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Game of July 19, 2011 at 17:12, 15 players
1. 547 pts musdrive
2. 477 pts sandy914
3. 447 pts jeff

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. einprtx   H3    46    46   extirp
 2. eegirst   8H    86   132   prestige
 3. ?abnnru   O8    80   212   eburnean
 4. ?acdmpr   3B    84   296   compared
 5. abceilt   5E    98   394   bittacle
 6. adeefhl   6J    40   434   haled
 7. hilostv   4L    34   468   shiv
 8. aeinott   B1    74   542   taconite
 9. demnoow   A8   113   655   woodmen
10. afginoq  B10    37   692   fain
11. diorsuu   1A    27   719   studio
12. aeiklvy   M8    42   761   ivylike
13. efnoost   2I    89   850   eftsoon
14. aaeeory   1H    32   882   areae
15. egilouw  14A    28   910   new
16. aggloqr   4A    23   933   gora
17. gijloqz   1N    50   983   zo
18. gijlouy  14J    27  1010   jole

Remaining tiles: giquuy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7064 Filemusdrive    5 20:42  -463  547     1.7064 musdrive    5 20:42  -463  547 
  2.5452 Filesandy914    1 22:26  -533  477            Group: intermediate
  3.6810 Filejeff        0 13:18  -563  447     1.6810 jeff        0 13:18  -563  447 
  4.5587 Filenarisa      1 17:01  -684  326     2.6093 margalang   1  9:31  -744  266 
  5.3513 Filecailah      0 19:09  -713  297     3.6369 shanice     1 12:10  -767  243 
  6.  -  Filesamdfloyd   0 13:28  -738  272            Group: novice
  7.3882 FileChiliB.     0 21:45  -741  269     1.5452 sandy914    1 22:26  -533  477 
  8.3027 Fileding        0 24:02  -741  269     2.5587 narisa      1 17:01  -684  326 
  9.6093 Filemargalang   1  9:31  -744  266     3.5281 Grace_Tjie  0  1:14  -950   60 
 10.6369 Fileshanice     1 12:10  -767  243     4.5474 neyetifu    0  3:27  -965   45 
 11.4463 Fileremij       0 12:21  -881  129     5.5289 jimbo       0  2:24  -976   34 
 12.5281 FileGrace_Tjie  0  1:14  -950   60            Group: not rated
 13.5474 Fileneyetifu    0  3:27  -965   45     1.3513 cailah      0 19:09  -713  297 
 14.5289 Filejimbo       0  2:24  -976   34     2.  -  samdfloyd   0 13:28  -738  272 
 15.2994 FileSPOILCHILD  0  0:46  -992   18     3.3882 ChiliB.     0 21:45  -741  269 
                                             4.3027 ding        0 24:02  -741  269 
                                             5.4463 remij       0 12:21  -881  129 
                                             6.2994 SPOILCHILD  0  0:46  -992   18 

On 1st draw, EXTIRP H3 46 --- EXTIRP to root out [v]
Other moves: EXTIRP H7 36, EXTIRP H4 32, EXTIRP H8 32, EXTIRP H5 30, EXTIRP H6 30
PREX H6 26 jeff
NIXER H7 24 ding
EXIT H7 22 cailah, neyetifu
EXIT H8 22 ChiliB.
NEXT H7 22 sandy914
NEXT H8 22 jimbo
TEX H8 20 Grace_Tjie
PRINT H4 20 musdrive

On 2nd draw, PRESTIGE 8H 86 --- PRESTIGE charm, magic or glamour in the eyes of other people [n]
TESTIER 5E 28 musdrive
TIGERS 9C 25 jeff
GRITS 9D 23 sandy914
GIST 9F 23 neyetifu
TIES I3 21 Grace_Tjie
TEERS I6 16 cailah
SEXIER 4F 13 ding
GRITS 5E 12 jimbo
EXITS 4G 12 ChiliB.

