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Game of July 20, 2011 at 17:07, 12 players
1. 571 pts musdrive
2. 565 pts PIThompson
3. 532 pts Davina

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeegrv   H8    28    28   greave
 2. ?gknoru  13G    34    62   kerogen
 3. aefilor   J8    65   127   aerofoil
 4. aaglnst  15H   140   267   gallants
 5. abeostw   N8    31   298   bowets
 6. cdeiost   O5   102   400   cotised
 7. ?iinopr   8A    83   483   proining
 8. eehmpty   K8    39   522   they
 9. aeeelny   M9    30   552   yen
10. eilmosu   E1    70   622   emulsion
11. ailntuz   1D    75   697   zeatin
12. cefhilp   B2    46   743   filcher
13. eimortu   A1    33   776   rime
14. dejnowx   D7    51   827   jinxed
15. aertuuv  E10    26   853   urate
16. aabdiou   2D    37   890   ambo
17. adopquu  14B    24   914   ouped
18. aadiquv   2I    35   949   aqua

Remaining tiles: divw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7067 Filemusdrive    3 15:21  -378  571     1.7067 musdrive    3 15:21  -378  571 
  2.7456 FilePIThompson  5 15:07  -384  565     2.7456 PIThompson  5 15:07  -384  565 
  3.6665 FileDavina      0 15:50  -417  532            Group: intermediate
  4.6815 FileSuperH      1 13:19  -571  378     1.6665 Davina      0 15:50  -417  532 
  5.5245 Fileraggedy01   1 16:57  -583  366     2.6815 SuperH      1 13:19  -571  378 
  6.3712 Filecailah      2 16:30  -628  321     3.6739 woofy1      0  7:46  -672  277 
  7.5556 FileThuwal      0 16:41  -630  319     4.6099 margalang   0  8:20  -729  220 
  8.6739 Filewoofy1      0  7:46  -672  277            Group: novice
  9.6099 Filemargalang   0  8:20  -729  220     1.5245 raggedy01   1 16:57  -583  366 
 10.  -  FileDustBunny   0 20:36  -742  207     2.5556 Thuwal      0 16:41  -630  319 
 11.5545 Filenarisa      0  5:53  -775  174     3.5545 narisa      0  5:53  -775  174 
 12.4202 Filespellcheck  0  4:36  -871   78            Group: not rated
                                             1.3712 cailah      2 16:30  -628  321 
                                             2.  -  DustBunny   0 20:36  -742  207 
                                             3.4202 spellcheck  0  4:36  -871   78 

On 1st draw, GREAVE H8 28 --- GREAVE a piece of armor for the leg [n] --- GREAVE to feel grief [v]
Other tops: REGAVE H8 28
Other moves: VERGE H4 26, GREAVE H4 24, GRAVE H4 22, GREAVE H3 22, GREAVE H7 22
GREAVE H8 28 musdrive
VERGE H4 26 Davina
GREAVE H4 24 DustBunny
GRAVE H4 22 woofy1, margalang
GRAVE H8 20 cailah
GRAVE H6 18 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, KEROG(E)N 13G 34 --- KEROGEN a substance found in shale [n]
Other moves: (Y)OUNKER 13C 32, UN(B)ROKE 13B 30, GER(E)NUK 13G 28, K(E)ROGEN 13C 28, ONKU(S) 14D 28
KRENG(S) 10F 24 woofy1
ARK(I)NG 11H 20 musdrive
(S)OUK 14H 19 margalang
(S)UNK 14H 19 Davina
ANGOR(A) 11H 12 cailah
GREAVE(S) H8 10 narisa
GROUN(D) 9G 9 DustBunny

On 3rd draw, AEROFOIL J8 65 --- AEROFOIL a body shaped to produce aerodynamic reaction [n]
Other moves: FORELAIN M6 63, FILAR 14J 51, FILER 14J 51, FOREL 14J 51, FILA 14J 34
FILER 14J 51 woofy1, PIThompson, SuperH
FOREL 14J 51 narisa
FORE 14J 34 musdrive, margalang
EF 14I 28 Davina
FILE 12L 26 raggedy01
FRAILER 9G 16 DustBunny
RAIL 14L 11 cailah

On 4th draw, GALLANTS 15H 140 --- GALLANT to court a woman [v]
Other moves: GALLANTS 15G 80, AGAST N10 28, ANGST N10 28, TANGAS 14C 28, ALGAS 14D 27
GALLANTS 15H 90 Davina, musdrive
AGAST N10 28 PIThompson
AGAS 14E 26 raggedy01
GAS 14F 25 woofy1
GALANT 15H 24 margalang, cailah
GAST N11 22 SuperH
GALLS 15H 21 narisa
ASLANT 15H 21 DustBunny

On 5th draw, BOWETS N8 31 --- BOWET a lantern [n]
Other tops: BOWATS N8 31
Other moves: AWETOS 8J 30, STEW K8 30, WABS 12L 30, WEBS 12L 30, FAW 12J 29
STEW K8 30 PIThompson
WABS 12L 30 Davina, margalang
WAG K11 29 SuperH
WEBS N10 29 musdrive
FAW 12J 29 narisa, woofy1
BESTOW K3 27 cailah
WO 14F 19 Thuwal
BESTOWS O9 13 DustBunny
STOWER 9C 11 raggedy01

On 6th draw, COTISED O5 102 --- COTISE to give a heraldic border [v]
Other tops: COTISED K5 102
Other moves: CESTOID O3 98, COTISED O3 98, CESTOID K3 75, COTISED K3 75, COEDITS K3 74
COSTED O4 51 PIThompson, raggedy01, narisa
CODES O7 46 woofy1, Davina, musdrive, Thuwal, SuperH
CODES O5 38 margalang
TED K9 18 cailah
DOT 9M 6 DustBunny

