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Game of July 20, 2011 at 05:27, 5 players
1. 271 pts jimbo
2. 155 pts JennyB
3. 148 pts strykyster

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abdorsu   H7    24    24   adsorb
 2. ?horstw  13B    92   116   trowths
 3. aiimnst  11D    90   206   mistrain
 4. bceilvy  D10    34   240   emboly
 5. aefintu  B10    34   274   fatten
 6. eeilswz   A8    73   347   weize
 7. aaeglor  15D    27   374   yager
 8. aeintux  10J    57   431   xenia
 9. ?ciloov   L3    76   507   vocalion
10. aaeghru   M9    37   544   hirage
11. cdeepsu   O8    49   593   cusped
12. definou  L12    35   628   fund
13. aeinorv   5F    76   704   veronica
14. eeijmtu   G7    42   746   jeu
15. aeortuy  14F    33   779   yo
16. dlmnoot   I4    25   804   doom
17. aeinrtt   B2    73   877   nitrate
18. gilopqt   A1    35   912   qi
19. aillopt   H1    28   940   pilar
20. egklotu  N14    26   966   ko

Remaining tiles: egltu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5302 Filejimbo       2 11:41  -695  271     1.5302 jimbo       2 11:41  -695  271 
  2.5701 FileJennyB      2  8:57  -811  155     2.5701 JennyB      2  8:57  -811  155 
  3.3324 Filestrykyster  0 11:59  -818  148            Group: not rated
  4.  -  Fileluckymoo    0  6:05  -878   88     1.3324 strykyster  0 11:59  -818  148 
  5.1758 Filejlslas      0  4:02  -893   73     2.  -  luckymoo    0  6:05  -878   88 
                                             3.1758 jlslas      0  4:02  -893   73 

On 1st draw, ADSORB H7 24 --- ADSORB to gather on the surface in a condensed layer [v]
Other tops: ABORDS H3 24, ABSURD H3 24, BARDOS H4 24, BOARDS H4 24, BOURDS H4 24, BROADS H4 24
Other moves: ABORDS H8 22, ABSURD H7 22, ADSORB H3 22, BARDO H4 22, BARDS H4 22
BOARDS H4 24 jimbo
BOARDS H8 22 jlslas

On 2nd draw, TROW(T)HS 13B 92 --- TROWTH truth [n]
Other tops: WRO(A)THS 13B 92, (G)ROWTHS 13B 92, (T)ROWTHS 13B 92
Other moves: THROW(E)S 13B 84, THROW(E)RS 11B 76, THROW(E)RS 11F 76, WARTHO(G)S 7G 68, THROW(E)S I1 67
ADSORB(E)RS H7 33 jimbo
WORST 10G 10 jlslas

On 3rd draw, MISTRAIN 11D 90 --- MISTRAIN to train improperly [v]
Other moves: IMITANTS B7 74, SANTIMI G2 73, SANTIMI I2 73, MARTINIS 11F 70, SAINTISM 9B 65
INTIMAS 9B 11 jimbo
ADMITS 8G 10 jlslas

On 4th draw, EMBOLY D10 34 --- EMBOLY a phase of embryonic growth [n]
Other moves: BEYLIC 10J 33, BEVY 10J 30, VIBEY G3 30, VIBEY I3 30, VIBEY J10 29
VAIL 7G 12 jlslas
VIBES 9D 11 jimbo

On 5th draw, FATTEN B10 34 --- FATTEN to make fat [v]
Other moves: FETTA B10 32, FITTE B10 32, FAINT G7 30, FEINT G7 30, FIENT G7 30
TINY 15A 21 jimbo
FAINT 7G 13 jlslas

On 6th draw, WEIZE A8 73 --- WEIZE to guide in a certain direction [v]
Other moves: SEIZE A8 64, SWIZ A8 64, WEIZE A6 56, WEIZE G4 51, ZEE G7 50
LIES J10 6 jlslas

On 7th draw, YAGER 15D 27 --- YAGER a German army marksman [n]
Other moves: GALORE 10J 22, GAOLER 10J 22, GALEA 10J 21, GORAL 10J 21, ONLY 15A 21
(T)AG F13 5 strykyster

