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Game of July 19, 2011 at 18:42, 13 players
1. 586 pts jeff
2. 546 pts Davina
3. 472 pts michele

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeimnr   H4    78    78   mirbane
 2. ?abgtuy   5E    36   114   antibug
 3. efgilns  11H    84   198   selfing
 4. ahorstt   O5    92   290   throats
 5. ?iijmtu   M9    38   328   jinni
 6. aaeenor   7B    63   391   anaerobe
 7. adglmpy   8A    52   443   play
 8. deeoruy   9B    31   474   eyed
 9. denortz   4A    53   527   zoned
10. eiilnps   A1    45   572   seizin
11. aclopru   N6    32   604   cop
12. ikrstuu   M5    32   636   sik
13. eilrrtu   1A    77   713   sultrier
14. aefmtuv   2F    31   744   fae
15. adeghqt   6H    32   776   reh
16. adeintv  13H    63   839   vanitied
17. agrtuvw  10A    28   867   aw
18. dgmoort  A10    24   891   agorot
19. cdloovw  H13    27   918   vow
20. cdlmoqu  14F    37   955   quod
21. clmouvx  O13    33   988   dux

Remaining tiles: clmov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6805 Filejeff        4 20:14  -402  586     1.6805 jeff        4 20:14  -402  586 
  2.6657 FileDavina      6 12:18  -442  546     2.6657 Davina      6 12:18  -442  546 
  3.5750 Filemichele     1 26:07  -516  472     3.6768 SuperH      6  9:32  -700  288 
  4.3559 Filecailah      0 21:25  -618  370     4.6668 yab         1  1:14  -955   33 
  5.3889 FileChiliB.     2 24:36  -641  347     5.6218 scrab21     0  3:48  -968   20 
  6.6768 FileSuperH      6  9:32  -700  288            Group: novice
  7.5722 Fileiwhist      0  7:27  -812  176     1.5750 michele     1 26:07  -516  472 
  8.5474 Fileneyetifu    0  5:44  -847  141     2.5722 iwhist      0  7:27  -812  176 
  9.4932 FileAJ0711      0  7:52  -848  140     3.5474 neyetifu    0  5:44  -847  141 
 10.3264 FileZEHAVARON   1  9:24  -872  116            Group: not rated
 11.6668 Fileyab         1  1:14  -955   33     1.3559 cailah      0 21:25  -618  370 
 12.  -  Filemich159     0  2:23  -964   24     2.3889 ChiliB.     2 24:36  -641  347 
 13.6218 Filescrab21     0  3:48  -968   20     3.4932 AJ0711      0  7:52  -848  140 
                                             4.3264 ZEHAVARON   1  9:24  -872  116 
                                             5.  -  mich159     0  2:23  -964   24 

On 1st draw, MIRBANE H4 78 --- MIRBANE a name for nitrobenzene [n]
Other moves: MIRBANE H2 74, MIRBANE H3 74, MIRBANE H6 74, MIRBANE H7 74, MIRBANE H8 74
BREAM H4 24 jeff
AMBER H8 20 ChiliB.
MINER H4 20 neyetifu
BREAM H5 18 michele
NAMER H4 16 iwhist
BEAM H5 16 cailah, AJ0711

On 2nd draw, A(N)TIBUG 5E 36 --- ANTIBUG effective against bugs [adj]
Other moves: ABY(E) I7 32, ABY(S) I7 32, ABY I7 31, YB(E)T I7 30, BAYT(S) 11D 29
BAY(S) 11E 27 jeff
GUY(S) 11E 25 iwhist
BAY G8 21 michele
BAY(S) G8 21 neyetifu
MUG(G)Y 4H 20 AJ0711
G(R)UBBY 7E 17 ChiliB.

On 3rd draw, SELFING 11H 84 --- SELF to inbreed [v] --- SELFING self-fertilization [n]
Other moves: FEELINGS 10F 72, FLE(N)SING F2 71, SELFING I8 70, FEELINGS 10G 66, FLENSING 9B 66
SELFING 11H 34 Davina
FLINGS 11C 32 neyetifu, michele, AJ0711, jeff, cailah
FEELINGS 10F 22 iwhist
ENGULFS J2 15 ChiliB.

On 4th draw, THROATS O5 92 --- THROAT to utter in a hoarse voice [v]
Other moves: SHOAT O11 48, SHORT O11 48, SHOTT O11 48, TRASH O8 48, HOAST O8 39
SHORT O11 48 Davina, iwhist, jeff, AJ0711, neyetifu
TRASH O8 48 cailah
THROATS O5 42 michele

On 5th draw, JIN(N)I M9 38 --- JINNI a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: JUNT(A) M9 38, JUNT(O) M9 38
Other moves: JU(G)UM J2 35, MUJI(K) 4A 33, MUJI(K) 4J 33, J*sM 6B 32, MUJI(K) L8 32
T(A)J 4C 27 michele
JUG N9 26 Davina
MINUT(E) M9 20 ChiliB.
J(A)G N9 20 neyetifu
JUM(P) J4 18 cailah
J(A)R 7M 17 AJ0711
J(A) 4D 17 jeff

On 6th draw, ANAEROBE 7B 63 --- ANAEROBE an organism that does not require oxygen to live [n]
Other moves: NEARER 6E 25, AREAE N2 23, RANEE N2 23, ABEAR I4 21, BEANO I5 21
ARENA 6B 14 cailah
GONE N11 13 michele
ORATE G2 12 Davina
RAJ 9K 10 ChiliB.
OH 6N 7 AJ0711
FAN K11 6 jeff

On 7th draw, PLAY 8A 52 --- PLAY to engage in amusement or sport [v]
Other moves: LYAM 8A 50, AMYL 8A 42, GLAM 8A 41, MYAL 8A 40, GYAL 8A 37
PLAY 8A 52 jeff, Davina
YAM 6B 35 iwhist
MAY 6B 31 michele
PALMY B6 26 ChiliB.
(N)ARY F5 8 cailah

On 8th draw, EYED 9B 31 --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other moves: EYER 9B 30, EYE 9B 29, YEDE 9C 28, YEED 9C 28, YERD 9C 28
EYED 9B 31 SuperH
EYER 9B 30 jeff
YE 9C 25 cailah
DEY 4C 19 michele
YORE 4B 16 Davina
YOUR J3 9 ChiliB.