On 7th draw, PROINI(N)G 8A 83 --- PROINE to prune [v]
Other tops: PROI(N)ING 8A 83
Other moves: POR(C)INI 14A 76, RIPI(E)NO 14A 76, RIPI(E)NO M2 73, POI(T)RIN(E) L6 68, POR(C)INI K2 68
OP(E)N M8 30 Thuwal, musdrive
ROP(E) M7 27 woofy1
PO(T) M9 24 margalang
P(E)G K11 22 Davina, SuperH
PROIN K5 18 PIThompson
OP(T)IC 5K 16 raggedy01
P(A)IN K5 12 narisa
PRIER(S) 9G 11 DustBunny

On 8th draw, THEY K8 39 --- THEY the 3d person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other moves: HEMPY K4 35, HEY K9 35, THEM K8 35, HEM M9 34, HEP M9 34
HEMPY K4 35 PIThompson
HEP M9 34 musdrive
YEP M9 34 woofy1
EMPTY K4 29 cailah, SuperH, margalang, Davina
THYM(E) L9 24 Thuwal
HOMEY C7 20 raggedy01
THEM(E) L9 18 DustBunny

On 9th draw, YEN M9 30 --- YEN to yearn [v]
Other moves: EYNE 9B 26, YA M9 25, YE M9 25, YRNEH 9G 24, YAE 7C 23
YEN M9 30 cailah
YET 12L 22 Davina, SuperH
AY 7B 20 PIThompson, Thuwal
YA 14F 19 woofy1, musdrive
LEANY E5 16 raggedy01
PLANE A8 8 DustBunny

On 10th draw, EMULSION E1 70 --- EMULSION a type of liquid mixture [n]
Other moves: EMULSIO(N) G1 61, MOUSER 9C 27, MOOLIES C7 26, MOUSE 7C 26, MUESLI 14B 26
MOUSE 7C 26 PIThompson
SMILE 7C 22 cailah
SMILE L4 20 Davina
EMS 9B 19 Thuwal
LIMO 14D 18 SuperH
MUSIC 5K 18 musdrive
MOUSER B3 10 DustBunny

On 11th draw, ZEATIN 1D 75 --- ZEATIN a chemical compound found in maize [n]
Other tops: ZELANT 1D 75
Other moves: AIZLE 1A 45, AZINE 1A 45, ULZIE 1A 45, ZANTE 1A 45, NAZI 14D 39
ZELANT 1D 75 PIThompson
ZA 14F 37 Davina, musdrive, SuperH
AZON C6 24 cailah
ZEAL 1D 23 raggedy01, Thuwal
TAIL 4B 8 DustBunny

On 12th draw, FILCHER B2 46 --- FILCHER someone who filches [n]
Other moves: PILCHER B2 44, PLEUCH 3B 34, FICHE L4 32, IF F5 28, LEUCH 3C 28
FICHE L4 32 PIThompson
IF F5 28 musdrive
FILCH 4C 26 Davina, raggedy01
CHILE L4 26 Thuwal
EH 9B 20 SuperH
PRICE B7 15 DustBunny
CHILE 6C 12 cailah

On 13th draw, RIME A1 33 --- RIME to compose verse with corresponding terminal sounds [v]
Other tops: TIME A1 33, TOME A1 33
Other moves: AMRIT F1 31, MITE A1 31, MOTE A1 31, RITE A1 25, ROTE A1 25
TIME A1 33 musdrive, SuperH, PIThompson
MITE A1 31 Davina
MOTE A1 31 Thuwal, raggedy01
PRIME A8 10 DustBunny
POUTER A8 9 cailah

On 14th draw, JINXED D7 51 --- JINX to bring bad luck to [v]
Other moves: EXON C6 42, EXO C6 40, OXO C6 40, ZONE D1 36, DEX 2H 32
JINXED D7 51 raggedy01, PIThompson
EXO C6 40 musdrive
EXO 14E 32 SuperH, Davina
DEX 2H 32 cailah
OXO 6M 26 Thuwal
XI F7 18 spellcheck
DONE L5 10 DustBunny

On 15th draw, URATE E10 26 --- URATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: UREA E10 24, TAVER E11 23, ARET C10 22, AVERT L4 22, TRAVE L4 22
URATE E10 26 musdrive
UREA E10 24 Thuwal, PIThompson
URE E10 22 Davina
UT E10 17 SuperH
AVO 6M 14 spellcheck
PAVER A8 11 raggedy01
TRADE 12A 7 DustBunny

On 16th draw, AMBO 2D 37 --- AMBO a pulpit in an early Christian church [n]
Other moves: AMIA 2D 25, BAAED 14B 24, OBIA F6 24, OBIED 14B 24, OBI F6 23
AMBO 2D 37 PIThompson
ABODE 14A 16 cailah, raggedy01, musdrive
ADOBE 14A 16 spellcheck
BLAD 4D 14 Davina
ABED 14C 11 Thuwal
DAB 12D 6 DustBunny

On 17th draw, OUPED 14B 24 --- OUP to bind with thread [v]
Other moves: POD C11 21, QUEP 14C 21, PUDU 3G 20, PAD 3G 19, POA C11 19
POD 3G 19 musdrive, PIThompson
SQUAD 5E 15 spellcheck
PLOD 4D 14 Davina

On 18th draw, AQUA 2I 35 --- AQUA water [n]
Other tops: QI 15A 35
Other moves: QUA C13 24, DIVA 3G 20, AID F4 19, DIV 3G 19, AVID 2I 18
AQUA 2I 35 PIThompson, cailah
QUA C13 24 Davina, musdrive, raggedy01
DIVA 3G 20 Thuwal
SQUID 5E 15 spellcheck
SQUAD 5E 15 DustBunny

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