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Game sheet of cailah (file), Game of July 21, 2011 at 13:47

Word find
Word played
1 AHMOSTW SWATH H8 30 -4 30 2/4 WHAMO H4 34 34 2/4
2 AEHINOR RHINO I8 14 -12 44 5/5 HONER G7 26 60 4/5
3 ABEOOUY OBEY F9 29 -16 73 5/5   F7 45 105 4/5
4 ?EIOQST Q(U)IETS 12B 37 -2 110 1/4 Q(U)OIST 12C 39 144 4/5
5 AEILORS SORE I12 20 -74 130 5/6 AIRHOLES 5E 94 238 4/6
6 EILORRT RESORT L3 14 -44 144 7/7 LOITERER K1 58 296 4/7
7 DEIKNPT INKED 3K 20 -28 164 8/8 KITED 13B 48 344 4/8
8 BCDEINT SET L5 7 -27 171 6/6 BODICE 2J 34 378 4/8
9 CDEFGOR RECODE O1 30 -12 201 6/8 DEFORCE O1 42 420 4/8
10 ?DENPSV DR(A)PES 8J 66 -15 267 7/9 PREV(E)D 8J 81 501 4/9
11 AAEFNRU             RAFALE 1G 38 539 4/9
12 AELOPST ELOPES L8 16 -75 283 8/8 PELOTAS A7 91 630 4/9
13 AEINSVZ PIZES J8 36 -18 319 5/7 ZANIES 4A 54 684 4/9
14 AGGINUW AW 5A 21 -10 340 7/9 NAW B8 31 715 5/9
15 ELNNTUY PLENTY J8 13 -35 353 9/10 YUTZ A1 48 763 6/10
16 AGGIILN ALIGN 13H 9 -15 362 10/10 (E)AGLING N8 24 787 6/10
17 AEIJNUX             ANNEX C3 40 827 6/10
18 GIJTUUV             JEU 6B 26 853 6/10
19 IMNTUUV             MUNTIN 13I 22 875 7/11

Total: 362/875 or -513 for 41.37%
Rank: 5189

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