On 9th draw, ZONED 4A 53 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: NERTZ 4A 41, DOZE 4C 40, DZO 4D 38, TOZE 4C 38, TREZ 4B 37
ZONED 4A 53 Davina
DOZE 4C 40 jeff, cailah
DOZEN 4A 36 SuperH
DOZEN E9 30 michele
DOZE 4B 30 iwhist
LONER J11 7 ChiliB.

On 10th draw, SEIZIN A1 45 --- SEIZIN legal possession of land [n]
Other moves: PENSIL 14J 40, ALEPINES B7 32, REPINS 6H 32, REPIN 6H 31, PINIES N1 29
PISE 14K 24 Davina
PINS 14J 24 jeff, michele
SIP 10D 21 cailah
SPINE C1 14 ChiliB.

On 11th draw, COP N6 32 --- COP to steal [v]
Other tops: CAP N6 32, CUP N6 32
Other moves: PACO N4 31, COL N6 28, PAC N4 28, PULAO N2 27, LAC N4 26
COP N6 32 jeff
PACO N4 31 michele
POUR 6J 25 Davina
CLAP J10 14 ChiliB.
SOUP 1A 9 cailah

On 12th draw, SIK M5 32 --- SIK excellent (Australian texting slang) [adj]
Other moves: KIRS 14J 30, KITS 14J 30, KRIS 14J 30, KIST 14K 28, RISK 14K 28
SIK M5 32 SuperH
KITS 14J 30 jeff
TUSK 14K 28 Davina
SIK 14M 26 michele
SKIRTS 1A 11 cailah
RUGS K3 5 ChiliB.

On 13th draw, SULTRIER 1A 77 --- SULTRY very hot and humid [adj]
Other moves: DILUTER E9 16, ETRIER 2A 16, DILUTE E9 14, DURRIE E9 14, RET 6H 14
DILUTER E9 16 Davina
DRIER E9 12 jeff
DIRE E9 10 ChiliB.
LIB I3 10 cailah
FILER K11 8 michele

On 14th draw, FAE 2F 31 --- FAE from (Scots) [prep]
Other tops: EFT 2E 31
Other moves: EF 10A 28, EF 2E 28, FA 2F 28, FE 2F 28, REM 6H 26
EFT 2E 31 Davina
FE 2F 28 jeff
EF 2E 28 michele, SuperH
LEAF J11 15 ChiliB.
FATE 8G 14 cailah

On 15th draw, REH 6H 32 --- REH salt or Indian soil [n]
Other moves: HIED L10 26, AREG 6G 24, PHAGE A8 24, QAT L13 24, IGAD 3A 22
REH 6H 32 SuperH
HIED L10 26 jeff
QAT L13 24 michele, cailah
QI L10 22 ChiliB.
DEATH E9 18 Davina

On 16th draw, VANITIED 13H 63 --- VANITIED full of vanity [adj] --- VANITY inflated pride in oneself [adj]
Other moves: ADVENE 10E 25, VEENA 10F 24, DEVIANT E9 22, GANEV N11 21, VENAE 10G 21
DIVED E9 20 Davina, jeff, ChiliB.
DAE 4J 18 SuperH
DATE E9 10 michele

On 17th draw, AW 10A 28 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other moves: VAV H13 27, VAW H13 27, DAW O13 21, VAG H13 21, VUG H13 21
AW 10A 28 SuperH
VAW H13 27 jeff, Davina, michele, ChiliB.
DAW O13 21 cailah

On 18th draw, AGOROT A10 24 --- AGORA a market-place in ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: DOGDOM E9 22, EMO 2A 20, MO 14N 19, MOD 14I 19, DOM O13 18
MO 14N 19 Davina, jeff
MOD 14I 19 SuperH
DOG O13 15 ZEHAVARON, cailah
DOOM E9 14 mich159
DORM E9 14 ChiliB.
REM 10G 9 michele

On 19th draw, VOW H13 27 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other moves: OWLED 10E 23, WO B14 22, DOW O13 21, CLEW 10F 20, OW 3C 19
VOW H13 27 jeff, Davina, SuperH, ZEHAVARON, michele, ChiliB.
OO 12A 2 scrab21

On 20th draw, QUOD 14F 37 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: DUOMO 14F 22, QI 10L 22, QI L10 22, EMO 2A 20, MO 14N 19
QUOD 14F 37 Davina, jeff, SuperH
QI L10 22 ChiliB.
CLOD 14F 16 cailah
RUM 13A 10 mich159
NOM J13 7 michele

On 21th draw, DUX O13 33 --- DUX the best academic performer in a class [n]
Other moves: OX 10E 28, DOUX E9 24, DUX E9 22, ROUX 13A 22, EMO 2A 20
DUX O13 33 Davina, ChiliB., yab
OX 10E 28 cailah, jeff
OX 14A 18 michele
EX N13 18 scrab21

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