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Game of July 21, 2011 at 03:02, 10 players
1. 675 pts Greylin
2. 475 pts renmar
3. 435 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efoprtt   H4    30    30   forpet
 2. ?aehiru   5D    90   120   euphoria
 3. aefglnr   J4    66   186   finagler
 4. ailsswy   F2    73   259   slipways
 5. ?acdeit  11D    90   349   timecard
 6. acehnrt   2F    69   418   snatcher
 7. eemotwy   1L    53   471   yowe
 8. aadeino  H11    27   498   caaed
 9. denoosz   8A    57   555   snoozy
10. beegmtt   1G    31   586   eme
11. bbeikno   8J    42   628   gibbon
12. gimopsu  12J    32   660   simp
13. aegijnr   D1    44   704   jaeger
14. aeiootv  13K    33   737   viae
15. deiioqr  14J    39   776   qi
16. elnnotv  12A    30   806   volet
17. dikorux  B10    38   844   koori
18. ddilnou   3K    31   875   indol
19. dgntuux   9C    36   911   xu
20. dgnttuu   7B    20   931   ug

Remaining tiles: dnttu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8025 FileGreylin    14  4:56  -256  675     1.8025 Greylin    14  4:56  -256  675 
  2.6281 Filerenmar      1 23:56  -456  475            Group: intermediate
  3.4748 Filecharmz      3 22:53  -496  435     1.6281 renmar      1 23:56  -456  475 
  4.4500 Filehulusian    0 24:03  -586  345     2.6442 rn.roselle  0 11:29  -716  215 
  5.4673 Filesparkalita  0 18:02  -603  328            Group: novice
  6.5759 Fileiwhist      1 19:55  -623  308     1.5759 iwhist      1 19:55  -623  308 
  7.5223 FileLucylulu    1  9:28  -701  230     2.5223 Lucylulu    1  9:28  -701  230 
  8.6442 Filern.roselle  0 11:29  -716  215            Group: not rated
  9.2034 Filejlslas      0 16:37  -745  186     1.4748 charmz      3 22:53  -496  435 
 10.  -  Filembracha     0  1:10  -866   65     2.4500 hulusian    0 24:03  -586  345 
                                             3.4673 sparkalita  0 18:02  -603  328 
                                             4.2034 jlslas      0 16:37  -745  186 
                                             5.  -  mbracha     0  1:10  -866   65 

On 1st draw, FORPET H4 30 --- FORPET a measure of grain [n]
Other moves: FETOR H4 24, FORPET H3 24, FORPET H7 24, FORPET H8 24, FORTE H4 24
FORPET H4 30 Greylin, charmz
POTTER H4 22 renmar
FORT H8 14 jlslas
PORT H6 12 sparkalita

On 2nd draw, EU(P)HORIA 5D 90 --- EUPHORIA a feeling of well-being [n]
Other tops: (T)HIOUREA 5E 90
Other moves: HAU(L)IER G8 69, HAU(L)IER I8 69, EUPH(O)RIA 7F 68, THE(S)AURI 9H 65, THI(O)UREA 9H 65
EU(P)HORIA 5D 40 Greylin
(S)HARE 10H 20 charmz
REH G3 17 renmar
(W)RATH 9E 12 hulusian
HAIR(Y) 6E 9 jlslas

On 3rd draw, FINAGLER J4 66 --- FINAGLER one that finagles [n]
Other moves: FLANGE 6J 37, FANGLE 6J 35, REFLAG 6H 35, FARLE 6J 33, FERAL 6J 33
FRAG 6J 31 renmar
FINAGLER J4 16 Greylin
FEEL D4 14 charmz
FLANGER K3 11 sparkalita
FEAR K3 7 jlslas

On 4th draw, SLI(P)WAYS F2 73 --- SLIPWAY an area sloping toward the water in a shipyard [n]
Other moves: YAWLS L1 41, SWAYLS 12J 39, WALY 4A 38, WILY 4A 38, SWALY 12J 35
SWAYS 12J 35 charmz, sparkalita, hulusian, renmar
SWAY 12J 33 mbracha
SLI(P)WAYS F2 23 Greylin
RAILS 11J 10 jlslas

