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Game of July 20, 2011 at 17:51, 9 players
1. 586 pts musdrive
2. 583 pts PIThompson
3. 450 pts Thuwal

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ainotu   H8    64    64   outgain
 2. hooopst  15C    66   130   photos
 3. ?aadekt  10G    68   198   attasked
 4. emnorrt  11K    27   225   tome
 5. dgioqst  12L    32   257   sog
 6. adeeilu  14B    21   278   dual
 7. bgilnru  11A    72   350   burgling
 8. aceiort   E4    70   420   erotical
 9. bemnopw   D1    44   464   bowmen
10. aeeiqrs  13A    37   501   qis
11. eeginrx   F5    54   555   ex
12. aacinrt   I2    63   618   anticar
13. eglnnow   8A    33   651   wongi
14. eilrsvy   2B    38   689   ivory
15. aaefijn   H1    34   723   jai
16. aeflrsz   5H    90   813   filazers
17. ddehiuv   O1    36   849   hives
18. efilnpy   M2    32   881   finely
19. deeeepr   4A    25   906   permed

Remaining tiles: deeeeu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7055 Filemusdrive    6 22:20  -320  586     1.7055 musdrive    6 22:20  -320  586 
  2.7458 FilePIThompson  4 17:24  -323  583     2.7458 PIThompson  4 17:24  -323  583 
  3.5553 FileThuwal      2 21:15  -456  450            Group: novice
  4.3732 Filecailah      0 18:47  -511  395     1.5553 Thuwal      2 21:15  -456  450 
  5.5224 Fileraggedy01   0 21:28  -569  337     2.5224 raggedy01   0 21:28  -569  337 
  6.  -  FileDustBunny   0 19:09  -654  252     3.5546 narisa      0  1:19  -890   16 
  7.4211 Filespellcheck  0 10:28  -746  160            Group: not rated
  8.3915 FileChiliB.     0  3:30  -859   47     1.3732 cailah      0 18:47  -511  395 
  9.5546 Filenarisa      0  1:19  -890   16     2.  -  DustBunny   0 19:09  -654  252 
                                             3.4211 spellcheck  0 10:28  -746  160 
                                             4.3915 ChiliB.     0  3:30  -859   47 

On 1st draw, OUT(G)AIN H8 64 --- OUTGAIN to gain more than [v]
Other tops: AUTOIN(G) H2 64, AUTOIN(G) H3 64, AUTOIN(G) H4 64, AUTOIN(G) H7 64, AUTOIN(G) H8 64, AU(C)TION H3 64, AU(C)TION H4 64, AU(C)TION H6 64, AU(C)TION H7 64, AU(C)TION H8 64, OUT(G)AIN H2 64, OUT(G)AIN H3 64, OUT(G)AIN H4 64, OUT(G)AIN H6 64, OUT(G)AIN H7 64, OUT(L)AIN H2 64, OUT(L)AIN H3 64, OUT(L)AIN H4 64, OUT(L)AIN H6 64, OUT(L)AIN H7 64, OUT(L)AIN H8 64, O(P)UNTIA H2 64, O(P)UNTIA H4 64, O(P)UNTIA H6 64, O(P)UNTIA H7 64, O(P)UNTIA H8 64, TINA(M)OU H2 64, TINA(M)OU H3 64, TINA(M)OU H4 64, TINA(M)OU H6 64, TINA(M)OU H7 64, UTO(P)IAN H2 64, UTO(P)IAN H3 64, UTO(P)IAN H4 64, UTO(P)IAN H6 64, UTO(P)IAN H7 64, UTO(P)IAN H8 64, (C)AUTION H2 64, (C)AUTION H3 64, (C)AUTION H6 64, (C)AUTION H7 64, (C)AUTION H8 64, (M)ANITOU H2 64, (M)ANITOU H3 64, (M)ANITOU H6 64, (M)ANITOU H7 64, (M)ANITOU H8 64, (R)AINOUT H2 64, (R)AINOUT H3 64, (R)AINOUT H6 64, (R)AINOUT H7 64, (R)AINOUT H8 64
Other moves: AUTOIN(G) H5 62, AUTOIN(G) H6 62, AU(C)TION H2 62, AU(C)TION H5 62, OUT(G)AIN H5 62
AU(C)TION H4 14 PIThompson
A(N)OINT H4 12 raggedy01
OUTIN(G) H4 12 cailah, musdrive
NOU(G)AT H3 12 spellcheck
A(M)OUNT H4 12 Thuwal
(S)AINT H8 10 narisa
TAIN(T) H8 8 DustBunny