On 3rd draw, EBURN(E)AN O8 80 --- EBURNEAN like ivory [adj]
Other tops: RUNNAB(L)E O1 80, (I)NURBANE O1 80
Other moves: EBURN(E)AN 3H 74, UNBARIN(G) M3 72, (E)BURNEAN 3C 72, INURBAN(E) M8 70, UNBAR(I)NG N1 70
BA(A) G3 24 sandy914
NAB(E) G1 23 musdrive
BURN(S) 9D 22 jeff
RU(I)N I3 19 Grace_Tjie
BRA(E) G2 19 cailah
BANNER(S) O4 11 ChiliB.
TANN(E)R 5H 10 ding

On 4th draw, C(O)MPARED 3B 84 --- COMPARE to scrutinise for similarities [v]
Other moves: D(U)MPCART L1 82, C(O)MPADRE 3A 80, D(U)MPCART 5A 78, C(O)MPADR(E) 13H 76, C(O)MPARED J2 72
MA(I)D G3 29 sandy914
AMP N12 27 jeff
SCAMP(E)D K8 26 musdrive
SCAMP(E)R K8 24 ding
CR(E)AMS K3 18 ChiliB.
DRAPE(S) J4 10 cailah

On 5th draw, BITTACLE 5E 98 --- BITTACLE a casing for a ship's compass [n]
Other moves: BASILECT K6 74, BITTACLE 5F 74, BITTACLE L5 74, BITTACLE L6 74, CELIBAT(E) 13H 74
ELASTIC K5 36 musdrive
BAIL 4C 29 jeff
BEAT 4C 29 sandy914
CAMEL D1 24 narisa
TRAIL G2 18 cailah
TABLET L8 16 ding
CLEAR 11K 14 ChiliB.

On 6th draw, HALED 6J 40 --- HALE to compel to go [v]
Other moves: HALF 4L 38, HALF 6J 37, HADE 6J 36, HAD 6J 35, HAED 6J 35
HALF 6J 37 musdrive, jeff
FEED 4L 30 sandy914
FAME D1 26 narisa
HEAD 7J 24 cailah
LEASHED K5 22 ChiliB.
DA N14 14 ding

On 7th draw, SHIV 4L 34 --- SHIV a knife [n] --- SHIV to knife [v]
Other moves: THIO 4A 32, OH 2E 30, HOISE M2 29, THOSE M2 29, HO 2F 28
OH 2E 30 musdrive
HOISE M2 29 jeff
HOSE M3 27 narisa
VOLTS 9D 25 sandy914
EXTIRPS H3 16 cailah
VIS(E) 13L 12 ChiliB.
TILTS L8 10 ding

On 8th draw, TACONITE B1 74 --- TACONITE a low-grade iron ore [n]
Other moves: NAEVI O1 24, NAIVE O1 24, ACONITE B2 22, NICTATE B1 22, TACTION B1 22
NAIVE O1 24 sandy914, musdrive, jeff, shanice, cailah
TAME D1 14 narisa
SAINT K8 10 ding
TONE L8 4 ChiliB.

On 9th draw, WOODMEN A8 113 --- WOODMAN one who works or lives in the forest [n]
Other moves: WOMEN A4 65, WOOED A4 63, MOOED A4 55, MOWED A8 51, TOWMOND 1B 51
MOWED A8 51 jeff
WOMEN A8 48 cailah, samdfloyd
WOODEN A8 48 shanice
MEW A6 45 musdrive
WOOD A8 39 margalang
WEEM 8A 36 narisa
WEED 8A 30 ChiliB.
MOOVE O1 30 sandy914
WO(E) 13M 10 ding
MOON 15L 9 remij

On 10th draw, FAIN B10 37 --- FAIN joyful [adj] --- FAIN to delight in [v]
Other tops: FOIN B10 37
Other moves: FAQIR 11K 34, GIF 6D 32, OAF 6D 31, IF 6E 30, OF 2E 30
FAIN B10 37 musdrive, shanice
FAQIR 11K 34 samdfloyd
GIF 6D 32 jeff
FA B10 29 margalang
IF A1 26 sandy914
QI 6D 15 cailah
FON 4A 11 narisa
SING K8 10 ChiliB., ding
FAN 15M 6 remij

