves: AWA 10E 31, AWL 10E 31, ABLOW B10 28, ALOW D1 28, AW 10E 28
AW 10E 28 iwhist
BLOW 4A 24 pickrose

On 15th draw, KNIVED 12A 43 --- KNIVE to knife [v]
Other moves: KNAVES B1 40, KNAVE 12A 36, KNIVE 12A 36, KADES B2 32, KADIS B2 32
KNIVED 12A 43 iwhist
CAKED N8 22 pickrose

On 16th draw, CAMPION N8 38 --- CAMPION an herb [n]
Other moves: VAMP B1 35, MAVIS B2 34, PAVIS B2 34, KIVA A12 33, OKAPI A11 33
KNAP A12 30 pickrose
MA 10F 24 iwhist

On 17th draw, QUA G13 48 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other tops: QAT G13 48
Other moves: XU G13 37, QUAT B1 35, QAT B2 33, AX O14 29, OX O14 29
QUA G13 48 Faeythe
QUIT 12L 28 iwhist
KAT A12 7 pickrose

On 18th draw, OXO M11 37 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: XI M12 31, NIXED F8 29, OX O14 29, OXO 5M 29, TIX M13 26
XI M12 31 iwhist
OX O14 29 Faeythe
VOX 13M 26 pickrose, xxxx36

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