On 2nd draw, PHOTOS 15C 66 --- PHOTO to photograph [v]
Other moves: HOOPS 15D 63, PHOTS 15D 60, POOHS 15D 60, HOOTS 15D 57, POTHOS 15C 57
PHOTOS 15C 66 musdrive
HOOPS 15D 63 PIThompson, cailah
POOHS 15D 60 Thuwal
SHOP 15H 48 DustBunny
HOOTS I9 30 raggedy01
SHIP 13F 16 spellcheck
POST 8G 6 narisa

On 3rd draw, ATTA(S)KED 10G 68 --- ATTASK to take to task [v]
Other tops: ATTA(C)KED 10G 68
Other moves: ATTA(C)KED 10F 64, ATTA(S)KED 10F 64, D(O)EK 14B 30, AKEDAH D10 28, AKED(A)H D10 26
K(I)TED 10F 23 PIThompson
K(I)TH D12 20 musdrive
TA(C)KED 12G 20 raggedy01
(S)TAKED 10G 20 DustBunny
KN(O)T 14G 15 spellcheck
TAKE I5 15 Thuwal
KA(R)AT 12G 8 cailah

On 4th draw, TOME 11K 27 --- TOME a large book [n]
Other moves: TONER 11K 23, KRONER L10 22, MENTOR M9 22, METEOR M9 22, MONETH D10 22
METEOR M9 22 musdrive
NOMA G7 19 PIThompson
TREMOR(S) K4 16 cailah
DEMON N10 16 raggedy01
MA G9 14 Thuwal
(S)TORM K10 12 spellcheck
MOTOR 8G 7 DustBunny

On 5th draw, SOG 12L 32 --- SOG to soak [v]
Other moves: IO 12L 23, IS 12L 23, QI G7 23, QI I7 23, QIS 13G 23
SOG 12L 32 musdrive
QI G7 23 PIThompson
QIS 13G 23 cailah
GOD 9M 19 Thuwal
KOIS L10 16 spellcheck
GI(S)TS K8 5 raggedy01

On 6th draw, DUAL 14B 21 --- DUAL a linguistic form [n] --- DUAL to make a two lane carriageway [v]
Other tops: DUEL 14B 21
Other moves: ELAIN 14D 20, DUAL 9G 18, DUEL 9G 18, TILDE I10 18, ULNAD 14F 18
DUEL 14B 21 PIThompson, musdrive
ALP C13 10 raggedy01
IDEAL G4 9 cailah
DEMO M9 9 Thuwal
DOULA 8G 6 DustBunny
ALOUD 8F 6 spellcheck

On 7th draw, BURGLIN(G) 11A 72 --- BURGLE to trespass to steal [v]
Other moves: BURLING G2 65, BIG 13A 27, BEMOIL M9 26, LIG 13A 23, RIG 13A 23
BIG 13A 27 musdrive, PIThompson
BULGIN(G) 11B 20 raggedy01
LEMON M9 16 spellcheck
LUBING G3 14 cailah
BIG 13G 11 Thuwal

On 8th draw, EROTICAL E4 70 --- EROTIC an amatory poem [adj] --- EROTICAL pertaining to erotic [adj]
Other moves: AEROBIC A7 36, CARIBE A7 33, CORBIE A8 33, OCA 13B 33, TERBIC A8 33
AEROBIC A7 36 musdrive
CARBO A8 30 spellcheck, PIThompson
TRIBE A8 24 cailah, raggedy01
CUE 9G 20 Thuwal

On 9th draw, BOWMEN D1 44 --- BOWMAN an archer [n]
Other moves: EMBOW D2 39, ENWOMB A6 39, POMBE D1 38, WEMB D1 38, WOMB D1 38
ENWOMB A6 39 PIThompson
MEW F4 35 musdrive
WOMEN D2 32 Thuwal, cailah
POME D4 32 raggedy01
POWER C7 17 DustBunny
WOMEN 6D 16 spellcheck