On 11th draw, STUDIO 1A 27 --- STUDIO an artist's workroom [n]
Other moves: STROUD 1A 24, DORIS 9D 23, DUROS 9D 23, ORDS 9E 23, OUD 2D 23
STROUD 1A 24 shanice
RIDS 9E 23 narisa
RUDS 9E 23 musdrive
DUOS 9E 22 samdfloyd
STUD 1A 21 margalang, sandy914
DI N14 14 ding
TOURS L8 10 ChiliB.
PUB E3 7 remij

On 12th draw, IVYLIKE M8 42 --- IVY a climbing vine [adj] --- IVYLIKE like ivy [adj]
Other moves: IVYLIKE F5 35, KA 2F 35, LEAVY O1 33, VALVE O1 33, GAY N8 32
KA 2F 35 shanice
GAY N8 32 musdrive
KI N14 26 ding
OYE 4B 24 jeff
ALIVE O1 24 sandy914
SLAVEY K8 24 narisa
AYE N12 22 cailah
YA A4 20 margalang
OKA F1 17 samdfloyd
VAIN 15L 11 remij
RAVE I8 8 ChiliB.

On 13th draw, EFTSOON 2I 89 --- EFTSOON soon afterward [adv]
Other moves: FONE 4A 31, NEF 6D 31, OOF 6D 31, TEF 6D 31, EF 6E 30
FONE 4A 31 narisa
EF 6E 30 samdfloyd
OOFS 9E 27 musdrive
FES L10 26 sandy914
STOVE O1 24 margalang, remij
FOOL 11J 14 ChiliB.
ROOST I8 6 ding

On 14th draw, AREAE 1H 32 --- AREA a particular extent of space or surface [n]
Other moves: OYE 1M 31, YORE 4A 31, YA 1N 26, YE 1N 26, YO 1N 26
YORE 4A 31 jeff, samdfloyd, shanice
OYE 1M 31 musdrive
YO 1N 26 margalang, sandy914
YORE 14J 15 ChiliB.
ROE 1I 14 cailah
BRAY E5 9 remij
REAL 11J 8 narisa
SORE K8 8 ding

On 15th draw, NEW 14A 28 --- NEW existing only a short time [adj] --- NEW something that is new [n] --- NEW to renew [v]
Other tops: LOWE 4A 28
Other moves: GLEI C11 26, WE 1N 26, WEIGELA 14I 26, WO 1N 26, WIG A4 25
LOWE 4A 28 musdrive, narisa
WO 1N 26 samdfloyd, jeff
WE 1N 26 sandy914
FAINE B10 20 ding
SWIG K8 16 ChiliB.
WILE 14J 15 margalang
BLEW E5 9 remij

On 16th draw, GORA 4A 23 --- GORA a white male (India/Pakistan) [n]
Other moves: QI 12L 22, OAR N12 21, ROLAG 15B 21, ENOL 13A 18, GO 1N 18
GORA 4A 23 musdrive
QI 12L 22 remij, ChiliB., narisa, cailah, ding, margalang, sandy914, jeff, shanice, samdfloyd

On 17th draw, ZO 1N 50 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: JO 1N 42, JOLE 14J 27, ZILL 11J 26, ZOL 11K 24, JILL 11J 22
ZO 1N 50 musdrive, margalang, sandy914
JO 1N 42 samdfloyd, narisa, jeff
QI 12L 22 remij, ChiliB., ding, shanice
ZO 6D 15 cailah

On 18th draw, JOLE 14J 27 --- JOLE jowl [n] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other moves: DAYGLO 11A 22, JILL 11J 22, JOLL 11J 22, SIJO K8 22, JOL 11K 20
JOLE 14J 27 musdrive
JOL 11K 20 margalang, sandy914
OY 6D 12 cailah
JOE 14K 10 ding
SLUG K8 10 remij
GILL 11J 10 narisa
GUY 10K 7 ChiliB.

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