On 8th draw, XENIA 10J 57 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n]
Other moves: XI 10J 52, XU 10J 52, EXIT I6 43, UNTAX 12K 42, NIXE I5 39
EXIT 12K 24 strykyster

On 9th draw, VOC(A)LION L3 76 --- VOCALION a musical instrument [n]
Other moves: VOCALIO(N) N7 74, VOCALIO(N) 7E 66, CLOVI(S) O5 42, CIV(I)L O6 40, C(A)VIL O6 40
AV(A) N10 5 strykyster

On 10th draw, HIRAGE M9 37 --- HIRAGE the fee for hiring something [n]
Other moves: GERAH 12K 30, GERAH I5 29, RHEA G6 27, AAH I7 26, GAUCHER 5I 26
HI M9 18 strykyster

On 11th draw, CUSPED O8 49 --- CUSP a pointed end [adj] --- CUSPED having a cusp [adj]
Other moves: SEDUCE O10 46, UPSEE 15K 41, CEPES O6 40, DEUCES O5 40, EDUCES O5 40
CUPS O7 37 jimbo
PASE 12L 14 strykyster

On 12th draw, FUND L12 35 --- FUND to provide money for [v]
Other moves: FEUED 14J 34, FINED 14J 34, NIFE N12 32, FEINT G7 30, FIENT G7 30
VOID 3L 16 strykyster

On 13th draw, VERONICA 5F 76 --- VERONICA a handkerchief bearing the image of Christ's face [n]
Other moves: VERVAIN 3I 34, VINER 14J 32, VARVE 3I 30, INCAVE 5J 22, INCAVO 5J 22
VIVA 3L 20 JennyB
VANE 14J 15 luckymoo
CAVE 5L 9 strykyster

On 14th draw, JEU G7 42 --- JEU a game [n]
Other tops: JEE G7 42
Other moves: JEE B6 31, JEUNE J2 30, JIVE 3J 28, JUVE 3J 28, JEE K13 27
JIVE 3J 28 jimbo
JAM 7G 23 luckymoo, JennyB

On 15th draw, YO 14F 33 --- YO used to call attention or to express affirmation [interj]
Other tops: YA 14F 33, YU 14F 33
Other moves: ROOTY I3 30, OY 6I 28, TOEY I4 28, TORY I4 28, TOYER H1 27
TORY I4 28 JennyB
AVERT 3K 16 jimbo

On 16th draw, DOOM I4 25 --- DOOM to destine to an unhappy fate [v]
Other moves: LOOM I4 24, MOTOR H1 24, TOOM I4 24, OLM I5 23, OOM I5 23
DOOM I4 25 JennyB
JAM 7G 15 strykyster, luckymoo
MOOTED 8C 10 jimbo

On 17th draw, NITRATE B2 73 --- NITRATE to treat with nitrate acid [v]
Other tops: TARTINE B2 73
Other moves: AIRER H1 22, INTER H1 22, NITER H1 22, RATER H1 22, TATER H1 22
VENT 3L 14 strykyster
VINE 3L 14 luckymoo
NITRE B4 12 jimbo
IRATE B4 12 JennyB

On 18th draw, QI A1 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: TOPI A1 30, QI A3 26, GIP A1 24, PIG A1 23, LOTI A1 22
QI A1 35 JennyB, jimbo
LIP A1 21 luckymoo
VOLT 3L 14 strykyster

On 19th draw, PILAR H1 28 --- PILAR pertaining to hair [adj]
Other tops: POLAR H1 28, TAPIR H1 28
Other moves: PANEL 14J 26, PA A14 22, PI A14 22, PIANO J2 22, PO A14 22
VAIL 3L 14 strykyster
PANE 14J 12 JennyB
POTED 8D 11 jimbo

On 20th draw, KO N14 26 --- KO a Maori digging-stick [n]
Other moves: KLIEG 2F 24, KO C2 23, KETE G2 22, VOLK 3L 22, OKE G1 21
VOLK 3L 22 jimbo

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