On 10th draw, QIS 13A 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QIS F2 37
Other moves: RISQUE B7 35, SAIQUE B7 35, QUA B10 32, BEARES 1D 24, BRAISE 1D 24
QIS F2 37 PIThompson
RISQUE B7 35 raggedy01
SAE C2 23 musdrive
QIS 8D 22 cailah
QI 8D 21 Thuwal
BEARS 1D 21 spellcheck
TAR 7E 4 DustBunny

On 11th draw, EX F5 54 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: XI F6 53, EXING F1 38, EXINE F1 36, EXOGEN 2B 32, BIGENER 1D 30
EX F5 54 Thuwal, PIThompson, musdrive
EXING G4 17 cailah
NIXER 5A 12 raggedy01
REIGN I4 10 DustBunny

On 12th draw, ANTICAR I2 63 --- ANTICAR opposed to cars [adj]
Other moves: ARABIC 1A 30, ATABRIN 1A 27, BARCA 1D 27, BARIC 1D 27, BRACT 1D 27
BRACT 1D 27 PIThompson
CRAB 1A 24 musdrive, Thuwal, raggedy01, DustBunny
CARB 1A 24 cailah

On 13th draw, WONGI 8A 33 --- WONGI to chat [v]
Other moves: GOEL C2 32, WOE C2 32, WOE J2 31, BELOW 1D 30, BLOWN 1D 30
WOE C2 32 musdrive, PIThompson
GLOBE 1A 24 cailah
WINGE 13G 14 DustBunny
BOWL 1D 9 Thuwal

On 14th draw, IVORY 2B 38 --- IVORY a hard white substance found in elephant tusks [n]
Other moves: VLEIS H1 36, VLIES H1 36, AYRIES 2I 34, LYES H1 34, RYES H1 34
SLEY O12 30 Thuwal
LYE J1 29 musdrive
SILVERY 5H 26 PIThompson
SIRE O12 21 cailah
SLAVERY 2G 21 DustBunny

On 15th draw, JAI H1 34 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JA 1A 29, JA H1 29, BANIA 1D 28, JNANA G8 28, JEON B6 27
JAI H1 34 musdrive
JA H1 29 PIThompson
JA 1A 29 cailah
FAN 1F 26 Thuwal
JIN 3G 18 raggedy01
JE(S)T K8 10 DustBunny

On 16th draw, FILAZERS 5H 90 --- FILAZER an officer who filed writs [n]
Other moves: ZAS G3 48, ZA G3 43, FILAZER 5H 38, CZARS 6I 36, CZAR 6I 35
ZA G3 43 Thuwal
CZARS 6I 36 PIThompson, musdrive
CZAR 6I 35 raggedy01
SEZ O12 19 cailah
CRAZE 6I 18 DustBunny

On 17th draw, HIVES O1 36 --- HIVE to cause to enter a hive (a bee's nest) [v]
Other tops: DISHED O3 36, DUDISH O1 36, DUSHED O3 36, EDDISH O1 36
Other moves: ELHI J4 34, HEIDS O1 33, SHIVE O5 33, HEMOID M9 32, DIVES O1 30
HIVES O1 36 PIThompson, Thuwal
EDDISH O1 36 musdrive
SHIVE O5 33 raggedy01
HIDES O1 30 cailah, DustBunny
HIVED M2 24 ChiliB.

On 18th draw, FINELY M2 32 --- FINELY in a fine manner [adv]
Other moves: PYIC 9B 31, FEZ L3 30, FIZ L3 30, PIZE L3 30, YE 10B 28
FEZ L3 30 PIThompson
FIZ L3 30 musdrive
PREY N4 15 DustBunny
ZIP L5 14 ChiliB.
PI B1 4 Thuwal

On 19th draw, PERMED 4A 25 --- PERM to give hair a permanent wave [v]
Other tops: PREMED 4A 25
Other moves: REMEDE 4B 20, DEX F4 17, MED 4D 17, PED L1 17, DEGREE N10 16
PED L1 17 PIThompson
DEX F4 17 musdrive
PIED 13G 11 raggedy01
PRO B6 11 Thuwal
NEEDER 14H 9 ChiliB.
DREW A5 8 cailah

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