On 5th draw, TI(M)ECARD 11D 90 --- TIMECARD a card for recording an employee's times of arrival and departure [n]
Other tops: DICE(N)TRA 11D 90
Other moves: DACITE(S) 12D 82, DIA(L)ECT K7 81, DE(D)ICATE D4 76, DE(L)ICATE D4 76, E(M)ICATED D5 76
DICE(N)TRA 11D 40 Greylin
CA(S)ED 12H 32 renmar
(S)TADE 12J 22 iwhist
CAD(S) L2 22 charmz
CADRE 11G 16 hulusian
RACE(R) 11J 12 jlslas
DE(N)TS 2B 10 sparkalita

On 6th draw, SNATCHER 2F 69 --- SNATCHER one that snatches [n]
Other tops: STANCHER 2F 69
Other moves: CHACE H11 48, CHANTY 8A 45, CHERTY 8A 45, CHANT H11 42, CHARE H11 42
CHANT H11 42 charmz
CHART H11 42 sparkalita
CHANTER D7 32 mbracha
CHATTER D8 30 hulusian
STANCHER 2F 19 Greylin
HEARTS 2A 18 iwhist
DANCE K11 8 jlslas

On 7th draw, YOWE 1L 53 --- YOWE a ewe [n]
Other moves: WEEM 1L 50, MEOW 1L 45, EMOTE 1K 44, WEET 1L 44, TWEELY 3B 41
YOWE 1L 53 Greylin
MEOW 1L 45 renmar
TOTEM D11 20 hulusian
EM 4C 16 iwhist
TEEM D11 12 jlslas
TOW D11 12 charmz

On 8th draw, CAAED H11 27 --- CAA call (Scots), CAAED, CAAING, CAAS [v]
Other tops: AND 3K 27, CADIE H11 27, CANED H11 27, CANID H11 27, CNIDA H11 27, CODEN H11 27, CONED H11 27, END 3K 27, GAINED 8J 27, GANOID 8J 27
Other moves: FAINED 4J 26, IDE 1G 25, ODA 1G 25, ODE 1G 25, CANOE H11 24
CONED H11 27 Greylin, charmz
ANODE 12B 20 renmar
NODE 12C 18 iwhist
DONE 12C 17 hulusian
DATE D9 10 jlslas

On 9th draw, SNOOZY 8A 57 --- SNOOZY drowsy [adj]
Other tops: ZONED 12A 57
Other moves: ZONES 12A 54, ZOONED D1 52, ZONE 12A 50, ZONE 4A 50, ZOON 4A 50
SNOOZY 8A 57 Greylin
ZA H1 33 charmz, renmar, rn.roselle
ZEE 14F 32 Lucylulu
ZONED D2 30 sparkalita
DAZES 13G 27 hulusian
ZOOS 9C 23 iwhist
SNOOZED 15B 18 jlslas

On 10th draw, EME 1G 31 --- EME an uncle [n]
Other moves: BEGET 12A 28, BE 1H 26, BETEEM D1 26, EM 1G 26, ME 1H 26
EME 1G 31 Greylin
EM 1G 26 rn.roselle
MOB C7 13 hulusian
TEEM D11 12 renmar
MENT B6 12 charmz
MEN B6 11 iwhist
BAG 13G 11 sparkalita
BEEN B5 8 jlslas

On 11th draw, GIBBON 8J 42 --- GIBBON an arboreal ape [n]
Other moves: KNOB 4A 38, KIBBE D1 36, KNOBBLE 3A 36, KIBBLE 3B 34, KIBE 12A 34
GIBBON 8J 42 Greylin
KNOB 4A 38 renmar
KO G13 24 rn.roselle
BIKE D2 20 Lucylulu
TOKEN D11 20 charmz, iwhist
KEBAB 13E 19 hulusian
KEEN 14F 18 sparkalita
KIND 15E 9 jlslas

