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Game of July 20, 2011 at 21:39, 10 players
1. 633 pts PIThompson
2. 504 pts Thuwal
3. 454 pts narisa

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adepsuy   H4    32    32   yauped
 2. adehlst   I8    73   105   daleths
 3. efgipst  11E    44   149   giftees
 4. ?beinrs   8A    86   235   briskened
 5. glooptw  10F    25   260   po
 6. aceilor   A8    89   349   braciole
 7. abegint   D1    78   427   beatings
 8. aeintwz   1D    57   484   bwazi
 9. deflorv   5F    80   564   flavored
10. aahloot   2F    41   605   hoot
11. aeinors   3I    69   674   erasion
12. almnotw   3C    35   709   tamal
13. ?ikmnno  14G    96   805   misknown
14. aeetvwy  15L    45   850   weet
15. aaderuy  15D    43   893   rayed
16. gijnoru   2M    45   938   gju
17. eiiruvx   B8    53   991   rex
18. aciinoq   O1    33  1024   nuncio
19. aiqruuv  12D    32  1056   qua

Remaining tiles: iruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7454 FilePIThompson  6 14:10  -423  633     1.7454 PIThompson  6 14:10  -423  633 
  2.5541 FileThuwal      2 16:33  -552  504            Group: novice
  3.5588 Filenarisa      0 18:30  -602  454     1.5541 Thuwal      2 16:33  -552  504 
  4.3961 FileChiliB.     0 18:22  -704  352     2.5588 narisa      0 18:30  -602  454 
  5.5762 FileFaeythe     0 11:35  -725  331     3.5762 Faeythe     0 11:35  -725  331 
  6.4882 FileAndy1990    0  7:54  -828  228     4.5475 sandy914    0  9:11  -924  132 
  7.  -  Filemontaana    0 10:09  -839  217     5.5131 gruau56     0  1:58 -1017   39 
  8.4681 Filesparkalita  0 10:06  -891  165            Group: not rated
  9.5475 Filesandy914    0  9:11  -924  132     1.3961 ChiliB.     0 18:22  -704  352 
 10.5131 Filegruau56     0  1:58 -1017   39     2.4882 Andy1990    0  7:54  -828  228 
                                             3.  -  montaana    0 10:09  -839  217 
                                             4.4681 sparkalita  0 10:06  -891  165 

On 1st draw, YAUPED H4 32 --- YAUP to utter a loud harsh cry [v]
Other tops: PUDSEY H7 32
Other moves: PUDSEY H4 30, PUDSY H8 30, SPAYED H3 30, PAYED H4 28, PAYSD H4 28
PUDSEY H7 32 PIThompson
PAYED H4 28 sandy914
APED H5 14 narisa

On 2nd draw, DALETHS I8 73 --- DALETH the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other tops: DALETHS G8 73
Other moves: HALSED I3 32, HALTED I3 32, HASTED I3 32, LASHED I3 32, LATHED I3 32
LASHED I3 32 PIThompson
HASTED 5G 20 sparkalita
SHAD I2 20 sandy914
HALTED 5G 20 narisa

On 3rd draw, GIFTEES 11E 44 --- GIFTEE one that receives a gift [n]
Other moves: SEIF H12 34, SPIF J8 30, SPITES 14I 28, SPITE J8 27, SEIF J8 26
SPITES 14I 28 Faeythe
FEGS I3 22 sandy914
FESTY 4D 22 Thuwal
FEST I3 20 PIThompson
PESTY 4D 20 ChiliB.
FEET 11H 14 narisa
GIFTS 12F 13 sparkalita

On 4th draw, BRIS(K)ENED 8A 86 --- BRISKEN to make brisk [v]
Other tops: BINAR(I)ES 5E 86, BRISAN(C)E 5D 86, B(I)NARIES 5E 86, RINSAB(L)E 5D 86, (M)IRBANES 5D 86, (U)RBANISE 5E 86
Other moves: NISBER(R)Y 4A 76, NISBE(R)RY 4A 76, BRY(O)NIES 4F 74, BY(L)INERS 4G 74, B(O)NFIRES G8 72
BE 10F 25 Faeythe
SN(A)B 10C 23 PIThompson
SIB H13 22 sandy914
BIN(D)ERY 4B 22 Thuwal
TRIBES 12I 20 narisa
B(E)ERY 4D 18 ChiliB.
HIN(G)ERS 13I 18 sparkalita

On 5th draw, PO 10F 25 --- PO a chamberpot [n]
Other moves: GLOOPY 4C 24, LOWP I3 24, PHOTOG 13H 24, PILOW F10 24, GOOPY 4D 22
PO 10F 25 PIThompson
GLOOPY 4C 24 ChiliB.
W*P G3 21 Thuwal
WOE J9 19 Faeythe
PLOT 12C 17 narisa
SPOT 14I 12 sparkalita
IGLOO F11 8 sandy914

On 6th draw, BRACIOLE A8 89 --- BRACIOLE a thin slice of meat [n]
Other moves: CALORIES D1 76, CARIOLES D1 76, CALORIES 14B 74, CARIOLES 14B 74, CALORIES K4 70
COR H13 24 PIThompson, Faeythe, sandy914
LACEY 4D 20 ChiliB.
TRICE 12I 18 narisa
SAILOR 14I 16 sparkalita
PIC F10 7 Thuwal

