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Game of July 21, 2011 at 05:20, 7 players
1. 346 pts hulusian
2. 319 pts jimbo
3. 231 pts Cruiser

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?gorstt   H4    68    68   grottos
 2. deeovwy   5E    56   124   overdye
 3. aeeilnu   4H    22   146   genal
 4. ?dloprw   3I    46   192   power
 5. beglnot   2G    35   227   glob
 6. acdinor   8H    86   313   tornadic
 7. ailloty   O8    92   405   coitally
 8. aeiinos   1D    27   432   isnae
 9. aaghint   N6    35   467   anigh
10. defnpru  10A    68   535   prefunds
11. eeimnst   A8   185   720   sepiment
12. acehstv   O1    47   767   sachet
13. abefijt  14J    34   801   fetial
14. aemrrvw   C7    42   843   waverer
15. bdeoqux  15G    53   896   boxed
16. eiiimuz   4C    39   935   miz
17. eijkouu   3A    44   979   jouk
18. aeiiquu  K10    32  1011   queued

Remaining tiles: aiii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4543 Filehulusian    0 21:17  -665  346     1.5314 jimbo       1 17:12  -692  319 
  2.5314 Filejimbo       1 17:12  -692  319     2.5405 briz2408    0  5:59  -860  151 
  3.4489 FileCruiser     0 10:36  -780  231            Group: not rated
  4.3357 Filestrykyster  0 18:57  -785  226     1.4543 hulusian    0 21:17  -665  346 
  5.4187 Filespellcheck  0  6:53  -838  173     2.4489 Cruiser     0 10:36  -780  231 
  6.5405 Filebriz2408    0  5:59  -860  151     3.3357 strykyster  0 18:57  -785  226 
  7.4386 Fileelscrabble  0  4:31  -933   78     4.4187 spellcheck  0  6:53  -838  173 
                                             5.4386 elscrabble  0  4:31  -933   78 

On 1st draw, GR(O)TTOS H4 68 --- GROTTO a cave [n]
Other tops: GROTT(O)S H4 68, G(U)TROTS H4 68
Other moves: GROTT(O)S H2 66, GROTT(O)S H3 66, GROTT(O)S H6 66, GROTT(O)S H8 66, GR(O)TTOS H3 66
GROTT(O)S H4 68 jimbo
G(H)OST H4 14 strykyster
GRO(U)TS H8 14 hulusian

On 2nd draw, OVERDYE 5E 56 --- OVERDYE to dye with too much colour [v]
Other moves: WEEDY G9 31, YOWED G9 29, YOWED I9 29, WO(O)DY 6F 27, DOWERY 5D 26
DOWRY 5E 24 jimbo
VOWED 9G 20 hulusian
WOVE 9G 18 strykyster

On 3rd draw, GENAL 4H 22 --- GENAL of the cheek [adj]
Other moves: AGENE 4G 18, ALIEN 6J 18, ALINE 6J 18, ANELE 6J 18, ANILE 6J 18
NAIVE F2 12 hulusian
NAVEL F3 10 jimbo
SAIL 10H 6 strykyster

On 4th draw, POW(E)R 3I 46 --- POWER to provide with means of propulsion [v]
Other moves: POD(A)L 3I 40, LOW(E)D 3I 36, ROW(E)D 3I 36, LOW(E)R 3I 34, ROW(E)L 3I 34
PROWL(E)D 9F 17 jimbo
W*P 9G 15 strykyster
PONY J2 15 hulusian

On 5th draw, GLOB 2G 35 --- GLOB a rounded mass [n]
Other moves: GOB 2H 34, LOB 2H 33, NOB 2H 33, BEGOT 2F 32, OB 2I 32
BELONGS 10B 18 jimbo
GLOVE F2 15 hulusian
BLOG 9F 10 strykyster

On 6th draw, TORNADIC 8H 86 --- TORNADIC pertaining to a tornado [adj] --- TORNADO a violent windstorm [adj]
Other moves: SARDONIC 10H 65, TORNADIC 7H 64, CAIRD 4A 25, CANID 4A 25, AD 1H 24
CONDOR 9G 13 jimbo
CODA 9G 12 hulusian
COD 9G 11 strykyster