On 12th draw, SIMP 12J 32 --- SIMP a foolish person [n]
Other moves: GIMP 4A 30, GUMP 4A 30, MOUP 4A 30, PIUM 4A 30, OPS 3K 29
SIMP 12J 32 Greylin
SMUG L11 25 Lucylulu
SOUP L11 23 charmz
MOP 4B 22 rn.roselle
MOPES D2 18 iwhist
MOOPS N6 17 sparkalita
IS L4 15 hulusian
DIMPS 15H 11 jlslas

On 13th draw, JAEGER D1 44 --- JAEGER a German army marksman [n]
Other moves: JANE 12A 42, JANE 4A 42, JEAN 4A 42, JAI G13 40, JA G13 36
JAEGER D1 44 Greylin
JAI G13 40 renmar
JA G13 36 rn.roselle
JEERING 14F 33 hulusian, Lucylulu
JINN B6 27 charmz
JEER 14F 27 sparkalita
JO C7 17 iwhist
PAGE M12 14 jlslas

On 14th draw, VIAE 13K 33 --- VIA a way [n]
Other moves: VAE 13K 31, VIA 13K 31, VIE 13K 31, VOE 13K 31, VETO 12A 26
VIAE 13K 33 Greylin
OVA 13M 20 rn.roselle
PAVE M12 18 Lucylulu
EVO 3M 18 renmar
OVINE B5 16 hulusian
VOTE 3A 14 sparkalita, iwhist
VEE 14F 14 charmz
TOOT D11 8 jlslas

On 15th draw, QI 14J 39 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: EIDOS 9B 26, QI 12C 26, EIDER 14H 23, EROS 9C 21, OREIDE 14F 21
QI 14J 39 Greylin
QI 12C 26 iwhist, renmar
RED 14J 20 hulusian
DINER B6 12 sparkalita
QI E10 11 jlslas
DINER O6 6 charmz

On 16th draw, VOLET 12A 30 --- VOLET a short veil [n]
Other moves: TENNOS 9A 27, NOVELLE 3A 26, VETO 12A 26, VOLE 12A 26, VOTE 12A 26
VOLET 12A 30 Greylin
LOVE 12A 20 Lucylulu
NET 3L 18 rn.roselle
VENT B6 15 sparkalita
LOVE 3A 14 renmar
ZO E8 13 iwhist
ET 3K 13 hulusian
TONE D11 8 charmz
TONE O6 4 jlslas

On 17th draw, KOORI B10 38 --- KOORI an Australian aborigine KOORIS, KOORIES [n]
Other moves: OX 9B 36, XI 14N 36, XI 9C 36, XU 14N 36, XU 9C 36
KOORI B10 38 Greylin
OX 9B 36 sparkalita, rn.roselle
XI 14N 36 iwhist, charmz
XU 14N 36 renmar
OX 9M 24 Lucylulu
LUX C12 20 hulusian
DINK O6 9 jlslas

On 18th draw, INDOL 3K 31 --- INDOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: DUOS 9C 25, VULN A12 25, UDOS 9C 23, FLUID 4J 20, DID 3M 18
INDOL 3K 31 Greylin
ZO E8 13 iwhist
ON 3K 13 hulusian
DO A14 12 Lucylulu
DINE 3A 10 charmz, sparkalita
NODE 3A 10 renmar
TEN D11 3 jlslas

On 19th draw, XU 9C 36 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other tops: XU 14N 36, XU A14 36
Other moves: DOUX N7 28, GOX C7 21, XU 9N 20, NOX C7 19, TAX 13G 19
XU A14 36 Greylin, Lucylulu, iwhist
XU 14N 36 renmar, charmz
TAX 13G 19 sparkalita, hulusian
PANT M12 6 jlslas

On 20th draw, UG 7B 20 --- UG to arouse loathing in [v]
Other moves: UN 7B 16, TEND G10 14, END G11 13, GOX C7 13, DUGOUT N5 12
TEND G10 14 Greylin
NUDE 3A 10 Lucylulu, renmar
GAD 13G 9 sparkalita
TUNE 3A 8 charmz
GOUT N7 7 iwhist
BUG M8 7 hulusian
NUT O8 3 jlslas

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