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Game sheet of iwhist (file), Game of July 20, 2011 at 16:23

Word find
Word played
1 AEKLOPW PLOW H5 18 -16 18 6/6 KWELA H4 34 34 6/6
2 DEENNOY WEEDY 5H 24 -50 42 2/7 DOYENNE I6 74 108 5/7
3 COORSST STORKS 4D 20 -52 62 7/7 SCOOTERS 12D 72 180 6/7
4 AEINPRT PAINTERS K5 40 -50 102 2/8     90 270 5/8
5 ?HILOTV NO(R)TH 8K 24 -7 126 2/9 HO(S) 13G 31 301 5/9
6 ?DFIIOU IF(S) 14E 18 -45 144 5/9 FI(D)DIOUS D5 63 364 5/9
7 AELMPST PLED 8A 21 -64 165 5/7 AMPLEST 14B 85 449 5/9
8 AEINORU EARN 15H 24 -7 189 1/8 URAEI 15A 31 480 5/10
9 BCEGIOR BRIDGE 8A 30 -2 219 1/8 CORBIE L1 32 512 4/10
10 AEGLNQT GLAD 8A 18 -18 237 7/7 QAT E4 36 548 4/10
11 DGJNOOR JO K2 20 -6 257 6/8 GODROON 2H 26 574 4/10
12 AEEMNRU RUME 1G 34 -8 291 1/8 ENARM 15H 42 616 3/11
13 ADISTVY DAY 1G 35 -10 326 3/11 VISTA 1D 45 661 2/12
14 BDEILUY BIDDY 8A 36   362 2/10       697 2/13
15 AEFHLWZ ZA 14J 64 -6 426 6/11 ZEAL 14J 70 767 2/13
16 EFGILUV FIG F3 25 -6 451 3/10 CLEF 1L 31 798 2/13
17 AEEIJNV JANE 13L 38 -1 489 5/11 NINJA 8K 39 837 2/13
18 EGHITUW HEW 13L 30 -1 519 4/11 UNWEIGHT 10H 31 868 2/13

Total: 519/868 or -349 for 59.79%
Rank: 6728

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