On 7th draw, COITALLY O8 92 --- COITALLY in a coital manner [adv] --- COITUS sexual intercourse [adv]
Other moves: LOYALIST 10B 65, LOCALITY O6 64, ALLOY 4A 23, LAITY 4A 23, OVALITY F4 23
ALLOY L8 16 hulusian
SAY 10H 14 strykyster
SALTY 10H 10 jimbo

On 8th draw, ISNAE 1D 27 --- ISNAE is not (no inflections [v]
Other moves: ISNAE N2 24, OES 1I 21, ADONISE M7 20, EOSIN N1 20, NISEI N1 20
EAS N1 16 hulusian
NOSES 10F 9 jimbo

On 9th draw, ANIGH N6 35 --- ANIGH nigh [adv]
Other moves: HIATAL 14J 34, NIGH N7 32, HAN N10 31, HAT N10 31, HIN N10 31
NIGHT K8 18 hulusian
GIANT 11K 12 jimbo
TAINT 11K 10 Cruiser
GAL 13M 8 strykyster

On 10th draw, PREFUNDS 10A 68 --- PREFUND to fund beforehand [v]
Other moves: FUNDER O1 38, REFUND O1 36, PENFUL 14J 34, PRUNED O1 33, DERNFUL 13I 26
PRUNED O1 33 Cruiser
PRUDE M10 24 hulusian
FURY 15L 14 strykyster

On 11th draw, SEPIMENT A8 185 --- SEPIMENT a hedge [n]
Other moves: EMETINES C8 76, EMETINS 3A 75, ETAMINES L6 70, MATINEES L7 70, EMETINES C4 62
TIMPS A7 27 Cruiser
MEETS C9 20 hulusian
SIP A8 15 strykyster

On 12th draw, SACHET O1 47 --- SACHET a small bag containing perfumed powder [n]
Other tops: TACHES O1 47
Other moves: CHEVAL 14J 40, VETCH 4A 39, CHASTE O1 38, CHEATS O1 38, CHEVETS C8 38
HEAVES C9 32 hulusian
CHEATS C8 30 jimbo
FAVES D10 22 Cruiser
CAVES C7 17 spellcheck

On 13th draw, FETIAL 14J 34 --- FETIAL a priest of ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: FAJITA 12J 32, FAJITA L7 32, JIBE 6B 31, FATE 11C 30, FETA 11C 30
JIFF D8 25 Cruiser
JAIL 13L 22 briz2408
JABS 1L 21 spellcheck
JETS 1L 19 jimbo
JET C9 18 strykyster

On 14th draw, WAVERER C7 42 --- WAVERER one that wavers [n]
Other moves: MARVER 15F 40, WARMER 15F 40, WAVER 15G 40, WAVE 15G 35, WAME 15G 32
WEAVER C9 32 hulusian
WAFER D8 30 spellcheck
FAVER D10 22 briz2408
FEW D10 18 strykyster
WARE K11 14 Cruiser

On 15th draw, BOXED 15G 53 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: DEX 13K 45, DUX 13K 45, BOX D6 42, DEX D6 41, BOXED 4A 39
BOX D6 42 briz2408
OX I8 34 strykyster
QUOTE L11 30 spellcheck
QUOD E9 28 hulusian
DUX E9 22 Cruiser
QI M13 22 jimbo
XI M13 18 elscrabble

On 16th draw, MIZ 4C 39 --- MIZ misery [n]
Other moves: REZ J8 32, RIZ J8 32, MZEE 12A 30, MIZ M13 28, ZIN 7L 28
ZIT L12 24 Cruiser
MAIZE L7 16 hulusian
MAZE L7 15 jimbo, spellcheck
ZO E4 11 briz2408
ZA 12N 11 strykyster

On 17th draw, JOUK 3A 44 --- JOUK to dodge [v]
Other moves: JOUKED K10 36, JOE B6 34, JOKED K11 34, JUKED K11 34, JO B6 30
JOKED K11 34 spellcheck, elscrabble
JUKE E9 30 briz2408, hulusian, jimbo, Cruiser
JOB G13 20 strykyster

On 18th draw, QUEUED K10 32 --- QUEUE to line up for service [v]
Other moves: UNIQUE K7 30, AQUAE L8 28, QUIET L10 28, AQUA 12L 26, QUAI E9 26
QUIT L11 26 spellcheck, elscrabble
QUAT L11 26 hulusian
QUA E9 24 briz2408, Cruiser
QI M13 22 jimbo

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