On 7th draw, BEATINGS D1 78 --- BEATING a defeat [n]
Other moves: BEATINGS K4 72, BEATHING 13E 65, ABYEING 4F 26, BAYTING 4F 26, BINT 12D 26
BEATINGS D1 28 PIThompson, Thuwal
BINGY 4D 22 ChiliB.
HATING 13I 20 narisa
BE 7C 16 Faeythe
BEAST 14F 15 sparkalita
STAB 14I 8 sandy914

On 8th draw, BWAZI 1D 57 --- BWAZI an African shrub [n]
Other moves: ZATI C3 54, ZETA C3 54, ZITE C3 54, BEZANT 1D 51, ZEA C3 50
ZITE C3 54 Faeythe
ZIT C3 50 Thuwal
BAIZE 1D 48 PIThompson
ZINS 14F 33 sparkalita
ZITS 14F 33 narisa
WIZ 5C 30 ChiliB.

On 9th draw, FLAVORED 5F 80 --- FLAVOR to give flavor (distinctive taste) to [v]
Other moves: FREED 2B 38, DOF 2F 34, FLYOVER 4F 32, FEOD B12 30, FLED C2 30
DOF 2F 34 Thuwal, Faeythe
FLAVORED 5F 30 PIThompson
FLARED 3B 24 narisa
FOE 12D 20 montaana
LOVED 14A 18 ChiliB.

On 10th draw, HOOT 2F 41 --- HOOT to cry like an owl [v]
Other moves: HAO 2F 40, HAT 2F 40, HOO 2F 40, HOT 2F 40, HA 2F 37
HOOT 2F 41 PIThompson, Thuwal
HAT 2F 40 Faeythe
HOOD M2 16 ChiliB., sparkalita
HEAL L4 14 narisa

On 11th draw, ERASION 3I 69 --- ERASION the act of rubbing out [n]
Other moves: ERASIONS 14F 62, SENSORIA 14F 62, DONARIES M5 61, ERASIONS K8 58, SENSORIA K8 58
SO 3F 22 sparkalita
AS 3F 22 PIThompson
SENIORS 14I 18 ChiliB.
OAR H13 16 Thuwal, Faeythe
ARE 4K 15 montaana
SON 12D 14 narisa

On 12th draw, TAMAL 3C 35 --- TAMAL a Mexican dish [n]
Other moves: NATAL 3C 31, WANTON O1 30, MATLO 2K 28, SMALTO 14I 28, WONT 12D 28
WANTON O1 30 PIThompson, Faeythe
WANT O1 24 Andy1990, montaana, Thuwal, narisa
LOWN 14A 14 ChiliB.

On 13th draw, MISKNO(W)N 14G 96 --- MISKNOW to fail to understand or recognize [v]
Other moves: MINK O1 45, MINK(E) O1 45, MINK(S) O1 45, MONK O1 45, MONK(S) O1 45
MONK O1 45 Thuwal, PIThompson, montaana, Andy1990
MINK O1 45 Faeythe, narisa
SKIM(S) 14I 20 ChiliB.

On 14th draw, WEET 15L 45 --- WEET to know [v] --- WEET wet [adj]
Other moves: VENEY 6B 43, WANEY 6B 43, WANTY 6B 43, AWNY O1 42, WANY O1 42
WEET 15L 45 Thuwal
WANY O1 42 PIThompson
YET 15F 28 narisa
WANT O1 24 montaana
WENT O1 24 Andy1990
SWEAT L3 16 ChiliB.

On 15th draw, RAYED 15D 43 --- RAY to emit rays (narrow beams of light) [v]
Other moves: DENAY 6B 37, YAUD 15E 37, YEAD 15E 37, DENY O1 36, UNREADY O2 36
RAYED 15D 43 PIThompson
YEAD 15E 37 narisa
YAD 15F 34 Thuwal
RANDY O1 33 Andy1990, ChiliB.
YEN O1 18 montaana

On 16th draw, GJU 2M 45 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other tops: JINGO O1 45
Other moves: JONG O1 42, JUNIOR O1 42, JO 2N 38, JINN O1 36, JO 13L 35
JONG O1 42 Andy1990, ChiliB., montaana, Thuwal
JO 2N 38 PIThompson
JINN O1 36 narisa

On 17th draw, REX B8 53 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other moves: IURE 4K 33, REX 6L 31, XI B13 31, EX 6M 28, URE 4L 28
REX B8 53 PIThompson
AXE 10A 26 narisa
OX J5 25 Andy1990, Thuwal
DUX M5 19 ChiliB.
IRE 13K 18 montaana

On 18th draw, NUNCIO O1 33 --- NUNCIO an ambassador from the pope [n]
Other moves: QI 12D 25, OCA 13K 24, QI C5 24, CONIA 6B 22, IONIC 12K 22
QI 12D 25 PIThompson, narisa
QI C5 24 Thuwal
QAT 4B 14 gruau56
QI 5C 11 ChiliB.
CAN 6B 11 montaana
COW L13 8 Andy1990

On 19th draw, QUA 12D 32 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QUAI C5 31, UVA 13K 27, QI 12D 25, QUAT 4A 25, QUIT 4A 25
QUA 12D 32 PIThompson
UVA 13K 27 Andy1990
QI 12D 25 narisa
QUIT 4A 25 gruau56
QI C5 24 Thuwal
QI 5C 11 ChiliB.

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